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Japanese Culture

Liezel, Alberto, Abdullatef and



Country in East Asia, over 6,800 islands.

Ruled by ancient emperors until 1868.
End long period of isolation entire 17th century.
Today, a major country and part of G7.
Fourth largest economy, Highest life expectancy.
Business and trade hub.

5 Dimensions of Culture
Power Distance Hierarchical consciousness (slow decisions).
Individualism: Family values, but relatively individual.
Masculinity: Very competitive but mostly in groups.
Uncertainty Avoidance: Disaster preparation and many rituals (Slow change).
Long-Term Orientation: Long term oriented society (Prefer steady growth).

Dress Attire in Business

Stay conservative and simple!

No casual on business settings.
Left over right for kimonos
Women should not tower over men- wear short heels!

Conducting Yourself in a Business Meeting


15 bow is casual
30 bow shows respectful welcome
45 bow communicates apology or appreciation
Knowledge of Language
Phrases are helpful

Body Language

Be careful with hands

No pointing
Interchange items
Be aware of the situation

Gift Giving

Careful in what you give!

Shown as appreciation for hospitality.
Usually offered at the end at the year or on other festivals.
Wrapping is as important as giving!

How to use


Time structure:

Working between 12-14 hours

One day holiday
14 days for vacation a year

Decision Making Traditions

Very conservative Less flexibility or spontaneity

Group thinking is essential!

Emotional Decision model

Senior employees have the biggest say.

Collective decision model All departments agree

Attitude towards authority


Attitude towards Conflict Resolution

Conflict: Prevent, Prevent, Prevent

Harmony among workers
Dedication to a company
Obliging Conflict Management Style

Gender Roles

Men work outside of home. Women stay inside.

Yamato Nadeshiko- the ideal woman.
Discrimination towards women in the workplace.
Guys are expected to be more well-rounded.


Taplin, Ruth. Decision-making and Japan: A Study of Corporate Japanese

Decision-making and Its Relevance to Western Companies. Sandgate,
Folkestone, Kent: Japan Library, 1995. Print.
Finn, Wendy. "Culture of Japanese Business Practices in the Western
World."Bright Hub. Bright Hub, 24 May 2011. Web. 01 Apr. 2016.

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