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Standard 6.1
Standard 6.2
Standard 6.3
Standard 6.4

Artefact 1: Excerpts from first and second year placement forms.

The image below is an excerpt from my first year placement report form.

This box shows that on

this placement I was able

to meet all of the criteria

for standard 6.

This includes standard

6.4. However, I

understand that this is not

a strong piece of evidence

to prove that I have met

this standard. However, as

discussed on my weebly

website, I will continue to

strive to meet this

standard further.

Seeks advice and assistance from associate teacher. Participates in professional learning
teams and staff meetings. Displays willingness to accept professional advice and new
knowledge. Reviews and evaluates teaching strategies. Co-operates and is respectful towards
staff and students. Where applicable, displays willingness to share new knowledge with
colleagues and engage in professional discussions.

This shows that I was able to go

to my supervising teacher for

advice about what I could

improve. Showing that I was able

to work with others in order to

identify my professional learning

needs in order to improve them.

Showing that I was able to meet

Standard 6.1.

The image below shows another excerpt written by the same supervising teacher on the same
report form. It demonstrates my ability to meet standard 6.3, by being able to seek feedback
and engage with colleagues in order to improve my teaching practice.

Jamie Lee approached all of her lessons with enthusiasm and an innate desire to do well. She
was reliable, receptive to feedback and shared a genuine concern for the needs of all students.
In a short amount of time she build a fantastic, strong rapport with the students, which was
particularly evident during the three days we spent on camp. Jamie Lee was consistently well
prepared for all of her lessons and sought feedback to continually make improvements. I
could rely on Jamie Lee to challenge herself and in doing so, provide engaging, varied lessons
for the students.

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