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TMS Learner Plan

(US History I)
Main Instructional Topic: Issues Dividing the Nation Day 2
SOL/Essential Knowledge and Skills:
Students will be able to describe the slavery, cultural,
economic, and constitutional issues that divided the
nation (USI.9a)

Sticky Notes
Mind Mats
Note card
Teacher created Educreations Example

Instructional Procedures:
Teacher and student actions which may include: activity descriptions, resources, technology links, classroom procedures
with timelines, checkpoint, closure activity



Tiger Task (15mins):

Students will list and describe the difference of two issues dividing the nation between the North and the South
that lead to the Civil War.
Students will share with their shoulder partner or group of three.

Jot thoughts and Find a Frame (15mins):

Students will be groups of four, determined by teacher. Each student will be given a stack of sticky notes. For
2 minutes, students will announce an idea about issues that divided the nation, write it on their sticky note and
place it in the center of the table. Students will want cover the table with ideas. Once the idea is stated, it
may not be repeated.
As a group, students will take two minutes to review the mind mat.
As a group, students will select a mind mat organizer and assemble their sticky notes into the chosen organizer.
Educreation Instruction (10mins):
Students will view a teacher created Educreations lesson on a different topic in order to understand
expectations of a final product.
Students will view a list of directions in order to complete the project (Screen or Whiteboard)


Educreation Creation (50mins):

Students will work in groups using the app Educreations to teach the Issues Dividing the Nation with the sticky
note organizer created at the beginning of class.


Tiered Activity (0): See below


Closure (0):
Students will

Extension Activity:
For students who dont need reteaching
1. Students will

Tier 2 Instruction:
For students needing reteaching
1. Students will

Purple Thunks Book quiz 22
Issues Dividing the Nation Test
A-Day May 9
B-Day May 10

Possible Common Errors/Misconceptions:

See previous plan

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