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Dua/Supplication For Anxiety & Distress

Should I not teach you (some) words that you may say at the time of distress? Allahu,
Allahu, Rabbi (my Lord), Laa Ushriku bihi shaya (I dont associate any partner with Him).
The narrator: Asma binti Umaych. The scholar of Hadith: Imam Al-Albanee. The source: Sahih Al-Jaamie. The
page or the number: 2623. Summary of the Hadith rating: Hasan/Good.

Should I not teach you (some) words that you may say at the time of distress or in the
distress? Allahu, Allahu, Rabbi (my Lord), Laa Ushriku bihi shaya (I dont associate any
partner with Him).
The narrator: Asma binti Umaych. The scholar of Hadith: Imam Al-Albanee. The source: Sahih Abi Daawud.
The page or the number: 1525. Summary of the Hadith rating: Sahih/Authentic.

If any of you is afflicted with anxiety or distress, then let him/her say: Allahu, Allahu,
Rabbi (my Lord), Laa Ushriku bihi shaya (I dont associate any partner with Him).
The narrator: Ayesha, Umm Al-Mumineen. The scholar of Hadith: Imam Al-Albanee. The source: Silsilah AsSahihah. The page or the number: 2755. Summary of the Hadith rating: Sahih/Authentic.
Translator: Nasrin As.Salafiyah [The Miskinah].

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