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According to Islam 9/10 of sources of income derived by business

repreneurial activity is considered as an IBADAT

Entrepreneurship from
Islamic perspective

Guidelines of Entrepreneurship in the Islamic

- Entrepreneurs have an obligation to perform the duties
to Allah as long as they alive, such as prayers, fasting,
and so on.
- Also, entrepreneurs must have a wide knowledge about
the prohibited practices related to business such as riba
and gharar
- The business strategy and planning must be in line with
Islamic law.
- The entrepreneurs have to equip them entities with
good manner related to Islamic (Akhlaq)
Guidelines of Entrepreneurship in the Islamic
- Entrepreneurs have an obligation to perform the duties

Through entrepreneurship, entrepreneurs have

opportunity to achieve Alfalah through;
-create products which will remain for long period, so
the entrepreneurs will rewarded until hereafter
- Provide job opportunities and career development for
the society
- enhance the social life and national economic by
giving charity and Zakat.
- make life more better through creating new products.

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