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r e a d e r b l o w b a c k | f e b r u a ry 2 0 1 5

a gun that is entirely too

complicated and FUBAR to
be reliable. What we need
is a new military arm, and
if we get a new standard
arm not based on the AR,
I predict a massive drop in
AR platform sales.
chase ashley
wellington, al

The 1X refecting gun sight
has made life much easier
for those of us with old
eyes. I realize that these
optics have infnite eye
relief, but more and more
rifes are ftted with rails
running from just behind
the muzzle to the absolute
back edge of the receiver.
So, wheres the best place
to put a sight like this?

Over the barrel, over the

chamber, over the bolt or
at the back of the receiver?
Is there a difference for
open-window sights versus
tube sights?
al bowen
leavenworth, kS
I prefer to mount red dot
sights at the front of the
receiver simply because it
gives me room for backup
sights and seems to work
well. All of these sights
are different, so you can
play with the sight before
you zero it to ensure that
it works where you put it. I
would discourage you from
putting the sight on the
free-foat tube forward of
the receiver. This generally
is not as rigid as the upper
receiver of the carbine.

Hope this helps.

K. Lamb

I would like to thank Patrick
Sweeney for his November
column, A 1911 With History. I, too, recall with fond
memories the IPSC early
years and the fun our club
team had traveling around
Wisconsin participating in



matches as well as hosting

them at the Viking Bow &
Gun Club. We embraced
the pin-shooting phenomenon and hosted our own
pin matches, ultimately
making the trek to Central
Lake, Michigan, where I
accumulated a set of heartshaped patches similar to
those shown in Sweeneys
photos. I even managed to
bring home a few guns.
Shawn Seefeldt
Two rivers, wI


In the January 2015 issue
of Guns & Ammo magazine
on page 51, we incorrectly
described the Taurus Curves
onboard LED light/red laser
combo as a Lasermax unit. It
is actually manufactured by

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