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Professional Experience Program (PEP) for Primary Courses (Melbourne Campus)

EDFX goal setting plan

Pre-service teacher name: Breanna Moore | S00117622

Unit: EDFX310






What do you want to accomplish

in terms of developing your
professional knowledge, practices,
or engagement?

How will you know you have

accomplished your goal?
What evidence will you collect
and analyse?

What steps/actions will you take to

attain your goal?

Why is this goal important for

your career as a teacher?

When will you achieve this goal

during this placement?

Graduate Standard 4.3:
Create and maintain
supportive and safe learning

- I will know that I have

accomplished this goal when I
feel more in control of
students and their behaviour. If
my implemented strategies for
managing inappropriate
behaviour stop and prevent a
high prevalence of student
disruption and inappropriate
behaviour then I will know that
they are efficient and effective
and I have successfully
development my capabilities in
managing challenging student

- I will speak to my supervising

teacher about strategies and
approaches that she uses to deal
with inappropriate student
behaviour in order to be consist
with the boundaries and
consequences that the students are
already familiar with.

Effective management of
inappropriate behaviour is an
important skill for a teacher to
obtain in order to create a safe,
supportive and inclusive
learning environment for all
Setting expectations and
delivering on consequences is
important, as it sets the
boundaries for the class and
gives students a clear
understanding of what is right
and wrong, and what will
happen if they choose to
demonstrate inappropriate
Knowing effective strategies
and being able to effectively
implement them will help with
being in control of the
learning space and will greatly
assist in promoting effective
teaching and learning.

- By the end of the third week

during this placement I would
like to be confident in asserting
management strategies that
have proven to effectively
address challenging student
I would like to be able to use
the final week of this
placement to therefore practice
the strategies and approaches
discovered in the beginning
weeks and gain a good level on
confidence in using them.

Manage challenging
- I often find disciplining
inappropriate student
behaviour a challenge, feeling
unsure about determine
appropriate punishment to fit
the crime.
- I need to work on asserting
my role as the teaching,
making my expectations clear
and using effective voice level
and tone when necessary.
- Setting boundaries and
following through with
consequences when boundaries
are broken.
Be the students TEACHER not
their FRIEND.

- Feedback from my
supervising teacher about my
approaches to inappropriate
behaviour will give me a gage
of my effectiveness in
managing situations of
negative student behaviour and
help me identify further areas
of improvement.

- I endeavour to research
management strategies that have
proven effectiveness in
addressing inappropriate
classroom behaviour.
4.1, 4.2, 4.3 & 4.4
This highlights my understanding
of the relevance of knowing
practical approaches to
managing challenging student
behaviour. It further
demonstrates my recognition of
the links between various focus
areas within standard 4, mainly
how appropriate knowledge and
implementation of behaviour
management can positively
influence students safety,
wellbeing and learning.

Professional Experience Program (PEP) for Primary Courses (Melbourne Campus)

EDFX310 Pre-Service Teacher Report Extracts

4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 & 4.5
This extract from my placement
report form highlights my
effective and appropriate
demonstration of each of the
standard 4 focus areas
throughout this placement

4.2, 4.3 & 4.4

This highlighted section of my
placement report form shows my
overall progress towards achieving
my above placement goal, and
therefore my effectiveness in
managing challenging behaviour in
the classroom. My supervising
teacher highlights my ability to
implement proactive measures
towards inappropriate behaviour
by giving clear expectations and
using positive reinforcement. She
also highlights fair treatment of all
students when responding to
inappropriate classroom behaviour
and my developed ability to follow
through on consequences when

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