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Amber McCool
World history
20 November, 2015
The American Revolution
Over the years there have been many revolutions worldwide, each with their own
outcome and influences. In my opinion, the greatest and most successful of these would be the
American Revolution. The American Revolution was a rebellion of British colonists in America
against Britains inequitable rule. Beginning in 1775 and ending in 1783, it spread the idea of
liberty and equality to people throughout the world. This essay will inform you on why the
American Revolution was so successful by explaining how it achieved its original goals, enacted
thoughts of enlightenment and philosophy, and impacted global affairs.
As I have learned through research and past knowledge, the colonists wanted to end the
mistreatment brought on by the British. They also wanted to restore their civil liberties and have
a representative in Parliament. The colonists attempted to reach out to King George III about
these problems, but were ignored. This caused the start of a war. By the time King George III
finally responded to the colonists, the revolution had already broke out. The war was led by
George Washington and was brutal with many casualties on both sides. The colonist realized that
the only way to get anything they desired was to declare independence from Britain. By doing so
they victoriously established their own government, gained freedom from Britain, and made sure
that every man was equal and had the natural rights that each one deserved.
The American Revolution was highly influenced by the Enlightenment which took place
earlier in the 18th century. John Locke was a philosopher whose ideas heavily influenced the


revolution. The revolution focused on Lockes ideas of natural rights and the rights to life,
liberty, and property. The movement to individualism was partly based on the fact that the
colonists in America were restricted of these civil liberties. Britain leaders took advantage of the
people and passed many acts that limited their natural rights. Of these acts the most important
was the Stamp act. The Stamp act imposed taxes on the colonists for a stamp that had to go on all
paper and legal documents, causing colonists to lose a major amount of money to the British
government. Another one of Lockes main beliefs was the right to overthrow a government if it
has violated the citizens natural rights. Using this knowledge as justification, the 13 colonies
broke away from Britain rule. Since it is such a major part of Americas independence, John
Lockes beliefs are present in the Declaration of Independence, promising the right to life, liberty
and the pursuit of happiness.
The American Revolution inspired people and countries to have revolutions themselves.
The most notable was France, who would in turn fight to gain their independence some years
later. The American Revolution displayed great values of the enlightenment period which were
envied worldwide. The new government showed beliefs of people such as Locke, Montesquieu,
Rousseau, Voltaire, and Becerra. Not only did the American Revolution display enlightenment
beliefs but it also proved that nothing is impossible. Even though the 13 colonies did not have
nearly as many people or weapons that the British had, they still managed to win the war and
gain their freedom. This inspired places outside of European rule that they could do it too. The
political part of the revolution made others realize the value of your natural, God given rights.
They began to understand that you cannot let your government violate your natural rights. The
American Revolution encouraged other unjustly treated people to revolt and break away from the
thing that is causing them so much harm.


In conclusion, the American Revolution was more than successful. It was a fulfilled,
enlightened, and inspiring movement. Without this revolution we wouldnt be in the free, selfgoverned, patriotic, democratic, and multicultural nation that we are in today. The American
Revolution has taught very valuable lessons such as fighting for our rights and anything can
change with the right motivation. Although it took many years and lives to complete this moment
in history it will forever greatly impact our society for the better.

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