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What is it?
 Arising from French “Trier”-“to sort”

 Process first described

 Baron Dominique Jean-Larrey

 Surgeon to Napoleon
 Developed Ambulance volante
 No evidence he used the word
Triage in Australia
 Triage in Australia

 National Triage Scale

 5 groups
 immediate
 10 mins
 30 mins
 1 hour
 2 hour
 ‘This patient should wait for medical care no longer than…”

 Australasian Triage Scale (ATS)

 “This patient should wait for medical assessment and treatment no longer than…”
 ATS1 immediate (red)
 ATS 2 10 mins (yellow)
 ATS 3 30 mins(green)
 ATS 4 60 mins(blue)
 ATS 5 120 mins (white)
Australian Triage
 Australian Triage Scale

 Casemix measure

 Outcome Measures
 Inpatient LOS
 ICU admission
 Mortality Rates

 Resource Consumption
 Staff times
 Cost

 Clinical Indicator
Australian Triage
 General Principals

 Delivered large amounts of injured but salvageable cases compared to treating

by rank
 ‘doing the greatest good for greatest number’

 urgency vs severity vs prognosis

 dynamic
 depends on patient’s status and resource availability

 efficient
 done once

 done early

 review as necessary
Australian Triage
 Triage Assessment

 2-5 mins

 Combines
 Presenting problem
 Appearance
 +/- vital signs

 Vitals done if
 Required to estimate urgency
 Time permits

 ATS 1 and 2 taken to appropriate assessment and treatment area

Australian Triage
 Re-triage

 Change in patient’s condition whilst waiting for treatment

 If relevant information becomes available

 Initial and subsequent triage recorded with reason for

change documented

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