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Becky Dawson

ICT unit 6

This learning aim is where I will explore two graphic
products such as posters and identify the different
textures, gradients, text, framing and the
composition of them. I will also explore the size and
resolution of the products in detail and describe how
the graphic products I have chosen are fit for
purpose and the intended affect on the audience and
the age and gender specifications if some are biased
to one or the other.

Vector graphics uses polygons to represent images within a
computer. They are based on vector, which then lead through
locations called control points or nodes. Common file formats
are; .cgm, .svg, .odg, .eps, .xml.

Bitmap can also be known as raster and it stores images as
series of tiny dots, which are called pixels. Each pixel is a tiny
square and given an individual colour to become, then arranged
into a pattern so that they form the image requested. For
example when you zoom in on a bitmap image you can see the
tiny pixels that make up the image. Common file formats are;
.bmp, .dib, jpeg, gif, tiff, .png.

What is the difference between Vector

and Bitmap graphics?
Vector Graphics
Vectors are made up of shapes
Individual objects can be edited
The file size is small as storing
the information about the
shapes uses less memory
The dont lose quality when
they are resized
The images arent very real
.svg is the native format that
the software can read

Bitmap Graphics
Bitmaps are made up of
different colours
Individual pixels can be edited
The file size is large as the
computer has to store details
about the individual pictures
They lose quality when they
are resized
The images are real
.bmp is the native format that
the software can read

The film was published in 29th June 2001 and directed by

Andrew Adamson, Vicky Jenson

The graphics various layers and images of vector have been
arranged so that the composition of the poster is the main
characters of the film and the fire is central to bring bright
and vibrant graphics forward to suit the films intended

The graphic has made this character lighter
on one side of his face to make sure the film
is realistic, from the light coming form the
fire. Done this by using a shadow effect as
the light source is being shown in this
graphic product.

The vector graphic has gradient within it to
create dimension in the graphic to ensure it is
high quality and realistic. By using darker
colour tones and shading

Text and Gradient

The graphic manipulated on the computer the
vector text to represent the character Shrek,
which makes the title stand out. The graphic
also has a gradient going from the colour white
to green, again bringing depth and dimension
into the film poster so it appears more

Colour and Textures

The detailed variation of different shades of
colours within the fire causes depth and layers
within the movie poster, so it appears to be
realistic for the intended audience.

The intended audience of this graphic product is clearly both genders and
an age range from family's and children 5-12 year old as the text is very
minimal, therefore it is fit for purpose as the intended audience of children
arent likely to care about the producers And directors. It is also clear from
the graphic product that the use of vibrant vector images are used as it is
eye catching to a young child, so that they watch the film. The interest
group for this graphic product is people who enjoy family time and light
hearted action films.
The intended affect on the audience is to encourage them to
watch the film obviously. The graphic product is trying to portray
to the audience the main characters, the graphics and uses of the
colourful vector images intends the audience to feel invigorated
by the film
The strengths of this poster is the gradients used in the graphic to
create dimension and a realistic 3D effect. Moreover another
strength is the manipulation of the title by using vector graphics, so
that it is appropriate for the film criteria. The weaknesses of this
poster however is the vector text at the top of the poster isnt clear
as the text is in the colour white, therefore the text is white on white
so it is harder to read for the audience as it blends in with the cloud
background. The first word has
clearly almost disappeared.

The file type of this image is JPEG and the resolution is close to
being high but still a medium resolution, as to become high
resolution the dots of the pixels must be a resolution of 200 or
over. However when a lower resolution the product uses clarity.
The size of the image is 1614 x 2389 meaning it is a fairly large

This film was produced in 2010 and directed by

James Wan
Texture and Gradient
The texture of the poster is manipulated at the eyes of the
boy on the poster. The gradient is edited to show clear
light source on the boys face. The boys face is lighter on
one side of his face than the other - by going from white to
the original skin colour of the boy. The boy is a bitmap
image so the graphic designer of this poster has added
texture to fit in with the vector layers surrounding it

The framing of the poster has been edited so that it is blackened

and darker. This causes the composition to stand out even more.

The layers of the vector images have been rearranged so that the
composition of the poster is the main character which is then further
obvious as the eyes have been manipulated on a computer to create texture.

The text is formed by using vector graphic and is edited and
has been manipulated on a computer to have texture to
accommodate the criteria of the film. As well as using white
so that it contrasts with the black shaded background to
ensure the title on the poster is eye catching to the intended

The important information

has been more attractive by
using a colour tool. This
makes the audience
immediately draw to those
words in turquoise. Using
these vectors and the
colour tool can ensure the
intended audience pay
attention to the
information given about the

The gradient on the red door
goes form dark colours to a
bright vibrant colour which then
causes the door on the movie
poster to stand out.

The intended audience of this graphic product is clearly from the graphics a 15 and above age
rating as the use of colour is dark and the textured scratches on the movie poster may even be
offensive to any ages below. Also after looking at the Shrek poster and seeing a lack of
information about the film, you can definitely tell that this poster is more mature in a sense as
the producers and information are included on the poster. This then means the intended
audience are likely to care about them, as if they were children they would only want the bright
colours and gradients on the film poster as they care less about the information of the film.
Meaning this movie poster is fit for purpose as the use of various textures and the dark framing
this immediately intends the reader to feel scared and interested to watch the film. The interest
group for this graphic product is for audience that enjoy frightening films. The dark colours may
suggest that this film favours the male gender more than the female gender, but you could
argue it is both genders
The intended affect on the audience is meant to give them a sense of confusion what the door
means as the use of a bright vector layer then stands out from the darker shaded vector images
on the poster making the audience more drawn to watch it. As well as the manipulated eyes
that have been textured to suit the film criteria which in turn intends the audience to feel
terrified and curious.

Their are various strengths to this poster, firstly the vector images are crisp and
the use of a bright colour in the composition of the poster, as well as the
contrasting colours of black and white to make the white title more vibrant. The
various gradients and textures improve the poster even more are they show
depth and realistic aspects. Lastly a strength for this poster is the use of
computer graphic manipulation to form texture on the eyes of the bitmap
character on the poster to inform the audience an insight into the film. However
there are certain weaknesses to this poster firstly has fairly small text which,
especially on my version of the image, is hard to read.
Another weakness is possibly the lack of colour as this poster is very easy to
dismiss when being advertised as the only eye catching aspect is the door which
is a very small vector graphic in comparison to the rest of the poster. Also the
poster only includes information about one of the characters instead of 1-3.
The file type of this image is JPEG and the resolution is close to being high but still a
medium resolution. However when a lower resolution the product uses clarity. The
size of the image is 301 x 445 meaning it is a fairly medium sized image.

Market Research
Images of smartphones

Smartphone features
Volume button
Silent button
Touch screen
Sim slot
Home button
Camera front/back
Charging connector
Power button
Headphone and aux

Hand Drawn Designs

Hand Drawn Designs

Hand Drawn Designs

My first smartphone prototype

Strengths for this smartphone design are firstly, the easy storage aspect of it
being like a females compact mirror, it instantly accommodates them and
entitles an audience for the sale product. The intended audience for my
phone is the young generation (11-21year olds) as the modern design of a
compact represents many of their everyday essentials. Additionally the
mirrored screen makes it multi purpose and the easy grip edges allow the
individual to ensure a safe handling to the smartphone. Furthermore the
notifications are immediately shown when you open up the phone
Weaknesses for this smartphone design start with the fact its not modernised
and is very old fashioned, therefore may not attract the most popular
audience which is the teenage generation. Moreover an additional weakness
is that the screen is quite small to view as you can only choose one screen to
see what you want to view on the smartphone. Lastly the phone may be
viewed as very child-like therefore it may not attract the older generation, as
it lacks a sense of maturity.

My second smartphone prototype

There are multiple strengths to this smartphone design such as the
aspects of it being compatible to a good quality camera, meaning it
allows great pictures to be taken which is very popular in the modern
day. In addition, it also has rounded edges, which gives a modernised
and young feel, which accommodates my intended audience
(11-21year olds.) As well as the surface area being less than a square
shaped phone, so if the smartphone was to drop the damage would
not be as big. Finally another strength to this design is the professional
flash that rises when requested to bring even a dark room to life.
However there are also a few weaknesses, such as the phones shape
has no grip so can be fatal to fall out of their hand. Furthermore the
phone itself is quit bulky and thick which can cause difficulty to able to
potentially store the phone.

My third and final smartphone prototype

Strengths for this smartphone sketch and design would firstly be the fact it
has a 28mm equivalent camera lens which can take great pictures with an
additional benefit pf a flash installed to improve the pictures taken. Also
adding to that the indents within the actual phone structure ensure steady
and secure grip. Furthermore the shape of the smartphone is very unique and
differs to other typical phones making it more attracting to the public, as the
modern aspect gives the young generation audience pleased as the aim is the
ages between 11-21 year olds. This smartphone design will also be made by
fireworks using vector graphics as it is based around shapes other than the
display image.
Unfortunately there are also a couple weaknesses to this smartphone design.
A technical issue may be that if the client wants to access their sim card point
easily, there is nowhere to access it however this can easily be improved in
the design. Moreover the smartphone is not that compact therefore may be
more challenging for the client to store.

Justification of my choice
I chose my second smartphone design as it is inspired by the modern IOS, which in
turn merges and attracts my intended audience attention. It is also very functional as
it has rounded edges, therefore the phone will have less damage when the phone is
dropped compared to a square phone as the rounded edges will protect the
majority of the phone from and damage inflicted. The shape is unique and has many
functions to the phone. It has all the requirements a smartphone needs such as; a
touch screen, apps, sim card slot, volume buttons, power button, aux access point,
mute button, speakers, camera, microphone and flash. I believe it meets the needs of
the audience as my intended audience is ages between 11-21 years old, therefore the
rounded modern aesthetic encourages my intended audience to buy my IBERRY
smartphone. Also the built in speakers and high quality camera and flash is very
appropriate for my intended audience generation, as media is regularly used by them.
Photos and songs may be shared easily from the IOS apps available on the phone;
Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter etc. Other alternative idea have been
discarded, such as my first and third prototype design as the first one was too complex
and unattractive. Then my third prototype was too similar to previous phone designs,
and as I wanted a unique design for my smartphone the third prototype was not
acceptable for those needs.

I have chosen to
develop my second
smartphone sketch as I
believe it is the most
practical. I have started
to design my phone by
opening up fireworks,
and modifying my
canvas size to W:775
and H:633. I made an
immediate start by
using the shape tool
then selecting the
ellipse tool with will
then ensure I can make
an oval shape, that it
needed for my phone

To make the phone

template more
realistic I then used
the same shape
tool to add details
to the smartphone
design, such as;
volume buttons,
sim card access,
power button,
charging point,
aux point,
flash and finally a
mute button.

For these I
did not use
the ellipse
tool instead
from the
shape tool I
shaped from
the rounded

For this particular shape I firstly used the rounded

rectangle tool then used the freeform tool on
adobe fireworks to form a unique shape, that
represents the sim card access point.

In order to make my
phone more 3D I chose
to add depth by adding
a screen on the front of
the phone. Therefore I
started by using the
shape tool again and
forming a slightly
smaller oval with the
ellipse tool so that the
designed screen of the
phone coincides with
the shape of the
smartphone. At this
stage I referred to the
brief and made sure all
my vector lines joined
and were equally
spaced to ensure a
sufficient graphic

To ensure the phone is

completely 3D I then
included inspired app design
that would occur on an
actual smart phone I used a
variety of different shape
tools. I also need to use the
vector line tool to create
more detailed apps. To make
sure all the apps were the
same sized cubes I used the
vector shape tool then chose
to use the rounded rectangle
tool and once I was pleased
with the size I copied the
rectangle I originally had and
pasted it 21 times to form
enough apps for each design.
This is my final line design.
This product I have referred
to the brief and made one
vector graphic product.

More in depth description of the apps

that I designs using vector tools
To make this map app I
used the vector line tool
to form different
directions of lines to give
the illusion of a zoomed
in map, I also used the
vector freeform tool to
create a curve to bring
depth to the app design.

This app was designed by

using various vector tools
such as the ellipse tool to
form the small circles
surrounding the circle I also
made with the ellipse tool in
the middle. Then I also used
the rectangle tool to form
the 4 squares that surround
the composition of the app.
Finally I used the line tool to
form the two lines crossing in
the circle in the middle of the

For this app design I used the vector shape

tool, then selected the ellipse tool.
To insure I was able to make the speech
bubble have a point at the bottom I used a
vector tool called the freeform tool.

For this app I simple used

the vector shape tool to
form the rectangle and
designed them in different
sizes to ensure the
different boxes for the
travel app are obvious.

IOS inspired me
for these apps.

After i had finished my line

drawing i decided to add
dimention to the graphic
design by including colour into
the design. To do this i used
the the colours section in the
tool bar and then used the
paint bucket tool and
selected the main phone
casing and changed the colour
to a rose gold by using shade
#FFCC99 then i kept the
screen with the apps white so
that they could stand out.

I then changed the shade

to colour the speaker,
charging point and power
button as well as the
volume button, mute
button and sim card access
point, to bring depth to the
design i changed these to
the shade in the colour
chart #FF7373.
For the camera and microhpone i used the same shade which was #000000 and
then i used a different shade for the flash so that the difference between the vector
shapes were ovious what they were, i used the shade #FFFF26.

I then further inforced colour into

the phone by induvidually adding
colour to each app on my
smartphone design. I used
various tools such as the bitmap
blur tool and the paint bucket
tool which i used previously to
colour my phone designs layout.
For this product I referred to the
brief and made a bitmap graphic
product. I considered that the
colours of my phone would
favour my target audience as they
are 11-21 year olds, and they will
have interests such as going out
and seeing friends and I feel like
the colour of this phone is more
towards the female perspective,
however I could improve this
narrow range to allow more
custom by changing my
smartphone to have more colour
variety. This product is fit for
purpose as it includes all the
essential parts to a smartphone
and the graphics has been made
using the software adobe

I then added a logo to give

my phone a unique phone
from the public original
phone design. I used
adobe fireworks and then
I used the paint tool to
trace the image; such as
the leaves and the detail.
Then I used the shape tool
and selected the ellipse
tool to create the small
detail which are the
berries. I chose to make
the logo a vibrant colour
so that it is eye catching
when people see the
phone advertised as the
original smartphone
colour is quite
unnoticeable and bland. I
then grouped the design
and copy and pasted it
onto my smartphone.

More in depth description of the coloured apps that i

designed using coloured tool
To bring colour to this app I used
different shades of blue to make it
apparent it is a weather app. I used
the bitmap brush tool to do this, then
used the bitmap blur tool to create
an ombre effect. Which in turn brings
depth to the smatphone desgin.

IOS inspired me
for these apps.

To make the rectanlges more

obvious i used different colours
from the paint bucket tool. this
then ensured the rectangles
were seperated and clearly
seperate from eachother to
represent the travel app.

For this app design I used the

paint bucket tool to make the
composition of the app turn into a
blue to represent the internet. I
then used the paint bucket tool
to form contrast and ensure the
compass parts stand out, therfore
I used the shade red and white

Ready made original graphic assets

As referring to the brief that
I have to produce evident of
digital files of ready-made
and original graphics assets.
therefore I am going to
clarify that both of these
were made by me and saved
on a digital file named parts
of my phone as I made
these before I made my
phone designs on adobe
fireworks therefore I saved
them in a digital file so that
they were ready to be
pasted onto the phone and
annotated in this
PowerPoint. This is the same
for all of my assets they are
all saved on a separate file.

Edited assets
I have edited these assets from inspiration of the IOS apps.

Prepared high quality assets for my adverts

I prepared my advert
assets by considering
what sort of images
would attract my
intended audience. After
browsing the internet I
came across an
appropriate image for
my web banner advert.
The city attracts my
intended audience of
11-21 year olds as the
bright feel of a city is a
very modernised aspect.
I also believe my phone
design would look good
as it will become
contrast to the
background, as the
background is fairly
dark. Whereas my
phone is rather vibrant
in colour shade so this
image choice will stand
out to the audience on a
web page banner. i have
now saved this image in

I then prepared my asset for my second advert which accommodates my intended audience as the
vibrant blues that are the composition of the whole image will immediately draw the 11-21 year
old in, which in turn will help advertise my phone which is the main quality. I believe the bitmap
image and various shades within it ensure that my brightly coloured theme of the phone coincides
with the advert theme, therefore they are almost colour coordinated which can come across to the
audience as very aesthetically pleasing.

My Advert
I decided to test my
product by making a web
banner as my first advert
by using my prepared
asset of the picture of
the city. To do this I firstly
decided to open up
adobe fireworks to make
the advert on i made the
canvas size W:3000 and
H:800. i then copied an
image from the internet
of new york city as i
thought it would fit best
with my smartphones
appearance and design.

Firstly i copied my
front view of my
phone design to
make it easier to just
paste it onto my
advert. I then rotated
it to make it fit better
with the canvas size on adobe fireworks.

I then pasted my
phone design
into the adverts
canvas. It then
appeared on the
canvas too small
in size therefore i
right clicked on
my smartphone
graphic and
hovered over
transform then
clicked scale
which allowed
me to make the
phone bigger.

This advert is appropriate

size as it is suitable for a
web banner and high

Once I had scaled the

phone design to a more
accurate size, I then had
to rotate my smartphone
design to allow it to fit in
the advert canvas. I did
this by using the same
transform and scale
program to tilt the
graphic to fit the canvas.
I then added a catchy
slogan including the
brand name of my phone
IBERRY which the text
tool in adobe fireworks.

The resolution fairly low but this

may be beneficial as the file
loading on a website will be
quicker as it is not 200 or more
resolution which would become
a high resolution

Web banner

To then test my
advert I searched and
print screened the
website and then
replaced the original
products advert with
my smartphone

My advert is fit for

purpose on the webpage
of amazon as it is fairly
small, therefore will not
take up as much file
space and will load
quickly, as the download
time will be the same as
it normally is as the
image isnt as high quality
as my magazine advert.
As using too high a
resolution will cause
download delays.
My advert is appropriate for my intended audience as the city
image behind is attracting to the younger generation of 11-21 year
olds as they see all the typical films and movies that involve
amazing bright adventurous cities. I have now annotated this
advert to prove i have carried out the appropriate test to come to a
conclusion whether my graphic product is acceptable or not.

The number of pixels

per inch is referred to as
the resolution.

Feedback on my advert
I gathered feedback from other learners on the suitability of my product,
whether it met the target audience and purpose. Firstly I asked Dichha
what she thought of my advert and she stated that an improvement would
be to make the resolution of the image higher as its not the best quality.
As the purpose is to advertise the phone, therefore a drawback of my
advert would be that the main focus of the graphic product (the phone)
isn't as high quality as it could be. However Dichha also said she thinks
the strengths of my advert is the contrast in colour as the vibrant phone
stands out and is eye catching from the dark background, which is the
image of the city.
I secondly asked Megan and she said she admired the dark colours and she
believed it accommodates my audience efficiently. Moreover she also
thinks an improvement to the advert would be to add a http link or a web
address for the customer to visit for more information, as the purpose for
my advert is to encourage people to buy the phone therefore they would
need somewhere to gain more knowledge about the phone and its

Making necessary improvements

As Dichhas suggestion of improvement is included in the brief I made sure I developed it and made
sure my graphics product was high quality. I also listened to Megan feedback for improvement as I
realised it is basically useless advertising a phone and giving no contact details, as a customer could
be interested but wouldn't know where to go! I done this by opening up fireworks and deleting the
previous background image and replacing it with a high quality picture but still a image that loads
quickly. I also changed the font of the phrase to a bolder font of Aharoni. I also used the same
font to include Megan's improvement of adding the contact information.

Choose Modern

Visit for more information


Evidence of refinement


My improved design after listening to feedback has the same resolution and size as my initial design as I improved the image quality and
the image still has the same resolution and canvas size as I thought it was sufficient for a web banner as a lower resolution means faster
loading time.

Refined assets table

Due to me editing my web banner advert to accommodate the feedback I then had to use a
different image so now I needed to update the assets table to ensure this image is in

Advert 2
I used the same tools and
program (adobe fireworks) to
make advert 2 as I did to make
my previous advert, however I
changed the canvas size to W:
695 and H: 425. I then pasted a
different background image
than my last advert. Next I
copied my phone from my
original iPhone template.png
document and pasted it onto
the background. I then used the
text tool to add a clique phrase
to attract people to buy the

The resolution is fairly low

as the amount of pixels per
dot is only 72, when high
resolution requires 200
pixels per dot or over.

The size of the image is

suitable as it will be
appropriate for a

I then tested out my second

advert by copying it onto a
image of a magazine, to then
test if it was suitable for
promotion aka
advertisement. Then I had to
open up adobe fireworks as
the image I chose has a
slight page turn so I had to
delete the back ground of it
to ensure, after referring to
the brief that my images
were cropped appropriately
and accurately meaning
making sure background
images that were not part of
my graphic product were
removed. I then copied my
edited and correct version of
the page that I made in
fireworks onto this


Therefor after I had

done that I was able
to fit the edited
firework image onto
my promotion
magazine with my
advert copied and
pasted on it. I then
obviously had to
resize it using the text
wrapping on
PowerPoint titled
tight. I then used the
remove background
tool to remove the
background from the
fireworks edited
picture of the page

My advert is fit for purpose as it is high

quality therefore is very clarified and
clear and is suitable for this magazine as
my intended audience will be drawn by
the holiday and the bright blue sky and
water that they will want to look further
into my phone. I looked for a magazine
that would suit my advert design and
that my intended audience would read.
The images printed should be 300dpi or
higher. Once referring to the brief I
believe my advert meets the original
requirements, as I have included a
bitmap image as well as design of a
vector image of my phone. I have tested
this products for quality, and whether it
is suitable for the intended audience.
Which I believe it is as there are bright
colours which would immediately attract
my audience with the drawing holiday
aspect, my advert also stands out from
the rest of the magazine causing more
efficiency and accuracy of my graphic
product. Lastly these annotations now
show that I have checked how
acceptable my adverts are as I have
carried out appropriate tests by using a
magazine to clarify if my advert works on
this object in everyday use of the public.

Personally I believe a necessary improvement of this

graphic product should be that I include a http
address to allow anyone who is interested in the
phone to contact the webpage about it or to find
out more information, because at the moment the
audience have no idea on how to find out more

Feedback on my advert
I gathered feedback on my second advert from other learners on the suitability of my
product, whether it met the target audience or not. Firstly I asked Anthony and he said
that the vibrant colours are very eye catching which is an obvious strengths to the
graphic product, as it also attracts my intended audience of 11-21 year olds. Although
he did say that one of my weaknesses was similar to my first advert with the concept of
no contact information for the customer to be able to visit! This would mean that the
purpose of my product would be overruled as the customers wouldn't be able to gather
any information about my phone.
Then for a more varied opinion I asked Rachel and she stated that my second advert is
higher quality than my first and again is very vibrant and accommodates my intended
audience well as the young generation I am aiming my product at appreciate holidays
and this will immediately catch their eye by using a image suitable. Moreover Rachel did
mention a weakness in my advert, which wasn't a drastic mistake, she said I should bold
the text of the quote so it stands out more! As this then accommodates the purpose of
my advert as it will be more eye catching to promote.

Necessary improvements made

I decided that Rachel and Anthony's viewpoint encouraged me to also add contact information
on my second advert as well as my first. Also I do now realise after Rachel's point that to
make the phrase more eye-catching against the vibrant background picture possibly just
use the bold tool on adobe fireworks after selecting the text tool, to then make the phrase
my eye catching to allow easy reading for my intended audience.

Evidence of refinement


My improved version is still the same resolution and size as my

initial design, as I think they were appropriate and suitable in the
testing as they are still high quality even with a low resolution.

Assets table

Testing my product further

I have also further tested my product for efficiency by copying an image from the internet of a empty
smartphone box, I then placed my phone and my user guide in this box to test if my graphic product is
sufficient for my intended audience and its purpose of selling the product

My user guide folds up therefore

this would be the front cover in the
phone box and will be the first
thing seen under the phone.

Updated assets table

After testing my product in a smartphone packaging box, I then obviously had to add the image I
used of the phone packaging to my assets table.

User Guide
I used Microsoft
publisher to form
my user guide. To
start with I turned
the orientation of
my page to
landscape, then I
used my mouse
to measure how
much cm I would
divide the section
into three parts
which was 8.5cm
worth of space
between each

I then started to type my own

user guide and information
for my phone.

Then I realised that I could copy and paste from the source mentioned in my
assets table, therefore the rest of the user guide on this page was from the
webpage about an android smartphone. Apart form certain aspects.

Then to make sure my user guide was

booklet I had to repeat the same
structure for the divides then I used the
same webpage to copy further
information for my IBERRY

I then will print out both pages and stick them back to back with glue stick and then
fold them at the dividing lines to form my user guide.

Improvements to my User Guide

I now realise after referring to the brief that the
User Guide requirements are supposed to
include line drawing not a colour version
therefore i just opened up publisher again and
erased the coloured versions and replaced
them with the line drawings, so that it
accommodated the brief for this unit.

Refined User Guide

To make these changes I opened
the saved file of my phones line
drawings and copy and pasted them
in the same format as the previous
colour versions as replacements. I
then clicked on file and print
preview so I was able to Print Scrn
it to show evidence of refinement
on this PowerPoint.

I believe my user guide is fit for

purpose as it involved a relative asset
of information about a Smartphone
to explain the functions of the phone
well. I additionally to consideration in
my intended audience preference
when making this user guide as
including bold headings to break up
the text into more readable chunks
for ages 11-21.

Updated assets list

I then realised after I made my user guide that I had to edit and
update my assets table to ensure I added the text I copied from the
internet, that I used to involve information into my user guide.

All my graphics products match up as they have similar aesthetics which is
the modern aspect to aim my phone promotion to my intended audience.
Both my adverts match in the way that they are both luxury, bright and
attracting places which in turn clarifies why I chose them as my intended
audience are of the younger generation. The quality and resolution of
both my advert images are very high, as well as my actual phone
prototypes and final design. I made sure to take time on my phone design
as it would be the composition of my adverts, so it was crucial to make
them as accurate as possible.
The images that were copyrighted have been notified in my assets table and I
did not need permission from them as they are free of charge and to copy
and paste from the internet as the webpage has enabled them to be a
result when public are browsing the internet. However I am aware of the
legislation of copyright, designs and patents act 1988 copyright protects
peoples original data such as networks, music, code, books, images ect.
Therefore i knew it was important to recognise the laws of these concepts
and to clarify they were free to use.

Strengths and weaknesses 1

The strengths of my first line
drawing graphic product of
my phone is the accuracy of
the lines spacing and the
detailed app drawing. I
believe it is a strength in the
graphic that all the apps were
formed personally on adobe
fireworks. However if I was to
improve this graphic product
again, the one weakness I
could come across with this
graphic product of my line
drawing phone design is that
I did not use much
imagination and used IOS
apps as an inspiration to
form them again but using
my own tools from the adobe
fireworks program. I could
have been creative with my
designs. I made no initial
design with this product this
was my original product.

Strengths and weakness 2

The strengths of my graphic 3d colour version
product would be the definition in the
apps, although if I was to design this
graphic product again, a weakness to
the apps would be the accuracy of the
lining as I should of maybe used a
smaller brush size when using the brush
tool. Moreover I could have suited a
wider range of audience by offering a
range of colours for my phone instead of
just peach. However another strengths
is how my graphic product suits my
intended audience sufficiently as it is
bright and modern as the rounded
edges create that 20th century
individuality. I also believe a strength of
this design is my imaginative view on
the phone as I did not make a normal
shaped square or rectangle phone I
shaped my personal graphics product
into an oval, to ensure mine had a
certain sense uniqueness and it was
appropriate for my audience. My
product is sufficient in size as it is
designed to scale and is saved in a high
resolution. My initial design was also
accurate as it was the line drawn version
which I used as a template for this

Strengths and weaknesses 3

The strengths of this graphic product is the
contrasting colours as it ensures that
once tested on a webpage as a web
banner, my phone stands out
dramatically from the dark bitmap
image I used for my advert. I have also
made various improvements such as
making the picture a better quality as
my previous one was very low,
therefore my advert now stands out
even more vibrantly. I also have made
sure my advert will appeal to my
intended audience by using the famous
city picture as recently that has been
the popular desired types of places to
visit. If I was to make this graphic
product again - one drawback and
weakness of this graphics product
however is the fact that because of the
canvas size my phone isn't in as high
quality as it is in the original file, as i
had to scale and distort it to allow it
to become blended into the
advertisement web banner. My product
is high quality as I made sure the
images I used were high resolution. The
initial design was admit ably less
sufficient as I did not include
information which I then improved in
this final product design

Strengths and weakness 4

The strengths of my final graphic product is
the attracting and scenic bitmap image
behind the copy of my phone design.
By using this picture I considered how
it would effect my intended audience
as the vibrant colours blend with my
brightly coloured phone. I also think
another strength is that I refined my
advert and listened to the feedback I
was given, by adding an information
link and increasing the boldness of the
slogans font. Also another strength
between the two advert is that they
are almost completely opposite as one
is dark, which makes the colour of my
phone pop! Whereas this graphic
product of my second advert which
was tested on the magazine for
functionality is very consistent with my
phone which makes it blend with the
attracting bitmap image behind, for
my intended audience. Moreover If I
was to make this graphics product
again a weakness to this advert would
be that I could have copied the image
behind onto the phone screen and
used the blur filter on adobe fireworks
to blur the background to ensure the
phone stood out more. My initial
design wasnt as high quality as my
final as I used a very low resolution
image to advertise my product, I then
improved this from receiving feedback
and performing the feedback onto my

All my products reviewed

Did the process I used to create the
product go well?



The process I used went well

What would I do differently if I

were to repeat the project?

If not, what could I have done


I would possibly spend more time on

the apps in the colour version and I
would improve my advert to include
more information, also my product
packaging wasnt as accurate as it could
have been as I did not edit the
background away
The line drawing and the adverts are
sufficient, however I could have
improved my apps in the coloured
version to ensure a better quality
I could have been more accurate with
the apps and product packaging

Are the products in the best state

for use by the intended audience?

All my products fit my intended


Could I have done anything

differently to improve the way they
are used?
Do the products meet the original
guidelines as established at the

I could have included it into a leaflet

and poster etc.

The justification for this is that adobe

fireworks made my product high
resolution and had a wide range of
tools on the programme to allow all my
products to fit my intended audience
Justification for this is my coloured apps
arent as detailed as my line drawn ones
as I used the bucket tool to colour them
instead of a precise brush, also I could
have included the price and deals on
the phone instead of only the contact
The apps were lower quality than the
line drawn version as I used a bucket
tool in adobe fireworks instead of a
detailed and precise brush tool
I could have used a better image for my
product packaging and fit the phone
better as well as be more precise with
the tools for the coloured apps
My apps are inspired by the popular IOS
which is attracting to my audience. The
design of my phone is modern and
colourful to fir the 11-21 year olds. Both
my advert are a wide range as one is
dark and modern but one is light and
modern, therefore fit my audience
I only included it by testing a web
banner and magazine

Are these products the best quality

I could have produced?

Yes they do

I have design as user guide containing

line drawing of my phone, and created

Are the products in the best state

for use by the intended audience?

All my products fit my intended


My apps are inspired by the popular IOS

which is attracting to my audience. The
design of my phone is modern and
colourful to fir the 11-21 year olds. Both
my advert are a wide range as one is
dark and modern but one is light and
modern, therefore fit my audience
I only included it by testing a web
banner and magazine

Carried on

Could I have done anything

differently to improve the way they
are used?
Do the products meet the original
guidelines as established at the
start of the project?

I could have included it into a leaflet

and poster etc.

What, if anything, has been


I dont think anything has been missed

Do the products meet best practice


I have practiced them on three different

practice methods

What are the strengths of the


They are colourful and are fit for


What are the weaknesses of the


The weaknesses out of all my products

would have to be the packaging for the

What can be done to improve the


I could make sure earlier that I have

done everything needed for the unit

Yes they do

I have design as user guide containing

line drawing of my phone, and created
an advert containing images of my
smartphone design and compressed it
appropriately for viewing on the screen,
as it says in the brief
I have referred to the brief consistently
to make sure I have not missed
anything, however I may have missed
something that was not mentioned on
the brief
I feel like my advert meet the best
practice method as they are high
resolution and fit my intended audience
and purpose, however my products
books may not be as good as it is less
The colour suits my intended audience
therefore are the strengths of all my
The packaging testing for the product
isnt as accurate and high quality as it
could be but I ran out of time on the
assignment to make further
I only realised near the date we had to
hand it in that I had to included package
testing therefore I could not take much
time on it.

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