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Reg # 2015-EE-336

sec # A


Introduction: In this lab I plot a graph of a circuit on oscilloscope after testing the graph of
that circuit using software winspice before connecting on CRO I connect the given circuit on
bread board then I connect the circuit with CRO and function generator which shows voltage (V)
vs time (T) graph the value of graph is set such that first peak falls at 3V and the graph started
from 0 time and 0 voltage.

Objective: using oscilloscope, winspice and function generator make voltage vs time graph
for given circuit.

Equipment Required:
Oscilloscope with probes: An oscilloscope is an output device that allows the visual display of a
signal with information regarding the operating characteristics of a circuit. Probes are used to
make connection between circuit on bread board and CRO and function generator.
Function generator: The function generator is a supply that generates different AC signals for a
range of frequencies and amplitudes.
Bread board: Bread board is used to connect different circuits.
Capacitors: it is used to store voltages.
Resistors: it resists the flow of current
Winspice: This software is used to test the graph of circuit before using oscilloscope

Measurements: In this experiment first I was given with a circuit whose

voltage vs time graph have to be made using winspice software after testing
the graph of circuit on winspice I connected that circuit using bread board
and connected that circuit with the help of probes on CRO and function
generator which shows a graph on screen of CRO
Following are the values I used to make required graph:
Resistor (R1) =1.5K
Capacitor (C1) =0.1u
Frequency (F) =4K Hz
Time period (T) = 0.25m

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