April Lesson Plan

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Teacher: Tschuor

Grade Level:8

Subject Area: Technology Education

Length of Lesson: 50 minutes
Desired Results

Indiana Academic Standard(s)

Standard #16: Select the appropriate devices and systems to meet personal and
societal needs

Enduring Understandings
- Define the different types of forces
that effect cars
- Define the process in making a
mock up
- Describe the process in making a

Essential Question(s)
-What are the forces that act upon a
moving car?
-How do you make a mock up?
-What are the steps in designing and
making a car?

Knowledge and Skill Objectives

Students will be able to build and make improvements from their mock ups to
their actual cars.
Assessment Evidence
The finished product of their mock up cars and their finished cars
Learning Plan
Learning Activities
-In class demonstration/building of mock up
-Work time

Resources and Materials

Packet and PowerPoint
Required Accommodations/Modifications

Name____________________________________ Date_______ Period____

Lesson Plan Evaluation & Teaching Reflection
Was the content worth knowing? Support your response.
Yes, the content was worth knowing because this lesson is the introduction into their next project.
The procedure the kids have to go through teaches them how to follow steps in order and the
importance of following rules and steps.
Describe how the activity was developmentally appropriate.
This activity was appropriate because it simplified a complex procedure and made it simple
enough for eighth graders to do. Also, it was a step by step procedure that the kids can follow that
allows for creativity and order.
Give an example of how you know the activity was interesting to the children.
The kids paid attention while I was giving the lesson and did not talk, also when I asked questions
they answered and were active in the lesson. After the lesson was over they also had a chance to
apply their knowledge.
Describe how the activity included opportunities for the children to test their knowledge.
The kids had a chance to build their own mock up car and then after they complete this they will
have a chance to build an actual wood car.
Describe a follow up activity that would build on concepts you have presented.
A follow up activity that would build on these concepts would be the final wood car that they are
going to build. Also they could have a quiz over the steps that it takes to make the car, along with
everything that goes into making their cars.
What behavior(s) did you observe while presenting the activity? What do you think caused the
The kids were quiet while I taught the lesson and they participated when needed. At some points
the kids were a little too quiet and did not directly answer the question when I asked. I think the
kids just did not know how to answer some of the questions and were scared to make a mistake in
front of the rest of the class.
How did you involve the children in the closure of the activity?
I gave the kids work time at the end of the lesson to build their mock up cars, this will show how
well they paid attention and how well they can follow directions.
Describe what changes you would make and what you would keep the same if you presented the
activity again.
If I did this activity again I would try to find a better balance to kid incorporation and lecture,
sometimes its hard to make this balance because it is hard for the kids to take everything in and still
engage them in the activities.

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