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Inspiration and Authority - Paul Achtimeier

Paul Achtemeier's book attempts to show that faith is not based on the performance
of the law, rather on doing things God's way.
This calls for discovering new meanings in old traditions or reinterpreting the
scripture while recognizing their context while making in relevant to the current/
present context. This serves to show the dynamic nature of the scripture.
The question however rises if the Bible is continuous or discontinuous. This is seen
in the way prophets did not hesitate to recreate the meaning of the past by what
God will do in the future. Interpretation, however, has a time, i.e. if it is good for
that time, this is seen in Jeremiah's rebuke of Hananiah.
This shows that rigid adherence is mistaken at best because the word of God is
dynamic. The author shows a great deal of bias or animosity towards Systematic
Theologians. Scriptures contain God's will and understanding the Bible is a living
attempt of the same. God's will is then interpreted in the changing traditions. The
point of view of the people of God is seen in its transition. The Bible does not seek
to show Jesus as a historical figure rather than a real person. Acts, similarly is the
attitude of the church in the early Christian period and not just a historical account
of the early Church.
Scripture are formed by the experience of the community and human perception. It
also records God's word to His people and the people's response to God's word.
Christianity is not an allegiance to a Holy Book. It shows a struggle between
tradition that shaped faith and God's role in everything.
In fact, the Bible can be seen as a critique of God's own people, and the life of the
community where there is interrelation between culture and scripture.

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