Middle School Agr Update 9 1 15

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September 1, 2015

Lets take a minute and celebrate all of the

hard work that was accomplished last year.

A grade reflects what a student knows at the

end of learning, not how he/she got there.
Students are offered the opportunity to
redo/retake/repair the summative evaluation.
Address Practices: late work, zero/no count,
Cheating/Plagiarism (future PD coming).
Identical summative assessments are
evaluating higher order thinking (future PD

Be sure to notice that all summative assessments

need to be identical and used in common.

By the end of the 2015-2016 school year: 50% of all

summative assessments need to be identical

By the end of the 2016-2017 school year: 100% of

all summative assessments need to be identical

Today at your learning team meeting, make

sure you have common language in your
syllabi regarding your teams policy on
retakes, redos, and/or repairs.
retakeStudents retake a test different than the

original test.
repairStudents fix the mistakes on the original
redoStudents redo the original assessment.

You may write your Q-Comp goal that

includes your work with the AGR
If you want to use AGR for your goal and need
assistance, our peer coaches and Melissa
Knettel will be available for support.
Goals arent due until October 23.

There is a group within Schoology for teachers to

share resources related to middle school AGR

Access code: KPZ46-BWGQW

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