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Religion And


Aminah, Safa, Aysha

Men have normally held power.

Women have been stereotyped as suitable
only as mothers, child-bearers and servants
of men.
In the past, women spent almost all their
adult lives producing and looking after
Education was limited.
Very few jobs were available to them.
They were expected to marry, give up jobs
and look after husband / family.
This changed after World War II it was more
acceptable for women to work.

The role of women in Christian society:

In traditional Christian households women
have often stayed at home and looked after
their children. It is the man who makes
decisions and is the main earner. At the
head of every man is Christ, at the head of
every woman is man
In the Catholic Church the Pope is a man
and women cannot become priests.
However, in the Church of England and
most protestant churches women can be
vicars or ministers.
The Bible says God created men and
women in his own image
Jesus spoke to men and women
The Golden rule- Everyone should be

Old Testament: Eve is made from Adams

rib, to be his helper.
Eve gave into temptation first, therefore
women are regarded as inferior as Eve
was sinful.
The prophets/priests/disciples were all
Men could divorce women, but not vice
God is called Father, He, Him.
Jesus was male.
Paul said Women be subject to your
I permit no women to teach or have
authority over men

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