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Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

Teacher Candidate
Date/Time of Scheduled
Name/Address of School
Age/Grade level
Cooperating Teacher

Ms. Yun Yang Lin

April 15, 2016

Name of Lesson
domain(s) addressed
Brief description of the

Five Sense: Hearing

Cognitive, language, and social emotional

This lesson is:

Objective(s) of the

Little Sunshine Daycare

Ms. Judy Eng

Classroom Number

The teacher introduces the sense of hearing to the children by singing the five
senses song and reading the book, Tap Tap Bloom Bloom, by Elizabeth Bluemle.
The teacher then invites the children to have a listening walk as a whole group.
During the listening walk, the teacher will try to let the children describe the
songs they hear.
A new concept/activity A continuation of a previous lesson/activity
A review of a previous A conclusion of a concept
A continuation of a previous lesson. The students will further develop their
understanding and knowledge related to the five senses.
20 mins
Children will be about to describe sounds that they hear

Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

Connections to
Language Objectives
(Include any worksheets or
sources of evidence for
childrens learning you will
use during the activity)
Technology inclusion (if
Procedures (step by

PK.AL.4: Exhibits curiosity, interest and willingness in learning new things and
having new experiences.
PK.PKH.(: Demonstrations awareness and understanding of safety rules
PK.CKW.4 (science): Observes and describes characteristics of earth and space
Ears, sound, quiet, and loud
Dry leaves, crayon, and construction paper

The teacher will tell the children to close their eyes and listen for a special sound.
The teacher then will crunch the dry leaves and ask the children to guess what
the sound is. Afterwards, the teacher asks the children to open their eyes and
see if their predictions are right.
Before the listening walk:
The teacher asks where and when we can find dry leaves. The teacher informs
the children that we usually hear this sound in the fall. The teacher then will let
the children know there is a listening walk and asks them to predict what they
might hear during the listening walk.
*the teacher reminds the children to keep safe on the walk and gathers 3-4 ideas
on how to stay safe while we are walking outside. *

Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

The teacher will ask the children what they hear along the way and pause for 3-4
During the listening walk:
The teacher will ask the children what they hear along the walk and pause for 34 points to gather the children predications.
After the listening walk
The teacher asks the children to name one thing they hear during the walk and
encourages the children to use descriptive words to demonstrate what they hear
as much as possible.
Method of assessing
understanding of
(Be sure to include any
tools, rubrics/checklists
and/or worksheets you will
use for assessment(s)

Assessment of Student
The teacher asks the
student for prediction
a. During the listening walk,
before they are going to
the teacher will assess howa.
the listening walk.
the children approach in
this walk?
Is she/he interested, willing
and/or able to focus on

Assessment of
Childrens Language
The students are able
to name and describe
one sound they heard
during the listening
walk in verbal
communication or
communication, such
as, illustrating the
concepts by drawing or
pointing to the
b. If the student explains

Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

Plans for differentiated


Follow up/Extension
Any additional
information that would
be helpful for the
observer to know

his/her understanding
verbally, then the
teacher is going to
write it down on a
c. If the student
illustrates his/her
understanding through
drawing, then the
teacher will write the
students words on a
post-it and tap it on
the artwork.
Supporting English Language Learners
The teacher scaffolds language for listening
comprehension. The children practices listening to
additional sounds before the listening walk by
playing them different sounds from the CD

Supporting children
with identified delays
or disabilities
The teacher make
specific accommodations
for the children with IEPs
and collaborates with
SEIT and/or related
service providers.
The teacher invites the children to share todays experience with their family

Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

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