Artefact 3 Standard 1

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Standard 1.1

Standard 1.5

Artefact 3: Excerpts of different lessons in a mathematics unit

plan on shape

Here are some screenshots of a few different lesson plans within a unit plan on shape that I
created for my third year placement. Students in the classroom were at many different levels
of development and learning.

In the image below, it shows that sometimes I used focus groups in order to consolidate
student learning and demonstrate further scaffolding and modelling of new knowledge if
necessary. In this image, it shows that sometimes I just asked students if any of them wanted
to spend some time on the floor to go over the information. This worked well because some
students just needed a few extra minutes going over something before they were then able to
move off to work on the task independently. Whilst others needed to stay on the floor for

Other times I would actually plan some same ability groupings ahead of time if students
needed to work on different aspects within a topic. I usually based this off of informal
assessments taken during the unit. I would also try and cater these groups to their different
learning styles.

Shown below is a tuning in activity, which also shows my ability to cater lessons to different
learning styles. Below shows activities that cater for kinaesthetic, auditory and visual

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