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V is for Vampire

The story starts with the death of George an Anne Ballentine; they are the parents
of Angie and Don Ballentine. Their parents died in a very peculiar way because
they died in a plane crash, but the weird thing was that something (like a bat) got
trapped in the engines.
Ed Valdemar, the lawyer and friend of the family, read the will that they left. The will
said that they will own lots of money, houses and most importantly the big fashion
house Ballentines. The fashion house was starting to get boring so Angie, Don and
Vera (business partner of George and Anne) want to make thing more unique, so
they started to search a new crowd of people. One of them was very peculiar, his
name was Viktor Saraav, Ballentines new image consultant, everyone loved him,
but Vera was jealous of him. But he was good to the business and had good
ideas (like transforming Angie into a model).
One day something weird happened at the parking lot Viktor was hurt and blamed
Vera (it was a lie) thats why Don looked at the CCTV frottage and he hurt himself
to make Vera look guilty, so Don drove to his sisters place but he died in the crash
(with a bat going in the way too). Angie and Vera were devastated, so the first
suspect in Veras list was Viktor, and she confronted him but he knew that Vera
stole money from Ballentines so he threatened her.
Ballentines was greater than ever, and everybody loved their unusual colors, thats
why Viktor offered a vacation in Bulgaria at his house to Vera and Angie, Vera was
not so sure going to Viktors old house, but she agreed (because she wanted to
look for information).
Two weeks passed, and Angie and Vera came back to Ballentines but Vera
noticed that Viktor changed the crowd, so thats when Vera found out that Sasha
and Mylene (workers at Ballentines) were murdered. Thats why Vera decided to
go to Viktors apartment to investigate, but she didnt found anything, but just when
Vera was leaving, she found Viktor. He told her that she was going to marry Angie
and that there was anything that she could do about it.

A week later Viktor married Angie and Vera was very angry. She noticed something
strange, Angie was very pale and very thin, but nobody saw something strange but
her. Ed and Vera started talking, when Ed told her about the CCTV recording, Vera
didnt knew about it so she started to think and everything made sense, the weird
death of Don and Angies parents, and the death of Mylene and Sasha. Vera had
everything clear, so she went to her apartment as fast as she could but she did not
see that Viktor was following her until she saw a big shadow at the elevator.
When she arrived to her apartment she saw Viktor and he confessed everything to
her, including that he wanted to make Angie a vampire, so after that he killed her
and he went back to the wedding.
When the wedding finished they went to the Bahamas to celebrate their
honeymoon, but Angie was very tired and the sun bothered her, so thats when
Viktor explained his plan of becoming her a vampire and that they will soon be very
happy together and nothing can come between them as.. VAMPIERS!!!!!


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