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ldUOlC Preface /WH /01 #2 Bait t= / Prefécio ae, setges COR + Hihoy apes + RO +1 BE Bhe> Be + Me. 4 ga BBC PES kbIN|S) £5 he = Sis WT, BREONEOIELES. “This book + is for those who have finished studying the inter. mediate level ofthe Japanese language. + helps you to review what you studied at the inter: ‘mediate level and to move to the advanced level. ‘takes 20 minutes a day for 4 weals to finish. «+ helps you to improve your Japanese in all areas such as kan, voeabulary and grammar, ++ enables you to intensively study your weak areas only if preferred. ‘Asin the Japanese saying, "geting used to it mare important than learning it", please improve your Japanese by practicing ‘the many exercises in this Book March, 2009 Noriko Matsumoto / Hitoko Sasaki olde + Sa Syl eal Bd Bee ae + Bao Seve Aso, deee Hote a S 7inwuct +87 208, 4 FESS UF asc + BM / off] / Buel 2M BegLa Abeta Hick aigAlce 200914 381 pik O whale ALA SLES OHM DO Le BdID a LORBO*TS. DRED SHOT. “ERICEOA EOI THES. 20s}, 4iahicee eas, BE. WeokSHe sy zc< Bearer. a SDP yICEET. z La seats +Beuhee, REM CMETSTER TERS. Telkpeosd. ENE AMBER A HS 2009 #35 Roetoy = Hei - ee EB + SAHRA A RANA BIT. PRD MERA REA. 20 SHH 4 FAAS i MRE ETE. HRP. BL. ERS mS SER BSAA. + RRM HED D MRT Fim “PARESETS” cB. LEITH SRE Bie HN. 200946 3B MORE teak Orr + # um livro voltade para as pessoas que termina: am todo astudo intarmodiino, + Comogutd a partir do uma ravisia do nivel interme (iio fortalocendo « avango para o nivel avangado. + Conseguit’ estudar em quatro semanas, vinte mk ruts por dia ‘© Poderd aumentar a habilidade goal estudando, do maneira balanceada, eada aspecto da palavra, do vocabulito eda gramstica + Tambim conseguind estudar eoncentrandose ape ‘as nos pontas fracas Em Japonés tom um ditado que diz"Mais do que apea deve acostumarse’. Quanto mais resslvermos as male fortaleceremes oidloma Japonts, Maryo de 2008 Noriko Matsumoto / Hitoko Sasaki a x g Contents / AR / 4+ / indice HESHE Stall / Preftcio- «+ IS WIT Pectace/ we /o1 # BA 2p me TOAOBWD How to Use This Book / USAAF / 01 ANS] HE /Modo de usar este livre Eb 0 kes 1 Week 1/28/11 / I*semana -+ +00 +++ EY bes BRE 2G week 2 (REM / 277 somang eee ee eee eee 77 EU bes FB ween s (=m / 43% / 8 somane 145 EW ad FE GB weeks mM / 4% / 4 comune 213 yooes {EBRY) woreriat 844 / 4.2 / apincice earumy num pc paces + RRRASZ - BISZOER (SABIE) Translation of Questions & Examples (Korean) / AT. ISCANEEHE CBE) 2] eet (aF04 ) ‘radupio das quostdese dos exemplos de sentengas Careane) = +++ +++ 282 ‘aes. Ba + FREES - BISZOER GRIL KAILA) ee of Questions & Examples (Portuguese) / IH. USTHIBIE ( WA FE) / O82] wed ( 2 ZO} ) ‘Teadugdo das questies e dos exemplos de sentengas (Portugués) «+++ +++ +++ +++ 230 bey *RFUAZR Kanji List RPV / BAZIAS / Lista de kanjis © +-+6+++62 esse eee eee 300 + BEVBRUZ b Vocabulary List Classified by Part of Speech / #eintesheka Bia EA of IelAS / Lisa do voeabulsio sepanado dos elementos gramaticas - saan syurse snc + Ml SB Ub Sentence Pattern, Grammar Ust / 8), ii AR 0) | SWSeLAE / List dos padres de sentence edos tens gramatioas «---» 3OB, ZOAROE UA How to Use This Book / it Hae Riz / ol #2] ALS YY / Modo de usar este livro IRS IOBICHONTUET. BIEN LORIE, BA he bare DERE. UdikA FORE OMBITS. Each page is divided into three sections, The tap section is fr learning kanji the mide section is fr learning vocabulary, {and the bottom section is for learning grammar. \RSH=S. SLEN-BELFM PAW ASNT ATER. 1 Oli 3 72] HOR Urol eLICh. 7B Pol GE SA, ti7HSCS| cle ofl, 7H OW le Se euch ‘A primar pga esta dividia om 3 colunas. Wa parte do elma estardo as palvras, no meio os vaeabuliros ena parte de batxo as questdes gramaticas +1"- 2x 3303s BARES Uh & * Bae DICE, I RRR SO CHRLITUIS ELC LES 1HSX-yY, 1518(SHxS“—y) FO eam) [ob be HEemess. 1BADSSARSTT. —— SF 084, i008, SEES OF. _H90 oo eernes) Haoas. 7ABi. Se 12M. BRIS [198/14 oon) 2 om Se OAES kk Bh ke tesa §. SOK11M. stS5ebes. 1p oes DoS, BAORMON—JICOSHHR logs Pon (cEALELES. Ae racer you og ough he oak n unr dro gt the oral progress do 5 pape 15 quo) 30 questions on grammar. On the 7th day, you will do 12 kanji questions, 12 vacabulary questions, and 13 grammar ques- tions. At the end of the week, please fillin the chart on the frst page ofthat week. EQRAGSED. QFRROM RS ANTES. 15 SAS 1S A (3M «5. aT eB OR, VP IOWA, iL 30 iM Ai 20 HN ABST OOM, 97 KF 121 AIL 12 ee Sit 35 iB. 1 DG eRe MARI 2hel SSUich. SES Mola], 15 Sal (3 74 XS MOIA 4 SHS A304, c1F130 71, BH 3070, Batol 90-BA7h Sch. 7 elke SA 127 QUSUCE. IETF BU, ehFS] ALS wo) AIo¥ SIe= SvlgeoH 71g] eA Para aumentat a habilidade gerd sard melhor seguir a ondom doe nimerce das questées. Faga 18 questes de cada, 6 paginas por lao primeiro ao sexto dia vardo 30 questdes de palavras, 30 questies de vocabulério « 80 questdes de gramdtiva totalizando 90 questies.fositima da, terdo 12 questdes de palavras, 12 queetias da vocabulinic © 11 quostées de gramética totalizande 36 ‘quastdes. Mo tirmine de una semana, anoto ma tabela que esti no nico da pigina da cada semana, onimoro de acento ee bnae Example / S55E64 /7 121241 24, s0%8| LL ies 2% somal 2/1208 ° Se BICR A AUICIRPE RRL TUX DOUWWTL & 20 BILE aes Bistciate<, WBisA EOE oe) lam DeICRS, RicBAD Ge te5 HE i) Lt) BARC CUSMHOLHEED ET. BORAT SSASEBUBELTCIEAL. ‘You are free to study each section intensively one at atime if you prefer. For example, you cauld tackle the top section (kanji fst, ignoring the order, and then move to the middle section (vecabulary). Please use this book to overcome your weak points. RAVRASARA PE. HM BA-RFIAE. MMARS MERMBLEM—B CF) MBH Pehla] — Be ( 1. FLSA C85 AEE. Howe dede2 Bde 22 781 St (o1Fi) 2! |S SSCL. on Bel SM ISO! of-|2} 74st $1 et ( BAP) at = SHUG SSUCh. Hele] als Zopat ApoE SUCH Serd malhor naclver as questbes concentrando-te om cada ponlo.For exemplo, sem eer em ondem numérica, hd também uma ma nalra de estufar resolvendo, prime, apanas as questées contidas acima (a escrita), © depals, apenas as do melo (vocals), ‘Use do modo que fortalega seu ponte fraea, “The answers and explanations are an the next page following the questions. SRMBREAMNT-T. 23 ABE Sal] Hy Molto WeH ch as pdginas soguintes estar as respostas eas explcarbos das questies. 52x 5 BoC ERBLPEBORRO OUTST. emmy mame BBR CHULNTLBOMR. BRcHOORT. (HRC HIOW) “The explanations are in English and Chinese, ‘The translations in Korean and Portuguese are at the back of the book. (questions& examples nly) RM ARR BA BEMHSTAMGENESR. ( RAGMMAX) sHasol= Sloist B01] ejol geUct BOls} SERLo|o| ets Wel sch. ( ‘Para as explicagbes das questéas estarko contidas as tradugbes om Inglis « Chin As traduglias om Coreano o Portugués estarda no final do livre. (Somente as questGes eas examples de sentengas) + ~=> bu oe oe TOMBODSAILRON—VE + abet. ‘The answer for this question is on the next page. LOM OSE TR. 191 BE HeMolsot Uesuct ‘Avespista desta qutstin estar na pigina segunte up IER LIESFIYIBLELES. Please put a mark on the answer they arecorect. REESE. Beolel Has Balch Se acetar,asinae + Gin flo Rican mene sent aan tt Pek SAK © nnoton—mos mL ils. & 2 b b oat NS Sicih wee oreo This is the answer and explanation fr the page before 28 LAA. ofAE gwlolxie| Gah aed ege ch Isto 6a expleyloe a resposta da pga aneron. -sEBIé 1 EICOD RT. ‘The answers are atthe top of the page. ERGREF—1HT. QS Avil Bol YSLICH ‘a primiva linha tend a resposta capita da questo, ABA bh Lie. Behe eS Ladies 7* RIC RHIC BB LIAB BITL TL ay. ‘There are examples related tothe questions below Fam eaio aba he. Bol BMol Ve Hige a7ieim weet ‘patra apresentado conte tolacionado queso. mB Dm ReLEs +7 Hit 1~6HRORACS. “The 7" day ifor reviewing the fist 6 days. $7 RAH 1-6 ROB. /7 Ue 1-6 alate] Seach Sis stima somana sera revi do prinalra so sata dia. Batu ODBC OOM AT LELES. ‘When you do not understand, please look at the ~»@ question and ° confirm. ORE. Tel {Cnr ° geeae 2 2 aR ‘Caso ndo entenda, veja 6 veritique a ‘vie -® gr 3e ae “ : + BAIRON—-YORMCBWUTHOET wee 2 Rene SR52T-RL. Gz CS MoIAl2} ofetol| A104 2 ‘Aresposta tard escrta na parte inferior da pgina segulnte Y-AlDUT +@ [No. xx Of Ba) BATCAU CST. It means, “Please laok at the question NoXx" / UBE “WE NoXx BM ( HE). No. XX (a MAIS, 2h QILICH. / Significa: Veja a questo N° XX (resposta). GD EBCAsEDORMERALTES. It shows other | possible answers. / SHARPE AE MERAH AIA. fo] = cee HELD SUSU Ch. / Apresenta outra expressio que poder estar correta. e ist whet LTWES. Itshows words with opposite meanings,/ SABLA PICHGES 78+] QULIC}. / Apresenta o anténime (signifeada eantréio) Bi OaSih sam = [FFI LARORRERT LTE. Itshows sentences that hae almost the same meaning. / EGE AAAI ARIA 3. Al Ye 20) 28s ae Heel / Apbasenta uta expresso que tain quase © mesino significado. & < Ba WERL TES. Bows ic. SERUT

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