9th Grade 1st Semester Research Presentation - Gay Rights

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Gay Rights

Titus Flores, Kyra Brantley, Kaylee Hayden, and Chelsea

Mrs. Shuttleworth
Pre-AP English
Period 6

Rights LGBT Community Lack

Child adoption
Apartment/house/ hotel renting
Protection against discrimination
Protection against discrimination at work
Protection against U.S. army limitations
protection against religious limitations
Social freedom

Crary,david. Beyond marriage other gay-rights challenges loom. San Francisco chronicle 11 oct 2014:n.p.
Biesecker michael and julie watson rights on same sex military spouses vary by state Winsten-salem journal. 23 sep 2014;n.p.

Gay Rights Are...

Equal civil and social rights for homosexuals

Same basic human rights that everyone is entitled to

How are Gays Treated?

Discrimination exists in

the workplace
home or personal life
Leads to


How Does it Affect Society?

People feel threatened by the gay community

Laws made against gay people
(Uganda) jail people who do not report suspected gays
"Those who recruit minors, children, to their homosexuality with promises
of gifts and money, they are intolerable, and the law is there now and we
will arrest them all, they will be in prison for life."
-Simon Lokodo, minister for ethics and integrity

Pflanz, Mike. many Gays in Uganda now Feel Hunted and Outcast. Christian Science Monitor. 28.Feb.2014:n.p.SIRS Issues Researcher Web. 30.30 Nov.2015


Children are the first end or purpose of marriage it declares

World Congress of Families founder and Sutherland Institute's former
president- Carlson and Muro condemn forces arrayed against the natural
family for removing the creator from most public squares
Mormon churches will not allow children of gay couples to take part in the
religion until they leave their homes.
Religious faith can not be used as an excuse for not providing services to the
LGBT community

Jones, Sarah E. "World of Trouble." Church & State. Dec. 2014: 12-13. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 14 Dec. 2015.

Savage, David G. Next battleground; Religious liberties. Los angeles times. 13 Jul. 2015: AN.7.

Gay Adoption

Mississippi- Banned gays from adopting kids

Some officials did not respond to any complaints
The children of gays are harassed
In one case they could only adopt if only one parent was the guardian and the
couple lived apart for half a year

Lewin, Tamar. "Final Holdout on Same-Sex Adoption." New York Times. 13 Aug. 2015: A.9. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 14 Dec. 2015.

Gays in the Military

Discharged gay or bisexual people if they were open with sexuality

"don't ask, don't tell" compromise
Wasnt repealed until December 22, 2010

ProQuest Staff. "At Issue: LGBT People in the Military." ProQuest LLC. 2015: n.pag. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 14 Dec. 2015.

Cloud, David S., and David Zucchino. "Military Gays Celebrate New Freedom." Los Angeles Times. 21 Sep. 2011: A.1. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 14 Dec. 2015.

AIDS Epidemic

Africa- are not seeking treatment due to stigma

Is transferred primarily through heterosexual people
(...)countries with anti-LGBT laws may have disproportionately high rates of
new HIV infections.
Causes the majority of deaths in adolescents and young women in Africa

Hotz, Julia. "Stigma Still a Major Roadblock for AIDS Fight in Africa." Global Information Network. 09 Aug. 2014: n.p. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 14 Dec. 2015.

Transgender community

78% harassed
35% physically assaulted
35% sexually assaulted
6% expelled
41% try to commit suicide at some point in their life
only 4.6% of the general public attempt suicide
67 countries across the world against gays.
10 of those countries will kill you for being gay
over 4,000 gay people in U.S. have been discharged since 1993

Peale,Farris.Pursuing Equality: Western Response to Gay Rights Abroad. Harvard Political Review. 01Mar.2015: n.p. SIRS Issues Researcher.Web.29.Nov.2015

Personal Story 1
(age unknown)

thrown out by his family who believed he had shamed them

has contemplated suicide
Feels like he is being persecuted
suspected because he wasnt married yet
has nowhere to go and had to sleep in a bar

Pflanz, Mike. many Gays in Uganda now Feel Hunted and Outcast. Christian Science Monitor. 28.Feb.2014:n.p.SIRS Issues Researcher Web. 30.30 Nov.2015

Personal Story 2
Transgender girl(no name given)
(age 19)

At 3- called themselves a freak

age 14- I want to be a girl. I'm not a boy. My body is wrong. Everything is
several suicide attempts
When Sarah's daughter started dressing as a girl for the first time at the age
of 16 on her walk to school, people would shout from their cars: Girl with a
cock!,Tranny! and "Man-beast!.

Groskop, Viv. "'My Body Is Wrong'." The Guardian. Aug. 14 2008: 12. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 14 Dec. 2015.

Personal Story 3
Sunnie Kahle
(age 8)

Girl at Timberlake Christian Schools

boyish appearance caused concern
"We believe that unless Sunnie as well as her family clearly understand that
God has made her female and her dress and behavior need to follow suit with
her God-ordained identity, that TCS is not the best place for her future

Khadaroo, Stacy Teicher. "What Happens at School When a Girl Doesn't Act Like a Girl." Christian Science Monitor. 26 Mar. 2014: n.p. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 14 Dec. 2015

Changes in Education

changes are having to be made to education

teachers are having to change the curriculum in order to teach gay students
about HIV

Savage, David G. Next battleground; Religious liberties. Los angles times. 13 Jul. 2015: AN.7.

What can we do?

Integrating LGBT themes into Childrens books

"I Am Jazz", "Red: A Crayon's Story, and "Beyond Magenta:
Transgender Teens Speak Out"
Discussing LGBT topics in schools in a positive way
Eliminate any anti-gay lessons in schools
Pronoun changes
Harvard is offering ze and they as pronoun options on forms
Forms allow them to see how the students are doing

Binkley, Collin. "He? She? Ze? Colleges Add Gender-Free Pronouns, Alter Policy." Cape Cod Times. 18 Sep. 2015: n.p. SIRS Issues Researcher.

Gurdon, Meghan Cox. "Heather Has Two Genders." Wall Street Journal Online. 14 Sep. 2014: n.p. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 14 Dec. 2015.

Works cited
Crary,david. Beyond marriage other gay-rights challenges loom. San Francisco chronicle 11 oct 2014:n.p.Bieseckern
Pflanz, Mike. many Gays in Uganda now Feel Hunted and Outcast. Christian Science Monitor. 28.Feb.2014:n.p.SIRS Issues
Researcher Web. 30.30 Nov.2015
michael and julie watson rights on same sex military spouses vary by state Winsten-salem journal. 23 sep 2014;n.p.
Savage, David G. Next battleground; Religious liberties. Los angeles times. 13 Jul. 2015: AN.7.
Jones, Sarah E. World of Trouble. Church and State Dec. 2014: 12-13 SIRS Issues Researcher Web12. Nov. 2015
Sunay, Lisa. Bruce Jenners Transition into Caitlyn: Why This Celebrity Christian Science Monitor. 02 Jun. 2015: n.p. SIRS Issues
Researcher. Web. 30 Nov. 2015.
Peale, Farris. Pursuing Equality: Western Response to Gay Rights Abroad. Havard Political Review. 01 Mar. 2015: n.p. SIRS Issues
Researcher. Web.29 Nov. 2015
Khadaroo, Stacy Teicher. "What Happens at School When a Girl Doesn't Act Like a Girl." Christian Science Monitor. 26 Mar. 2014: n.p.
SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 14 Dec. 2015
Lewin, Tamar. "Final Holdout on Same-Sex Adoption." New York Times. 13 Aug. 2015: A.9. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 14 Dec.

Works cited
Gurdon, Meghan Cox. "Heather Has Two Genders." Wall Street Journal Online. 14 Sep. 2014: n.p. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 14
Dec. 2015
Groskop, Viv. "'My Body Is Wrong'." The Guardian. Aug. 14 2008: 12. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 14 Dec. 2015.
ProQuest Staff. "At Issue: LGBT People in the Military." ProQuest LLC. 2015: n.pag. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 14 Dec. 2015.

Cloud, David S., and David Zucchino. "Military Gays Celebrate New Freedom." Los Angeles Times. 21 Sep. 2011: A.1. SIRS Issues
Researcher. Web. 14 Dec. 2015.

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