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The strategic recommendation to Johnson and Johnson crisis


A. Project overview
Phase 1:

Industry overview identification

Phase 2:

Company background: Johnson and Johnson (JNJ)

Phase 3:

Problem identification that derives from:

i. News/Recent Issues about the crisis: Toxic carcinogenic substances were found in JnJ
products and charged them a huge lawsuit issue and customers disbelief
ii. JnJ Stock Movement
iii. Consequences of the crisis
iv. Current corporates action to overcome the crisis
Phase 4:

Analyze JnJs performance:

i. Internal Environment:
Competitive analysis: Porters 5 forces
Customer analysis: Segmentation and Targeting
Business Model: Business Canvas
Financial Performance from 2010 2015
ii. External Environment:
PEST (Political, Economic, Social, and Technology) analysis
SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat) analysis
Phase 5:

Recommendation and Conclusion

i. Suggested strategy
ii. Customer Interview
B. Parties to contact

Customers that use JnJ products for customer insights and recommendation
C. Timeline

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