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aye Wilkerson Elementary School SBDM Policies Index 1, Assignment of Students of Classes Policy, 2. Schoo! Budget Policy 3. Consultation for hiring other than Principal Policy 4, Continuation Poticy 5, Curriculum Development and implementation Policy 6. Discipline and Classroom Management Poticy 7. Batracurticulat Program Policy 2. Selection of instructional Materials and Textbooks Policy 9. nstruetional Practices Policy 10. Primary Schoo! Policy 11. Principal Selection Poticy 12, Professional Development Poticy 13. Determi on of Schoo! Schedule Policy 14, Determination of School Space Policy 15, Sta Time Assignment Policy 16, Quorum during the summer months for hiring only Policy 17, Technology Unilizatin, State Standards, Program Appraisal Policy 28, Wellness Policy 19, writing Poticy 20, Improvement Planning Policy 1. Protection of instructional Time Policy 22, Parent Involvement Policy 23, Equity and Diversity Policy 24, Classroom Assessment Policy 25, Homework Policy 26, Emergency Plan Policy at SCHOOL-BASED DECISION MAKING Policy Format School: Wilkerson Trak nal Elementary Subject of the Policy: School Budget (#2) Policy Statement Duririg the school calendas year, the principal receives the site- based budget from JCPS, Input from all staff will be taken into consideration while preparing a budget recommendation from the SBDM Council. ‘The budget process willbe explained by the principal to the SBDM Council. The SBDM Council will then fh consensus or vote in approving the site-based budget. The local school will set up various ad hoc committees (Textbooks, Sudget, ESS, ete) related to budget monies received from the district and outside the district (Grents, etc}. In the spring, these committees will make recommendations to the Council for the equitable allocation of schoo! resourcas that will support the mission and beliefs of the schoo! and the high performance of student and staff. The Council will review, revise, and vote on the budgets presented. The budget will be reviewed at SBDM meetings. The principal shall manage the day-to-day operating budget and may spend up to, but not over, $1,000.00 if it will help the performance of students and teachers and the money isin the general fund, without prior approval of the Council Date of Fitst Reading January 23, 2002 Date of Second Reading February 27, 2002 Date Adopted: Februzry 27, 2002 Signature: David Cummings Revised Date: January 29, 2098 Signature: David Cummings School-Based Decision Making Policy Format School: Wilkerson Traditional Elementary Subject of the Policy: Continuation Policy (4 Policy Staternent ‘The SBDM Council at Wilkerson Traditional Elernentary will adopt the JCPS Soard of Education policies and the JCPS negotiated contracts in all areas of KRS 160.346 until the council adopts new polices as allowed by Law (KRS 160.345). Date of Second Reading: Date Adopted: Signature: Wiliam J Finnegan Revised Date: January 29, 2008 Signature: David Cummings

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