Central Park Place - 2011 Depreciation Report by RDH

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eb ‘The anes, Sata Pan KWA29 Ms Arm Bent, Senor Property Manager Ascent al Estate Management 2176\lingdon Avenue Bumaby 8cVSc 528 FON Bulding Eines tid 224 West th Avenue Vancouver BCVSY NS 2825.20 uly 22,2012 Da ‘Aqeuing ‘any uosianed 2595 ‘any JaeG SH95 ‘sIPIES 9TH ‘areld Hed 1ENVAD poday uoneieideg TL0z RDH | Building Engineering Ltd Gherans RGEESNMdhbecom Table of Contents 1 nroducton 2. Elution of Ret oat 2:1, Phyial Assessment (2011. - 22 financial Aecncemant 0082) 3. Major Maintenance and Renewals. BAL Maintenance Ph nnn 7 3.2. Renal Plan enn a 4, *Serategle” Panning HorZoh onan 42 Tactical Panning Horizon wnnon 43, “Operational” Planning Hovzon 44, Projctimplementation States. 5. Funding Seana mn 5.1. Atemative Funding Seenaros mn 5.2. Funding Scearo"A*~ Previous Veo (2012). 5:3, funding Scenario "2" ~ Cument 2012 Status ua) 5.4. Funding Scenatio"C*~Atematve 5.5. Funding Scenario "D”~ Progressive. 5.8. Fundingby Incvidual OWS anna 6 RecommendaOn cn ‘Appendies A Glossary of Terms 2 Ase Inventory Asset Seve tife summary Disclosures and Disclaimers Funding Sena Cash Fowles F-ROH Quaifatons Celene of insurance nize om ng nent Introduction [OH Bulag Engineering Lt ROM") was retained bythe Owners, Stata Plan NW 429 (he “Owners in eay 2044 to prepare a Geprecation Report Reserve Stud) and Maintenance Plan (he "Repor’) forthe cmon proper element (he ‘hese atthe highs condominium complex ané amenity buling acted at 4260 Sard Street, 5645 Baker Avenue, ‘and 5652 Paterson Avenue, unaby, C an known a Cental Pak Place (he Bulng), “he purpose ofthe Rear ta help the Owners, the sata courll andthe managemett tam to make informed decisions abouttheallocstin of resaurcesto the common property asses (uch a5 roo bolrsand hallway cape) [dt ert wis presented othe Stata Counel and management on March 1, 2012 The 2011 report was subsequently Updated once feedback om the stata corporation and to refect 2012 Fanci it, “The information provded in the Report satisfies the requirements stipulate nthe Stata Property At In order to prepare the Repor, ROH acknowledges that thee fs n elatonship between the employees 3 ROM and the stata compotion. In aeton tthe requirements outned Inthe lgisation, ROM has developed an interatve sofware tool hat enables the ‘nner to proactively manage tel funding requirements and maintenance obligations “his Repo i provided os & POF so that can be rely pited end disibuted. It represents a synopsis of many hundreds of pages of information. The supporting data is posted on a secure webste at htyl/bamssdhbe.com. The purpose ofthe website isto provide tool to empower the stata courcland management team o: Track and monitor the heath ofthe assets. > Generate atemative funding scenarios, Keep the data curentas projects are completed. ‘The data is med bythe strata corporation and canbe printed anor exported to spesdshees as requ [As the physial and fnancil status ofthe commanly owned asets changes, the Repot wil equi updeting. The BC lesion requires that updates tote Report ae performed every thre years. A glossary oftemt i includ inthe appendices ase ov tigi nse Evaluation of Assets [Abepredation Report should include two key parts: a “physical” assessment andi) #“ancil” assessment. Together these two sets of data provide the baseline of information regarding the curen sttus athe asets on he site, Once the satus ofthe arts hasbeen detemined the data can be usd to generate operational, tactical and state plans. The Strategic plan is used to help guide the creation of possibe funding Scenes. This process is summarize inthe graphic besom Physical Franca pssessmient assessment Planing Funding Scenario 2, Physical Assessment (2011) [Al assets ae subject to phyiel deterioration asa result ofthe ation ofthe elements, normal wear & tea, misuse & buse and vasous ether factors, Deteroraton rests inthe need for maintenance, repalrand renewal of assets To this ‘nd the physical assessment identifies the folowing: “3 Thelnventor of eammen propery assets -) The etetve age ofthe assets andthe extimated remaining useful lf ofthe assets. “The method of eterining the physical hea ofthe assets is based on discussions wih faci representatives, 3 Visual review ola representative sampling ofthe asses in realy acessibe locations, and review of edly aalable reference ‘ocuments. No destructive esting was cared out on any ofthe assets, nor were the assets dstssembled or subjected to Localized deterioration of wood hana at varous locations touhost the ite 4 > Staining on wood soffit st entrance canopy athe ast tower. > Localized moss gomth onthe vee roof onthe west ower ws 1 ng epnetng nats Watestained acoustic cling tes in halways at wes tomer 4 > Deterorate pipe insulation a mechanical rooms. > EMorescence staining in generator oom, “> ising elect outlet coveron main roof at ane ofthe toners = Loose fal protection anchor on main roof at one of he towers > Leaktrom pol heat exchanger. In oder to avoid an accumulation of deterred maintenance, the Owners must ensure that the ongoing maltenance program provides forthe necessary and sfclent mantenance ofthe assets over ther selves. is esse however, thatthe Owners continue to allow fr adequate maintenance ofl the assets so as to everage the ul env ives rm al asses of the bulng, 3.2. Renewals Plan Ithas been estimated thatthe strata corporation wll need to spend approximately $34M In capa expels over the rex 30 years. Te flloning table Indicates the eistsbution af the projected malor maintenance and renewal costs win ach stem over the net 30 years This wll enable the owners to better understand whieh sts! groups wl require the lamest investment of he owners money overtine. Table 321 Coss Broken Down by System Sytem “CurentDollrs Future Dolls Enclosure '$10,98,000 $15,887,000 Electeat $899,000 $129,000 ‘Mechonial 14,205,000 $6,064,000 Ele 3,260,000 $4370.00 “Fie Safety ‘$724,000 $1,040,000 $2,062,000 $2,758,000 ‘Amenities "$3,096,000 $1,545,000 Sitewore s.071.000 _$,366000 | Tota (epproximate) ‘The figure below contains a summary astbution ofthe major maltenance and renewal cost forthe next 10 years. For Cental Pat Pac, the many af these costs aren the enclosure system. maze og teen ci Intrgr Friches Fndosure 1,322 Dibution ol Maertintnance tnd Renova Cot vere 0 yeu, “The cost Implation ofthese evens, ogether wth scheduling considerations, ae adressed Inthe following sections of the Reps together wth ing mete uch 32 photogephe. sais 4 Bag nein act Ae Project Planning, ‘nen making forecasts about future events and plans fr three diferent planning horizons: “Strategie” Go year: Since the average service eof may ofthe asses is approximately 25 yes (such a os and bollers iti recognized that long-range ew enables the nner to atipate the moi fe ature renewal prlecs. “+ “Tetcal” (10 yas): Afve yar outiook enables the owners to break up he static pln into marageable chunks andto thereby bridge the anal opersting budget with the lngtange strategic plan. Most oes donot consider ‘nership of the eal estate investment beyond 2 Sear window and are therfore only concerned about special, loves that may ase uring hstime pero + “operational (1 yea): The annual operating peiod encompasses one fiscal cycle (12 month. The reseve sllocation inthe opening Budget soul rfet te mloty a he projects inte tactical plan (S yrs) and Welly ‘Should also contemplate rome elerient ofthe strategie pan (0 yeas). wens iis recommended that these a projected over The net section addresses some ofthe expenditures that at projected for Central Pak Place within thee tre planning honions ‘The chart below graphically Mlstater the estimated major mantenance and renewal costs ovr the net 30 yrs and thereby provides 8 igh-levelovenew of the longer tem projet cath flow, The Ye bars Indicate the yeas in which some renewal orks projected, stmated maintenance cost ren bars) ae general more consistent Fom yearto yar Maintenance = Mojor Maintenance & Renewal ‘000000 sxs00000 sx00000 s2soqg00 s20a00 susoa000 1.200000 500,009 Fie A11StatpeForeat 0 ¥e05) “The fluctuation af major maintenance and renewal costs over the 3-year peiod I due toa varity of actos, such as ms adn ageing mate + Thedferent serve ve for each of he range of asses in the asset invertor. For example, some asets may have 2 Unfil ife of yoars whereas ether asete may havea Uell le of25 years + ‘he aiteent magnitude o renewal costs or eaen ore ass. + The impact of deren ehabltaton strategies o either eplace assets or extend ther useful seve Ives trough mraor maintenance projects, +The cumulative Sinacil impact finfltion compounded anualy over 30 years, The actual timing of renewal project wl depend onthe qualty of maintenance and other factors, which ster may est Inearler replacement or i some cases, extend theif ofthe assets. 4.2. “Tactical” Planning Horizon though the tactical lan can be described as a single fie year window the chart Below provides the projected Inantenance and renewal cost forthe nxt ten years otat thet ve yer windows canbe reviewed The bars indicate the years in which «project (or bundle of events) is most Ukaly to occu as well a5 the total magnitude of major rantenance and enetal cost fr tha eat. 3009000 ne s2soao%0 spoon | : Boi i suzeaooe + al as lacuna el fs encore wl ae i 2 i aoa "2013 2044 2035 aot 2087 aoN8 9019 20 ON Fe.424 10Yeor pend Frcest Listed below are some of the key capita renewal projects nd melormalntenance actives that are contemplate inthe preceding bar gph: + Madernization of elevators contels, door operator harcware and cab Fishes (ongoing in 2012). eplacenent of ooop makeup anit ongsng in 2012) Renewal othortzontl portions of pmbing itibution systems (AGM resolutions pening ‘Replacement of boiler & domestic hat watertank (AGM resolutions pending. Phased replacement ofa rade waterproof membrane (Scope of work tobe confirmed). boas Seneze ou eng ane eco + Conduct 2.year waranty review and year waranty review on enclosure system. + Repalntngaf exterior wood tim and dada Fishes at amenity bulling. + Replacement of windows at amenty building. + Phased renewal of balcony and deck ethane waterprooFng. + Gye enenal of pool mechanics ecuimeat, underwater lighting and other components Resurfacing of ool basin eating Replacement of overhead gate motos Shutdown, cleaning, infrared scans and maltenanc of electicl systems. Intel common ares 3 high ae locations. Renewal ore alarm equipment ‘Overhaul of sump pumps. ‘jell replacement of miscellaneous pumps, motors, fns valves and actuators. Cyclical epacement of nsulated lazing wits (GUS) ake expiration of waranty perio, + Camera survey and fusing of sanitary drain nes, + Canduct2yearupdats to Depreciation Report Some poets wil equie refinement though a onnal design process to futher define the scope and budget prior to tendering the renewal project, “Clas D” extimates hve been provided inthe Report anda numberof general assumptions about the potential scopes of work were made when cost associated wlth these projects were generated. Implementation steps for any renewal event wlvary ard may include an investigation to confim existing construction and any design equements included nthe pele scope. Various options, such as phasing, product colc, and poet, bundling are also telly evaluated expt of te design equrements. Though this process, te scope of work wl be Finalized andthe oa projec cost willbe estimated forthe Strata as budget sultabl or formal expenditure approval from the contingency reserve fond, The cose azrocited withthe investigation and design requirements ae not included inthe Reports the need and magnitude fr this work varies th renewal achitis and specie Owner needs 4.3. “Operational” Planning Horizon ‘A number of significant capa renewal projet are forecast fr the 2012 fiscal year inluing modemization of elevator ‘culpment, placement of rotop ar makeup units, renewal of portions of domestic water dstbution system and replacement of domestic Bolles and storage ark. 4 |. Project Implementation Strategies ‘renewal project are implemented the state corporation will ned to engage consultants and contactors te confi the ‘spproriat scopes of ort, to develop specifications ad to cordnaté and supers the work. ‘The owners will nedto consider severlimplementatonstatgis including + Targeted Projects. These are project that ate localized to paticularporions ofthe building. Diferent exposure Conlons and wear paterns may require that ony sections af the bulleng require renewal stone point tine. For trample the carpets in amenity roms woulé be replaced to diferent time to te hallway carpets duet adonal wearin high tafe lcations. mise ‘tig ining neti + Phased Poects, ese ae project that ae eared out in multiple stages aterthan asa single coordinated project. For evarpes the Eeulant could be renewed on one elevation inthe Fst year and then on the cher elevations In Subsequent years, While phased pecs cen rece the nancial burden by spreading he costs ovr longer peiod, ‘ne onners Uke py moreover oelong term eve tote emotion of coat + Comprehensive Projects. Theze are priets that ate implemented as one coordinated undertaking, Some ofthe froor advantages ofthis approach aretha the owrers can somtimes leverage the best economies of scale, shorten ‘he over dursion ang mer te ovealeosts, For example: the exter woo i Is czated in allocations around the bullding atthe same ime -+ Bundled Projects, often it makes sense to bundle, or combine, various projects du to proximity, aval of sls, {nd funding needs, The malor advantage of projet banding is thatthe owners can lewage economies of sale and icmer the overall coats these projets were completed as sever, nddul projects. For example: the exer wood. IWimis epinted at he same time asthe repainting ofthe dadag forthe bull or conolex. sx 1 te ager cet - funding Scenari ‘he physical assessment and financial assessment have together provided sbatline of information forthe owners and management etm to evaluate the curen funding levee anato consider an appropiate funding statey moving forward based on tei tleranceforriskand desired standerd of care forthe propery. ROH provides the tools but the funding lve ‘thatthe owners choose ie up other a ng asItmeets the minimum eislativerecuirements, 5.1. Alternative Funding Scenarios To help the owners make an informed decison about ther funding level, Guiding Asset Management (ANS) softwares sed to generat some aerntve funding scenarios to compare the nancial impact of erent funding levels over he rex 30 years These scenarios seve a a senaitvyanaljisto determine the ie ofthe special levies that may ccuras 3 ‘eau often allocation tothe CRF ile there are may diferent scenarios hat canbe generated, the table below compares the following ateratives: Teble5.1.1 Comparison of ferent Funding Scenarios Tite |e ee | patie Grover Ate Por [ama 2012 i metfndet(ropesvetewr) | AR) Rak 0 mes Mean hoon | sa Perse hte Gui Toes | i sumed flan fate * esimed interest Rate + "A" - Previous 2011 Reserve Allocation ~The funding level tat was approved by the owners atthe 2011 Annual (Gener! Meeting This amounted to about $15 per sutepermeth aver). + *B*-caent 2012 Reserve location ~The funding level that was approved bythe onnetsat the 2012 Annual General Meeting nd copresents the status quo The amount to abo! $57 peste pa month (250). + -Aterative Reserve Allocation ~ An incremental increase fom the status qu, which just one of many possible sepa ora nem unig teem ne eal er. 4D" = Progesive Reserve Allocation ~The annual allocation that would have been se aside since the fist year ‘operation to ensure that he rsere balance Is sufcet to eold any special assessments over 2 30-year ero. ster word, the progressive reserve is equivalent to fully funded resewe balanc, Te “progressive” reserve Sllocation ian igen target hat many sata corporation ate notable mest. “The atemative funding scenaios are provided as a guide forthe Ones to make laarmed decisions abou the ks of. een funding levels, The strata councl and propery manager can use the BAM software create adatonal funding scenarios that reconsidered to match he sata corporation’ tolerance fo skand desired standord of cae Based onthe dings ofthe Repr, the Stata Corporation is curently considered tobe approximately 31% funded. This means that the caret reerve allocation ($280,000) is apraxiately 1/3 of whatit eal should bei the owners weet [though the Stata Corporation is meeting the statutory minimum contribution to the CRF, is mportant to note tha he statutory guideline isnot a good mease ofthe nancll preparedness of he corporation. fhe owners wish to avoid special levies, o o mitigate the financial hardship by reducing the number and sie ofthe levies, then increment! increases wl ned to bemadeoverth upcoming yor. nae ‘eh tdigsngiowng i? PE 5.2. Funding Scenario “A” ~ Previous Year (2011) Scenaio“A" represents the 2011 funding level approved bythe oumers atthe 2011 general meting and Is bated on @ faed anual reserve consbution of $75,000 and is summavzed in he following cashflow table. 10 years of cash fom data is provided below for refernce. Appendix E corti the fll 30 years of cashflow data fr each scenaio or this Infomation canbe reviewed nthe online OMS sofware. ‘ey ncome Casts $0, $36.000 $1,565,500 | $75,000 | $0232 | $4568 $914,100 75.000, $100, $200 “Sina srsonofsanaao| smo $574500| Siow 750 | —useoos| so sya | 8 sino | ‘inom | 70m | fas | seo | Susnon Sino [caw eet | sesene | se] so [so oi s7aaco)ssaoo| —_0| iae, fom) sine sso | Sapir] suai ren jon some | s7sem0,—aprsgte)| sano] stowaee | s3a00| ‘he figute below graphical illustrates the anual conibutons blue bars), the closing balance inthe CRF Qe purple ne) andthe ize ofthe special levies (ed bars) resulting fom thisfuncing level meeting the minimum sattory equirerents Reserve Conbuton sam special Ley —o-Clsing Balance $4,500,000 — 4,000.00 | 7 $3,500,000 — $3,000,000 —— a ‘ $2,500,000 ——— — ae tes oe sei : 2013 RRS 2012 2018 2019 20% 2037 2038 F522 reou yar (2011 Fung Medel 75,000: Gapial Anas ‘The BAMS software tool enbles the stata counl end management to explore alternate funding scenarios by acusting the nancial variables inthe model (uch as inflation ates an interstate) 5.3. Funding Scenario “B” ~ Current (2012 Status Quo) Scena “B*reeesents the curent funding level approved bythe ounes at the last general meeting .e, status quo) and iebased on axed annil revere contribution of $280,000 ands sunmarized nthe flowing cash ow abe. “Tie. carn 2012s an unin Hal $240,00; ah on a i wre enema Cnty ae nto | oping) see ST Yer ——Banes Contain “om ca coo Saas 2012 _ $1,800,000 ‘$280,000 | $36,000 $1,665,600 $2,000 $448,400 a et ol —sovnonn | simzar [-seoen | svegoo | Sanoe | san “tou $10,000, $200,000 30/200) $75000| $2000/ _$212.200 [ters 3.200 | s2en000 | $9336 s7sa00 $2200 | s:0000 ois) s10@00 | $280,000 | $451,000 | 725200 | $3000) $1000 2017 30.000 $250,000 | $880,500 $10,000 | 2018 | $1000) $200000 0 _ 23,300 | —gois—$2m,100/ _sre0o00| 0 25400) $2000 | s545362 2000 _$563362_s20n000 | $1,919325 | $1090 | $27e0200| $2000) sinaco 2021 | $10,001 $2e0000 | $776 500 | $200| $1,048.10 $2000 _s10.000 The owners ae cuerly accustomed to monthly recon allocations of approaimael $57 pe suite per month average) Ifthe onners were to contin find th reserve acount this level the reserve Balance and wil require hat the ners having tore approximately $24,000,000 fr spell els overt next tity years. The fgue below provides araphisl lustaton ofthe status quo funding Scenario, The anual contbuton ino the reserve accounts shown by the blue bars, the closing balance in he CRF is shown bythe purple ine and he special leves (oot the shorallin the reserve account are shown a5 rebar. Reserve Contibution memSpeial Levy Closing Balance $4,000,000 asesasseeee $3,500,000 $3,000,000 $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 sroaeo % dele alytlalale stl QEESESESESEREREAER SEABED ESEALE TEREERESERERSLERRERERRREERERSE Fig 532 Curent (2012 Status Quo) Fanelng Made $280,000: Graphical Anas ‘The BANS software oo enables the sata coun and management to adjust the ancl vaablesintis model (sich Inflation rats and Interest rates) andto generate aditonsl models. ‘ansze Fo bag epic i macs 5.4, Funding Scenario *C* ~ Alternative ‘The nest scenaio is based ona ted annua esevecontibton of approximately $400,000 over the 30" planing horizon, This represents a reserve contribution that is equivalent to approximately $81 per sulte per month (averaged, whieh is aprexiatey one and haltimes the curent undinglevl. Table 5.1 _Altemativ Funding Model $400,000: Cash Flow: Reeve Socal sere Reval Conte | a toy came om eae | 3 s [30 $36,000 | $1,665,600 $2,000 vos sco #2 sae iain ao “ya $03400|Sonaco sa” —~«snar3|—s7s0m | s2ao0/ a7 fois serge —suonoo0)__-s0,_—_7759|_$574500| —_s2000| 216900, zoe s21ag00 | s4on000sizsaa—_sas7e | —_sranam0 | #2000, $1000 Tour ~suon000s7enso0 $200, #8 700| $2,000 810000, “tit sincoosuonoo «$0,100 +5300 $000) smn..0 2013 | 403,00 [saong00 30 aes Senay | susan om | s7e7sea| sooo sussiaar i751 | #2709300 #2000, $1000, aan | sioc00 | $400,000 $650,900 $200 | 81,0930) $2000 $10.0 ile Scenario “C” dos result in eliminating some of the smaller els, Its stil ot adequate to offset al the special levies over the 30-year planing horizon. The ite Below graphical ilusates the annual contbutions (ue bas), the losing balance athe CRF he purple ine) and the sizeof the special levies (ed bars) resulting fom his fundng level sm Reserve Contibution memSpecal.evy “Closing Balance $4,000,990 $$$ - 13.5000 9.00000 2.501000 2.001000 1.50000 $1,009000 $500.00 ol 1 UN UU ANU F541 Atunative Funding Model $406,000 Gps Anais ‘The BAMS sofware tool enables the stata counel nd management te adjust the Mnanclal variables in this model (such as Inflation rates an interest ates) and to generate edtonl models. 5.5. Funding Scenario “D* ~ Progressive ‘The nxt scenarios based ona fed annus! reserve contibution of approximately $900,000 ove the 30xea planing horizon. This represents a reserve conibuion that s equivalent to approximately $18 per suit per month (averaged), Inhich is approximately tree es thecuent funding lve Table 55.1 Progressive Funding Mode $00,000: Cash Flow Tale T i tea) sre cee cece aes for onesie AR sing me Mas ERE gta Ts! ~ sounsn | [sansa [— Suorseen sono | 0) satura | sistas | Svonac0/ so Re 85 s2ar9.704 505590 _s2asnoss Ey i 2.203.200 ” $5300 suns ra 160 4302689 0 70.200/ 2400707 Fa 1.069300 | $2498.98 3.200 ~ 9.221.546 | $4,162,583 2800737 sa297.651 ile Scenario "0" does result In aliminting some of the smaller levies, it ssl not adequate to ote al the specat levies over the 30ear planning horizon. Te gure below graphical lustrates the annul contributions ue bar) the losing balance nthe CRF (he purple ine) end the sze ofthe special levis (ed brs resulting fom this nding lve —ecaneContbution mam special evy —o=Ciosing Balance $4,500,000 —— SsuEsSSESSESHEESES $4,000,000 $9,500,000 $3,000,000 $2,500,000 $2,000,000 '1,500,000 '$1,000,000 $500,000 ERRGRESHSSR EERE Fi.55.2Propressive unin Model $900 000 Grapes Arse ‘The BAM software tool enable he strata counll ang management toast the franca variables in hs model (suchas Infition ater and interest ates) ant generate adtonal models. 206 2038 2039 nae Fon Beene nee mer 5.6. Funding by Individual Owners Notwithstanding wich funding scenaio may ultimately be selected by the Sata Corporation atthe next Annual General Meetings atch indvdval owner an develo thar am Indidulfanding plans based onthe values entifed inthe Depreciation Repo Since the Depreciation Report has identified approximately $34 milion of capital projets ovr the next 2 years, each oF the 408 uit Owners an eximate her personal share based on her unt etlements ‘ut of an abundance of caution, each owner shou ideally be seting aside at leas $200 per unl er month for their ersonal share ofthe capt roects at Central Pak Place over the next 30 years, This il prepare an individual Ones for pei levies the Stata Corporation doesnt fund he reserves oan adeuate level and to address thepast decades of Underundg. anize sain cng st Recommendations ‘The flowing ey recommendations are presented fr te Owners consieration the alls tohelp the Owners ove toa ‘more objective basis of allocating contingency reserve funds for Central Park Pace. > Elevator Modernization & Plumbing Projects. Update the Depreciation Repo afer these significant projects are completes > Assumptions. Review the disclosures and dacnimers listed inthe appendix othe Repor. Understand how the ‘Ssumptions can be updated over tine as new information comesto ig about the performance ofthe assets and as rain projects re completed. Seek laifaton rom RO regarlng any ofthe diclsures and sclsines + Funding Scenatis. Review the alternative funding scenarios nthe Report and develop scenarios for presentation © + Fanding Levels. Review the curent annul ere allocation levels relative to he funding levels Husted inthe Report + Software Tol. Utilize the web-based building asset management sstem onan ongoing basis to heep the data cuent nd ensure that tira accesible tothe counel members and property manage + Updates. Pan for updatestothe nancial component fhe Report at eat once ayer (suchas reserve balances) sd pats tothe physlal component of he Repor in tvee yeas (suchas remaining useful eof the asset). The ‘nlne ta canbe updated atime dung the course athe ea by authorized uses + Futherinvestiatons, Conduct ational condton investigations a requred, tc refine the dat, + Maintenance Pan, Review the adequacy of checklist ad budgeting of tine maintenance to ensure that a programy leimplemente to achieve fl service es om thease, 0M avlabeto assist the Owners wit all aspect ofthe Report andthe onl BAM system. Please contact ou ofce with ny questions orf yu should require furterinfrmato. Sincere, Rom Bung Eagneeing td te pe Ulu Mola Stowe (fee ‘een aw AppendixA Glossary of Terms TRDH oc. aston ewe TE tear RDH | auitding engineering itd Giktwersenrns —tacsoene — rdhbecom Glossary “Annual Contbation - Funds slated to te Rese Fund each sal year. Sometimes refered to a5 the ‘anuel Allocation. Determiring the appronfate sizeof the Annual Alcation Is alded wit a Reserve Stuy (e Deprelton Report in 8.) Aaaet = An inteyatedassembiyof multe physical components, which —_requles erode maintenance repai and eventual rene. Typical examples of assets ae: oof, bolls andhalnay eget atch Costs- The costs arsocited wth the accumulated backlog of defered malntenince associated with Classes of Cost Estimates - Unt» prec actually constuctee, a cost estimate represents the best Jadgerant ofthe profesional seceding othr xpatience and unnalsige andthe informationavallable at the tine. ts completeness and acczacy I influenced by many factors, Including the project stats and development stage, Estimates have 2 limited life and ae subject to Inflation and ucuating market enditons, The precision ocost estimating eategorzed nto te following four classes and ares defined in tudes prepated bythe Associaton of Professional Engineers and Geoscentists of 3c. The percentage Figuresin parethesesreferio the evel of precision oreiabilty ofthe cost estimates, + Clas A Estimate (10-15%); Adetaled estimate based on quant takeoffs om nal drawings and specications. Is used to evaluate tenders or a5 a basis of cost contol dung dayabour construction. + Clas 8 Estimate (15-255): An estimate prepared after ste investigation and stuies have been Completed and themalor ystems defined. Its based ona projet bi and preliminary desig. ‘sed fr blaning eect projct approval and for budgetary cot + Class € Estimate [225-40%): An estimate prepared with limited site information and bared on brobeble conden affecting the project. represets the summation of al identfable project ‘lementl costs and is used for program planning, to esabsh 2 more specif definition of cent needs ant aba pretiinay project approval, + Class 0 Estimate (50%): preliminary estimate whieh, due ite orn site information, ineates the approsimate magnitude of cost the proposed project, base on helen’ broad requirements. ‘his overall cost eximate maybe derived for lump sum ar wit costs fora sinlar projet may be tied i developing lone term capital plans and for preliminary alcussion of proposed capital, projets. losing Balance - Ateratiey tle to a6 the Starting Balance. The Balance of funds remaining in the terere account at the en offical period (Real yearend, calendar yearor study aero). The Closing Balance becomes the Opening Balance forthe subsequent sca pero Cortngeney Costs «An allowance for unexpected or unforeseen cost that may impaci manes require for project to maintain or replace assets. (Not to be confused with casts of Renewal er Major Malntenance projet hich ae pa floret of the Reserve Fund (otherise known the Contngeney Reserve Fund) ‘curen Dolars dots in the year they were actualy reclved orp, unalused fr pice changes Funding Model - A mathenatial model used to establish en appropiate funding eel for sustaining the fuses Ina bulding. Runsing& numberof scenarios out of the funding model using ferent parameters bi pam BEE eee eee (such as ination rates and interest rates) can sere a 2 sensitiv analysis to determine the franc inpact of dierent funding evel. Future Opis - The project cost of future asset renewal projects, which accounts for Inflation and xan factor. Get Ahead costs - These are cots associated with adaptation ofthe builing to counter the forces of ratirementaociated wth diferent foms of obsolescence, suchas + Functional obsolescence > Leqal obsolescence Style obsolescence Some ofthe cost in this category ae discretionary spending that esultin either a change oan improvement to the existing strata bulding. Ths category includes projects to alter the physical plant or changes in use, ‘codes and standarés. Some tpieal examples nude: > Energy reots + Coders Hazardous mato abatement 5 Barer tee acess refi + Seismic parades Keep-up Cost - The monies requited for renewal projects as each asset reaches the end oft useful sere lie, tan assets not replaced a the end of ts useful sevice fe an is kept in operation thvough targeted repr, then these costs gt elssfed ino the atchup” catego Nalor Maintenance ~ Any maintenance work fr common expenses that usualy cus less often than once 3 yea or tht donot usally acer. Najr maintenance prvies fo he presewaton of assets fo ensre tat they achieve hel fulintended sence Opening Balance ~ Aterativey refered oa the Stating Saance. The amount ofmoneyin an account atthe besoning of afiscal period. Opeing balances ate deve fom the balance sheet and are used in cash Now Calealtione inthe Funding Model ‘Operating Costs Frequently ecwting expenses that arse during the couse of single scl yer and are pad from he operating budge as opposed to the Reserve Fun, Operations! Pian/Horizon (1 yea) - The annual operating period encompasses one fiscal cyte (22 months ‘The Reserve Contibution in the operating Budget should let the malay ofthe projects nthe Tactical Pan (years and ical should lz contemplate elements ofthe strategic Plan 30 year) Percent Funded Te ratio, ata partici pein of ene (ically the bepning ofthe Fiscal ya) of the acta (or posted Reserve Fu Unlanvets the aceued Reserve und balance, expressed ws a percentage. For ‘rample the 100% funded balances $100,000 and theres $76,000 in the Reserve Fund the Reserve Fund is76%fundea Since funds can typiclly be allocated from one ast to anther with ease, this parameter has no real ‘meaning onan Individual ese component basi. The purpse of ths parameters to dently the relative "tregth orwesknes ofthe ene Reserve Fund a a pariclrpontin time. The value ofthis parameter isto provide amore stable measure of Reserve Fund strength, since ashi reserve may mean very ifeent things todifeent governing boles or owner groups + Poor Level When the Percent Fund falls to O%- 30% the cuet reserves may be considered to be ata poor level AL this anding Level, Special Levies are common. This I ao commonly known ‘asthe Unfunded or Special Levy Model. The Owner Group doesnot havea Reser Fund balance that il cover expected renewal costs and he onl recourse st ras funds by Spec Levies cover those costs when they become due + Far Level the Percent Funded level 31t0 70% then the cue resere may be considered to be Inamidvange evel. Good Level. Ifthe Parent Funded level Is 70% or higher this i ely fo be considered ‘strong? because cash ow problems ara Renewal The replacement of an Asset asitreaches the end fits useful sence fe Ranewal Cost ~The cost eared to replace an Asst, which is pid om the Reserve Fund, Special Lew © ‘combination there. Reserve Contribution - The amount of money that iz allocated to the Resere Fund each fiscal yer Determining the appropiate sie ofthe Resere Contributions aed with aReseve Fund Study (Depreciation Report in 8.0). Reserve Fund ~ Also known a the Contingene Reserve Fund. The acount in which the accumulated Annual Contbutions ate Geposited and fom which cose are withdrawn fr Renewal poets and Major Maintenance projects. Reserve income ~The interest earned rm Investing the money deposited in the Reserve une serve Study- ao refered to ata Reserve Fund Study or Depreciation Report in BC. + Aongcange franca planrngtool hat dente the curent status ofthe ouners Reserve Fund and recommends 2 stable and equitable funding plan to offset the costs of anticipated future major ‘xpenditres asocated with replacement ofthe assets and maor maintenance. +The purpose ofthe Reserve Study st provide a plan for apropite funding for enewal and mor malntenane wok, + While Reserve Stuiles provide analysis ofthe timing, cost and fending fr tenewal projects, they ‘Should ideally be supported by emalntenance pln that assists the owners to plan fr malntenance actives so that assets achieve her predicted sevice lives, “Special Ley - Also refered to as “Special Assessment. financial levy tobe paid bythe owner group to Finance large-scale projects formalor maintenance, reps, renewal and rehabilitation of enaset, which ‘eeu as result of © shortfall inavalable funds and requires specaldedsion makingand approval procedures, AResere Study contains funding scenarios that assist the owners In longvange fence Planning. Strategic Horizon The longest af the thee planning horizon, whieh rypeally caves the il study period of oyenre and identies the lang tem needs ofthe assets Style Obsolescence - When an asstis no longer dsiteble because thas fallen out of popula fasion ts files obsolete, some assets particulary tere fumshings eet fashion cele wd a Deve su data Tactical Plen/Haizon A period of planning for ase Rnenal projects and MalorMalntenance projets, which typcly extends ve years rom the curent year. Appendix B Asset Inventory Pedy Meare com eae cry Asset Inventory ie oad UR et (197) Owetdeecantone verte 2S Ras (2001) ‘eestor eter mem | Onde Cmts aid 2.9 SSRs 201) Stee P85 at (200) Seperate es enn Dm ae 1/4 wea ce renee ie ay reat thyme Wad Ste Fa reecn Capt ‘alten yensandsbon se on oad ri and Wed Cadiog be Caner Bw Siig ue ome ance Wall coer tg 2 Nang ‘unt Wd eying ‘one ing pie Bee anh er nt sect lg al try Omimdiy nine 8 (RR Senge 2 eae rove yet eet rnin Dect (ia ramet veteng eter 0 el anes Coste Cote 8 de Gene Varo Un mn neni Tg earn a SSehae sie ary ps neue (aS vu ain, on nt ete cs et |g of or Sones ban een ge ' erage te " pees ti Oven pct eee Lh Fes rear on : rere ping Cornet Enrtne Sten Sec Saraance Prin ees aml eng Cndine (omes ei aon sacsn pvson nd ce reat rd by beacon rd cae eee Ghee Dit rap Tanks ‘9a snes Peyton oe Ounindng atine i Sarg Fears pees a ad tere coe nee Bote Pung Stary Dae Dron Crested oot ede ramp cee Se dg erupt cose: Ppl ct hon th ei Omimtytoaine 8 Sto branage st btn sre Pons ‘es ihe werner see es tr Canny nttinn 0 Ae achat ee ear Omtndiy onesie 8 (aay 2 Poteet reece ete nn Cn oad Fegace ce Cat are ‘zn ert ute ci hse ne ert Cnty ondin 8 Hote Balls Onin antine 0 maa) aw vette rae ts nnd a tr Oaamnyconatinn ate Cats ny Feat ae ge 8126 rod teen wid ings nwt nate etn roa Oy Sir Camper * gions Secession und os—8 Fie 8 eke Poms nine q Ore = mein cal Fe ntnshtee ewig wna ete rat he bi racy Ee Eon Ue eh fect cont nro ee yet rn ommevtenetne Crate Cntines eset hare nye ‘Seon argh er oe be oly etc pe sr ly teaancon ‘ees Ace Wal Fhe, Watianred e Craig cst 0 ge ine ceo ody eee aula es wed nds apes 2 Pending: rpeey we nar Pg Plt earns aca tt td al eet ERR) Pos Tate Pig Gatien eva oi ‘ ost — ont opr prt te Figs ee ae ely etc red bees Orcs a Spe Crean 8 uation Spat ening parca ‘rege conte a ese a rege hee et se Frc nm bg Wont Prete Fencing “eta nt ts tan ra 8 Nedingiee ie dost ate Peet ten reat ene Oreundngcoatons ‘cnn renin ig, enn on cout me st Cert rin db ben co ody teatbacon =a Sottundeare (inwrnd on tos onsawegeooy mon a wp evi 09 BB ane eer sent ans ee 24 Appendix C Asset Service Life Summary [ERY tween (I wrt cy a eer) ERD servo (sea im Ss (ERR, vets FED ree tmnt ons rst rate pees RE) Pome re enten cay nnn REG Preece tens an a aay nem a — BD ome (Hy Wate ‘tre (RR) reer eT oe 2 TT soe moe 0 5 OE Paty been pears Thee rerany main eat bd pe ond ced be pram eldest "Thana dap te mt PaPere emordew noah run Bo nk tee one 0 ug Eni A ret. Ri ret ym ttn resis Appendix D Disclosures and Disclaimers RDH | Building Engineering Ltd. GASES fearon maton Disclosures and blsclalmers ‘condition of the Assets “The method of deterining the physical condton of the assets based ona sual review ofa represetativ ‘Sampling ofthe ase eal aceslbe locations, scssins wit ality representatives, and review of ‘rouiyavalelerelerence documents. Mo destuctive texting or exploratory opeings are cared out on any ‘ofthe eesets and the equipment sot dsassemblee, operated or subject to re-commisonng tests, The physical reviow is nats All "condition assessment sine opeaing, testing or explrctoy openings are ‘eched fom the sxpe of services. ‘Cost Estimating forAsets estimates costs are provided in future year dlrs. Alestiatesof costs are Class estimate intended for panning purposes and nc for acounting or tenceruse, Se Glossary of fems or defiton of Cass D estimates. Actual cost ll vary depending on sever factors. The estimates assume econorles of scale wl be ‘achieved by ounding work asks together into lager renenal, rep or rehabilitation projets. Small tasks perfomed indviualy may enced the estimates presented. + Soft costs sich as consulting series and contingency allowances are not included In the budget ‘estimates When developing cost estimates for projects in greater deal for budgeting, each project Should incloe appropiate sf costs - such es owner cotingency, pert fees, engineering fees, Depending othe sizes, scope and timing finial projects, the magnitude othe sot costs wil Construction costs are subject tothe vagaries of the marketplace, At the time of tender, costs may ‘any depending on the time ofthe year, contractor avalably, and other factors The estimates must be updated overtime, futher developed for scope of work an confimed by comptive lender before ny contacts are aware > Detied repr specications are requied to be prepared in oder to con stapes of work and The estimates do not Include allowances for ste specie acess requirements envionment cancers, wich shouldbe addressed one project-by project bass. Consideration may sometimes noed to be given to costs arising from the impact of projets on ‘occupancy ui and fait operations. Replacement cost ae typcally based on tike‘orike witha siilar asset ness code or other ‘reumstances requ the replacement ost include an upgrade hic Rites an aaa ‘Maintenance ofthe Assets: “The maintenance chcklsts are not exhaustive and are Intended asa Framework forthe ongoing ‘efnementlthe maintenance progam Work must enly be cared out by appropritely qualified personnel who have the necessary and suficentknewladge about the maintenance tasks and maintnanceinteval + Themanufacuers latest printed instructions should take recedenceinthe event any confi wth the maltenance checks. The owe’ aintenance staff andor sevice contactors ae responsible to vey what contained inthe manufacture’ documentation regarded recommended maintenance procedures and intevals. + Themaintennce cheese and maltenance intents should be reviewed analy and alte, 35 required, to fect te sence environmen, feedback Fam contactors, ee Specialist and Non Specialist Reviews ‘ur personel calle! the asset inventory dat foal the ifleten syst, Including mectaical, plumbing Fre safety, elevator, ectca, inter Fishes and steve. Our Scope ofseiees is to Hen the assets within each sytem, determine their age and report on ther reasonable service ie-ccles according to ected industry standards, ROM personnel do not make obsenaions with regard to specialty bulding System condtonsuness specifically aderessedin our proposal. Forecasting the Useful Service Life of Assets The servic ile fests canbe affected bya variety of cumstances, including the ollowig + The quality the maintenance conducted on an asst wil aflect the service feof the asst. Por Iantenancacan lend ta recuced sence ile and may result inthe premature fale of an asst + Insurble losses (oree majeur), suchas eathquakes, res and floods can shoten the Ue of a9 sve These events are not considered in depreciation por. + Asset ancien Depreciation Repot is etemined according to accepted Industy standards. Funding Models ‘The funding models for Depreciation Reports are based ona 30-year horizon and use “hte year dlls tsmec" methodologr. This methodology projets the costs (in futur year dollars) over the planning hozon and nt beyond the minus year ofthe planing hoon. The crest yea isthe stating ear f the planing forgo, The term, therefore, matches th inital horizon and doesnot respect shitng Wazon. Tis means {hatin year he funding scenarios wl look forward fo 30 yar Fr example, in 2012the mol looks Forwatd to 2042. In yeartwo, wile accurate for 29 yeas, st isonly looking forward to year 2042, When an update rudy Ts performed in thee years, te revised fining sconce lak fanrd 30 year fom 208592085. Bantwal and major maintenance pacts that oct beyond the 30-year planning horizon arent considered inthe scents that i, those projets that occur bejond 30 year are enfunded inthe funding scenarios. ‘Nicenaltnhitaemen RAC ioe teat ies 3 Appendix E Funding Scenario Cash Flow Tables Previous Year (2021) Funding Model Cash low Table (30 Yen) cash i ] ml )n | foe cmnatnne’ SRE, snitiny ERE PE ESET cig ter i “2012 | $100.00 $75,900, $0 | $36.000 $1,665,600 $2,000, $243,400 ois) s4a0—$75.000/ seon> | saass|—soxes00—s2000 | $1000 tous |—— sieane $75.00] $1,800 | $220 | 975000) 2000 | s10.000 zis | $4000 #75000) $501600/ samo | ss74s00/—_szon0 3,000 203 ‘510.000, $75.00 $656000| $200 | _sviv.a00| $2,000 $10,000 oir $10.00 | ——$75.000| $3,085,500 $200) $13s8700, ~~ s10000 | 2os8 s19000_s7so0 $0 $200) 00 ~s7as00 71 s7asco) 875.000 so $2,600 131007 nom si31082 | $7500) sa5uesi7| sen $270,200 ‘1000 pon 810000 $75,000 $975,900) $200, $1019100 “10.900 ~ae22 $10,000 | $75.000 790,800,200 510,00 | 2023 1000075000 $0 $200" 415.000 si9aw | $75.00 30 $0) ‘s12000 sim s75o00 | faaeia79 | $202 110000 | 10000 | $75,000|_ $775300 | $200 | $8500 00 sia,000 sor $44200/ 00 1090075000 | S5i9400! $200) 5972.00 ~ sio900 | $75,000 | $925.00 $200 satsco0 | since s7som0 seam sn 10000 | $75,000) s1070500 $200 | $1,103,700 ‘100075900 | $996200) $200 sio000 $5,000 $1430 $200 | $2:7300 — s75.000 | $415.00 | $200 175,000 | $1,954,600 200, wow) wos Sram som | sasinase aru Sion som | suasat0 | so Sino som | s1a15400| sn 4 Sinpor som #3900900) sam saemi00 20m ou] siogoo|—s7sae0 siowaste—sie0| siannz00| sa | fe crenata cg Solin les Nel Sea 7o12 | #100000] szen0%0 50) s36000 st. 00 suse $1400, ‘0000 ‘00 s7san0 4900043200 | | Saast | $s7aa00 $2000 | $30.000 init spon S208 | S00 | —s7asac0| e200 | toi? $1000 | s2ano00 ‘00 | fusereo som 28 cea sm sso 000) zois_#en00 to 50a ane sano | 50502 yom S02 coo | Sigieass| siaen 2742200 s2an0| $3000 on i000 so ‘3770900 $200| $1049300 si0000 00 $884,000 sin00. 10000 | $0) s200/ sexo sx.00n| —S2a4000 aa 424000 $0 siaso | s0030 $2000 ‘42600 Sno0 $768.79 s8s04 #2468500 ~Saenoc0 | $s7as00/ seo s8e8s00 —-s2000/ $0000 200000 30) samo s171400 t Soenon | ssuaee | #3334 92400] $20 a | szence0| #130400 $100 suoneme $2.00 ~sieoo00 53231200 | sav0 | 09400 | s2000 | “sieo000 | s86n3c0| 200 4 s2a00 Szon000 | 91.200 200] sicnuco— s2.a00 sam000 yo s00| 000 sveamco —_s79e2 $s Fx 220000 | sao 20 2. '3260,000 | $2,490,256 $4,044 | r | Seana se00 m9 sia fins Ho soo tou] sto000 | sun To s00 yout stotwo|sitoqp0|stassa00 S00 “$2,000 500 $200. $2,000 $2000 2.000 000 2000 Fe aides one | $242,200 | $10,000 $10,000, ‘$10,000 $510,000 10,00 uenatvefundngiocécashfowtabeGOVer) = Ff i Somnebies en vin Besar Genel | COnINEEY sig Balance ve Staonow | snmp 50 | pum | sas so seco ms $56n400,so0000 | 0| suase | so1sco| samo ss a: $63,668 $400,000 ——$0| ‘$75,000 $2,000 ‘$307.01 | 2015 ‘387.961 | $400,000 0 $7.759| $s%200| $2,000 $218,500 | “is fson0—_stonow | sina stare | sma soe no | qo” Sioas0 | swonapo 8760500 | $200) #18700) $2000 $0000 Soo | stonooo | so sumo 5.100 $2,000, ‘en300 ‘$403,100 | $400,000 $0 $9,062 $11,600 $2,000 ‘$787,562 sra7ssx $400.00 | sussise7 $5731 $2,70,200/ $2,000 10000 ~"fraa00|stonaoo | ssngo0| 200) s40,i00)s2g00 000 ‘Sioa suooeo | s4e,a00) 80) seen S200 S000 sin | $4000 soe) sate fae sae s514000 san000 So sano) ooo | $200 ‘Senso feensno sions | siaxesie $0372, faausto—s2o00 ——“sinaco | s4one00e80900 200 000 | s100.000 [so 82 ‘wonc00 | $s12066 $5,736 I a ‘stoa000 | $10,400 $200 “$400,000 | $3181.00) $200 Sono | s7assco $00 | #1,,700 | Stonc00 | s47i.200 #200 $1.09 400 ‘$400,000 | $0 $200 _ $217,300 '3190,900 $400,000 so I sowie | seono00 $15993m4 | saae8 | 227500 $10,000 ‘$400,000 | $0 $200 ‘$46,000 $362,200 a | totes Saptaar| Grae] faassen] tem | staat ——"tioot —sucooo | srerare $20 | si,04000| $2000, ‘stan 2039110000 | $400,000, $920.00 $200 1318500, $2,000 _—_—stocoo oio S000 stonowe | $3830 $70 —s9912300/ s2a00 $10,000 aout sinc00 sonaoo’ 810355008100 s14n1700| S200] si0m0 mz ov aig ner ec Progressive Funding Moda: Cath Fw Table G0 ¥en) ea fr Crrebine CA, Srey | Tee ener CORNET | neha 2o12 | $1909000 | $90n000 $0, ssso00 | s.csc0 $2000) $068.00 2013 $1,068.00) s90na00 | $0] $21.36 ssiasoo | s2qo0| 8.073. nou) stor ‘00000 “$0| s2ia73/— s75000) s2000 | si.91030 | mais S918 50] s3aaes | ssraato $2000) s22rs700 _ 2016 708. '30| s4s.sou | $729,200| $2000| _$2.494.098 | 17) S2a5aose. sa sagenz | 6.50700) $2000) 2.03.20 ois $2303200 = 2000 | an ois | $3,271,046 $0 $21,600 ‘$2,000 169 aoe | susan | 0 reaam $2900 $2400737 aot $2400737 $9000 ‘| “$2000 $2297651, a2) _nasrasiss0000 = | seesoo | s2000 [2377600] eas 82377604 ss0000 Fa ‘4a00)s2a00 | 8.258956 ions $950956| $5000 so ‘0300 -s2000 | saene36 wont Suuaunoe | Somow $0 $2837 | ¥2aceato $2000 a _~s2,758796 | $900,000 0 $5576 s171.so0 | $2000| $3,590,572 asm | ssmow | s0| srigi| —sraeno| $2000 | saserr [sserze | soneoo [0 suse S000 | suns $aiz0s39| stow || sma Ese | ssmmote | so] suas ~ Sisecnoe sow | so) zm Suwa spmom |=) sataue ast Somow | s98os7__sanano saasesan fons | 82396528 sso | a0] sergai| szenrano | taom | siauaese as siaieest | syeomp0|40/ s2ea93| secon) suemo|—_sais09s2 jer Suisigs:|ssmom ws snare —saeina00 | saom| sizes. aos fiausii—_s900000 —S84059 | $2430, $,106000 09 Biaon | sn | srnaon Sisto zie] fr0010 | s96n000 | shaen900 $592.10 20m ‘$10,000 $900,000 $535,500 | $200 $1.433.700| $2,000 | ‘$10,000 Appendix F RDH Qualifications DEPRECIATION REPORT en esr n 8a Couns make Depo eps manne mat {apuatans £8 bling pretense wd SOT ‘Siti ees fem eof me, Wrage cbt David Albrice, sc upase rn lemon ene et A288 3 Bs Umenndseonen > Project Manat on 100 fect Conton ‘Mike Wilson, rte ng 8g etal Egntine Mark Will ptr. Dat ung See Tehsany 1) 1Syen eoeiece inp management Peter Fitch, cic + Ulcjusea cates Peters dn Meth sence cee Phil johnson, rene ac Ase, autnl Eneing Matt Mulleray, Pe Base. Caen pt had Sc tng egtersptesal nie AERC 1Dyam epeecen bg caer een neg thee 7 suoledyiend> Hay Harvey Goodman, pine © BAS, Oa Entatang S nptend gona engin EEC 3 Deyeen pete tag mee cating Serge Desmarais, muse Jason Dunn, saenseco Robin Breuer, asc. 680 lt Sun Epnving eal leg Sence om > eget oman: tn Shem opeece muse ene cong “ke SUOHEIYIEND HY Rob Mathena, tr pL tena alg ageing Tease (dys > Sy apiece nag ecg Brandon Carreira, on lt ches dig eet Tal conto Tim Smith, asex Bolt. ovtengnetn Teco Mee opp sce ests Tecan Appendix G Insurance Certificate Ref.No. 320006531726 ‘eos Poss ‘ecome 8 e838 wt ee omer ‘ToWhom tay Concer Leora oer’ rn ton rng en hill oneal heh inde Se len li) ad strom eed brteiens cris sear and pore conaeitbasadeyf) ey eran ch Pal Insured OH Bulg Engnning ot 216s have era, Bo" INS Coverage ProtersonalLabty re ds Udertos Palos ‘tna een (Wile ply eaa8 ‘a oat Sey comotnutan ye Terms and/or Aditional Coverage Wei Covoape: Lint ily -CAD 20000 ay onc ad CAD 4,00 00'n tw agaept any CCancelation Termination ‘Tren: wenezou a rove THIRTY (3) ae wn not fanart akeston exept at _sary pl cons ich rea) lag ep pre. ‘TS CERTIFICATE CONSTITUTES A STATEMENT OF THE FACTS ASOF THE DATE OF ISSUANCE AND ARE SO ‘REPRESENTED AND WARRANTED OLY TO THE INSURED. OTHER PERGONSRELYING ON THIS CERTIFICATE 0 80 [AT THEROANRISK ‘Aon Reed Stonhouse nc. owt: metyaa012 Lbfedleor— Ise y: Hedin Undsy 3, Tas eoeannae ‘THE POLICY CONTAINS A CLAUSE THAT MAY LIMIT THE AMOUNT PAVABLE anttiA Sa orieicoue Nee ‘THE POLICY CONTAINS A PARTIAL PAYMENT OF LOSS CLAUSE AON

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