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A dia tidak pernah sekalipun membantu ibunya, karena yang dia pikirkan

hanyalah kecantikannya saja. suatu hari dia diajak oleh ibunya untuk pergi ke
pasar, pada awalnya dia tidak mau pergi ke pasar, akan tetapi pada akhirnya dia
mau asalkan ibunya berjalan di belakangnya. dan akhirnya mereka pun pergi ke
ketika mereka sedang berjalan di pasar, banyak orang yang mengagumi akan
kecantikannya, akan tetapi mereka sedikit heran karena ada wanita tua yang
berjalan di belakangnya mereka pun bertanya " siapa wanita yang berada di
belakangmu ? ". Karena malu dia pun berbohong dan mengatakan bahwa wanita
yang ada di belakangku adalah pelayanku. ketika mendengar anaknya berbicara
seperti itu, ibunya merasa sakit hati lalu dia berdoa kepada tuhan supaya
menghukum anaknya.
dan akhirnya dia berubah menjadi batu. Wanita itu menangis dan meminta maaf
kepada ibunya, akan tetapi semua itu sudah terlambat, karena dia sudah
sepenuhnya menjadi batu. lalu mereka menyebutnya dengan batu menangis

Once upon a time, lived a poor old widow in a small village. She lived with her daughter.
Her daughter was very beautiful but also very lazy and arrogant.

he never once helped her mother, because she thought only of her beauty alone.
One day he was invited by his mother to go to the market, at first he did not
want to go to the market, but in the end he wants as long as his mother walked
behind. and finally they went to market
when they are running in the market, many people who admire her beauty, but
they are a little surprised because there is an old woman who walked behind
them were asking "who the woman who is behind you?". Embarrassed she lied
and said that the woman who was behind me is my servant. when I heard her
talk like that, her mother felt hurt and he prayed to god that punishes his son.
and finally he turned to stone. The woman cried and apologized to his mother,
but it was too late, because she had been completely into stone, then they call it
with stones cry

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