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BED BLENDING OF FOSSIL FUELS by FRANK J. LOEFFLER, P.B. Regional Manager Robins Engineers & Constructors GREGORY A. VAKA Regional Manager Robins Engineers & Constructors Whittier, California 90605 This paper discusses how bed blending systems can be applied to the utilization of fossil fuels. ‘The sub- jects of quality control and available stacking and reclaiming equipment are also explored along with a case history of bed blending at Utah International Corporation's Navajo Mine. EERODUCTION Ee will be the purpose of this paper to Siscuss how bed blending systems can be applied to the utilization of fossil fuels The paper will also deal with locations for blending ayatems, typos of storage piles equipnant, quality control, and a case history of 9 bed blending application. Since the available technical material on blending is extensive, it is suggosted the reader consult the bibliography atthe end of this zeport for further information. Way AND WHERE 70 BLEND Four primary bed blending locations should be Gonsidered: at the mine, at the coal preparation plant, at the transehipment facility, and as part of the user's coal handling’ system whether it be for combustion or the conversion to synthetic fuels. Blending at the wine is employed to increase the available mine reserves by atilizing crop coal and to reduce the need for selective mining techniques. This is accom plished by utilizing coal or lignite that Pontains unacceptable properties and blending then into the desired mixture. One example of a complete coal blending system located between 2 strip mine and a power plant can be found at the Navajo Mine located noar Arizona Public Service Company's Pour Corners Power Plant in New Mexico. Wo will discuss tais installation in detail in this report. ‘Traneshipment facilitios can economically unilize bed blending if their Fuel contracts [nvolve specific grading limitations on Btu, sulfur, and/or ash. Blending will enable them £9 produce a lower cost fuel by custom blending to specific specitications the coal or lignite received from various sources. When more than one mode of transpartation is used to transship the coal, the offloading and veloading at the ehip or rail terminal effers an excellent opportunity for blending the varying grade of coals. Uhe blending oF different coals can be accomplished without any additional major expense since = coal handling ayatem would already be a necessity. Equally if not more important would bo: tho plonding of raw coals from different mines or from different locations within ths same inine just prior to their beneficiation. The Goat of conl beneficiation has bean shown to Gearease markedly with Increased production. Substantial benefits could be derived if the outpus from two or more mines was combined to provide a comon feedstock to a single beneficiation plant. Tn considering the use Gf blending prior to the beneficiation process, careful attention must be paid to the washa~ bility characteristics of each coal source and to make certain that the finished blend hae seceptable Btu, sulfur, and/or ash properties. Ae the power plant upgrading the fuel by bea blending could result. in a lower capital expenditure in boilers and auxiliary equipment Since a wide latitude boiler is not required. Normally the boiler and its auxiliary equip nent must be designed to accomodate the volume of the lowest Btu fuel anticipated. Te the Blended fuel is of a Aigner Bfu value, the boiler can be sized smaller and thus cost loss. Phere is alas evidence that boiler slag~ ing could be considerably lessened by uniform Btu coal. One reason for slagging wmitpoaght to be the anomalous upward Flucy thoushS heat value of the incoming fuel. Beatitlucuations cause the fire to burn MShex and hotter in the box thus inducing pignging confitione. Uniform quality fue) aggng inate this major cause of slags ing. Ash removal problems associated with the fernace and the precipitators can pe wee ea uf the variation of ash content is peetCGienin practical Limits. Shozt texm Kept ions of ash content may result in yansetjagt of the precipitators with Larger CEMageng ia amounts of ash. This could chen oy geounding of the electrostatic CaeSipteacion field, violation of antt” Eretution laws, and possible large fancs: polivtn the precipitators, furnishing uni AS wien isey coal would eliminate high ash sore thereby reducing the size and com SUESEE, of the bottom ash handling equipeen’ ty tips the moet important of all blend- ing apelicatians would be tho utilization of ing appl icpebieuminous coals for boilers that western furwise be unable to fire then effi woe oeheTso by upgrading the fuel, blending dently: ghee the cost of flue gas desulfur~ Veation (760) systems. on [Pool eneric fuel facslity, bed blend~ ing con reevLt in a wore uniform partiols ing can The feodstock. This would minimize Are oro of the screening station necessary fhe ei te gee the various constituent sizes tee tetthe Feeding of the gasifier. | pric ficient gasifier operation would more efit the feedstock could be held within reeut value of not more than 250 Beu's fron jes average value. vorage var end conversion plants usually requize extensive dead storace piles fOr reduigncy use as woll as the Live storage onergtty needed to satiséy the plant's sel Par chents between shipments: The con) cere iiing and reclaining facilstice gen” seocketLopresent a sabstancial anvestuent exally repreal and in acreage. |The incre- both iP cok of providing bed blending to montat Geilieies is quite reasonable and Gakeby of serious consideration YF SShccessful, blending requires a judicious selection of coals. Random selec” Beaters gis for blending can cause deter s- fiom on of the ash characteristics with the oration fey of further combustion problens seer et lowered ash fusion temperature. DBEINTNTONS pefore getting into the details of she: ped bearing systems and their economics. Fs bed Digmijize to set the definition of terme We will be using. coal Rank Bak seoam generating units have been tixed buccesstully using all ranks of coat fired surcoeite to lignite, auxiliary eqsiPy from apsign will vary according to the mont der'gha physical propertios of fuel» 35 chomical Pose propertios defined in estap- YWening rank. Listing re MGonbinations of moisture, heating rope plassifications are based value, volatile matter, and agglonerating waltereles ag defined in the Agtm Standard. BrOpert tgpecification for the Classification bE coals by Rank". Bed Blending seri plending is a term applied to a bulk materiale syscom handling large qualities of mar em haversals and turning them, into an Ronan’ tbls nonegenious plant feed. Tit 3s accephapanea by spreading the raw materials accomplistant uniform rate, back and forts ate long rectenguiar area and graguarty, Over epee a bea of several hundred Layers butldingiah an triangula: cross sections. OF mater tg of the layered bed is performed PY Reclalmitgoiy removing small cross sections eae OE the cross section to be senaved Bach slice oye the sams physical and chemical Properties as the entire bed: ‘Returning to our discussion we wish now to explain how a Bed “lovags pile is formed. of bienaing Blending Fig. 1 Single Boom Travelling Stacker Fig. 2 HOW A STORAGE PILE 1S FOR Stockpiling of materials in layered beds can be accomplished in a number of ways. A single, slewing or fixed, boom travelling stacker, Fig. 1. ~ 2. double boom travel? stacker, Fig. 2 3.' Overhead trippar, PAL 4) Radial stacker with selegcopic Fig. 3. 5. Circular storage stackor. head, ‘ese stackere are generally equipped with luEfing boom conveyors to minimize the Grop of material to the pile after discharge. For automatic stockpiling the boom tip is equipped with a level detector (5) which can be electrically interlocked with the holsts The timing selay in this circuit permits the Loom to be raised automatically in increments as tho pile is progressively built up. For aterials which mee be Blended under shelter Sr which are not subject to segregation the travelling tripper in the apex of the build~ ing roof is frequently employed. Fig. 3. Seal Belt Tripper Pig. 4 Radial Stacker with Telescopic Head LAYERING METHODS Blending bode can be built up using any of a number of layering methods Chovron Method, Fia. This bed biendina method is the wo: commonly employed since it has the following Savantages 1. Tt ig possible to add an additive or corrective material at anytiwo, even during the last few passes of the stacker, over the entire pile Length to obtain the required blend. 3. partial blending of the bed end cones ie simpler. Se The stacker can be a non-slewing type with 3'boom of minimum length (since it must Only extend to the pile center). Result is a lowar stacker weight and a lower overall installed cost: 4, Automation of the stacker movement is comparatively simple. The disadvantage of the chevron method is qzeater particle segregation in the bed Gross section. he significance of this Phenomenon will be discussed lator. Tf segre~ Gation 42 of major importance and results in Unacceptable variotions in the recovery of the pPSther stacking methods can be employed. Fig. 5 Chevron Pile Cross Section ee ee Pig. 6 Windrow Pile Cross Section Windvow Method, Fig. 6 Using this blending method, the bed is composed of numerous gnall layered beds Particle segregation t= considerably reduced nd distysbuted throughout the cross section. Bhe @isadvantages of this method are: 1. Tf blend corrections mist be made at random, they will only be in certain parts of the bad cross section. 2. “A slewing stacker with a long boom (boom discharge must extend to outer row) is required resulting in a higher cost unit than for the chevron method discussed above. 3. By building the individual small beds the stacker haz to operate between many rever= Sing points at the pile ends. 4. Blending of the bed end cones is aifcient to accomplish, possibly making it hecessazy to recireulate portiene of the end 5. Automation of stacker movement is complex requiring computer control. Modified Windrow or Six Row Method, Pia. 7 This iz a comprasise between the chevron and windrow methods. The bed is built up By Gnpositing three small layered beds to form eee eRake ae the pile and then filling sn Rose Lsyarea piles to complete the full bed CESS Sakeion. With the modified windrow Guthod, particle segregation ie somewhat SRauced bna distwibated within the pile oss section ae compared to the chevron method The disadvantages of this system are gamilar to those of the windrow method but eurtl2hauced seale. Automation of the stack Go fovenent. is still complex and often semi- Sitoestie operarion is adapted. For this Ggerstion the plant operator first sets the QESk Locetion to commence the forming of each Beetmall individually layered beds and he Ghen puts the machine in the automatic mode. fig. 7 Modified Windrow Pile Cross Section Cirevlar Piles Tha formation of a circular pile cas be accomplished by either the chevron or windrow method of Layering. The cheveon method requires the use of a simple lufting hoom radial stacker, How ver, the pile that is to be formed in a oyebiow fashion requires the use of a portal Tne supporting a conveyor with tripper oF sTShuele conveyor system to reach to the hear and far sides of the pile circular Storage system Fig. 8 the stacker rotates around @ column fixed in the conter of the circular storage Elles “tne central column not only supports Rhe stacker but also supports the rotary Teclaimer, the incaming conveyor supplying iSterial to the ceacker, and, sf the pile is rps enclosed, it can also be used to support the roof. (See Pig. 8) Tho blending of materials can be accon~ plished by 2 number of methods. 1. Separate batches. 2. Batch on batch. 3. Continuous baten. i In cases 1. and 2. above, both chevron and windrow stacking Can be employed. In Gage 3., only chevran stacking is used. Separate Batches. Here two working piles ave used: Each pile occupies less than one half of che entire circular area, Tho piles are separated by @ permanent dead pile. the Beemanent dead pile is there to eliminate end Bone formation. Material is layered against the sloping surface af the dead pile end is reclaimed up to this pile. ‘Separate batch piles can be layered in either chevron af windrew patterns. If the Chevron methos is employed, a luffing boom Stacker can be used. By lowering ehe boom to S*foine just above the top ar the formed pile, 5 minimum freefall height is allowed, thus keeping dusting to a minimum. TR windrow piling, a shuttle conveyor or a conveyor with txipper aystom must be employ 2a in’ both chevron and Windrow stacking, the free fall of material from a point above the Righest point of the pile to the floor clevation Gan create an ondesizable anount of dust, In Sone Gases, the use of dust collection equip= ment 8 required When bullaiag 2 windrow pile in a circular storage area, one of three methods must be used iocaasure that che volume of material deposited [ico 'encn windrow ia uniform due to the differ ent casi on which each windrow is constracteca, So the radios of the windrow being constructed fhcreases, either the speed of the stacker iOtation is decreased, the number of passes Seer one point is increased, or the input Qieacity fo the stacker is increased. With both windrow and chevron batch stack~ ing, a permanent dead pile is required to sep~ inet a the piles. ‘This dead area occupies space flat would otherwise be used for Live storage. Rrreversivie reclainer is used in con junction with the separate batch storage System. While one pile is being reclazned, Sthor pile is being bedded. ahlaitional control equipment is recuired for a windrow formed pile compared £0 a chevron formed pile. the Batch on Batch. In this case, the initial pile constzucted ia generally two thirds of the Total storage aroa- The storage pile can be Gither of windrow ox chevron construction When the initial pile is ready for reclaim and the reclainer ia set into operation, the sicker is moved to begin forming a new pile nee Glaces the second batch in the remaining one-third area. Ip the case of a chevron constructed pile! the stacker bailda the second batch against, {he ena cono of the first batch hence "batch Sn batch" pile construction. ‘Diis Formation, a3 in Separate batching, ~ can be through the use of a luffing boom stacker to minimize dusting. At the end of construction of the second pile, the two piles appear to be one, seamless and uniform. However, it mast be noted that the material layered in the ond cone of the First pile and the overlapping end section of the. Second pile will not have the uniform blend Gf a continuous pile. There will be come difference in the blend of materials within tho end cone ection when compared to other sections of the pile. Dutiing construction of the second pile, the blended material is being reclaimed in a continuous clockwise fashion, leaving room for tho third pile to be constructed in the sare way as the second. Windrow piling can also be used in batch on batch stacking through the use of the same type of machinery described under the sepa- rate batch system except for one additional, complication. Since the initial pile con— struction is two thirds of the entire area and the second and all following piles will be of either one third or some other portion of the entiro aroa, adjustable end-of travel stops for the stacking machinery must be employed. Unlike the separate batch system, there is no down time in the reclaim cycle of the Daten on’ batch system due to repositioning of the reclainer. The reclaimer operation is continuous with only the stacker operating limite requiring peciodic adjustment for relocation of the stacker. Continuous Batch. The continuous batch, method is one developed recently for a storage/reclaim aystem that Robins Engineers and Constructors 1s providing in the United Seates. ‘The continuous batch eyetem ie unique in that the stacking and reclaim operation is continuous. Repositioning of equipment is never necessary Ghe hoart of this new concept is the method in which the pile is built. Rather than building horizontal layers in either a chevron or windrow pattern, the pile ie constructed in an inclined chevron pattern. This results ina multi-layered pile with a vertical apex that slopes doymward to grade terminating in a horizontal point. (See Fig. 9) vhe initial pile ig constructed of the proper arc length and with a sloping surface to layer the incoming material on a pre~ determined angle. The Length of the taper ing pile is calealated based on the Blanding efficiency desired and the properties of the incoming material. The blending pile is then constructed by slewing the stacker between Limite over the top of the inclined portion of the ini- tial pile. As the stacker rotates from ona end of the pile to the other, the lufting mechanism keeps the top oF the boom just above the top of the formed pile to keep Freofall and dusting to an absolute minimum. ‘On each Successive back and forth pass, an additional layer ig added to the inclined or “tail” section of the pile. When the level of material at the high end reaches the prescribed pile height, the boom then auto matically indexes a short distance in the direction of pile construction (towards the low end) which algo advancea the position of the tip of the pile tail. The boom then Indoxes betwaen these limite adding inclined Chevron layars to the pile. zeta ee t ie Seems F son Been 7 Fig. 9 Circular Pile cross Section Bach time the level of material reaches the prescribed high level, the stacker boom indexes to new limits continuing to baila layers until it has rotated back to the initial starting point just behind the reclaimer. ‘As the reclaimer advances, drawing blended material from the pile, the stacker continues to place material into storage following the reclainer making full utilization of the area available. ‘Since the continuous batch method uses inclined chevron layering to form the pile, it is not nocessary to be concerned with chang- ing the boom rotation speed, number of passes, or input capacity to control incoming volume as explained earlier for windrow pile construc~ tion of a radially formed pile, The circular chevron built stockpile has the same advantage over the linear pile. The thickness of layers in a linear system vary. due to the relative speed difference between the stacker travelling with or against the direction of material flow, causing varying volumes of material to be delivered to the Pile. With the circular yard, the material is supplied to the center and'no relative speeds exist. RECLAIMING METHODS Messiter Reclainer, Fig. 10 ‘The harrow (rake) OF this machine covors the entire bed base and has an independent. horizontal movement.” ‘The many projecting teeth on its forward face disturb the material particles in the entire bed cross section. Particles cascade down the forward face to the bed base. The Messiter raclaimer moves con tinually forward into the bed and capacity is regulated by this forward speed. A plow conveyor ~ operating horizontally along the GRE’Etze _ moves the material to a sunnel Retveyor running parallel to the bed sontnts waraion of this type of rectaimer prot Th ends raised so that the collecting pee pyor can be located above ground level conveyer sc this system is formed on an ele— vated base Fig. 10 Messiter Reclaimer while the Mossiter reclaimer 18 a0 excellent Feclaimer of blonded material, it excenleumber of sseadvantages such 38 4 mae ier effective storage capacity for 3 serena, the cost of civil work ie nigh. Give? pacaty of the rectaimer is Limited ans eee iieenapce costs on the reclainer and eee ner than other types OF equipment. notar The he backe travels back and forth along a Shane ee full wiath of the bod. Spe0l surrounds the bridge and ¢ (ibe for in line pile arrange Sage supports’ one harrow (or two harrows caErhage erpible bucket wheel). This harrow fer anualiy adjustable to compensate for AauRZTSi= Various angles of repose ‘The bucket Fig. U1 Rotary Bucket Wheel Reolaimer he projecting teeth on the forward face of the narrow disturb the material particles ge Ebe Rai" face as the carriage travels back iparfortn along the bridge. The material and {fies cascading down to the bed base are perked up by the bucket wheel ana are dis- BiekGed onto a beidge conveyor which feeds chaget ing conveyor belt running slong side the blending bed. tending jage speed is variable (low in the center and high at the sides of the bed See Tee cain a regular output of the bucket face? “Sen time the bucket wheel azrives at whee! tae of the bed face, the reclaimer moves the side gwara so that a new slice can be cut- a steer output de regulated by the size of this advance. aovanGvantages of the bridge type bucket wheel reclainer are: better more effective whee tga copacity in a given area, relatively storage Cobork costs, high capacity range (oe ES'5600 tp of coal). and low operating and maintenance costs aintenercganeage of the machine is that tc dont not rectaim the entire bed Base at f SORE POE fea the bucket wheel reclaing the one $I0SL from left to right and then vice wed fi¥e tate eype Zeclainer can be equipped YeERO, go bucker wheels working independently, wien tne Buming one half of the bed face of gach zoc}Mnooue travel across the bed face for gimiirat case 2ach carriage has a varying To the Fin’ the Latter case the two carriages epee cupled at a fixed distance and have one ore ee tEng speed. Double wheel reclaimers Eifer becter blending efficiency. rig. 12 Drom Reclaimer Drum Reclaimer, Fia. 12 Reciavin téclaimer has a bridge equipped with meonveyor spanning the full width of the With 8 cOD im’ equipped wath buckets, surrounds ved. lage and is supported by rollers at= tre te the sills. The bridge is coupled tached t0 Slie, which are supported on trucks YAER ee oe for this machine consisting of The Martrizontal parts, covers tho entire bed zee Per *Cop and bottom part move horizon> facts and in opposite directions to the center ESHY “this way the forces created by the Bare cnt of the teeth through the bed face megtgpsorbed in the harrow itself» esor pet row main frame has a triangular pidge hinged mounted on @ach side to the bridge fge'on the centerline of the dram Tt is eupported with adjustable members on the sillsy With this arrangement. the posi- {ion of the hottom row of teeth in the harrow maintains a fixed distance to the bucket Lip Circle at any position of the harrow. The Gran reclaimer continuously advances into the fed which can be regulated to moot capacity Fequirenents. ‘The drum reclaimer can also be equipped with reversible buckets and two harrows for in line pile configurations. ‘This drum reclaimer. as with the rotary bucket wheel, overcomes the disadvantages of (e Messiter veclaimer and also permits re Claiming the entire bed face at one time. ‘The disadvantage of the drum reclaimer is basically one of weight and the heavy Construction required to support the drum, fesulting in higher initial cost. End cone Eecireulation time is longer, reducing the fed efficiency and requiring larger plant ‘bunkers. tie Fig. 13. Rotary Seraper Reclaimer Rotary Scraper Reclaimer ‘The rotary scraper reclaimer consists of a bridge supported chain scraper and harrow that rotates through 360°, reclaiming Stored material ta the conter of the storage pile where it ie transferred through a cen~ Ezal hopper to an underground receiving conveyor The circular ecraper roclaimer operates fully automatically. The reclaimer is sup ported on one end by raiz mountod trucks. The other end is supported by a bearing jocated on the central support column that ig also used to support the stacker, incoming Sonveyor supplying material to the stacker, Gnd building roof structure. The reclaimer advances towards the pile ariven by the wheeled trucks on the outside Gireular rail.” ‘he rate of speed that the foclaimer advances into the pile is adjustable and controls the vate of tonnage reclaimed. Fig. 14 Rotary Scraper Reclaimer in Storage Dome A harrow is mounted on the roclaimer bridge and moves Back and forth against the face of the pile. The projecting teeth on the harrow contact the bedded material with posi~ tive force, loosening the particles and causing thom to flow te the Base of the pile. At the base of the pile, the material forme a wave that is a homogenous blend of the vertical ‘The horizontal scraper chain that i suspended beneath the bridge beam is then used fo'blend each foot of vertically blended mate~ Fial across the face of the pile. Theoret~ ically, every blade on the scraper chain Eeelaims a Little portion from each foot of the pile width. Bach seraper gaining volume as it passes across the entire width of the pile until a complete cross sectional compo- Bition af the pile Le obtained. (See Fig 13 &14) here are basically tuo typos of face raking devices. The wire rope device and the rigid harrow. The wire rope dovise acts much liko a windshield wiper, sweeping over the whole pile face. Generally, there are two Yopes used that are hinged at the upper apex Of the bedding pile. At the lower end, they Gre mounted on a carriage that moves along the pile base. The rope lies loosely on the pile Ehee and cuts off a slice of the storage pile. Generally, the rope devise is considered best suited for small, grain cizo materials. The harrow, with its many projecting teeth and rigid heavy construction, 15 better suited for the larger particle size or higher tonnage capacity applications. Boom Typo Stacker Reclaimer, Fig. 15 This as an adaptation of the conventional bucket wheel Feclaimer design. A harrow, pro~ vided at the end of a boom, agitates the face Sf the pile as the machine advances down from the center of the pile. The boom ewings in en are from side to side, Reclaim capacity for fhis machine 18 subject to surges and accurate lending is not possible due to tho ercual movenent of the harrow. However, for systems pot requiring extrane accuracy but requiring a high tonnage output. this boom type re- Glainer in worthy of Consideration. Fig. 15 Room Type Stacker Reclaimer Rotary Plow Feeders, Fig. 16 ‘Thase Eupnel machines are mentioned here pecause they do have a Limited application in Pod Blending systems. Rotary plow feeders ee Generally installed in long tunnels under S'eiot bunker having @ 'V! shaped bottom dross section. (See Fig- 17) A tunnel is provided with two or more plows which rotate Thea Horizontal plane yeclaiming the materiel from one or two shelves. The rotary plows Hlowy traverse back and forth discharging fatarial ento a conveyor at the bottom of the tunnel. hie system lends itself to lending two basic fuels such as high and low Sulfur content coals. Ona travelling plow Neder would be operating under each pile of the different coal ranks. ‘The collecting conveyor, receiving the material in two Tayers, would carry the mixture which would be'blended by the tumbling action of subse~ guent trensfers. In this sense, the system fe somewhat 1ike bin blending system. Pig. 16 Rotary Plow Feoder he advantage of bunker storage is the relatively lower cost as compared with above Ground bine when large quantities have to be Beved. the etticiency of blending with ehis lese than the other systems previ- Sualy discussed and is not recommended when fore’ than two materials have to be combined. Fig. 17. Rotary Plow Feeder Yunnel Although the terme blending and mixing are used interchangeably, this does not imply that the two terms are synonymous ~ but rether that in many ingtances a conventional mixing action will be entirely satisfactory. this SS especially true when the purpose of mixing iS primarily an averaging procedure, such as thetmining of coals having different sulfur Gontenes prior to combustion. BLENDING QUALTTY CONTROL Removing material continuously in small unifor transverse incraments by a reclaim Rachine has the same effect as continuously Sampling the entize contents of the storage cere. Interval spacing and number of sample Eats correspond to the pile length and the fumber of layare. Since each sample is rep- Tocontative of the whole, each Layer repre- Bente an exact portion of the whole and each febnaverse cut must therefore be a true rep- Eosuatation of the average of the entire pile- Te*follows that the sum of the transverse cuts, which is the total pile recovery, will be uni- form in both chemical and physical analysis. ‘rhe most, convenient method to measure uniformity ie standard deviation. A mathe Inatical formala can be applied to the analysis BE cach component maiing up the entire lot. Te is the square root of the average of the Squares of the individual deviations of all Samples from their mean. ot =F x, - a)? -b vi 7 where D = Standard Deviation m= Number of somples > Individual deviation of Av ~ hy desired property a = Average property anda =Ex,- 2 vi Standard deviation is the basis for quality control. For example, given the Gverage in the standara deviation of a lot St material it can be stated that the value Sf 98% of all samples of the lot will fall Detwoun the average 4 twice the standard Seviation. Further, 99.7% of all samples will have a value between the average + Yhree times the standard deviation. Tt therefore follows that the lower the standard Geviation of any lot or storage pile of ma— ferial the more nearly all increments taken ron it will have an analysis equal to the average. As indicated before, the number of Sanpie cuts taken corresponds to the number Gf layers. ‘Therefore the greater number of [ayers in the blending bed, the lower the standard deviation. ‘One of the moat frequent misinterpreta~ tions of Blending efficiency is thet the Gogree of blending is relative and not an Gbsclute figure and that it has to be meaq Gured against the known observation. Blending Gificiency indseates Row much of an inprove~ mont can be made in a particular operation or Gow clase to a given integrated average mate~ Dill consisseney can be duplicated. Blending Gill not entich the individual component nor SILL it improve an integrated average which [Eself was not acceptable. Tf is a matter of Zecuray, Fefinenent and subtle variations in ESntrel. Tt is a precaution taken to assure that the blended material will be constant, prodictable, and duplicable. The accuracy of blendiag systems is also 2 function of the length of the piles. This fs actually the second criteria ~ the first being the Number of layers ~ to produce sat~ isfactory results. In building a long trian~ Gulay shaped pile thera will be a long trian- Ghler center portion formed by several hundred Yayers with two half cones at each end. The material in the end cones is distributed Gi¢gorently than that of the triangular center portion. in the center portion, materials are Yoyered and particle movement is in two direc tions, bat in the end cones the geometrical pateern 15 difserent. abt cones are formed Because the material being discharged at the ond point will roll down in any direction on the Surface always following the path of least resistance, gonefally the steepest angle. when the reclaiming mackine reaches to the ena cone it cuts varying cross sectional amounts of material subject to the geometry Gf the material present in the cone shape. Following this reasoning, the first cut the Feclaime? makes on a aew pile theoretically Fepresents the last layer and may be far Tenoved from the overall average. Accuracy increases as the machine approaches the full Gross section. [te change can be plotted on 3 uniform curve. ‘The number cf layero in a pile is deter~ mined as a function of the pile cross section, Sverage rated capacity of the stacker, and the stacker traverse speed expressed by the following formula. Wo x va x 60 we va where wo = Capacity of pile - tons per fe va = Average stacker velocity ~ pa © = average capacity of stacking Gevies ~ =p No = mumber of layers Fron this fozmula italso follows that the Dverage material deposited by the stacking device per foot 1 = Fae where W = Ton of material deposited per ft of stacker traverse 70 minimize end cone influence and im- prove overall efficiency, it is suggested that En optimum layout for the blending system provide for a minimum pile length equivalent fo st least six times the width of the pile bases A wider pile has more layers and will Tneréase blending efficiency, but should the pile become too short it would upset the Efficiency due to end cone influence. The Six to one atio ie a good ompirical solution bat when this ratio canst be achieved, it may Be advisable to provide for end cone blending Or to recizeulate the material in the outer half of the end cones and reblend it into an adjacent pile- High volumetric bed efficiency will vherefore lead to a long slender bed with a stall erase section which will consist of 2 Eelatively small number of layers in the cross Eection? however, for high blending efficiency f large cunber of layers usvally three hundred Or more is required. Por any given bed volume Ghese two factors are in conflict and the belection of optiman bed dimensions are often established by compromise. if a very high Blending efficiency is mandatory, a pile with D large cross section containing of upwards of S00 layers may be required. Tf the storage Volune must be lazge due to train schedules, tear, the cress section of the piles will be Targe and the proportions of the pile may be such that the volume of the end cones will) represent appreciable ratio of the whole. Grader to maintain the desired nigh blending Gificiency, the end cones would probably have fo be blended or recireulated. The required Nolune of the beds or pile in’a bed blending Eysten depends on the tonnage, shipping sched Qle of the coal, variation of physical and Chemical properties of tho fuel, and the magnitude of the process receiving material oom the blending system. An in depth analy- bis of these factors ia usually necessary to @stablish the desired pile volume. Practically {e\has been found that a finished bed volume Gguel to one week of plant consumption is adequate. Tf limitations of available area and overall dimensions of the blending system are het important factors, then the optimum Ainengiois of the bed'are governed by volu- metric bed efficiency and nunber of layers in The bed required For good blending (blending efticiency). In cme volumetric bad efficiency is defined as the percentage of the total bed volume: Sepresonced by the main pile (parallel, body: seers bed) versus the percentage of the ma- Ceviel in the beg ends. The efficiency is a ferttlon of the ¥ ratio Where Lis the length Ei'Gne bed between peaks and & is the base width of the pile. POSSIBLE OTGADVANTAGES OF PLENDING Im the past some blends have caused serious combustion problems that could have Bete gvoised by a more careful choice of coals cere awaing propertions. The cause of certain eee intpeobions such ae slagging and foul GomiSve been traced to the relative quantities {ys Reveal minerals in the ash. One of the Sse troublesome components of the western T2Shite coals as sodium. Experience bas we ee ge more than 0.4% sodium in he coal, Tae pacts) or more than 4% sodium in the ash LOY Veeiy co couse serious slagging and foul. ang froslems. ‘these difficulties are explained Bo Reveenaancy of large percentages of alkalis vy eefally sodiun to lower the ash softening eehecrature of the coal. Although sodium con~ TeRe*SE ax or less appears to have no consis— rere SEroce on ash softening temperature, an see een to Gh can cause ash fusion tempora~ SES*ES be lowered by 150" — 200°F vie phe combustion problems particularly jose caused by lower ash fusion temperatures ee tiaced to the components of the coat gan he, Frapoeracanaing of ash characteristics Bblains why the combustion characteristics of Pa Tg then blended priox to combustion, BMibbe far less acceptable then those of Ether coal when fired separately Fn adequate explanation of the possible Serre of koel blending on ash fusion involve a considerable £a— Giagrans and other tools ‘ghorefore outside ‘pat as any pbys~ aave temperature woul millarity with ph ap physical chemistry and is the scope of this article fhe sepemist or chemical engineer Xnows. the peoplans Shy reader interested Pe ore lucien can consult the technical 1it- eee particularly ehe works of Stewart craters: Egortne: and Ubbens, Markley, and Golo et at. Listed in the appendix. CASE HISTORY FOR COAL, BLENDING an interesting example of successful coal blending ia the Navajo Mine located in the voeregorners area of New Mexico. This ming TeubLics Arizona Public Service Company's Four supplies Mor Plant with all its fuel. Utah corner cional ine. ays and operates the, mine sep supplies the plant annually with 2; which juppha of eubvbituminous coal containing mit erage of 9000 Btu's per pound. erg fons within the mine produce coal which con vary between 7000 and 10,200 Bey Riyaciation in heat content of Per Pougnitude would pomeally cause serious seSEational and economical problems at the oper gt nlant, "a solution wae found by weLlic? Powe gbing Engineers and Constructors’ exten Ang Ropairly sophisticated, and highly autor (4 ESAT Baendang system wnich handles alt 10 the coal after being crushed at the mine 0 -3/4" The blending system at thie facility consists of ten separate storage pile exec soPSnged so that oach completed pile is aErcomimately 90° wide by 600° long and 32 PEBFORnd containing 30,000 tons of active Raat torage. Piles ave formed by means of ~ SPAbuble-boom travelling stacker which con~ a sonily travels the length of the piles for ining horizontal layers in a continuous flow miNZ.terial is received over the conveyor syetom. Blending quality is controlled by a mine engineer who schedules tho Loading of the two eRasels sn the pits in an effort to have one ceerel in the face where the heating value ie iigner than average and the other shove in Rho face where heating value is lower than te age, "As a pile ie boing built, a running Retatory is Kept of the grade. Tf grade ayer Eo much fram the 9000 Btu average UiSineer revises the loading schedule oF egeces the coal to another pile. Once 2. Giie’has been built, it can be scheduled for, Pile atning at the plant's convenience. Because e"Gdimatic conditions and the relative na~ ES tne mined coals, it has been their Subeeiee to reclaim each pile within two Peery Gitar completion. This avoids the weSMen of spontaneous combustion and at the eee tina allows for a Live storage capacity 22M to 240,000 tons of coal. This repre- oF ee te 2h aay supply when the generating Gnits are operating at 100% capacity: Reclaiming at this facility is accom- plished by using one of two Robine Engineers Bea Constructors bridge-type bucket wheel and Comers equipped with 25' diameter bucket wheels. (See Fig. 18) the. corners Power Plant Fig. 18 Four the coal delivered to the Four Corners Foner Plant must meet specifications covering minimum heating value, maximum volatile Jacter, macimam ash, maxciman moisture, maxi~ mun alkalis, maximum grindability, and mini~ fun ash fusion tomparature. xperience has Shown that regulation of the Btu heating Galue causes all other specifications to ‘all substantially within the specified Lin jis, ‘Carefully kept records between 1964 and 1569, during which more than 500 plend piles wore constructed to a target grade of 9000 Sluts per pound, show that the average range Bf variance of the coal pile From target Grade was 47 Btu's, of about .5%. Tho target Grade of 9000 Btu's ia the average quality Zon the entire 30,000 ton pile. Coal re~ Glained from the piles is not o£ an absolute Gniform quality, bat does not vary substan~ Wally from ite Yable No. L shows the maximum daily Btw fluctuations from a monthly norm for a sxc joan period. only four times during the 2200 Moy test pois, the daily fluctuation from he monthly norm exceeded 5% (roughly 450 Bea Variance from the approximate 9000 Bey noxm) The average maximan daily variations for mostaly nomn was about 1.7%, or roughiv 250 Brus, ft must be remembered thet these axe maximms and that the average daily Btu Waniance is mich Less, generally only a few Be Gne influence of the Navajo Mine's blending system, where a very definite eco horie significance can be proven, is the Melieation of "crop" coal- There exists at the Navajo Mine Lease large areas of deeply Weathered low Btu coal adjacent to the bed Siicrop. the low quality of this material Sohibecs its utilization as mine run fuel. "e oniy way this coal can be used is by. plending it with higher than average quality Real to form an acceptable grade of power Giant fuel. The ueilization of the blending Eocility nas, and will, allow the recovery Of a substantial natural resource which Gtherwise would have remained unmined. The assurance of uniform quality fuel delivezed from the Navajo Mine's blending Facility has also exerted definite economic fhd operatsonal influences on the Four Corners Power Plant. la of initial significance is the economy and capital cost. Based on having a blending System, smaller uniform fuel boilers were Skicctad which were able to generate the Squired thesmal energy from the 9000 Btu Blended average fuel. These Four Corners Tower Plant boilers were designed to rela~ tively close tolerances at a substantial Capital savings. ‘Operations are significantly simpler at the power plant because of the blending Facilicy with its uniform quality of coal and the surge capacity the facility offers. hore is evidence that the boiler slagging has been considerably reduced. The Four Corners Power Plant is a base load facility. Virtually all of the other power plants in the Arizona Public Service Qyetom have higher generating costs than this Slant. Thus any power generating loss at Roar Corners must be replaced by substantially higher priced electricity from their other power facilities. Uniform quality fuel con- Piimstes significantly to maintaining sustained ii Gapacity boiler operation thus alloving maximum power generation. coNcLUsTON ‘a blending system can have significant economic value in the handling and burning of Goal. The future of coal blending depends a Great deal on government regulations covering ESndards for $0) removal. These blending EYotone have beef highly successful in other Ghaustries. In stecl making the entire costs GE ene blending system have been paid for in G5 little as three years by improved plant Gfsiciency. Industrial processes are always Gmproved by maintaining a constant uniformity Obrehe feed stock. As with the Four Corners Power Station, rising coal transportation and Generating costs should help to provide the Gcessary incentive to go te bod blending. ‘One’ final warning: even the blending of similar coals should not be undertaken without Shundexstanding of the physical chemistry hvolved, nor should you go to bed blending without the benefit of an engineering and Gonatruction firm totally familiar with the COncepes of bulk materials handling. sampling, and blonding. RGR RRB ERTR | * REFERENCES 1. Gombill, 7. b., "Coal Blending at the Navajo Mine-Pour Corners Power Plant, Hew Nexido,” Gsi.M. Special Volume No. 12. Gt” Gogoes Blexander and Hensel, Robert p., "Congiderations in Blending Coals to Meet 30) Emission Requirements," Combustion, guly 1978. Pe snow, P. 0+, "Bed Blending Systems in ine coment, Tndustzy |” Rock Products, May 1970. qe Larsen, Edward P-, “Pundamentals of ore Blending," Mining Engineering, Jan 1962. So 7iyigiana, J. J+ and Loeffler, F. J. nigh Tonnage Blending of Raw Materials, Sem Paper #4S75-657. gper Hing, Sylvester B., "tomogenization ‘Symposium at Ouro Preto. Minas Pins. Brazil, Aug. 1975. Woo pr. ae T., Aiken, W. S., and Price, B.A. estovage and Blending by Simulation in Be Rob, complex," Skillings Mining Review, Dee. 1969 B. 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