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SIMATIC TIA Portal WinCC (machine-oriented)

Table of contents

Alarm system ........................................................................................................... 7-3


Overview ............................................................................................................................ 7-4

Alarm method ..................................................................................................................... 7-4
Alarm functionality .............................................................................................................. 7-5
Components and properties of alarms ................................................................................ 7-6


Configuration of discrete and analog alarms ....................................................................... 7-8

Steps in configuring an alarm ............................................................................................. 7-8
Alarm classes ..................................................................................................................... 7-8
Alarm settings ................................................................................................................... 7-10
Discrete alarms................................................................................................................. 7-11
Trigger tags and their bit assignment for discrete alarm texts ........................................... 7-11
Properties of discrete alarms ............................................................................................ 7-12
Analog alarms................................................................................................................... 7-13
Monitored tags and configuring limit values for analog alarm texts ................................... 7-13
Properties of analog alarms .............................................................................................. 7-14


Displaying alarms ............................................................................................................. 7-15

Content of alarm view and alarm window ......................................................................... 7-17
Alarm window properties .................................................................................................. 7-17
Alarm view properties ....................................................................................................... 7-18
Further properties of the displays (alarm view, alarm window) ......................................... 7-18
Filtering content of alarm view / alarm window.................................................................. 7-20


Exercise 1: Configuring an alarm view .............................................................................. 7-23


Exercise 2 (extra): Configuring an additional alarm line .................................................... 7-31


Alarm log .......................................................................................................................... 7-33

Procedure for configuring alarm logs ................................................................................ 7-34
Display of alarm logs ........................................................................................................ 7-35
Updating the log display ................................................................................................... 7-36


Exercise 3: Configuring and displaying an alarm log ........................................................ 7-37

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TIA Portal WinCC - Alarm system
Training document, V0.91P, TIA-WCCM


SIMATIC TIA Portal WinCC (machine-oriented)

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TIA Portal WinCC - Alarm system

Training document, V0.91P, TIA-WCCM

SIMATIC TIA Portal WinCC (machine-oriented)


Alarm system

In this section participants will learn about and practice using the structure of the alarm system
and the alarm logs as well as the configuration of the alarm view and logging.
Participants will get to know the basic functions and potential uses of the alarm system. They will
gain an overview of the expanded functionality of the alarm system.
Training aims:
Participants will be able to set up alarm classes, configure/display alarms and set up/display
alarm logs.

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TIA Portal WinCC - Alarm system
Training document, V0.91P, TIA-WCCM


SIMATIC TIA Portal WinCC (machine-oriented)




Alarm method

The alarm method identifies the type of information that triggers an alarm

Change in bit

Change in value

Programmed event in the controller

and what generates the alarm

HMI device


This results in advantages and/or disadvantages .

Discrete and analog alarm methods
Simple to configure
Alarms are given the time stamp of the HMI system (time of detection)
No common database for PG or HMI system (alarm texts configured in the HMI device
separate from and independent of the controller)
High bus load (HMI system polls continuously at the configured update interval)
Alarms can be lost if the event "comes" and then "goes" again within the configured update
Little additional programming in the control program required
(discrete alarm method: Set/reset bit; analog alarm method: nothing required)

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TIA Portal WinCC - Alarm system

Training document, V0.91P, TIA-WCCM

SIMATIC TIA Portal WinCC (machine-oriented)

Alarm number method

Low bus load (controller signals HMI device as required)
Alarm texts are configured separately in the STEP 7 project
Alarms are assigned controller time stamps (alarms in chronological order)
No alarms are lost
Programming of the triggering alarm events in the control program required (system function


Alarm functionality

The alarm system of an HMI device handles the following tasks:

Configured alarms are displayed on the HMI device depending on events or states occurring in
the plant or process.
Functionality is supported by every HMI device
The alarms are output to a printer.
Functionality is only supported by HMI devices that also support reporting
The alarms are saved in a file (flash memory or hard disk) for further processing and evaluation.
Functionality is only supported by HMI devices that also support logs

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TIA Portal WinCC - Alarm system
Training document, V0.91P, TIA-WCCM


SIMATIC TIA Portal WinCC (machine-oriented)

Sending of e-mails
The system function "Send e-mail" can also be configured for an alarm. This is a functionality of
the runtime option "Sm@rt Server" and is not considered further in this section.
Functionality is only supported by HMI devices that also support an Ethernet interface


Components and properties of alarms

Alarm text
The alarm text contains a description of the alarm. Character formats supported by the relevant
HMI device can be used to format the alarm text on a character-by-character basis.
The alarm text can contain output boxes for the current values of tags or text lists. The tag image
retains the instantaneous value at the time at which the alarm status changes.
Alarm number
The alarm number is used to internally manage an alarm. Each alarm number is unique within the
following types of alarms:
Discrete alarms, analog alarms, HMI system alarms,

alarms from the controller within a CPU.

Alarm class
The alarm class defines whether or not the alarm has to be acknowledged. It can also be used to
determine how the alarm appears when it is displayed on the HMI device. The alarm class also
determines whether and where the corresponding alarm is logged.
Max. 32 alarm classes can be configured

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TIA Portal WinCC - Alarm system

Training document, V0.91P, TIA-WCCM

SIMATIC TIA Portal WinCC (machine-oriented)

Short identifier
An identifier can be configured for each alarm class, and can be output in the alarm view to
identify the alarm class associated with the alarm.
Alarm group
If an alarm belongs to an alarm group, it can be acknowledged along with other alarms from the
same group in a single operation.
Info text
The info text can contain additional information on an alarm. Info texts are displayed in a separate

window on the HMI device when the operator presses the

or the


Automatic reporting
In addition to the option of enabling and disabling automatic reporting of alarms for the entire
project, it is also possible to enable reporting for each individual alarm.
Each alarm also contains

Trigger for the alarm

Discrete alarms A bit within a tag
Analog alarms The limit value for a tag

With discrete alarms requiring acknowledgment, each alarm also contains

Acknowledgment by the controller "Write acknowledgment tag"

By setting a certain bit within a tag by the controller, a discrete alarm can be acknowledged by
the control program (instead of by manual operation).

Send acknowledgment to the controller "Read acknowledgment tag"

If a discrete alarm is acknowledged by the operator, a certain bit can be set within a tag so
that the control program can process the operator acknowledgment.

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TIA Portal WinCC - Alarm system
Training document, V0.91P, TIA-WCCM


SIMATIC TIA Portal WinCC (machine-oriented)


Configuration of discrete and analog alarms


Steps in configuring an alarm


Alarm classes

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TIA Portal WinCC - Alarm system

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SIMATIC TIA Portal WinCC (machine-oriented)

Each alarm must be assigned to an alarm class. Alarm classes mainly determine the requirement
for acknowledgment and how alarms will appear when they are displayed on the HMI device.
Alarm classes are also used to group alarms for various types of display.
WinCC has both predefined alarm classes and also provides the option of configuring userdefined alarm classes.
Predefined "Errors" and "Warnings" alarm classes
These have been created for free use.

For discrete and analog alarms that indicate critical or hazardous operating and
process states.
Alarms in this class must always be acknowledged.


For discrete and analog alarms that indicate regular operating statuses, process
states and process operations.
Alarms in this class are user information and do not have to be acknowledged.

Display name
Here, an individual name can be set for each alarm class which can then also be displayed in the
alarm view if multiple alarm classes are shown in an alarm view.
Even with the predefined alarm classes, these display names can be individually adapted.
Acknowledging an alarm

Operator acknowledges alarms on HMI device

Acknowledgment is made using the <ACK> key (special key only with key panels), function
keys, softkeys or buttons. In addition, alarms can be acknowledged through system functions
in function lists or scripts.

The connected controller

As an alternative, discrete alarms can also be acknowledged by the controller program using
a defined data area. An alarm can be acknowledged by the PLC program by setting a
particular bit within a tag.

If an alarm log has been configured, the alarm events are stored in the configured alarm log file.
The capacity of the log is limited by the storage medium and system limits.

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TIA Portal WinCC - Alarm system
Training document, V0.91P, TIA-WCCM


SIMATIC TIA Portal WinCC (machine-oriented)


Alarm settings

The WinCC alarm system will always work with the default settings. Changing these default
settings only serves to adapt the alarm system behavior to specific plant conditions.
Percentage of the alarm buffer
The S7 alarm events (S7 diagnostics alarms, Alarm_S...) are saved in a buffer within the HMI
device. The size of this alarm buffer and the backup provided in the event of a power failure
(usually none) depend on the type of HMI device.
Text of alarm group
Heading for alarm group column
This option activates/deactivates the printing of bit or analog alarms for the entire project. If this
option is activated, it is possible to decide for each configured bit or analog alarm whether this is
to be reported on not.
With alarm reporting active, a line is triggered on the standard printer installed for each state
change of such an alarm.
If a line printer is used here (some dot matrix printers), the printout takes place
immediately for every change to an alarm status of an alarm selected for reporting.
When using page printers (generally all printer drivers for Windows printers), the printout
is not made until an alarm page is full and the printer can print a complete page.
If system alarms are to be printed, this must be activated in the associated alarm buffer
or log. The complete contents of the alarm buffer/log are then printed. A corresponding
operator object (trigger printing) must be configured for this purpose on the HMI device.

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TIA Portal WinCC - Alarm system

Training document, V0.91P, TIA-WCCM

SIMATIC TIA Portal WinCC (machine-oriented)

S7 diagnostics alarms
These are alarms sent by CPUs when this is activated in the hardware properties of the CPUs.
For example, "CPU STOP due to programming error", "CPU STOP due to keyswitch"
These alarms are not automatically displayed. You must always configure display of
these alarms yourself.
Controller alarms
In this area, it is possible to make settings for the alarm number strategy or reporting system


Discrete alarms

Trigger tags and their bit assignment for discrete alarm texts

In order to generate a discrete alarm, a there must be a bit edge change. These bits are
managed in trigger tags. These trigger tags are also edited using the tag editor, or can be directly
created during configuration of a discrete alarm.
Trigger tags
These must have the following properties:

Data type WORD

Type of recording Cyclic continuous

Trigger tags must be read/monitored continuously in the background by the HMI device.

To keep the recognition jitter as low as possible, the acquisition cycle must be matched to the
process here (generally as low as possible 100ms).

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TIA Portal WinCC - Alarm system
Training document, V0.91P, TIA-WCCM


SIMATIC TIA Portal WinCC (machine-oriented)

If more than 16 alarm bits are required, the area can be increased by defining an ARRAY of
WORD on the controller. It is also possible to create different trigger tags.
For performance reasons it is advisable not to address scattered areas of the trigger tags
(use contiguous data areas as far as possible), so that all trigger tags can be read from
the controller by the HMI device with as few read requests as possible.

Properties of discrete alarms

The edge change of a bit triggers an alarm.

"0" "1" Incoming alarm

"1" "0" Outgoing alarm

Corresponding trigger tags are assigned to the alarm texts.

Each bit of a trigger tag may only be assigned to one alarm.
Configuring a new alarm
A new alarm is created by clicking in the next free line. An alarm class and trigger tag (word tag
with bit number) must be assigned to this.
Alarm text
The alarm text contains a description of the alarm. Character formats supported by the relevant
HMI device can be used to format the alarm text on a character-by-character basis.
The alarm text can contain output boxes for the current values of tags or text lists. The alarm
retains the instantaneous value at the time at which the alarm status changes.

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TIA Portal WinCC - Alarm system

Training document, V0.91P, TIA-WCCM

SIMATIC TIA Portal WinCC (machine-oriented)


Analog alarms

Monitored tags and configuring limit values for analog alarm texts

An analog alarm is triggered when a value exceeds or falls below a tag value.
Tags from the tag management can be used or created for these limit values, and edited using
the tag editor. They can also be created directly during configuration of an analog alarm.
Monitored tags
These must have the following property:

Acquisition mode Cyclic continuous

To keep the recognition jitter as low as possible, the acquisition cycle must be matched to the
process here (generally as low as possible 100ms).
Monitored tags must be permanently read/monitored in the background by the HMI device. When
using a tag as monitored tag of an analog alarm, the acquisition mode (default setting "Cyclic in
operation") is set to "Cyclic continuous".
These tags permanently add load affecting the performance of the HMI device.

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TIA Portal WinCC - Alarm system
Training document, V0.91P, TIA-WCCM


SIMATIC TIA Portal WinCC (machine-oriented)

Properties of analog alarms

The only difference between analog alarms and discrete alarms is that you configure a limit value
of a tag rather than a bit number.
Corresponding limit value tags are assigned to the alarm texts.
A limit tag can be assigned to trigger several alarms.
An analog alarm is triggered when a value exceeds or falls below a tag value.

Trigger mode "On exceeding" i.e. when tag limit value is exceeded
exceeded incoming alarm
below value again outgoing alarm

Trigger mode "On falling below" i.e. when below tag limit value
below incoming alarm
above value again outgoing alarm

Configuring a new alarm

A new alarm is created by clicking in the next free line. This must be assigned to an alarm class
and event (monitored tag with limit and trigger mode).
Alarm text
The alarm text contains a description of the alarm. Character formats supported by the relevant
HMI device can be used to format the alarm text on a character-by-character basis.
The alarm text can contain output boxes for the current values of tags or text lists. The alarm
retains the instantaneous value at the time at which the alarm status changes.
Note !
If a process value oscillates around the limit value, this will result in an alarm storm. A
delay or dead time can be configured to suppress this.

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TIA Portal WinCC - Alarm system

Training document, V0.91P, TIA-WCCM

SIMATIC TIA Portal WinCC (machine-oriented)

>> Inspector window > Properties + Properties tab > Trigger "Settings"
The alarm is only triggered if the condition is still satisfied at the end of the configured time span.
>> Inspector window > Properties + Properties tab > Trigger "Deadband"

"Mode" box

For which change in alarm status will the deadband be taken into account?

"Value" box
Constant value for the width of the deadband

"in percent" check box

The deadband value can be configured as an absolute number or as a percentage of the limit
Deadband value is absolute number
Deadband value is percentage related to the limit value


Displaying alarms

Several alarm views can be configured for different alarm classes and in different screens or

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TIA Portal WinCC - Alarm system
Training document, V0.91P, TIA-WCCM


SIMATIC TIA Portal WinCC (machine-oriented)

There are two basic ways of displaying alarms:

Alarm view

Displaying current alarms or alarms from the alarm buffer or alarm log

Selection of alarms according to alarm class

Can be configured in every screen

Only visible if the corresponding screen is open

Optional display mode: Table | row

Alarm window

Displaying current alarms or alarms from the alarm buffer or alarm log

Selection of alarms according to alarm class

Can only be configured in the "Template" screen

The window can be automatically shown when a new entry is made in the window (e.g. when
a new alarm has arrived)

Alarm indicator


As an alternative to automatic display of an alarm window, a small graphic symbol can be

displayed that indicates the arrival of displayable alarms (group alarms) of a defined class.
The alarm indicator can have one of two states:

at least one unacknowledged alarm is pending

all alarms requiring acknowledgment have been acknowledged, but at least one of them is
not yet deactivated.

The number displayed at the bottom in the symbol indicates the number of pending alarms.
A corresponding system function must then be configured in the alarm indicator properties, e.g.
for display of the alarm window.

One alarm indicator can be configured in the "Template" screen per HMI device.

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TIA Portal WinCC - Alarm system

Training document, V0.91P, TIA-WCCM

SIMATIC TIA Portal WinCC (machine-oriented)


Content of alarm view and alarm window

The alarm view and the alarm window have the same structure for the contents.


Alarm window properties

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TIA Portal WinCC - Alarm system
Training document, V0.91P, TIA-WCCM


SIMATIC TIA Portal WinCC (machine-oriented)


Alarm view properties


Further properties of the displays (alarm view, alarm window)

Selecting columns
All components of an alarm are available as table columns. Only the most important are
displayed as standard. You can select the columns in the properties of the view.
This only affects the "simple" and "complex" display types.
>> Inspector window > Properties + Properties tab > Columns
"Visible columns" section
Change column width
Requirement: The display in the screen editor must not be zoomed

The column width of the display can be adapted individually. The processing mode of the
configured display is activated using the shortcut menu.

> Alarm window |Alarm view > right mouse button

Editing mode is automatically exited if you click once outside the window area.

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TIA Portal WinCC - Alarm system

Training document, V0.91P, TIA-WCCM

SIMATIC TIA Portal WinCC (machine-oriented)

You can also configure the order in which the alarms are displayed.
>> Inspector window > Properties + Properties tab > Columns
"Sort" section
You have the option of displaying the latest or the oldest alarm first.
Color of the alarm window
>> Inspector window > Properties + Properties tab > Appearance
This is only used if the colors of the alarm classes are not activated in the alarm settings.
Note !
If alarms requiring acknowledgment are displayed, and if the operator is to acknowledge
the alarms, it must be possible to acknowledge them on the HMI device.

On key panels, there is a special key for this

On touch panels or PC-based HMI devices, an acknowledgment function must be configured. In

multi-line alarm views, an acknowledgment button
can be activated. With singleline alarm views, a standard button can be configured with the system function
"AlarmViewAcknowledgeAlarm" for the "Press" event.
Type of representation Alarm view | alarm window
Depending on the configured representation, several alarms are displayed simultaneously or only
one line. This is controlled by the display type.
>> Inspector window > Properties + Properties tab > Layout
Display type "Complex"
Table with header
Display type "Simple "
Multiple lines without table header
Display type "Line"
Only one alarm line across the complete
width of the screen without table header

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TIA Portal WinCC - Alarm system
Training document, V0.91P, TIA-WCCM


SIMATIC TIA Portal WinCC (machine-oriented)


Filtering content of alarm view / alarm window

The display of alarms can be filtered based on the alarm text. The filter only applies to the display
on the HMI device. All alarms are retained in the alarm buffer.
Filter criterion

Constant string

Dynamic using a string tag

(data type: WSTRING (16 bit sting) or STRING (control tag)

Filtering ineffective for

Simple alarm view

Alarm line

Alarm view configured for displaying alarms of an alarm log

Alarm window configured for displaying alarms of an alarm log

Filtering rules constant string

All the alarms that contain the full character string in the alarm text are displayed on the HMI
Filtering rules string tag
A tag can be configured as the filter criterion for modifiable filtering and this tag is supplied in
Runtime with the desired string (e.g. from an IO field or the controller).
The display of the alarms is filtered according to the content of the tag.

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TIA Portal WinCC - Alarm system

Training document, V0.91P, TIA-WCCM

SIMATIC TIA Portal WinCC (machine-oriented)

Behavior of the filter

Filter entry empty all the pending alarms are displayed

Filtering is case-sensitive;
wildcards and regular expressions are not taken into account

Filtering is not language-dependent,

i.e. a filter criterion comprising a constant string remains the same when the language is
changed Use string tag

Length of filter entry maximum length of the alarm text

String and string tag configured

String tag has priority over the fixed configured string
Tag is not empty Filtering according to tag
Tag is empty Filtering according to configured constant string

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TIA Portal WinCC - Alarm system
Training document, V0.91P, TIA-WCCM


SIMATIC TIA Portal WinCC (machine-oriented)

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TIA Portal WinCC - Alarm system

Training document, V0.91P, TIA-WCCM

SIMATIC TIA Portal WinCC (machine-oriented)


Exercise 1: Configuring an alarm view


Monitoring of ventilator speed using the alarm system

If the actual speed exceeds the value 1250 or 1300

an analog alarm of class "Warnings" for each

If the actual speed exceeds the value 1349

analog alarm of class "VentilationErrors"
this alarm class must first be set up

Maximum speed reached and output of current speed, signaled by a discrete alarm

Display of warning alarms "Messages" screen as alarm view

Display of ventilation error alarms with the option of acknowledgment

in the "Global" screen as alarm window


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TIA Portal WinCC - Alarm system
Training document, V0.91P, TIA-WCCM


SIMATIC TIA Portal WinCC (machine-oriented)

1. Configure your own new alarm class

Configure the alarm class "VentilationErrors". The alarms of this class will be displayed in yellow
for all states, and flashing will be enabled for the "incoming" state. The alarms must be
>> Project tree > HMI device > HMI alarms > "Alarm classes" tab

2. Basic settings of the alarm system

The colors of the alarm classes will be used. The alarm windows will have a display duration of
10 s.
>> Project tree > HMI device > Runtime settings > Alarms section

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TIA Portal WinCC - Alarm system

Training document, V0.91P, TIA-WCCM

SIMATIC TIA Portal WinCC (machine-oriented)

3. Adapt the properties of the system alarm window

The window for display of system alarms was configured in an earlier exercise in the "Global
screen". This will be given a title, and it will be made closable.
Open the "Global screen"
>> Project tree > HMI device > Screen management > Global screen
Select the alarm window and adapt the properties:


Title: System alarms

4. Configure discrete alarm

Configure a discrete alarm that signals the operating state "Speed limit activated".
>> Project tree > HMI device > HMI alarms > Discrete alarms
Insert a new discrete alarm Double-click on an empty row

In the settings of the "User_Status_word" tag, check the acquisition mode "Cyclic
>> Project tree > HMI device > HMI tags
and reduce the acquisition cycle to 100 ms.

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TIA Portal WinCC - Alarm system
Training document, V0.91P, TIA-WCCM


SIMATIC TIA Portal WinCC (machine-oriented)

5. Configure analog alarms

Configure three analog alarms that signal the three stages of speed violation. Initially two
warnings as information, and then an alarm requiring acknowledgment in the third stage.
>> Project tree > HMI device > HMI alarms > Analog alarms tab
Insert a new analog alarm three times Double-click on an empty row

and link the text of the third alarm to the process tag "User.Speed_act" in the alarm text.
In the settings of the "User_Speed_act" tag, check the acquisition mode "Cyclic
>> Project tree > HMI device > HMI tags
and reduce the acquisition cycle to 100 ms.

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TIA Portal WinCC - Alarm system

Training document, V0.91P, TIA-WCCM

SIMATIC TIA Portal WinCC (machine-oriented)

6. Display warning alarms

The warning alarms will be output in the "Messages" screen.
Open the "Messages" screen.
>> Project tree > HMI device > Screens > Messages
Insert the alarm view and adapt its properties appropriately (display of the alarm class
Task card >> Toolbox > Controls > Alarm view

If a title is required for this alarm view, a text field can be configured using the table.
7. Display ventilator error alarms
The alarms of the "VentilationErrors" alarm class will be shown automatically when they occur.
Their display will therefore need to be configured as an alarm window ("Global screen").
Open the "Global screen".
>> Project tree > HMI device > Screen management > Global screen

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TIA Portal WinCC - Alarm system
Training document, V0.91P, TIA-WCCM


SIMATIC TIA Portal WinCC (machine-oriented)

Insert another alarm window and adapt its properties appropriately (display of the alarm class
Task card >> Toolbox > Controls > Alarm window

Enter a title, make it closable and have it displayed automatically:

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TIA Portal WinCC - Alarm system

Training document, V0.91P, TIA-WCCM

SIMATIC TIA Portal WinCC (machine-oriented)

Enable the acknowledgment button:

8. Configure the alarm indicator for the alarm class "VentilationErrors"

Insert the alarm indicator and adapt its properties appropriately (display of the alarm class
Task card >> Toolbox > Controls > Alarm indicator

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TIA Portal WinCC - Alarm system
Training document, V0.91P, TIA-WCCM


SIMATIC TIA Portal WinCC (machine-oriented)

Object name of
the alarm

for both
9. Test the configuration
The faceplate can be inserted in the "Messages" screen again for the speed setting
(alarm generation).

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TIA Portal WinCC - Alarm system

Training document, V0.91P, TIA-WCCM

SIMATIC TIA Portal WinCC (machine-oriented)


Exercise 2 (extra): Configuring an additional alarm line


Display all alarms as an alarm line

Configure with an additional acknowledgement button

The alarm line should be visible at all times, irrespective of the current screen.
The alarm view is configured as a status line in the overview screen area (permanent
screen area)


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TIA Portal WinCC - Alarm system
Training document, V0.91P, TIA-WCCM


SIMATIC TIA Portal WinCC (machine-oriented)

1. Configure an alarm line

Open the " Template_1" screen and insert an alarm view in the upper screen area (overview
screen area) from the "Toolbox" task card.
Set the following properties of the alarm view:
>> Inspector window > Properties + Properties tab > Layout
Display type = alarm line
>> Inspector window > Properties + Properties tab > General

2. Configure the acknowledgement button

Insert a button from the "Toolbox" task card and assign the system function "Keyboard operation
for screen objects > AlarmViewAcknowledgeAlarm" to it Select the configured alarm view (alarm
line) as the referenced screen object.
The acknowledgment button must also be configured in the overview screen area (permanent
area) in which the alarm line is located.

Object name of
the alarm view

Depending on where the alarm view has been added, it can have a different name.
"Alarm_view_1" or "Template_alarm_view"
However, this is always displayed in the title bar of the Inspector window.
3. Test the configuration

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TIA Portal WinCC - Alarm system

Training document, V0.91P, TIA-WCCM

SIMATIC TIA Portal WinCC (machine-oriented)


Alarm log

In addition to being displayed, alarms can also be saved in a log file file for subsequent analysis.
Circular log
When the configured log size has been reached (log is full), the oldest entries are overwritten.
Segmented circular log
In this case, several logs of the same size are created and are filled in succession. When all logs
are completely full, the oldest log is overwritten.
Display system alarm when (log with system alarm depending on fill level)
When a configurable level (e.g. 90%) has been reached, a system alarm is triggered. When the
configured log size has been reached (log is full), the oldest entries are overwritten.
Trigger event when (log with "Overflow" event depending on fill level)
When the log is completely full, the "Overflow" event is triggered. A function list can be configured
for this event. The oldest entries are then overwritten again.
e.g. to copy logs prior to overwriting them

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TIA Portal WinCC - Alarm system
Training document, V0.91P, TIA-WCCM


SIMATIC TIA Portal WinCC (machine-oriented)


Procedure for configuring alarm logs

Create log
>> Project tree > HMI device > Historical data > Alarm logs tab
Clicking on an empty row in the table inserts a new log into the configuration.
Most important properties
>> Inspector window > Properties + Properties tab > General

Data records per log (number of possible entries)

File format (storage location) and path

CSV file (ASCII)
Data is saved to a CSV file in standard ASCII format. (view for example with Excel)
File - RDB
Data is saved to a relational database for quick access. To be able to use the data outside
of WinCC Runtime, the RDB file can be converted to CSV format using the "CopyLog"
All data is saved to an ODBC database. (MS Data Engine 97/2000, MS Access 97/2000,
MS SQL Server 7.0/2000)
Text file (unicode)
The log data is stored in unicode. This file format supports all the characters that can be
used in WinCC and WinCC Runtime. (view for example with Notepad)
With the Comfort Panels, in conjunction with the Siemens HMI memory cards, it is
guaranteed that the data on the SD card in the "Data" slot is safe even if there is a
power failure.
It is therefore advisable to store logs and other user data on the SD card!

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Field Code C

TIA Portal WinCC - Alarm system

Training document, V0.91P, TIA-WCCM

SIMATIC TIA Portal WinCC (machine-oriented)

>> Inspector window > Properties + Properties tab > Start mode

Characteristics at runtime start

Log can continue to be written or deleted

Alarm logging is initiated immediately or only after execution of the system function
>> Inspector window > Properties + Properties tab > Logging method

Log type

Contents of log entries

with alarm text; otherwise no logging of alarm texts, only alarm number

Assign logs
Following creation of the alarm logs, they must be assigned to the alarm classes.
>> Project tree > HMI device > HMI alarms > Alarm classes
The alarm logs are assigned in the column "Log".


Display of alarm logs

To display alarm logs on the HMI device, an alarm view is configured.

Each alarm view shows the content of a specific alarm log, where the logged alarm classes can
be filtered again if several have been saved in one log file.
In the properties of the alarm view
>> Inspector window > Properties + Properties tab > General
it is possible to select the log file and the corresponding alarm classes to be displayed.

Field Code C
TIA Portal WinCC - Alarm system
Training document, V0.91P, TIA-WCCM


SIMATIC TIA Portal WinCC (machine-oriented)

The table is configured in the properties

>> Inspector window > Properties + Properties tab > Display
>> Inspector window > Properties + Properties tab > Column headers

should be enabled.
Vertical scrolling
The log view is not updated automatically.The contents of the log are displayed
statically when the screen is selected, although logging continues in the background. The
current log content can only be seen after selecting the screen again or executing the
"UpdateView" system function.
A log display is only useful and possible with the display type "Complex".
>> Inspector window > Properties + Properties tab > Layout


Updating the log display

Since the log display is not automatically updated, this functionality must be configured.
The content of the log is displayed statically when the screen is selected, although logging
continues in the background. The current log content can only be seen after selecting the screen
again or executing the "UpdateView" system function.

Field Code C

Field Code C

TIA Portal WinCC - Alarm system

Training document, V0.91P, TIA-WCCM

SIMATIC TIA Portal WinCC (machine-oriented)


Exercise 3: Configuring and displaying an alarm log


Create the "History" log in which the alarms of the System, Warnings and VentilationErrors
classes are saved

A circular log with 500 entries is adequate

Display of alarm log in the "MessageHistory" screen


Field Code C
TIA Portal WinCC - Alarm system
Training document, V0.91P, TIA-WCCM


SIMATIC TIA Portal WinCC (machine-oriented)

1. Create an alarm log

Create the log
>> Project tree > HMI device > Historical data > Alarm logs tab
and click on an empty row in the table to generate a new log.
Log properties:

File in

Response on Runtime start

Logging should begin automatically
The log should continue to be written


2. Assign alarm log

Assign the System, Warnings and VentilationErrors alarm classes to the newly created log.
>> Project tree > HMI device > HMI alarms > Alarm classes
Assign the "History" alarm log to the alarm classes in the "Log" column or using the Inspector
3. Display alarm log
Configure an alarm view in the "MessageHistory" screen.
Open the screen and add an alarm view from the Toolbox task card.
Alarm view properties:
>> Inspector window > Properties + Properties tab > General
Select "History" as the log
Make sure that all corresponding alarm classes are selected in the "Alarm classes"
selector field.
>> Inspector window > Properties + Properties tab > Display

>> Inspector window > Properties + Properties tab > Layout

4. Configure the button for updating the log display

Insert a button in the "MessageHistory" screen.

Field Code C

Field Code C

TIA Portal WinCC - Alarm system

Training document, V0.91P, TIA-WCCM

SIMATIC TIA Portal WinCC (machine-oriented)

5. Test the configuration

Field Code C
TIA Portal WinCC - Alarm system
Training document, V0.91P, TIA-WCCM


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