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5JUL2014, edited by PEARSCH, IAeSR. v1.0

06/21/14 - Gravity Power - 1939

The first video shows inventor William Skinner in his workshop as he demonstrates a model of his
gravity power machine. It has weights that spun around and multiply the power of an 1/8th horsepower
motor by 1200%. This provided enough energy to power a town of 3,500 at a cost of about $2 a month.
William uses the power of the model to work a 12 foot lathe that cuts ribbons of steel. The second video
shows the reverse engineered details of William Frank Skinner's 1939 Gravity Power Machine.

Miami, Florida, United States of America.

Various shots of inventor William Skinner in his workshop as he demonstrates a model of his gravity
power machine. It has weights that spin round and multiply the power of an 1/8 horsepower motor by
1200 % - enough energy to power a town of 3,500 at a cost of 1 a month. William uses the power of
the model to work a 12 foot lathe that cuts ribbons of steel.
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He believed the machine's principle could be carried to a point where a one-horsepower motor would
produce electricity for a community of 3,500 people at a total cost of only $5 a month. "Almost any
engineer will tell you that what this machine does is impossible," said Skinner, and then proceeded
to demonstrate in his workshop here.
His working model of the "gravity power machine" was run by a one-eighth horsepower motor. The
device, in turn, operated a heavy duty, 12-foot lathe, a six-foot drill press and a hack saw from the from
several children's toys and special types of furniture he as invented.

Skinner said some skeptics were inclined to wonder whether his "gravity power machine" was obtaining
power from some other source than the one-eighth horsepower motor because the shop was
electrically operated. To make the demonstration more convincing, he obtained a one-fifth horsepower
gasoline motor manufactured to run model airplanes, which he said he would install to produce the
power for the shop [on the] same shaft at the same time. "Almost any engineer will tell you that to run
even that heavy duty lathe and produce the quarter inch shaving on a steel "bar that it does would take
a two-horsepower motor," Skinner said. $2-95 4.40 The "gravity power machine" stricken [?] about
two weeks ago KECKEATI0X CENTER HAS VARIED ACTIVITIES consists of a steel framework containing
four shafts controlled by [?] on the eccentrics.
On each shaft is an off-balanced weight which Skinner said was "about the secret of the whole thing."
He explained that the shafts, turning in the eccentrics, moved the weights in a circular motion at 60
revolutions a minute. Because the weights are off-balance, he said, they are always "falling," producing
the multiplication of power. The "falling," Skinner said, is more correctly a following of the weights to
new centers of gravity caused by the changing positions of the shafts. The weights do not actually fall.
The 1/8 h.p. electric motor, Skinner said, was used only for power to turn the eccentrics and the "gravity
power machine 'provided the power, in turn, to operate the hop. U'OO [?] Per Cent Step I'p [?] Skinner
estimated the "gravity power machine" would increase the horsepower of a motor about 1,200 per
cent. A one horsepower motor, he believed, with a perfected "gravity power machine" to multiply its
output, could be made to drive a generator large enough to produce electricity for 3,500 persons. And
the operating cost would be only about $5 a month, he estimated.
The machine Skinner exhibited was the fifth he has built in the 14 years he has been working up the
idea." A number of engineers have inspected his invention, he said. One of them was A. P. Michaels,
a Jacksonville, Fla., consulting engineer, who gave Skinner a letter describing the machine as "a practical
device and will have a definite . field where it is necessary to use power to drive equipment. It should
result in a very large saving of power used." One Engineer Silent George C- Estill, electrical engineer and
retired president of the Florida Power and Light company here, was another who examined the device
but he said his check was not complete enough to allow him to form a conclusion.
Skinner turned to inventing after the collapse of the Florida real estate boom of 1926. He recently
perfected a device for recharging dry cell batteries. -Source
The rpm is directly proportional to the action of the input lever. For every one full back and forth
oscillation of the lever, there is one full elliptical rotation. If the input motor that turns the input lever in
an ellipse was speeded up a bit more than what he is showing, then the speed would increase by a
proportionate amount - but of course any speeding up has to be done slow enough so the lower weight
can keep up with the coupler plate rotation speed. And the other way around, if the input motor speed
was cut in half, the lever oscillation would cut in half and the rpm of elliptical orbit would be cut in half.
This is how I see it anyway as it is an intrinsic part of the design.

Just a general comment to everyone on replicating devices.

It is very common for many people to want an exact schematic for a circuit and there becomes a big
dependency on that. Whereas if the principles are understood, specific schematics or blueprints are
irrelevant because it can be done from scratch by anyone else as long as the principles are done.
For me, it is irrelevant the exact method Skinner used to connect this to that or that to this. My lower
shaft is cut in half and the copper sleeve keeps them both in alignment. The bottom half of my lower
half is welded to the swivel socket at the very bottom while the top half of the lower shaft is in the collar
bearing on the translation coupler so that they are disconnected and the lower weight can free spin
around independent of the translation coupler. It isn't what Skinner used but I am applying
the principles that are used in his machine and my mechanism does 100% exactly what his is
accomplishing. I'm making no energy claims but my early tests showed me everything I needed to know.
Everyone has to do their own tests and figured out what they believe is going on.

Looking at various comments across multiple sites, so many people are stuck in not moving forward
because they're still going in circles over how Skinner built the machine - while a handful of people are
simply applying the principles and they already have builds (without energy claims) that are
demonstrating the mechanism of what Skinner is doing.
I know half a dozen ways to build the entire Skinner machine that will do exactly what it does in the
video as there are many ways to skin a cat. If you're in the stone ages and have no bearings, oil soaked
leather will work just fine as a bearing and will last just as long if not longer. I'm only posting this to
discourage the "analysis paralysis" that often happens in replication attempts and to encourage focusing
on what is more important, which is understanding the principles involved.
I've designed a couple machines that are not the Skinner machine in the last year and a half after
figuring out exactly what Skinner was doing - that has less gain that what Skinner is claiming but only
takes 1/10th the effort to build. That was only made possible because I applied just a couple of the
principles of the Skinner machine. A few people have noticed but most have not - the Skinner machine
opened a real can of worms.
Focusing on the principle that I explained from the beginning in my videos, it takes a small amount of
energy to simply change the center of gravity of a mass compared to what it takes to lift it. That is in all
my papers and videos from a year and a half ago.
Like I mentioned that a child can balance a full 55 gallon drum on edge with no problem. If you tip it 1
degree in one direction from being balanced, the only weight the child has to deal with is the weight
that is over the center of gravity and that is it - not the whole weight of the drum. So effectively, the
child only has to work to move that much weight around in a rotation, yet the entire weight of the barrel
is rotating creating torque. Just this concept alone can be applied to an infinite amount of different
machines that are not even remotely close to what the Skinner machine looks like. This is the #1 primary
principle that gives the output work and Skinner's entire machine is designed to simply accomplish that
in a very clever manner.
The lower weight is always falling like I showed that when the lower shaft is moved at the top, the
center of gravity changes and since the lower weight can move independent of the translation coupler,
it "falls" to the inside incline of the lower shaft. That is the "always falling" that Skinner is talking about.
That is a very incredible principle but is still secondary to the principle #1 up above... this is just a means
to an end... the always falling principle is simply a way to help accomplish primary principle #1 in a most
elegant way.
Even the elliptical motion is not primary - that is just a way to maximize the gains through the oscillation
of speeding up and slowing down on the ellipse where the input lever pops the rotation at each narrow
end of the ellipse when the rotation is at the peak speed. It is an important principle, but is still
subordinate to the primary principle #1 - of simply shifting the center of gravity of an imbalanced mass.
The lower weight is 100% of the time always imbalanced so nothing imbalances it. It is already like that moving the top of the lower shaft only shifts where the center of gravity is of the already imbalanced
Anyway, just my 2 cents - having fun watching this all unfold. Aaron Murakami

Replying to Aaron, the best shape would be egg. Turbogt16v

Published on Jun 3, 2014

This video is the FULL VERSION of all my 3 videos put together in one place. It shows the reverse
engineered details of William Frank Skinner's 1939 Gravity Power Machine. Watch the video from 1939
to see the original here: to see what this video is about.
Come learn more at the conversation:

Published on May 29, 2014

This is a short vid to get interest in the machine. Saw the discussion at Stefan's forum so thought I'd
share. Skinner's machine gives more than 1200% more
work than is input - the rest comes from gravity. That is a COP of 12.0, which is beyond useful. It is one
of the few real free energy machines that has been in front of everyone for a long time! :) Here is the
original machine by William F. Skinner:




Newspaper Auburn NY Citizen Advertiser 1939 - 2758.PDF (167.68 kB - downloaded 436 times.)
A & P Electronic Medias Homepage!
Here's another video with another device using the same principle:
Newspaper article
Recessed cylinder test
US02477210 Refrigerator drinking water cooler(49) [1of2 patents by Wlm. F. Skinner]
US02199322 Method and means for reconditioning dry cell batteries(40)
Here is the top of the shaft showing a stub end system as explained by me
I saw this video before, this is pretty cool - it gets the wheels turning!

FULL VERSION – Gravity Power 1939 Reverse Engineering Details | A & P Electronic Media – Digital Publishing by
Aaron Murakami & Peter Lindemann

1939 Gravity Power Reverse Engineering Details FULL VERSION - YouTube

Gravity Power Paper 2 | A & P Electronic Media – Digital Publishing by Aaron Murakami & Peter Lindemann

Gravity Power! Stills

Newspaper Auburn NY Citizen Advertiser 1939
Directory:William F. Skinner's 1939 Gravity Motor
1939 Gravity Power - multiply power by 1200% (; May 21, 2014)
William F. Skinner - 1939 Gravity Power (EnergeticForum; May 30, 2014)
William F. Skinner in the 1940 Census
Wlm. F. Skinner, Miami Fla.

Photo Miami Fla. Inventor WF Skinner & gravity machine



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