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'Environmental problems are too great to be managed by individuals so real chang

e can only be achieved at government level.'To what extent do you agree or disag
ree with this statement? Support your point of view with reasons and/or examples
from your own experience.
1. globalization
green house emissions, deforestation
responsibility of every individual
solar energys
subsidized rates from government
disposal management
With advances in globalization, industrialization and deforestation, a lot of by
-products have been released that has, not only contaminated our environment but
is also making us move to a Destruction Era. Hence, it's high time that we tigh
ten on our advancements and reduce its harmful impacts on Environment. Despite k
nowing the criticality of this problem, many of us are of the view that 'Environ
mental problems are too great to be managed by individuals, so real change can o
nly be achieved at government level'. In my view, I disagree to this statement t
o a large extent.
As the problem - Environmental Damage - is huge by itself and has its triggers f
rom various resources, it would be hard for an individual to tackle the same. Ho
wever, as the saying goes "Charity begins at home", we, as a responsible individ
ual have certain obligations to adhere to and collectively start taking the onus
of protecting and retaining the remains for our next generations. Steps such as
, installing solar panels for houses, not only reduces electricity consumption b
ut also harnesses the utilization of natural resources. Having small gardens, an
d cultivating plantations (even if its in small scale) will try to minimize emis
sions of greenhouse gases. Relying on public transport for most of the commutati
on will also lower down the usage of fossil fuels. These steps taken from an ind
ividual would anyways be promoted and appreciated by governments too.
In conclusion, saving our mother Earth from the clutches of our own damages, is
the sole responsibility from each of us. We should never shy away from picking t
his core responsibility and start collective corrective actions rather than pass
ing the buck to the government for them to take reforming steps.

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