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Homework In problems 1 through 18, find the indicated integral and check your answer by differentiation. ferde 2. f VTe—Tde Spiga 4 feltde fp 2xe™ Fae 6. fx(a?+1)Pde [devas Bde 8. far(a® 4 1)de Jape 10. f(w+1)(0? +20 45)Pde (32? = LeP de 12. meetin J pare uf wiewaTe [BEd 16. fxpde fa 18. [Sede In problems 19 through 23, use an appropriate change of variables to find the indicated integral. 19. 21. 23. 24, 25, [ide 00. ove F Ide Soiree 2 hae rae Find the function whose tangent has slope «2? +5 for each value of a and whose graph passes through the point (2.10). Find the function whose tangent has slope 725 for each value of « and whose graph passes through the point (0,5). 26. A tree has been transplanted and after 2 years is growing at the rate of L+ ay meters per year. After two years it has reached a height of five meters. How tall was it when it was transplanted? 27. It is projected that ¢ years from now the population of a certain country will be changing at the rate of <2 million per year. If the current population is 50 million, what will the population be 10 years from now? Results. 1 de iC 2 £e—-1) /@—1+0 3. dinse+5/ 40 4 40 5B eM 14 6. He +1f+o z 7. (a? +8) Ve FB+C 8 #@T4)t+C 9 -yeRVZ tC 10. (a? +2245)" +0 We EE 12. in |e® +5044 lOe +12) 40 13. sag tC 14. din )2e— 1) +e 15, gin*5e4+C 16. +0 at. din? (2? 41) 40 18. 2eF 40 19. 2+4Injx-W to 20. 2(@ +1) VeFT—3 (e+ 1) VeF1+0 2. -Gp ee tC 22. — 5 +In|je—-4[+C 23, He —tInjaet1+c 24. f(x) = $(0? +5) Ve? F541 25. f(e) = dln jl — 30745 26. 3 meters 27. 61 million Homework In problems 1 through 16, use integration by parts to find the given integral. 1. fede 2. freFde 3. f ve-Fde A fla a)etde 5. felndede 6. frve—bde 7 fale+i de 8. Sregde 2 2a, 9. faeqde 10. foto de LL fare de 12. faretde 13, fa?Inade 14. fa(Ina)de 15. f dx 16. fal(et+5)8de 17. Find the function whose tangent has slope (w + LJe~# for each value of x and whose graph passes through the point (1,5). 18. Find the function whose tangent has slope «In /@ for each value of x > 0 and whose graph passes through the point (2. —3). 19. After t seconds, an object is moving at the speed of te-? meters per second. Express the distance the object travels as a function of time. 20. It is projected that ¢ years from now the population of a certain city will be changing at the rate of tn /f+ 1 thousand people per year. If the current population is 2 million, what will the population be 5 years from now? Results. (e+ le*4+C -5(w+5)eo +0 1 3. 5. de%(In2e— 1) 40 7 . gala t 1)? — wetHYr +e 9. w(2x+1)? =4ers pire UL. $ (a? 2242) #40 13. 5 7 15. “hinet +e 17. f(w) =—(w@ + 2e* +245 18. f(x) = 42? (Inx— 4) —3-In2 19. 1. s(t) = —2(t + 2)emF $4 20. 2008875, (Qe —Ae LO Q-zeF+C bx (2-6) — (2 — BLO 2w (w+2)8 —F (a4 28 40 (a? +2242 +O (x3 — 32? + 6x — 6)e* +0 4x7 (In? x —Ine + 4)+C gee (a* + 5) — gy(at + 5) 4 C

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