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Please Be

By Cluc, The Chicken Who Can Fly

The sun was setting after a week long of test and presentations I just sat down on empty
bench as the other students pass by on their way to their T.G.I.F plans. I popped can of
soda I bought, chugged it down leisurely and gazed aimlessly as the bright orange
setting sun at the horizon of reaches of my eyes. I was then disturbed by sound of heavy
bag being dropped to my left and saw my friend as burned out as me.
"Oh hey, haven't seen you for quite sometime." I smiled
"I know right...." with a fading dead pan voice
"Doing a little bit of this and that...." she gave a playful smile
"You what!" I gave her an over-exaggerated exclamation
"What are you thinking" she pouted
"Actually, yeah, I been hanging out with other guys," she gazed in another direction
"that lately I haven't been hanging out with you, awwww"
"Nah, t'is 'kay , I've been busy as well...PRO-ACTIVELY" I chuckled
The cold night wind blew gently as the trees swayed back and forth with night sky
approaching. Lights from the other buildings were being turned on one by one. As the
hallways begun to be empty, it was then followed by an awkward silence, it wasn't me but
it was her who caused it as the mood was becoming quite tensed.
"They have been starting ....'to be Honest with me'....but they were my friends, now
it's quite awkward when I see them" she complained to me.
"They have been hiding intentions towards me....liars.....I don't know"
"Actually, from what I have seen about you, you are very sweet to a fault that those
guys probably mistook that with something else, something more" I replied
"Hahaha, something like those reverse-harems in manga, like, I don't know, Fruits
Basket?" I added
"But is not like guys would to turn 'animals' or what-not when you hold them..." I
laughed with an innuendo
She then hugged me, tightly, as she buried her face to my chest and I was surprised and
became quite excitedly staunched but brushed off the imagination in my mind.
"See, you just proved that you are indeed way too sweet...." I smiled stiffly
"....." She didn't say a word.
"Fine, I'll play along, what do want me to act or to be?" I smiled wryly.
"There is something I need you to be..." With her face still buried to my chest.
She then held onto my shoulders, drew her face close to my right ear and
I froze....

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