Ades - Catch (QT)

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Classical Scores Library ‘http: //shmu alexander edu/papyrus/print/dorp/7 46. ‘THOMASADES. THOMAS ADES Catch ‘for clarinet, violin, cello and piano PIANO SCORE AND PARTS rancie ff wesic | of 49 2/6/2010 1:58 PM Classical Scores Library ‘http: //shmu alexander edu/papyrus/print/dorp/7 46. THOMAS ADES Catch for darinet, violin, cello and piano Op4 (1991) PIANO SCORE AND PARTS FABER ff Music > of 49 2/6/2010 1:58 PM Classical Scores Library ‘itp: //shmu alexander street. com ltbproxy use. edu/papyrus/print/dorp/7 46, (© 2002 by Faber Music Lad First published in 2002 by Faber Music Lea Bloomsbury House 74-77 Great Russell Street London WCIB 3A, Music processed by Donald Sheppard Cover design by 8 8M Tucker Cover drawing Cid de a Rutina (1981) by Maximino Javior © Ants de México used by kind permission Printed in England by Caligraving Lad All rights reserved ISBNIO: 0-571-51897-4 BANI3: 97840-571-51897-5 Permission t perform this work in public must be obtained from the Society duly controlling performing rights unless there isa current licence for public performance from the Society in force in rlation tothe premises at which th mance isto take place. ich permission must be obtained i Performing Right Society Le, 29-33 Berners Sucet, London WIP 4A Catch was fese performed by Lynsey Marsh (clarinet), Anthony Marwood (violin), Louise Hopkins (cello) and Thomas Adts (piano) at Se Georye’s, Brandon Till, Bris], on 25 November 1993 Duration: 9 minutes Catch seconded by Lynsey Marsh, Anthony Marwood, Louise Hopkins and Thomas Ads on EMI Classics Li Story CD 5 6699 2 “To bury Fabor Musi publications or to find on about the fall range of ies avaiable please contact your lol music realer or Faber Music sles enquiries: Faber Music Limited, Burne Mil, Elizabeth Way, Harlow CM20 211X England “Te: +44 (0)1279 82 89 82 Fase +44 (0)1279 82 89 83 sales@fabermusiccom 3 of 49 2/6/2010 1:58 PM Classical Scores Library ‘itp: //shmu alexander street. com ltbproxy use. edu/papyrus/print/dorp/7 46, STAGING Clarinet Violin Cello PERFORMANCE NOTE ‘The chrinettist enters from off-stage three times during the course of the pie cach ideally from a different place. © The fist entrance begins at bar 91. Start playing the note, then enter the hall, walking quickly towards the wio. At around bar 98 walk between the piano and n-w chem, but continuing co walk uni strings, slowing down slightly in react clear ofthe trio, retuming to a fister pace, and exit by bar 106, @® The second entrance (bar 143) should be froma diferent place to the fist and ideally alo different from the previous place of exit. Walk slowly as if unnconcemed by the trio, but stil getting closer t it and, i possible, wall around the io, From bar 165 seem to be moving aay th the clarinet stand at che centre ofthe tri, sanding be At bar 211 start walking again and move at wil, eventually off the stage, and continue to move further and further away. By bar 234 be out of the ball ad by the end of bar 240 out of earshot. ‘change direction and go to ind it from bar 176, © Play bars 265 to 272 of sage i posible varying the location, From bar 274 move inside the hall but as far as possible out of sight of the audience until bar 301 Between bars 301 and 310 move as faraway from the trio as possible within the hall. From bar 311 begin to walk towards the tio. Be on-stage by bar 330, and if possible, encircle the trio before moving to the seat. 4 of 49 2/6/2010 1:58 PM Classical Scores Library ‘Http: //shmu alexander street. com ltbpraxy use. edu/papyrus/print/ dor} Catch ‘Thomas Ades Very fast (P= 252-270, J = 126-135, J. = 84-90) COff-stage, out of sight) Violin Cello Very fast (P= 252-270, J = 126-135, 4. = 84-90) (© 2002 by Faber Musi Lt, London ‘This musics copyright. Photocopying isla 6 of 49 2/6/2010 1:58 PM Classical Scores Library ‘bttp://shmu alexander street. com lsbproxy.usc. edu/papyrus/print/ dor 8, is SS pie 8 7 of 49 2/6/2010 1:58 PM Classical Scores Library ‘itp: //shmu alexander street. com ltbproxy use. edu/papyrus/print/dorp/7 46, 8 of 49 2/6/2010 1:58 PM Classical Scores Library ‘itp: //shmu alexander street. com ltbproxy use. edu/papyrus/print/dorp/7 46, 0 of 49 2/6/2010 1:58 PM Classical Scores Library ‘itp: //shmu alexander street. com ltbproxy use. edu/papyrus/print/dorp/7 46, = “offcage dynamics in brackets: sounding lve; ofsage dynamics outside brackets: playing evel 10 of 49 2/6/2010 1:58 PM Classical Scores Library ‘itp: //shmu alexander street. com ltbproxy use. edu/papyrus/print/dorp/7 46, cL Ve. ‘poco a poco vib. pit intenso, alive poco vib. pi imtenso alive aye ee ee =P 11 of 49. 2/6/2010 1:58 PM Classical Scores Library ‘itp: //shmu alexander street. com ltbproxy use. edu/papyrus/print/dorp/7 46, 38, cl. VL Ve. ee Ls Pao! sma lege (sempre acca) af 12 of 49 2/6/2010 1:58 PM Classical Scores Library ‘itp: //shmu alexander street. com ltbproxy use. edu/papyrus/print/dorp/7 46, 13 of 49 2/6/2010 1:58 PM Classical Scores Library ‘itp: //shmu alexander street. com ltbproxy use. edu/papyrus/print/dorp/7 46, 14 of 49 2/6/2010 1:58 PM Classical Scores Library ‘itp: //shmu alexander street. com ltbproxy use. edu/papyrus/print/dorp/7 46, 15 of 49. 2/6/2010 1:58 PM Classical Scores Library ‘itp: //shmu alexander street. com ltbproxy use. edu/papyrus/print/dorp/7 46, 92, Center hall, walking quickly towards trio) “Ppp molto express. poco a poco crese. 16 of 49 2/6/2010 1:58 PM Classical Scores Library ‘itp: //shmu alexander street. com ltbproxy use. edu/papyrus/print/dorp/7 46, 17 of 49 2/6/2010 1:58 PM Classical Scores Library ‘itp: //shmu alexander street. com ltbproxy use. edu/papyrus/print/dorp/7 46, ppp délee poco sul tasto_ 18 of 49 2/6/2010 1:58 PM Classical Scores Library ‘itp: //shmu alexander street. com ltbproxy use. edu/papyrus/print/dorp/7 46, cl. Ve. 19 of 49 2/6/2010 1:58 PM Classical Scores Library ‘itp: //shmu alexander street. com ltbproxy use. edu/papyrus/print/dorp/7 46, 20 of 49 2/6/2010 1:58 PM Classical Scores Library ‘itp: //shmu alexander street. com ltbproxy use. edu/papyrus/print/dorp/7 46, slowly, getting closer wo trio, and walk around trio) yee Oe cL Ve. 1 of 49 2/6/2010 1:58 PM Classical Scores Library ‘itp: //shmu alexander street. com ltbproxy use. edu/papyrus/print/dorp/7 46, 7 cL ta [ts ts Ped, It al- 2? of 49 2/6/2010 1:58 PM Classical Scores Library ‘itp: //shmu alexander street. com ltbproxy use. edu/papyrus/print/dorp/7 46, 23 of 49 2/6/2010 1:58 PM Classical Scores Library ‘itp: //shmu alexander street. com ltbproxy use. edu/papyrus/print/dorp/7 46, 4 of 49 2/6/2010 1:58 PM Classical Scores Library ‘itp: //shmu alexander street. com ltbproxy use. edu/papyrus/print/dorp/7 46, 20 Golo) 25 of 49. 2/6/2010 1:58 PM Classical Scores Library ‘bttp://shmu alexander street. com lsbproxy.usc. edu/papyrus/print/ dor Si fa 2 26 of 49 2/6/2010 1:58 PM Classical Scores Library ‘itp: //shmu alexander street. com ltbproxy use. edu/papyrus/print/dorp/7 46, (D) oath; move ate geting further and fer ateay) ne... 2 ca. ee nfolo, vL ve. Pao 27 of 49 2/6/2010 1:58 PM Classical Scores Library ‘itp: //shmu alexander street. com ltbproxy use. edu/papyrus/print/dorp/7 46, B 28 of 49 2/6/2010 1:58 PM Classical Scores Library ‘itp: //shmu alexander street. com ltbproxy use. edu/papyrus/print/dorp/7 46, re 29 of 49 2/6/2010 1:58 PM Classical Scores Library ‘itp: //shmu alexander street. com ltbproxy use. edu/papyrus/print/dorp/7 46, 25 (Ppp) ppp pos. Cinside’ cello) * playing level 30 of 49 2/6/2010 1:58 PM Classical Scores Library ‘itp: //shmu alexander street. com ltbproxy use. edu/papyrus/print/dorp/7 46, [L) Sutten (.)= 84-90) dad Colo lege. sempre) esprss, EE | Sate @= 84-90) Ppp molt legato eo ee 31 of 49. 2/6/2010 1:58 PM Classical Scores Library ‘itp: //shmu alexander street. com ltbproxy use. edu/papyrus/print/dorp/7 46, 32 of 49 2/6/2010 1:58 PM Classical Scores Library ‘itp: //shmu alexander street. com ltbproxy use. edu/papyrus/print/dorp/7 46, 33 of 49 2/6/2010 1:58 PM Classical Scores Library ‘itp: //shmu alexander street. com ltbproxy use. edu/papyrus/print/dorp/7 46, 34 of 49 2/6/2010 1:58 PM Classical Scores Library 35 of 49. x0 " ‘http: //shmu alexander edu/papyrus/print/dorp/7 46. Sta oe finn) Ee quasi gliss. — cl. Ve. i put down bow IN|= 4. 84-90) 2/6/2010 1:58 PM ‘bttp://shmu alexander street. com lsbproxy.usc. edu/papyrus/print/ dor Classical Scores Library = = 378-405 (4 = 189-202%; 4. = 126-135) ee ee ~ a = == pe “Pepe quasi sempre dim, al|O| ——= oP) vi. Ve. = = 378-405 ( = 189-202%; J. = 126-135) eager, non dolce P= _ ee n et) a. pee f= — SS Pro: ‘Ppp quasi sempre dim. om) 2/6/2010 1:58 PM 36 of 49 Classical Scores Library ‘itp: //shmu alexander street. com ltbproxy use. edu/papyrus/print/dorp/7 46, 37 of 49 2/6/2010 1:58 PM Classical Scores Library ‘itp: //shmu alexander street. com ltbproxy use. edu/papyrus/print/dorp/7 46, 38 of 49. 2/6/2010 1:58 PM Classical Scores Library ‘itp: //shmu alexander street. com ltbproxy use. edu/papyrus/print/dorp/7 46, d= (in sight of audience, move as far away from the trio as possible) [én a 0 30 of 49. 2/6/2010 1:58 PM Classical Scores Library ‘itp: //shmu alexander street. com ltbproxy use. edu/papyrus/print/dorp/7 46, eT] deze) SS PPS be oa * pick up bow and freeze) 40 of 49 2/6/2010 1:58 PM Classical Scores Library ‘itp: //shmu alexander street. com ltbproxy use. edu/papyrus/print/dorp/7 46, 36 41 of 49 2/6/2010 1:58 PM Classical Scores Library 42 of 49 ‘PPP Ped. HI al & ‘http: //shmu alexander edu/papyrus/print/dorp/7 46. 2/6/2010 1:58 PM Classical Scores Library ‘itp: //shmu alexander street. com ltbproxy use. edu/papyrus/print/dorp/7 46, 38 43 of 49 2/6/2010 1:58 PM Classical Scores Library ‘itp: //shmu alexander street. com ltbproxy use. edu/papyrus/print/dorp/7 46, 2 349 (move slowly to seat (gradually sit) Greeze) cL. pia, tremisatete) v Ve. Pao! (2a) I— ww UE. stick pla degre, haplrelewe ten met dee ain: he wound of he damp wing was cut inosread 44 of 49 2/6/2010 1:58 PM

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