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‘TRANSPARENCY MASTERS Solutions to Typical Problems in MERIAM & KRAIGE * ENGINEERING MECHANICS, VOL. 1 STATICS, 4/E This tra spareney master section includes 40 problems and their solutions selected to illustrate typical applications in Statics. These problems are different from and in addition to those included in Volume I of the Fourth Edition of Engineering Mechanics by Meriam and Kraige. A list of the problems by chapter and article reference for Volume 1 — Statics follows below. Instructors who have adopted either volume as a textbook are granted permission to have these masters reproduced as transparencies for classroom use. Instructors who have adopted the text are also given use selected text illustrations as transparency masters. For best results the text illustration pernission t should be enlarged on the sheet of copy film. Many electrostatic copiers have this capability. VOLUME 1 — STAT 2 FORCE SYSTEMS 22 Fore 2/3 Rectangular Components (2-D) 4 Moment (2-D) 5 Couple (2-D) 216 Resultants (2-D) 2/7 Rectangular Componems (3-D) 28 Moment and Couple (3-D) 2/9 Resultants (3-D) 3 FQUILBRIUM 313 Equilibrium Conditions (2-D) (3 examples) 3/4 Equilibrium Conditions (3-D) (2 examples) 4) STRUCTURES Method of Joints 414 Method of Sections 45. Space Trusses H6 Frames and Machines (2 examples) 5 DISTRIBUTED FORCES 513 Controids (2 examples) 5/4 Composite Bodies and Figures Beams: External Effects 7 Beams: Internal Effects (2 examples) Flexible Cables (2 examples) Fluid Staties 6 FRICTION 613 Dry Friction (2 examples) 6/5 Screws 616 Journal Bearings 618 Flexible Belts 7 VIRTUAL WORK 7/3 Equilibrium (Virtual Work) 7/4 Potential Energy and Stability (2 examples) APPENDIX A AREA MOMENTS OF INERTIA AI2 Definitions (2 example 4/3. Composite Areas Ald Products of Inertia Id Rotation of Axes ART. 2/2 FORCE fi Replace the two forces > Ly @ single equivalent force R and tind the angle @ Letween R and the X-ax/s. Solve both geometrically and by using urit vectors £ end). 6kN Geometric Graphica/: construct Larallelogram ¢ measure R¢ @. -. 50 Trigonometric : __30™>, Law of comes R? = 4° 6°- 2(4N(6) Cos BO" i 4 = 43.7, [(R=6.6/ KN 4? = (6.6/)*# 6° - 2(6.6/)(6)COS(@-30°) @-30°: COS‘O,8029 =36.6° [B= 66.6" vector a/geblra Ry = 6 COS 30°- 4005 50" = 2.63 KN Ry = 6 SIN 30° + 45/50 = 6.06AN R=2631 +6.06/ KN, O= torr” 8.08 « 66.6" Ya, - ART. 2/3 _ RECTANGULAR COMPONENTS (2-0) Gj Force F in rectangular components 1s given by F=-40L+ 60) N. Determine the non- rectangular com- honents of F in the y- and h- directions. Grephical so/ution: construct F then Fn form paral/elo- A] gram. Measure 4 @ Fy. yee Trigonometric solution: o = tan’ £2 = 33.7? = ¥(40)*+ (60) = 72.1 N 72./ 4 = y= —42., |f= ), Law of sines Sin 30” SA357° |4 80.0 N 4 =/80 -30-33.7=//6.3° & (20 ees SS =/29. SI 116.3° — Sir? 30° & Geren vim __/ ART, 2/4 MOMENT (2-D) Calculate the moment of the 400-N force about +--4 point 0 In five differ : ent ways. mm { From the geometry Q@+004=0./20 tar) 60° Q@=0./68 MN 0./20- b = 0.040 tan30° 4=0.0969m YL A=)008 30° '-->* ae =0.0839'M SS fog (2) Mg= Fa = 400(0.0839) |33.6 WM (1) My = 400 (0.12 sin 60°- 0.040 cos 60) 33.6 V7] (i) M, = & = 400 sin 60°(0.0969) [BEEN (2) My = 4, A= 400 Cos 60°70./68) =[(33.6 W771 (2) My =LxF = (0.041 + 0/2/)X 400(¢ 517 60'+/ cos 60) NE = 64 - 41.64 =[- 33.64 NM pathy ART. 2/5 COUPLE (2-0) { Replace the force ond couple acting on \ the wrench by @ single equivalent force Fapplied at D. Determine b. Replace 60-N-m couple Ly an eguiv- alent couple consisting of two 300-N forces Q aistance Gd apart placed to cance/ the g/ven force. Thus, resu/tont /s [F=300N]| socated ot D where M,zFa} 60= 300d, ad:02m b= 0.2/¢05 20° = 0.2/3 or|b=2/3 mm S Yet EDP ART. 2/6 RESULTANTS (2-0) EET. the resu/tant Of the three i forces and one couple by an eguivalent force R atA and a couple M. Find Mand the magnitude and direction of R. R= LE = 400 sin 30°+ 300 1 = 500 /b R,* EF, = 400 cos 30°- 800 A =-454 lo 675 /b| M= 2M, = 1000 + 800(6)~— 400 cos 30° (6 +4) - 300 (4) 1136 /b-ft CW _ Be e=tan 4 ~1 454 Joo = [422° vung / ART. 2/7 RECTANGULAR COMPONENTS (3-D) (For @-3m, b=6M,C=2m, F=/O KN, QGetermine the a magnitudes of rhe components of F a/ong ie AC and AD and the ai Z Lroyection of F o/ong : a 2. Choose X-y-Z axes. a AB= V3? + 6742°=777 AC = 27+ 6722/0 m B AD =V2? + 37+ V/3M Al 2m DCH 6 = BTM Ko at 2V7o gm * 70 Fac = F008 &% = /O —F— =| 9.04 KN Fin F005 B+ 10 YB = ETE EN Let n= unit vector along DC =i + f=; Sima BE! HEL =e (¢r2/) = 3; aie F=l0(FL + jt $a) kN foc Fn = P(g) + 6 2k) Fe (6 +2/) ey one U 2 Fs (3 +/2) 5.75 AN - YLM ART. 2/8 MOMENT ANO COUPLE (3-b) eee the moment of the /00-/b6 force F about the xX-Ox/s. lA IS | My= Scalar Solution |G |=/00 sin 30° sin 60°: 43.3 1b vector solution z-°9 & =/00 sin 30°C0S60°= 25 Ib =/00 005 30°= 86.6 Ib -§6.6(/2) + 43.3 (8) y a -693 /b-in. ' M= “Lerxfed = \-25 -86.6 433| = ere eee = 1-693 /b-In. aN =/2L j- MA. M, LXF where = /2648/ 2k r 12 8 Aé / Oo oO LM ~ y ART. 2/9 RESULTANT S (3-D) ( Aeerece the two forces and couple by 200 N @wrench. Find the moment M of the wrench and the coordinates of point Pin the y-Z plane through which the force of the wrench passes. ~ R= ZF = 2001 +/50Q/; N Assume pos/tive wrench so Olrection cosines of M are those of F Or 0.8,0.6,0 2M,* 200(0.3 -2)j-200(0.3-y)k +/50zZ £ + 150 (0.2)k ~304 = (-30#/50z)¢ + (60-2002)/ + (-30+200y)k Nn E£quate direction cosines of ZMp ¢ ZF ¢get (-30 4 1502)/M =0.8 where M equals the (60 -2002)/M = 0.6 magnitude of EMp (-30 # 200y//M1 = O Solve @ get y=0./5m or |y=/s0mm Z=0.264m or |Z= 269mm & M= 630 +/50[0,264])/0.8 = 12 Nm, |M=/2(0.8£ 40.6) N-m NX ay, ART. 3/3 EQUILIBRIUM CONDITIONS (2-0) No.1 (betermine the pull Pon the rope exerted Ly the man to hold the crate in the posi- tion shown. Also tind the ternsion Tin the upper rope. Solution (LZ) X-Y Gxes y 2-0: 0.866P - 427-0 25-0: -O.5P-200(9,8/) + 0.954T=0 solve sirmmu/staneously ¢ get P=87/N, T=25/3N solution (1) xX'-y' axes 25,70. | 220(46/) N P. 00s (30°+/7-45)) 200 (4.81) 52 = | O: sin £217.45" P=67/ N | COS /745°= 0.954 Shr 0: 7- 87/ Sin (30°t 1745) -200(9.81) COS 1745°=0 \ 7 = 25/3 N sacl, ART. 3/3 EQUILIBRIUM CONDITIONS (2-0) NO.2 (The uniform 80-16 bar with small end rollers 15 SUup- ported by the horizontal and vertical surfaces and by wire AC. Calculate the tension Tin the wire and the forces at A and 8. Solve by using swo mo- ment equations and one force equation. -~F = re 7 ‘ O= tan” = 3357 1 te ' ‘ { ! ited in Lx G 2M, =0: 48 - 80(3/2)=0 2 OF ' —— ! ‘ B=30/6 ae 3 & 5M,:0: (Tcos 337°)4 - 80 (3/2) =O T= 36./ 1b ZA, +0: At 36./ 51 33.7" -80=0 A= 60/b Se va __/ ART. 3/3 EQUILIBRIUM CONDITIONS (2-b) NO. 3 (1 Member OBC and sheave C have @mass of 500K) with mass center at G. Ca/culate the magnitude of the force supported by the pin at O. collar A provides horizontal support ory. Replace force Ly force and couple at C. c 2Mo=0: 500(9, 8/)(1.5) -2A + 3000 (4.5 Cos 30°+ 3S/N 30°) + 1/500 =O A=12 524.N or A=12.52 kN a 5F,=0! 12,52 -35/N 90°- Q,= O, a 26, =0: G -500(9,8/) - 3COS 30°=0, y= 750 KN LL O=V1.02)? + (7.50)? =[/3.34 KN + AAT. 3/4 EQUILIBRIUM CONDITIONS (3-0) _NO./ (A high-voltage power line Is suspended os shown. Tension in the line at the in- sularors 15 3kN. Calculate the lension Tin link AD and the compression C/N links AB and AC. 26-0; P-2(3) Sit? /5=0 P=1553 KN 25 +0: Tsin@-1553=0 _ A553 - IED » [7=2.59 AN 26,20: 2C coSB-2.59 C0S0=0 _ 2.59(2/2.5) 7 ce Zejesy IC=1.29 KN \ i, ART. 3/4 EQUILIBRIUM CONDITIONS (3-D) NO.2 Connections at ABCD are 4a// ¢ Socket joints. Neglect welght of members. Find corrpression Pin legs BDF CD and magn! luge of force at A. x7 = 300 (9, B/N4/5) = 2354 -N © .300(% 8/)(3/5) = 1/766 N W= 3009.81) = 2943 N 6: tart! 227 63.4" pp 2P sin @= D 24m -~2 . Vp RenaTea Nt [a 2970 “4 ce b 3. lam l2m Az=/570 N 25,70. Ay -2354=0, A,=2354 N SM EO: 1 8Az~2354.(4.8) +2945 (1. 6) +1766 (1.8) = 0, 2E =O: 1570 + 4PM5 ~2943-1766 70, |P= 1755 N - 2 2 = g. A VW2354)* + (/570)* = [2850 _N| ART. 4/3 METHOD OF JOINTS and GD for the Simple truss. |k— 4 panels at 4m —+| F G H = J oa ©. 8 4kN (Determine the forces in members FG, EG, i &y inspection of joint F, FG= EF =0 Yoint £ aaa yatta, £F=0 £G a=lan'Z, sin@=3, cos = stan’ = ° Akg B= lan’ = 10.62 ED one Aare O8 4kn 2£:0: £6 (@) ED COS 10.62°= 0 ioe 3 j Big 24,20: £6(Z) + ED sin 10.62"-4 =0 solve to obtain |EG= 5.33 KN T Joint G FG=0 G GH Hea Sy cam 26,20: GD - 5.33 (Z) =0 GD=3.20 KN C 533kN | 7 vim 4 x ART. 4/4 METHOD OF SECTIONS Determine the forces in members D1, DE, and EL for the slinple truss. 18kN 2M,20: DE (3 cos 45°) - 18 (3)=0 a DE=25.5 KN C or °. : 2520: DI Cos 45°- /8 COS 45°= 0 FBD Of entire section DI = 18 KN C HEN, EF Joint E Ez 2A20: |EI=0 Nu DE Jo LM TS ART. 4/5 SPACE TRUSSES (vdetermine the forces \ in members Ab, BD, CD,€£D Of the space truss loaded and supported as shown. verity the adequacy of interna/ stability. No. of members m=12; No. of Joints j =6 (m+6 =/8) = (32/8) so members are adequate innumber and comprise rigid tetrahedrons. nt B: 2 = OF Joint 8: 8&0 gives ZF, - B? 2,60" HE (7) All unknown forces taken (+) tension Joint D: Blof fp A ae - 40/(3v2) + &, [v2 =0 -PN2 ~ Feo Fap/V2 =O = = 4P OY |b" ia aae| | ART. 4/6 FRAMES AND MACHINES NO. / / Determine the tota/ force (Shear) supported Ly the pin at B for the loaded frame. From FB8D of entire frame C 2My= 0: x Cx (0.5 V2) ~50(98/)(e # 0.15)=0 Gz 595 N Ay 2R2 0! AL- 59520, AE SIEN 4 50(9.8/) N x From FBD of member BC % an i TSIEN 2Mg=O 0.5) $95 (FE 08). 50(7-8/)(0./5)-G, GF) =0 Cy= 386 N 2520: B,t 50(9.8I)/z -595 =0, By= 248N 2520: 386 4 50(9.8/) {V2 -By= 6 A-Fow Tota/ force (shear) B-V(248)*+(733" = [774 N] A YLM aA ART. 4/6 FRAMES AND MACHINES NO.2Z ie on) fea ceaeeaeeeaeaecad 600 N m . : a(¢ Determine the magni- oe = tude of the force 02m ” supported by the pin ioe wa) = at C. [2 02m 4 £ntire frame 2M,=O: O4E€ - 0.6(600)=0 E£=900N 2A,=0: Ay = 600 N 2F,=0: Ay= GOON Link CD 2ZMp= y Ay (0.2) - 600 (0.4)=0, C= /200N . F LINK ABC ZMg=0O: 4 cx by . G (0.2) - 6€00(0.2)-/200(0.2)=0 B 5, Ge 1800 N ec) S C=Vii2z00)" + (1800)? = [2/60 W | _ ART. 5/3. CENTRO/IDS ic ‘ Determine the x- ‘ coordinate of the centroid of the shaded area. OA = (x,-X%,) dy = (Vy -yl2)Ly A= 7 (iby - -y/2) | -[3y6 yb y®- yal, “72 zo [%& A fone -x,) b=# 7x2 IY “Bf ley V/A ay = ee v3 Zo XX wm _/ ART. 5/3 _ CENTROIDS No.2 Determine the Z-coor- z dinate of the mass “| center of the solid obtained by revolv- ing the guarter-cir- cular area about the Z-aQx/s. Differential element 1s @ washer of red// rand @and thickness @z with vo/urne W= 17 (r?-@*) dz = 17 (a?-z* 4 Zayae-z?)az Jzav= i(ae -Z342qza?-Z?) dz Qo 272 ais - 2", (a?-z Ps i rrat Jav _f[tlorztezayer Z)az 6 =n [a*z-= ? + a[zVR=2? + asin aP 7a*($+Z) z LN _ (peat “Jav — 703(2/3 4 17/2)’ 7 We 2(4+371) =0.4/0Q@ Yio ai ART, 5/4 COMPOSITE BODIES AND FIGURES (0 The semicircular and straight bars are made - from stock with amass of 75 kg per meter of length and are welded to the triangular plate made from material with amass of 100kg per square meter of area. Calculate the coordinates of the mass center of the assembly. Part m xX y mx | my kg mm | mm \kg-mm\kgmm arcular bar 22517| O |600/f| O 1350 Brace S54 | 338 | 150 1870 83/ Base 20.25 | 225 oO 4556 ° SUNS | 32.86 6426 | 2/8/ EZMX _ 6426 ot = SS = l9semm 7 2m 32.86 _ 2my _ 28 y 2OY . ae. SS um / ART. 5/6 BEAMS: EXTERNAL EFFECTS je the support reactions at Aand 8 ii vor the beam loaded as shown 0.8 kN/m— --0.8 kN/m cae 0.6 kN/m <—3 m=} Lx! Ltn 8 1.6 = O0.8¢+k (4% ei | k= 0.05 kN/m3 4 2 Re [wx = [(0.8+0,05X*)Ix = 4.27 AN ° ee. = {(0.8k10.05%8)0x = 26 kN-m Lt X= 46/4.27= 2.25 =f6- Se 12 kN : = Oa/s)-24 KN, = 0.6(3)=18 kN &{2M,= 0] 4.27(2.25) + L2(5) + 2.4(5.5) F1.8(8.5)-/0Ry* 0 [26-0] R,+&- (427412424418) =0 Mu Ay = $26 KM Rye 4.41 KN ay ART. 5/7 BEAMS: INTERNAL EFFECTS No./ (c for the loaded Learn. construct the shear and moment diagrams ) 2M,= 0; S(8) + 8(2) -48-125=0, 2F,=0: A+ 9.94 -13=0, A=3.06 KN B=9.94KN — BAN SKN im 2m 1askw-im VA 6AN (2) € ZI a fle =a 2 a “TB V=3.06 KN al? Ww 7 M=3.06Q-/25 | eM 5 / 3.06 ANN ‘nee (z) V=-494 KN M=4940-5 ANI? ART. 5/7 _ BEAMS: INTERNAL EFFECTS NO.2 construct the shear and moment alagrams for the loaded beam. 2Mp2 0: 500(2-4)-18Rq+ (12S 12)=0, Ry= 907 N 24,= 0: R,+907-500- 20 742)= 0, R= /33.3N £quilibrium of V , section x gives zea i | for Bs 900 = 750X. V= /33.3~375 x? y M= /33.3X-125%.? ART. 5/8 _FLEXIGLE_ CABLES NO.1 a The distributed load expressed as force per ie unit length supported by the light cable varies from wg tow, according to w=are|x}, Determine the shape of the cable y= F(X) and the tension 7, at mid-spen for given Land. a When X=0, W=Ww, SO QW X=L/2,W=W, SO bs w-w%) 4 Thus W=W,+ (w- we) A Aix) x From DE, of Cable ae WG, x = os [wax ‘0 LY. ue so Glex + w,- w) 2 1 2 2x, ana y= {Hex , yop Lt 4 WW) 53 ° Sub. yzhwhen x-Lf2 € get eohx? (46 piece BOAX* _ BF pon Gt) Y° 72/97) eee) ART. 5/8 FLEX/8LE CABLES NO. 2 —\ A cable hanging under its own werght 1s suspended Letween two points on the same seve! Foon apart. /f the sag /s 00m, find the total length S of the cable. Wheat error results lf S15 C@/cu/ated by using the first three terms of the series expression for the parabolic cable ? k——- 400m ——{ At x=200 mM, y=100™m £9. 5//9, JOO _ 200k | liga cosh aa solve graplically or by hashed method 0.4. ¢ get & 1s Os BO. Domes = 25 o3 From £9. 5/20 S=2s S= 2 (2/5) Sinh (200/2/5) = [460m From £9. 5/16, S=2(200)[/+8(Z)¢ 2g )t-] = 457m % error /§ 262-757 j99 = (065% /ow 460 Ne: vena _/ ART, 5/9 FLUID STATICS fi cross section of @ long fresh-water channel! ys shown. Each of the bottom plates, hinged at 8B, has @ mass of 250k9 per meter of channel length. Find force P per meter of chenne/l rkngoth acting on each plate at B. Fresh water (09 = 1.00(9.8/) a R,=2A=RG9h, [Area] ONG ft = ,00(9B/IN0.9)[(Z 5D] = 13.24 kN/m ne 6% 09m =z GN, [Area] Axo = (L0ONZB/)O.9NC SN) = 6.62 KN/M Z2M, =O: 0.9P -0.25(.8/|l0.6)-/3.24(0.75) ~ 6.62 42 = 0 P=/6.35 KN/Nn a \ Ay! w= 0.25(76/) AN/m XX ART 6/3_DRY FRICTION NO./ (Uniform 60-kg bar AB iy /s subjected to force P Smooth guides at B. ALA, L708. (a) If P=400N, tind fric- tion force at A. (6) Find P reguired fo cause S/ippage ata. W=/ng = 60(9.8/) = 587 N Bey 4.0 (Q) P=400N. Assume egu//. 2450. N,- 589: 0, N= 589 N 2M.:0; 4002 sin 60° + 5894 COs 60°-£2 S/n 60°: 0 F= 370 N) <[ LN = 08(589) = 47/ N] So assumption I's valid (6) F= AN = 47/N 2M.=0,; P£ S17 60°t 589 £605 60°- 471 (0 sin 60)=0 P=602 N XX ven _/ ART. 6/3 _ ORY FRICTION NO. 2 (7 hubs of the uniform iy 50-kg Wheel rest on inclined rails. /f support at A 1s removed, determine the friction force acting on the whee/ Mths 050, 14,=0.40. What would happen if Mog = 0.30 # Ld, = 0.25? oc > First, assume eguillbrium. 2M,=0: 7 (500 +250 COS 30°) -50(9.8/250 Sin 30°)=O T= 85.6N 2h,*0: N-50(9.8/) COS 30 - 85.6 S/N 30°= O N=46EN 2420: -F - 85.6 COS 30°+ 50(9.81) SiN 30°=0, F=/7/N SINCE (Freegea =!7/N) < (BE pgy= MsN = 0.50(468) = 234N), eguilibrium assumption Is valid ¢ \|F= /7/N UP fg? 0.30, Ey gy= 0.30 (468) = 140.4 N ™mog/lea) 26) unstable If _k mgfea) 2ka KS vera __/ C) wnstable ART. A/2_ DEFINITIONS Ca/culate the moment of inertia of the shaded area about the x- and y- axes. Also Find fhe rad- jus of gyration ky. yy for rectangular area h—X >|} ox_-- 1 about its base [7#hh” so gle 3 lg= $y20K = $(90x/Ay ax '4t =@ BO IX i f a2 °G - 76 46* LKi3 2 poste z ax OE eal =£(0) y7 a2 2) a)” = Liygy? [ia, 95(00)" mart Area A= [yax= $00 faced gf; = 700 mnk ky = VI, [A= aes =[Alzmm 40 L,= [x?aA = /x?yox = V0 [xox 70 40 = Po (9)x"] 10 \ YAM. /) 54.43 (10)* mom? ART. A/2_ DEFINITIONS Calculate the moment of inertia of the rec- tangular erea about the x-axls and find the polar moment of inertia about point 2 60 mm For rectongu/ar area recall 2 I=5bh an e 2 Bb Ly = + Ade Le Gtag Me x eetiatttal a} . 130 y mm + j : 60 ee ne mm GOmm x 5 rsantoo)” + (9ON60N30+30)° =|2/.06(/0)° min* Lt 5 oN(90)* + (9060)(45)" = 14.58(70)® mm* 1+ Tet 5, = 21.06(10)*+ 14.58(10)°=|3564(00)* mint LM ART. A/3_ COMPOSITE AREAS nee the moment of inertia about the X-axis and the polar radius of gyration about O for the area shown y ’ L_ S Or 20-20 sa Dimensions in millimeters << ---X 7 r=40mm For quarter Circu/ar area A= (40)*= 1257 mm? =D2L(2r4)2 (40) 3 4 Lye Lig G 14) = 7 40)" = 503107) mm Lz = LZ, + LZ, = 2(503)10%) = 005 (10°) mnt for square area A= -20(20)* -400 mm Leh - por’: -$(20V20)"= -53,3(/09) mm?* Lz° ZL + 4, = ~2 (53.3)00") = - 106.7107) nm* for net area LZ,= (503 - 53.3)(10%) =|449 (10) mmt =k «Zz. | [l005-106.7)/09) haha Vis (aay cave EEA J SLM NX ART. A/4. PRODUCTS OF INERTIA (Determine the product of Inertia about pre) xX-y axes for the right rfriangular area. Introduce Centro/da@l/ axes SY tor the © differential element of area aA=(h-y)ax Clay" Oy, * 4d i. Ary Hi xe = oO 4 x 2% (h-ylax = B(x-%) ax b -_1 x? -|4p2h2 Ly Bf (x-B) ax = eo ° XN stad ART. A/A__ROTATION OF AXES (ror the composite square areas tind Imax ¢Imjin for axes through centrota C. Find the angle « from the x- ox/s Lo the ax/s of Lmax: 0009 y- 2 a O@4 FH ¥ OO hy=07 a ZNG)-F O@ y= 0+ 04s ile Z)= -3L* Totals Ip= ea L= gies Lyy* -@7 teeny ae +i 2 £9. A/U Tmax) AZ £ Vx L)°t 4Ly “ot fai U2 eye Ul zeeee TN Eg Alo tan 2x a (E- Ha $ c 2K = 153.4" OF -26.6°, or -/3.3° YM i,

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