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Pedal Haida Gwaii

August 18-26, 2016

Information Sheet, Girl & Guider Application details

Graham Island of Haida Gwaii. Girls will meet in a central location and travel together to
Prince Rupert and on to Skidegate.


August 18-26, 2016


To open opportunities for BC girls and Guiders to explore ancient temperate rainforests,
quaint villages, secluded inlets, and Haida culture. This could really be the trip of a lifetime!
Bikes are provided, so all you need to bring is your enthusiasm and biking skills.


2 Selected Guiders and 10 third year Pathfinders and Rangers born between
September 1997 and August 2001.


$450 per girl (event fees and all travel included), $100 per Guider.
Girl and adult participants may be required to have gear or clothing that they do not own
and it will be necessary to borrow or purchase these items.


All participants will be supplied a bicycle for the event, but arrangements can be made if
participants wish to bring their own.


Physical fitness: be able to cycle 40 to 70km per day, be able to participate in day hikes.
Five consecutive or non-consecutive nights tenting with Girl Guides of Canada.
Ability to adapt and work co-operatively.
Ability to cope with daily camp activities.
Completed swim or boat test record in iMIS.

Application details
Completed application includes each of the following:

Girl or Guider application form Please include your email address

Camping Record Sheet
Two Reference letters (one Guiding one non-Guiding)
Code of Conduct
Health Form (girl - H.1, Guider - H.2)

It is your responsibility to tell the person writing reference letters the details of the camp you are applying for
and to give them plenty of time to meet your deadline. On the same page as you write your own letter;
please explain how you meet the above list of qualifications and why you would like to attend this camp.
Parental/Guardian permission and guarantee of financial responsibility
I hereby give permission for my daughter/ward _
to apply for
the camp(s)/event(s) listed and to attend if selected. I give authority to the Responsible Guider to make any
decisions with regards to the welfare and safety of my daughter/ward, as deemed necessary during the
period of the home-stay (if applicable) and while traveling to and from the camp/event and during the
camp/event itself.
I (we) accept full responsibility for all expenses (camp fee, transportation to and from designated point of
departure, spending money, etc) incurred by the applicant in connection with this provincial/interprovincial
camp/event. BC Council covers all transportation costs from designated point of departure near your home
and return.
Name of Parent/Guardian (please print clearly): _


_ Relationship: __

Relationship: _


Incomplete, late, or faxed applications will not be accepted.

Send your application to the following address no later than January 11, 2016
Attention: Pedal Haida Gwaii
Girl Guides of Canada BC Council
1476 West 8th Avenue
Vancouver, BC V6H 1E1
*If selected you will be notified via email in late January 2016.
If you need more information about this event, please contact Vicki Ferguson (Events Coordinator)

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