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Events, Tourism, Hospitality and Languages Portfolio

SIT30713 Certificate III and SIT40713 Certificate IV in Hospitality

SITHFAB204 Prepare and serve espresso coffee

Assessment 2 Part 1,2 &3.

Assessment Method / Conditions:
Please provide short answers to the questions in this assessment.
Assessment Venue:
Online, Blackboard assignment
Due Date: Monday 17 August 2015
Which part of the unit is being assessed?
All elements
Assessment Instructions:
Download and save a copy of this assessment. As you work through the required knowledge theory,
answer the questions appropriately
All questions must be answered correctly in order to meet assessment requirements;
Results and Appeals:
Please refer to the Central Institute of Technology website for information about the assessment
process. The information can be found at The path is; Current Students Student Portal: Your Student Handbook - Your Studies, Assessments page 19.

Academic Quality Assured May, 2015

This document complies with Standard 1 Standards for RTOs 2015

Central Institute of Technology 2015

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SITHFAB204 Prepare and serve espresso coffee




Part 1

You are employed as the chief barista at an inner city restaurant. The General Manager
has assigned two students on work experience to your section. The aim is to provide
both students with a hands-on experience to give them an insight into the job role and
duties of a barista including all aspects of:
1. Typical mise en place and start up procedures,
2. Work health and safety,
3. Cleaning procedures and applications,
4. Maintenance procedures for equipment and utensils including water filtration
5. Quality characteristics and storage of coffee,
6. Types of milk,
7. Characteristics of coffee beverages,
8. Preparation of espresso beverages,
9. Texturing of milk,
10.The service and presentation of espresso coffee
11.Environmental considerations for reducing the use of water, energy and waste
In order to make this training successful, you will write an outline which will address the
above mentioned points.

Institute of Technology 2015
This document complies with Standard 1, Standards for RTOs 2015

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SITHFAB204 Prepare and serve espresso coffee



Part 2

Your training provided to your two students has been successful. To provide them with an
opportunity to demonstrate their skills you will write a description for the following
coffee preparations including a list of suggested accompaniments, which they will
produce for management at next Fridays board meeting:
1. Cappuccino
2. Macchiato (short)
3. Caff latte

4. Mocha
5. Long black
6. Affogato
7. Piccolo Latte

Institute of Technology 2015
This document complies with Standard 1, Standards for RTOs 2015

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SITHFAB204 Prepare and serve espresso coffee



Part 3

In order to help your staff identify and solve problems associated with the preparation of
coffee styles derived from espresso coffee, you need to write the appropriate details
which need to be checked for the following faults outlined in the table below:

Extraction too fast = Under-extracted

Water rushes through the coffee
27-30mL of coffee extracted in less than 25
Crema is thin and pale
Taste is sour, bitter and watery
Cake is very runny
Extraction too slow = Over-extracted

Check for:

Check for:

Water struggles to get through the coffee

27-30mL of coffee extracted in more than 30
Crema is very dark brown
Taste is burnt and bitter
Extraction perfect

Check for:

27-30mL of coffee extracted in 25-30 seconds

Crema is golden brown
Taste is sweet
Coffee grounds in the cup

Check for:


Check for:

Too fine a grind

Worn grinder blades
Worn filter holders/baskets
Dirty gaskets/group heads
Dirty filter holder edge
drips over the sides of the filter holder
Leaky gaskets
Gaskets dirty with coffee grounds

Institute of Technology 2015
This document complies with Standard 1, Standards for RTOs 2015

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