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Niccolo Machiavelli

Niccol di Bernardo dei Machiavelli,better known as Niccol

Machiavelli, was a man who was born on May 3, 1469. He was a
Renaissance man because he had made a theory about the rulers. He was
the 3rd child but the first son. He was a diplomat for about 14 years. After
his involvement in an
unsuccessful attempt to organize
a Florentine militia against the
return of the Medici family to
power in 1512 became known,
Machiavelli was tortured, jailed
and banished from an active role
in political life. says
Niccol Machiavelli was
quite the man having skill in many
things such as writing comedies,
carnival songs, and poetry. Isnt
that crazy? He was mostly known
for the book that he wrote called
The Prince, although it was a
book that informed people on what happened behind the doors of the
castle, which became controversial. Niccol Machiavelli had a lot of hate
from The Prince because it was all about how many of the princes of their
time would do unspeakable things such as steal, cheat, and kill people. The
people of the Renaissance didnt believe Niccol Machiavelli. Niccol
Machiavelli would show the side of the princes of the renaissance that
people did not want to believe existed. The people have the right to know
about who is ruling them and thats exactly what Machiavelli did he gave
people a glimpse of what the people that were ruling were really like.l

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