Medieval World Geo Wrap-Up

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Medieval World Geo

By: Eric Georgopoulos

Pull Factors
Some Pull Factors of Europe was the great protection of the knights.
The knights were the best protection around. Another Pull Factor is the
many different roles in Medieval Europe. You could have been things
ranging from Kings and Nobles to Peasants and Serfs. The last pull
factor was the many architectural protection. The castles were very
high up and heavily guarded so you could be safe in them from enemy

Pull Factors
Some pull factors for Medieval Japan were the many different kinds of
art they had. Some of those art forms were ancient pottery, sculpture,
ink painting, and calligraphy. Another of the pull factors of Japan was
their different roles. They included things like Emperors, Daimyo, and
Samurai. The last pull factor of Medieval Japan is Mount Fuji. Mount Fuji
is the highest mountain peak in Japan at 12,389 ft.

One way that Medieval Japan and Europe are similar is they both have a
feudal system. If you look at the pictures below they both had many
people but all fit into different classes. Another way they are similar is
that they both were born into their classes. If your dad was a peasant
you were a peasant. If your dad was a noble you would be a noble. The
last connection is that they both had a ruler. Someone to keep them all
in line.

Big Idea
I think the biggest thing we can learn from both Medieval Europe and
Medieval Japan is that we should not have specific classes. Most of the
people back then were in the lower parts if the system and those people
hated being in that class. The biggest example of this was the peasants.
They were way at the bottom. All they got to do was clean and work for
their upper class. They had to do all the things that people now hate
doing. Even people back then hate doing it. How would you feel if every
day you would wake up and have to know that you are going to have to
work all day and then just go back to sleep and have no fun? It would
be terrible wouldnt it.

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