Describe Image

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Assignments - 09-05-2016

1. Describe Image
Image C: Section 1
The bar graph shows number of tons of carbon-di-oxide emitted per residents from
various places in the year 2008. It can be seen that London residents have least
emissions at 6 tons. The highest emission comes from residents of North East at
approximately 12 tons. This is followed by Yorkshire and The Humber at 9.5 tons.
Residents of East, South West and West Midlands emit same levels of carbon-di-oxide.
They are also the least contributors for the emission at 7 tons.
Image A : Section 2
The pie chart shows the average amount of hours spent in consultation by people from
various part of the country in a year. People from South-east and East spend almost
similar hours for consultation with 35 hours and 33 hours respectively. People from
North-east and North-west spend the least with 13 hours and 15 hours respectively in a
year. The South-west and West people spend 20 hours and 17 hours respectively for
consultation in a year
Image B: Section 2
The bar graph shows the average number of late students to the college in a working
week. It isnt surprising that the Monday (the beginning day of the week) has highest
record at 37 average students coming late to college. This is followed by Friday (the last
day of the week) having a record of 17 average students being late to college. Tuesday
and Thursday record same numbers at 10 average students late to college, however
there is slight rise on Wednesday too, at 16 average students late to college.

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