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Coalition for Horse Racing Integrity.

"'Coalition For Horse Racing Integrity' Formed To

Advocate For Uniform Drug Testing And Enforcement." Coalition For Horse Racing
Integrity Formed To Advocate For Uniform Drug Testing And Enforcement. UBM Plc,
29 May 2015. Web. 21 May 2016.
The Coalition for Horse Racing Integrity is a national, uniform standard for drugs and
medication in Thoroughbred racing. In this article, the reader is informed that more
regulations are being put into place to bring more rights and safety to thoroughbred
horses. There are not many specifics, which couldve made the argument stronger.
Gustafson, Sid. "A Solution to Horse Racings Medication Problems." The New York Times.
The New York Times, 06 June 2014. Web. 21 May 2016.
Sid Gustafson is a veterinarian and novelist, offers one solution to the excessive drugging
issues in the horseracing industry. He suggests on track pharmacies that have more
medical experience to treat injured horses, and by doing this, the number of horse deaths
could go down. His solution seems like a positive step in the right direction, but it does
not solve the problem directly. It instead suggests a compromise, rather than an actual
solution to the problem.
Smith, RaeLeann. "Advocacy for Animals." Advocacy for Animals Horse Racing Stop It or At
Least Reform It Comments. Encyclopdia Britannica, Inc., 2 June 2008. Web. 20 May
RaeLeann Smith is an animal rights activist and she offers many varying solutions to
solve the abuse going on in the horse racing industry. Although her explanations are
brief, they give the reader ideas about where to look next. She offers a range of solution
from banning whips to delaying training until a horses legs are developed. She backs up

her explanations with statistics and long term benefits, and it is clear she has done
research on the subject.

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