Edel 330 Final

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EDEL 330

Chapter 4:
Pedagogical Content Knowledge:
- knowledge for teaching
- know their subject matter and how to teach
Effective Teaching Behaviours
- good rapport
- flexible
- knew his subject area
- challenged students
- made students think
- had facts and figures
Indoctrination: all teacher students stay quiet and obey
- suggests everything in science is a fact and that students
should just memorize facts (absolutism)
Abandonment: all student and the teacher stays quiet
- suggest that everything in science is just opinions and students
can believe whatever they want (relativism)
Indoctrination teaching abandonment
Cohesion: water sticks to itself or the water molecules stick to each
According to Feynman:
- Guess
- Compute
- Compare
Soapy water: a long smooth stream and a shorter rough stream
Plain water: a shorter smooth stream and a longer rough stream
Laminar Flow:
- water flows out of the tap in layers
- fall in parallel paths
- slow stream that travels across flat land has a smooth glassy
Turbulent Flow
- as it falls it starts to speed up and bump into air molecules
- disrupts smooth downward flow

- water begins to stick to itself

- fast stream that rushes downhill has a rough splashy surface
Scientific Inquiry
- gathering evidence
- developing explanations
- integrating current scientific knowledge
Technological Problem-Solving: a strategy for teaching in a technology
- Anything in the human-made world that meets a human want or
- Designing and making
- Four phases
o Identifying a design problem
o Developing a design plan
o Implementing the design plan
o Evaluatin the design or product
Three kinds of Design Drawings
- initial sketches
- refining and elaborating drawings
- final presentation drawing

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