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1. Basics
1. Collections:
1. Hashcode & equals
2. LinkedHashmap
3. LinkedList & Arraylist
4. CopyOnWriteArrayList
5. TreeMap & Concurrent Skip list Map, Skip list set
6. ConcurrentHashMap - works & putifAbsent
2. Threading
1. Executors
1. Types
2. Queuing tasks
2. Thread creation
3. Thread interruption
4. Lock ReentrantLock and synchronised
5. AtomicIntegers/Boolean
3. Garbage collectors
4. double and BigDecimal
5. Boxing
2. Advanced
1. Throttling
2. Connection pool
3. Folding
3. Unit testing
1. libs used - mocking
2. TDD
4. Djikstra
5. Depth First, Breadth first
6. Deadlock
7. new in jdk 1.8
8. Threadlocal

1. Rates products
1. Bonds
2. Swaps
3. FX

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