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Teacher: Tschuor

Grade Level: 8

Subject Area: Technology Education

Length of Lesson: 45 minutes
Desired Results

Indiana Academic Standard(s)

Standard #4: Describe technology as it is applied in the context of communication,
construction, manufacturing, transportation, and related technologies
Enduring Understandings
- Define the five different types of forces
- Define a mock up
- Describe what a mock up does

Essential Question(s)
- What are the forces that act upon a
- What is a mock up?
- How can a mock up help improve
the finished model?

Knowledge and Skill Objectives

Students will be able to build and test their mock ups.
Assessment Evidence
The product of their mock up towers
Learning Plan
Learning Activities
-In class demonstration
- Work time

Resources and Materials

Required Accommodations/Modifications

Name____________________________________ Date_______ Period____

Lesson Plan Evaluation & Teaching Reflection
Was the content worth knowing? Support your response.
This content was worth knowing because many children do not understand what a mock up is. A
mock up relates to life because many times people need to make a rough draft or prototype before
they present the final product to their employers.
Describe how the activity was developmentally appropriate.
The activity was developmentally appropriate because it was simple, the only things the kids used
were spaghetti, hot glue, and paper. The kids had to put their design to use so they had the chance to
incorporate what they made up to something they could hold.
Give an example of how you know the activity was interesting to the children.
The activity was interesting to the kids because they had the chance to apply what they learned
hands on. After I finished the demonstration they got the chance to perform it and show me they were
Describe how the activity included opportunities for the children to test their knowledge.
The children had the chance to build their own mock up tower.
Describe a follow up activity that would build on concepts you have presented.
The follow up activity would be the worksheet, this worksheet asked them what they could improve on
from their mock up tower and what forces acted upon their mock up.
What behavior(s) did you observe while presenting the activity? What do you think caused the
The kids were quiet when I was talking and once I got done and gave them work time they got a little
rowdier. Since there are so few kids in the class I think they are scared to talk when I am because it
will be obvious who is talking and they dont want to get in trouble.
How did you involve the children in the closure of the activity?
The kids will make a final tower for their closure activity and it will really test how well they learned
from their mock up towers.
Describe what changes you would make and what you would keep the same if you presented the
activity again.
If I did this lesson again I would make sure to incorporate the kids while I was giving the lessons and
not just after. The kids were paying attention during the lesson but I have a feeling they were getting a
little bored, I need to make sure I hold their attention.

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