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Does the outcome of a process always justify the method by which it was attained?

(Do the ends always justify the means?)

Immoral methods, no matter how beneficial the ultimate outcome may be,
should never be justified. The short-term gains enjoyed by society or an individual
cannot compensate for the inevitable and debilitating consequences of long-term
moral erosion. Furthermore, the utilitarian rationale to judge the method or process
of an act, simply on the basis of its eventual outcome, is overly narrow and slightly
naïve. By designating the outcome as the sole criteria in determining whether an
act is justified, the individual makes a critical error. Such a limiting focus on the
results ignores the degenerate effects of moral degradation the person or society
experiences. Indeed, justifying even one immoral act on the basis of its beneficial
outcome tears down any moral foundation and opens the potential floodgates for
more “justified” immorality in the future. In addition, the inherent subjectivity in
determining whether an immoral act is justified makes it a potentially dangerous
belief to be exploited. Since the individual agent acts as judge, this Machiavellian
belief essentially frees one to act in any immoral fashion that has subjectively been
deemed appropriate.

Yet there is an enormous difference between justification of immorality by the

individual and justification by society. At the individual level, the effects of moral
erosion are limited to just a single person. When a nation supports such misguided
beliefs, however, the consequences are far more enormous. Nations have the
ability to affect the lives of millions. For instance,

What example and analysis do you guys think I am going for


However, even if one nation’s immoral acts do not affect another directly…

Where am I going with this? Think environment…YAY MORE Oil! Or

Wood!...Who cares if we cut down every single tree and kill all the
animals…our nation feels the act is justified b/c we need the
power…go energy!

I’ll mention again the main problem with this kind of thinking…
wait you should know what I would mention again in the

I would probably combine my 2nd example/analysis into my

conclusion…this essay would be 4 you can see, I
like to spend a lot of time on my conclusion and introduction.

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