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4 week Running Program

This program is designed for those who are BEGINNING Cross Country
and/or training for a 5k race (3.1 miles)
Sunday REST Day
Monday Tempo Run (30-45 minutes)
Tuesday FARTLEK Run**
Wednesday REST Day
Thursday 2.2 miles (1,3) | 3.1 miles (2, 4)
Friday REST Day
Saturday Long Run (Today or Sunday on Race Week would be a good
Race Day)
*= These days can easily be switched around, it is nice to have a Rest
Day before a Long Run
** = FARTLEK is where you start with 5-10 minutes of gentle jogging.
Followed by, 10-20 seconds of Sprinting, followed by 10-20 seconds of
walking. Then, Run as long as you can (I altered this FARTLEK workout)
without stopping and then end with 5-10 minutes of gentle jogging.
The numbers in parentheses on Thursday is what week youll run how
many miles. For example, youll run 2.2 miles on week 1 or the First
Happy Running!

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