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Stage 3 Living World

Adaptations and Survival

Mr Wood

Yeast Alive
Testing yeast in different temperatures
Key Questions to answer/consider in our investigation

How yeast makes bread rise?

Are yeast adapted to suit particular environmental conditions?
Are all organisms adapted to suit certain environmental conditions?
What happens when we place organisms, like yeast, into environments they are not adapted to?
What are some examples of environmental change in the world and how can we link this to our
What are some of the impacts of environmental change on living things?

What is our investigation


In groups of three we will be investigating if yeast are suited to particular environmental conditions.

How will we investigate

1. We will be making bread dough using yeast as a leavening agent. (leavening agent = helps the
dough to rise)
2. We will be placing the bread dough we make, in environments that have different temperatures, to
see if it effects the rise of the dough.

What are the rules of our investigation?

1. All 3 members of their group will each have a role to play within their group to ensure success
and will collect the wristband that matches their role. The roles and their responsibilities are:
o Speaker - Is the only member of the group that is permitted to consult the teacher.
o Manager Is responsible for acquiring and returning all the materials the group uses
throughout the investigation. Is also responsible for their groups noise levels.
o Director Makes sure that all the steps of this investigation are followed and reads
instructions to the group.

2. We all must be making good choices, which promote everyone in the class being able to
participate equally and having success. Examples of good choices include:
o Taking turns and sharing when performing our experiment.
o Taking responsibility for the safety of ourselves and our classmates.
o Treating all our equipment and resources with respect.
o Using our inside voices at all times.
o Keeping the classroom clean and tidying up after ourselves.
o Trying to the best of our abilities .

Stage 3 Living World

Adaptations and Survival

Mr Wood

Whole class will need

Baking tray
Access to an oven
Spray oil
Pastry brush
Cold area for dough

Each group will need

Ingredients for making bread
- 1 bowl with: 225g flour, 30g butter and a Pinch
of salt
- 1 cup with: 175mL warm milk and 1 teaspoon
of castor sugar
- 1 sachet of yeast
- Extra flour for needing
- Sesame seeds for decoration
- Glad Wrap to cover dough
- Oil sprayed bowl

Other materials
- 1 thermometer

1 ruler

cloth, for cleaning


Bread Method Demonstrated by Mr Wood

Wash your hands. There is already enough fungi in this bread .
Make sure oven is preheating at 200C
Pour yeast sachet into cup with milk and sugar and mix. Measure the temperature of this mix.
When milk looks frothy carefully pour it into the bowl with the flour butter and salt. Mix together
until it forms a dough. Now knead the dough until it feels smooth, strong and springy. Add a little
flour to your dough if it keeps feeling sticky.
5. When the dough feels smooth form it into a ball and place it into a bowl which has been sprayed
with oil.
6. Place a straw in the middle of the dough to help measure the height.
7. Cover the bowl loosely with cling wrap. Measure the temperature the dough is being place in and
wait for the dough to double in size. Time how long the dough takes to double in size.
8. When the bread has doubled in size we knock the air out of the bread and we divide our mix into
four rolls
9. Each person will then shape their rolls into a smooth ball.
10. Place your roll onto the baking tray and brush it lightly with milk.
11. Decorate your roll with sesame seeds so after baking we can tell which roll is yours.
12. Wait for the rolls to rise to about double the size again.
13. Bake in a 200C oven until the rolls produce a hollow sound when tapped (about 20-25 mins).

What to do during proofing and rising time


Make sure all your sheets are glued into your integrated studies book.
record your observations of your yeast and bread dough.
Fill out the sheets
Compare your dough with the teachers dough (They will be placing their dough at different

Stage 3 Living World

Adaptations and Survival


Investigation sheet
I want to find out:

To make our test fair I am keeping these variables same:

I am only changing this variable:

To carry out our test we will need to measure:

Mr Wood

Stage 3 Living World

Adaptations and Survival

Mr Wood

First I will

Then I will

This is what we think will happen:

Make sure you record all your observations and results in the next
page of your Integrated Studies book. You can record your results
by using:

annotated (labelled) diagrams

and written observations.


Stage 3 Living World

Adaptations and Survival

We found out that:

We think this is because:

How did my results compare with my prediction?

Mr Wood

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