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By :
1. Ambarwati
2. Luchiatul Amalia
3. Putri Rizqika
4. Qurrota A.
5. Lita K.
6. Haninda M.

A paraboloid is a quadratic
surface of special kind.
There are two kinds of paraboloids
Elliptic and Hyperbolic.
The elliptic paraboloid is shaped like an
oval cup and can have a maximum or
minimum point. In a suitable coordinate
system with three axis x, y, and z


The rules to make move ellips is :
1. The plane is always parallel to plane XOY
2. Center point of ellips is always located on the z axis
3. Two from peak is always located on alignment
4. Ellips that be moved is always sebangun to the first ellips

1. Ellips that be moved located on plane XOY with

the equation :

Ellipse is a curve on a plane that surrounds two focal points

such that the sum of the distances to the two focal points is
constant for every point on the curve

This definition will be apply

PF + PF = constan.


And if certain constanta is 2a, so we can

use the formula of distance to express PF
and PF, so we can get :


Triangle FPF on the picture, with vertexs

(c, 0), (c, 0), dan (x, y), one of its side have
length 2c.
While the product of two another side is 2a.
2a > 2c
a2 >c2
a2 c2 > 0.
b2 = a2 c2 (3)

If equation (3) substitute to equation (2), so we can get

the equation :

Equation (4) above called Ellips quation standard form or in

Indonesia Persamaan ellips bentuk baku

2. Garis arah dari ellips yang bergerak adalah parabola

pada bidang YOZ dengan persamaan
y = 2pz

Menentukan persamaan
parabola di puncak O (0,0)


Persamaan parabola yang puncaknya O(0,0)

dan sumbu simetrisnya z adalah : y=2pz

Karena memenuhi aturan 1, 2, dan 3, maka titik

(0, yo, ) terletak pada ellips
sehingga memenuhi yo= 2p
aturan 1, 2, dan 4 maka dipenuhi =

atau xo = yo =
Jadi persamaan ellips yang terletak pada bidang z = tersebut adalah :
+ =1
Dengan mengeliminasi dan persamaan ellips ini, diperoleh persamaan
+ =z
Persamaan ini merupakan persaman paraboloida ellips dengan titik
puncak di O

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