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Teacher: Tschuor

Grade Level: 8

Subject Area: Technology Education

Length of Lesson: 45 minutes
Desired Results

Indiana Academic Standard(s)

Standard #5: Work cooperatively and productively in groups to design and use
technology to solve technological problems
Enduring Understandings
-the forces that effect their towers
-how to test their towers
-things to avoid when building towers

Essential Question(s)
-What are the forces that effect towers?
-How do you test your tower?
-What are key things you need to make
your tower successful?

Knowledge and Skill Objectives

The objective is for the students to be able to identify what forces effect their
towers and how they test their towers.
Assessment Evidence
The product of their towers will be their test
Learning Plan
Learning Activities
-Power Point
-Work time

Resources and Materials

Power Point
Required Accommodations/Modifications

Name____________________________________ Date_______ Period____

Lesson Plan Evaluation & Teaching Reflection
Was the content worth knowing? Support your response.
Yes, for their project to be successful they need to know how to test their towers and what forces
are applied to their towers. This knowledge will help them when building their towers, with this
knowledge they will be able to realize where they need extra supports.
Describe how the activity was developmentally appropriate.
This activity was appropriate because it was a Power Point and video that kept their attention.
After I finished the Power Point I went around and let them ask me questions, this seemed to
benefit them and give them a deeper understanding of what they were doing.
Give an example of how you know the activity was interesting to the children.
I showed a video of me testing a tower that I made and this seemed to hold their attention. Also, I
kept the Power Point short and sweet so that it would not bore them.
Describe how the activity included opportunities for the children to test their knowledge.
I went around and talked to each group of students individually and I asked them questions and
they asked me questions, this gave them a chance to show me what they knew. Also, the towers
they are building will be the ultimate test of who knows what they are doing because of how much
their towers hold, this will show who put work into it and who didnt.
Describe a follow up activity that would build on concepts you have presented.
Once I presented my Power Point the kids had a chance to work on their towers. This gave them
the chance to put everything I just taught them to good use.
What behavior(s) did you observe while presenting the activity? What do you think caused the
While presenting my activity I noticed some kids were talking and not paying attention as much as
they should have been. These were the children who have not been doing well in the class and
seem to not care as much as the ones who were paying attention. This lack of care is what
caused them to not pay as much attention.
How did you involve the children in the closure of the activity?
I gave the children the opportunity to work and with each of them working in a team they had a
chance to get involved.
Describe what changes you would make and what you would keep the same if you presented the
activity again.
If I did this activity again, I would keep it the same except for at the end spend a little more time
with each group. I spent more time with the groups who needed my help and and wanted to talk to
me, the other groups that seemed like they knew what they were doing I left alone. Also, this time
was different because I taught sixth period and seventh period instead of just seventh period. It
was a great experience to get to work with new kids.

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