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Angelic Soul Retrieval

Diana Burney, R.N., B.S.N., M.Ed., D.Div.

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Angelic Soul Retrieval

Angelic Soul Retrieval is a channeled technique to reintegrate various parts of the soul
that might have become disconnected, trapped, or lost through trauma. This Soul
Fragmentation happens when an individuals essence, also known as the Soul,
experiences a serious trauma, mental or physical abuse, tremendous pain or drama
during a lifetime which causes a piece of their Soul to tear or splinter.
The basic premise is that whenever we experience trauma, a part of our vital essence
separates from us in order to survive the experience by escaping the full impact of the
pain. Soul loss can be caused by whatever a person experiences as traumatic; even if
another person would not experience it that way. Shamanic belief is that part of our
essential life energy can split off and become lost in nonordinary reality. Some of the
symptoms of this phenomenon are:
1. A gap in memory, such as no memory of their lives from ages 7-9 or 12-14.
2. A shock or emotional jolt. The reaction might be normal for the situation, but for
some reasons the part of Self that left fails to return.
3. Chronic depression can occur. After the fragment leaves, the person is kept from
being able to create a path of joy. Instead they feel depressed and unfulfilled.
4. Divorce or death creates periods of grief. If a person cant recover from the
emotional trauma of separation, a piece of them might be lost.
5. Physical illness can also be a symptom of Soul loss. Often when we give our
power away, we become ill.
6. Numbness, apathy, and emptiness are also symptoms.
In some way, most of us experience some degree of Soul loss. Some people have been
more deeply traumatized by life. For some people, this feeling of incompleteness and
alienation causes great suffering.
As an analogy, imagine that your Soul resembles an orange, with many sections to it.
Each section would be representative of a different lifetime you have lived, as a
different personality self and Soul. Every time you chose to incarnate, a different
section of the orange would come down. In ancient times the Soul was accepted as
part of the person and honored for this. It was understood that the Soul was the
easiest area of a person to receive harm and yet the most powerful.
It was also understood that the Soul was the essence of the person and could move
between both worlds: those of the physical and those of the Gods or higher Power.

It was believed that the Soul resided within the peaceful place of the heart and could
easily be affected by the trauma and chaos of the outside world. Not only was this
belief accepted by these ancient cultures, but practices were developed to honor the
souls residing in the people of the tribes. Special care and dedication were taken by the
Shamanic healers of these tribes to balance, align, and connect, with the Soul in any
extremely emotional situation that could cause trauma in peoples lives.
Special effort was given to connecting with the Soul of an individual who may have
gone through trauma, to bring back peace and harmony to the system and the home.
It was accepted by many that the Soul could break or tear off from the individual
person through mental and physical abuse. This would cause great harm to the
individual within their lives and leave them vulnerable to attack from outside forces,
such as energies of a negative vibration or intent. These situations also left the
individuals open to other discarnate spirits that might come towards this persons light,
through fear of the Light within Source. Those Souls, who had lost their way through
death, would often link or join onto another creating havoc and feelings of great
Often the individuals would begin to experience great depression or manic behavior
with the loss of Soul pieces. Feelings of unworthiness and hopelessness would occur.
Death programming or suicide tendencies would often accompany these separations, or
the feeling that they were dying inside. Frequently they felt like something was missing
from within them and yet had no understanding of what they were searching for.
The Shamanic Masters of these tribes were aware of the other worlds and other
dimensions where a Soul could reside. They had the knowledge and understanding of
the Soul to travel to these outer planes and bring these energies or Soul pieces back to
the individual. This took great knowledge and wisdom. Many of the great healers or
Shamans, of the ancient times were handpicked by elders in the tribe to honor the
higher realms of consciousness and balance it in the physical realms. Intense training
and emotional clarity was required by the upper realms upon a Master Shaman. It was
a difficult path.
Those who are healers today often still carry these contracts and the injuries related to
the great challenges upon them in the ancient days of humankind. To travel the path of
Spirit in the ancient times, was the greatest honor within the tribes and was often taken
to the extreme in accountability of Source. Many still carry this injury within them and
run continual Save Me programs for others, because of the great responsibilities
thrust upon them in ancient times.
Today, in our society, Soul Fragmentation known to the ancient Shamanic warriors is
not acknowledged or understood in the present medical arenas. Instead, the symptoms
are too often controlled by drugs within the physical world. With all the knowledge

within our medical professions, the treatment of a splintered soul is one piece of
information that can directly affect a person in an extreme way within their life.
Many who have Soul Fragmentation are placed upon medication, which quiets the
emotions, but does not help the causation. It is of the utmost importance at this time,
that the understanding of the Soul not be lost in our present time. For it is the power
within us and the nature of who we are. Those who experience continual loss of jobs,
money and homes, are often suffering from Soul loss. Those who experience continual
suicide tendencies have lost pieces of themselves, also. There are many ways a Soul
can become fragmented, but the most convincing sign is the loss of power within their
You may, or may not know for sure whether you do or dont have fragmented pieces,
but if you feel there might be a slight chance, you would be wise to explore the
possibility of the Angelic Soul Retrieval process. It has been understood from past
experiences that it can take up to six weeks for the returned soul parts to be integrated
fully into the whole.

Angelic Soul Retrieval




The following questions are helpful in determining whether Soul loss has occurred. To
see whether Soul loss is an issue for you (client) and, if so, how it manifests in your
(clients) life, you may want to ask yourself (client) the following questions:

Do you ever have a difficult time staying present in your body? Do you
sometimes feel as if you are outside your body observing it as you would a


Do you ever feel numb, apathetic or deadened?


Do you suffer from chronic depression?


Do you have problems with your immune system and have trouble resisting


Were you chronically ill as a child?


Do you have gaps in memory of your life after age five? Do you have a sense
that you may have blacked out significant traumas in your life?


Do you struggle with addictions to, for example, alcohol, food, sex or gambling?


Do you find yourself looking to external things to fill up an internal void or



Have you had difficulty moving on with your life after a divorce or the death or a
loved one?


Do you suffer from multiple personality syndrome?

If you (client) answer yes to any of these questions, you may be dealing with Soul
loss. Important parts of your (clients) essential core self may not be available to
you (your client). If so, the vital energy and gifts of these parts are temporarily
Excerpted from Soul Retrieval by Sandra Ingemann

Angelic Soul Retrieval

Soul Fragmentation Descriptions

People describe the condition of Soul fragmentation in the following ways:

All broken up
Falling apart
My senses feel dead
Out to lunch
Nobody home
Not playing with a full deck
He stole my heart
Feel like Im being torn apart
Need to pull myself together
Not firing on all cylinders
One foot in the grave
Need to get my head together
Dont feel whole
Feel out of kilter, out of balance
Part of me says yes, part of me says no.
Need to gather my thoughts.

These idioms seem like slang, yet they are often clear metaphoric descriptions of
problems by people who have suffered Soul fragmentation.
Excerpted from: Healing Lost Souls by William Baldwin

Angelic Soul Retrieval

Stolen Soul Parts

Sometimes a Soul, or part of it, has been stolen by another person. This is
generally done out of ignorance rather than intent to harm. In most case, the soul
stealing thief is also a victim of Soul thief. The main reason another Soul is stolen
is power. The thief might envy the persons power and attempt to take that power
for personal use.
Another reason is the mistaken belief that ones personal essence, vitality, and
power can be used by someone else--- especially light and energy----to restore
their own vitality. The belief that we can use another persons light, power, energy
or essence for our own good is a gross misunderstanding.
In a psychological sense, a codependent person is constantly giving away her/his
energy, time, focus and self. A person who has a victims mentally (usually abused
women, men, or children) will also unconsciously give away pieces of themselves
to those who are more than willing to take them. People, who feel they are
unlovable, suffer from low self-esteem or have shame issues, often give pieces of
themselves away. Frequently, the taker is the other spouse, a child, relative,
friend, or sometimes a co-worker.

Angelic Soul Retrieval

Returning Stolen Soul Parts

Perhaps we all participate in Soul taking and Soul giving during out various
incarnations, and we do it for a variety of reasons. The results are the same: the taker
is burdened with unusable energy that slows down their own process, and the one who
lost the Soul is missing a source of vitality. If you believe you have part of someones
Soul, do not sit in self-judgment. Often just acknowledging that you have someone
elses Soul is enough to release it and send it back. If you ascertain who it belongs to,
you can perform any of the following rituals to release it.

Go out in nature and find a stick. Break the stick, releasing any unnatural hold
you might have on someone else.

Take any objects in your possession that belong to that person, and send them
back to the owner.

Use breath work. As you inhale, think of the person you are sending to. When
you exhale, purposely send the Soul part back.

Hold a crystal in your hand; look at it; visualize or feel the person; and speak
directly to the stolen Soul part, saying: (Names) Soul, go home to (name), you
dont belong here by me, you belong to (name). Sogo home---Bless you!
Thats it.

If you know the person and can call them on the phone, you can blow the
persons Soul part into the phone during the course of the conversation.

Excerpted from Soul Retrieval by Sandra Ingerman

Angelic Soul Retrieval

Soul Recovery
Integration of the returned Soul parts takes a period of time. It would be best to wait a
month before deciding whether to perform another Soul Retrieval or if the client wants
to decide the next session. Some people relieve memories according to their own
internal timing. Some memories surface when it is the right time and place. Some
memories reveal themselves in dreams.

Effects of Soul Recovery

These vary widely and there is no absolute way to predict what will happen for a
particular individual. Soon after a Soul Retrieval, people comment that they feel warm
throughout their body and feel filled up or lighter. They are more in their bodies.
People, who feel depleted before the session, often feel more energy, power, and
strength immediately. They may also feel giddy or burst into tears. However, they
usually feel more peaceful when they leave after the session.
When you bring a Soul part back, it is time for the ego and the body to evolve again
into harmony with all life. A Soul part that returns might have certain knowledge a
person needs such as trust, love, creativity, play or self-confidence. Most people dont
require many Soul Retrievals. After one or two, most people have back what they need
to experience wholeness in their lives.
It is possible that we have all suffered some Soul loss during the course of our lives, but
that doesnt mean we all need Soul Retrieval. Life after Soul recovery is about learning
to live in the present fully.

Angelic Soul Retrieval


Assess what Soul percentage is missing? Ask the Client to answer
spontaneously the first number that comes to their awareness when you ask: What
percentage of you is missing?
Discern when and where loss occurred. Ask the Client to assess where Soul
fragments could have splintered or what person may have stolen some. You may also
use the 3 Soul Fragmentation charts, with your pendulum, to obtain this information.
Review check list of symptoms. Read though the check list of symptoms with
the client or provide them with a copy to circle what they may be experiencing.
Ask Client to bring a crystal. The crystal is the vehicle where the Soul
fragments are placed by the Beings of Light and is given to the client at the end of the
session. Unless you wish to provide it for the session, the client will need to supply a
medium-sized clear quartz crystal for the appointment. The crystal serves as a Soul
Catcher, like a comfortable waiting room for the Soul parts. This crystal is helpful
especially if the Soul has shattered, as it acts as a vacuum cleaner to sweep up the
splintered parts.

Angelic Soul Retrieval


Light a candle.


Place client into a relaxed state.

Summon Clearing Beings of Light (Spiritual Clearing Team).
Call for clients power animals.
Call forth guides and teachers of client that identify with clients spirit in nonordinary reality.
Ask for clients preferences for support.


State aloud, Past, present, future; throughout all realms, all creations, all
universes (real or imagined) and known or unknown. I request the return of all
____________________s Soul parts from non-ordinary reality that are willing
to come back and help_______________ and from other people who have
stolen* them. This includes soul parts and fragments that are in the Upper
World, Lower World, Middle World; Cave of the Lost Children, or in the Light.
*Ask the forces of Archangel Michael for assistance with stolen parts, if having
any difficulty.


Ask requested assigned volunteer by client to go and retrieve each Soul part

Ask to have each Soul part enter the crystal by the candle.


Then Clear each Soul part separately with the Law of Grace:
I now call upon the Law of Forgiveness to erase the cause, the core, the effect,
the record and the memory of any and all negativity permanently and completely
in this Soul part; past, present, future and throughout all time, all realms, all
creations, all universes, and all dimensions.
I invite ____________________:
To release all judgments of self;
To release all judgments of others; and
To claim grace.
I now call upon the Ascended Master St. Germain to direct the Violet
Transmuting Flame towards any remaining negativity, transmuting it into pure
light and unconditional love. I evoke the full gathered momentum of the Violet
Transmuting Flame.
Ask Archangel Michael and the clients Higher Self to gather up the cleansed Soul
parts and integrate them easily and gently within the individual.


Then blow returned Soul part into clients heart and the top of clients head,
through the crystal. Ask client to visualize Soul fragments entering clients body.
Ask client to place their hands on their solar plexus & absorb the returned
essence into every cell of their body.


Seal aura with crystal (pass crystal around body 4 times).


Look into clients eyes and say Welcome Home! Continue this same process
with each Soul part that is recovered.


Give gratitude and acknowledgement to all the Beings who assisted & release.


Angelic Soul Retrieval


Dear Mother Father God,

I ask to be cleared and cleansed with the white Christ Light, the green healing Light,
and the Violet Transmuting Light.

For my highest good and within Gods will I ask that all disharmonious vibrations be
removed from me, sealed within their own Light, and returned to the Source for
purification, never again to re-establish within me or anyone else.

I ask to be used as a channel for healing for ____________________.

I seek this for

[his, her] highest good, within [his, her] own will and within Divine will.

I ask that this room be surrounded by 100% pure Light, that (persons name)
________________ ____________________ be surrounded by Light. I ask for
protection of the triple shield of white Light of the Universal Christ.


A t this time I accept those forces of healing that work through and with me, accepting
only that which serves the Universal Christ.

I express gratitude for all my many blessings, above all, the privilege of serving others.

Angelic Soul Retrieval

Invoking the Spiritual Clearing Team
State the following aloud:

As the Christ Consciousness God that I AM, I call for total unity in the
Oneness. Through my divinity of Light I now call forth:
Guides, teachers and angels of 100% Light of (client)
My Guides, teachers and angels of 100% Light
My Mighty I AM presence
Mother, Father God
The Christ Consciousness
Lord Jesus Christ
Mother Mary
Kwan Yin
Beloved Legions of Light
Master St. Germain
The White Brotherhood
The Cosmic Physicians
Archangel Michael and all his legions to the front of me
Archangel Raphael and all his legions to the right of me
Archangel Uriel and all his legions behind me

Archangel Gabriel and all his legions to the left of me

Archangel Jophiel
Archangel Zadkiel
Archangel Chamuel
The Overlighting Deva of Healing

Angelic Soul Retrieval


Soul Fragment Purification

I now call upon the Law of Forgiveness to erase the cause, the core, the
effect, the record, and the memory of any and all negativity permanently
and completely; past, present, future throughout all time, all realms, all
creations, all universes, and all dimensions; real or imagined; known or
I invite __________to:
Release themself of all judgment of self.
Release themself of all judgment of others.
Now claim grace.
I ask for total healing of mind, body and spirit of this returning Soul part
and ask for any remaining negativity that this Soul part may have from its
travels, to be removed and transmuted before it is returned and
I now call upon the Ascended Master St. Germain to direct the
Transmuting Violet Flame towards any remaining negativity, transmuting
it into pure Light and unconditional Love.
I evoke the full gathered momentum of the Violet Transmuting


Angelic Soul Retrieval

Thanking the Spiritual Clearing Team
State the following aloud:

As the Christ Consciousness God that I AM, I thank all the following
Beings of 100% Light who assisted me with this Soul Retrieval today.
Thank you and God Bless to:
Guides, teachers and angels of 100% Light of (client)
My Guides, teachers and angels of 100% Light
My Mighty I AM presence
Mother, Father God
The Christ Consciousness
Lord Jesus Christ
Mother Mary
Kwan Yin
Beloved Legions of Light
Master St. Germain
The White Brotherhood
The Cosmic Physicians
Archangel Michael and all his legions to the front of me
Archangel Raphael and all his legions to the right of me
Archangel Uriel and all his legions behind me

Archangel Gabriel and all his legions to the left of me

Archangel Jophiel
Archangel Zadkiel
Archangel Chamuel
The Overlighting Deva of Healing

Angelic Soul Retrieval


Lower World is where your childhood resides and the record of all human history.
Middle World is the world we live in, work and raise our families .
Nonordinary Reality is where the rules of the outer world no longer apply and time
as we know it is suspended.

Power Animals are symbols of specific kinds of energy we are manifesting and
aligning with in our life. It can be an animal whose energy we feel closely associated in

Soul is the word for the essential part of us that seems to precede our entry into this
world and endures beyond our lifetime. However, it cannot be defined because it has
no limits that are perceived about its creation. The most consistent report of its
demonstrated essence is that it is vibrational waves of light and color.


Angelic Soul Retrieval


Light a candle.


Place client into a relaxed state.


Summon Clearing Beings of Light (Spiritual Clearing Team).

Call for clients power animals.
Call forth guides and teachers of client that identify with clients spirit in nonordinary reality.
Ask for clients preferences for support.


State aloud, Past, present, future; throughout all realms, all creations, all
universes (real or imagined) and known or unknown. I request the return of all
____________________s Soul parts from non-ordinary reality that are willing
to come back and help_______________ and from other people who have
stolen* them. This includes Soul parts and fragments that are in the Upper
World, Lower World, Middle World; Cave of the Lost Children, or in the Light.
*Ask the forces of Archangel Michael for assistance with stolen parts, if having
any difficulty.


Ask assigned volunteer to go and retrieve each Soul part separately.



Ask to have Soul part enter the crystal by the candle.


Clear each Soul part separately with the Law of Grace:

I now call upon the Law of Forgiveness to erase the cause, the core, the effect,
the record and the memory of any and all negativity permanently and completely
in this soul part; past, present, future and throughout all time, all realms, all
creations, all universes, and all dimensions.
I invite ____________________:
To release all judgments of self;
To release all judgments of others; and
To claim grace.
I now call upon the Ascended Master St. Germain to direct the Violet
Transmuting Flame towards any remaining negativity, transmuting it into pure
Light and unconditional Love. I evoke the full gathered momentum of the Violet
Transmuting Flame.
Ask Archangel Michael and the clients Higher Self to gather up the cleansed Soul
parts and integrate them easily and gently within the individual.


Then blow returned Soul parts into Clients heart and top of clients head,
through the crystal. Ask client to visualize Soul fragments entering clients body.
Ask client to place their hands on their solar plexus & absorb the returned
essence into every cell of their body.


Seal aura with crystal (pass crystal around body 4 times).


Look into clients eyes and say Welcome Home!

Have client read Dissolving Spiritual Contracts aloud, three times
Read Rescinding Laws to client and let them repeat the words after you.


Give gratitude and acknowledgement to all the Beings who assisted & release
Perform the Grounding Exercises, as needed.

Angelic Soul Retrieval

Relaxation Script Sample
Close your eyes, and take four deep breaths, counting from one to four.
Now exhale slowly from each breath by counting backwards from eight to
Take a moment to scan your body, and pay attention to any place where
you are experiencing pain or tension. Breathe deeply into any areas that
are blocked, and allow your time in doing this so you can truly allow your
body to relax.
Imagine that you are in one of your favorite places to be out in nature and
use all your senses to notice what you are seeing, and experiencing. Notice
how you are feeling in this beautiful setting.
Now find a comfortable place to lie down and when you do take another
very deep breath.


Dissolving Spiritual Contracts

This information is from the book, entitled Dear God! Whats Happening to Us?, Halting
Eons of Manipulation, by Lynn Grabhorn and was written by my friend, Nell Arnaud.
The main thrust of this book is that, weve all been manipulated by beings from the
dark side (no surprise). There is a great need to be extra clear about what angel or
spirit guide we are drawing information from. Its too easy to connect with beings who
are invested in keeping us in the dark or who are partly comprised of light and dark. I
write this to remind you to be really clear about your intentions to work with only
beings of 100% pure light or to make requests by first declaring, In the name of the
The following are statements to simply dissolve any contracts you may have unwittingly
made with beings who do not work from integrity or for your highest good.
1.-From the light of love that I am, I hereby declare that my team of guides shall, as
soon as any necessary transference can be made, be comprised only of members of
100% pure Light who have never been re-programmed by entities of the dark.
2.-From the light of love that I am, I hereby declare the entity that is my Primary Guide
shall be a being of 100% pure light that has never been re-programmed by entities of
the dark, with such change, to be made as soon as possible.
3.-From the light of love that I am, I hereby declare that my consciousness mix should
be converted, to a mix of 100% pure light of beings that have never been reprogrammed by those of the dark. I further declare that this conversion should take
place as soon as possible, but preferably during evening hours as I sleep and as gently
as possible in order that I might continue my normal daily routines.

4.-From the light of love that I am, I call forth that all things, whether animate or
inanimate, within or around me, my home, yard, or place of business, be immediately
de-activated from use as directional beacons by those who are not of 100% pure
light. I further declare that when this has been accomplished, it shall be irrevocable
and permanent.
5.-From the light of love that I am, I call forth that no energies, entities, or beings are
to be allowed anywhere around me at any time that are not of 100% pure light. I
further declare this to be irrevocable and permanent.
6.-From the light of love that I am, I hereby cancel all contracts and/or agreements I
have made with any entity, in any time frame or in any reality, that was not in my best
interest or in the interest of the light, or that were made with entities who were not of
100% pure light. I further declare that the cancellation of all such contracts is to be
irrevocable and permanent in all time frames and realities.

Say these statements aloud as many times as needed, until you can say
them three (3) times in a row without stumbling or stammering over any of
the words in any statement.


Rescinding Laws
Say this 3 times aloud, once.
I rescind all vows, contracts, commitments, stagnant energy, programs, or matrixing
coming from this lifetime, and those past, dealing with betrayal of the Self,
abandonment, or self limiting thought.
I accept and receive my abundance, my power, my wholeness, and my awareness of
being one with the Light and one in the Light. I accept and receive through grace,
releasement from all error both unconscious and conscious.
I am encompassed in the Light, by the Light and encoded with the Conscious Presence
of the Light by the Light. All is given to me through the Goddess, the Child, the
Fatherhood and the Fatherhead energies and those of Divine Light Source. It will be
I relinquish all fear, all doubt, and all betrayal of the Self that has been programmed by
my own need to control my darkness. I relinquish these vows now and accept the part
of myself which is of Light. I rescind the split ego self as it stands before me and the
split mind from which it emanates.
I choose my Light, my Love, my Abundance, my Freedom, my Joy and my highest Self
Expression, my highest and best good above and beyond all else.
I rescind the need to struggle or fight within this energy to stand within my power and
my light and my True Self. I accept my freedom and liberation peacefully, easily,
harmoniously, and joyously.
I rescind all karma that is not for my greatest and highest good at this time for this to be
turned over to the I Am Presence under the Laws of Grace and God and for Freedom to
come for all.


I rescind all power that is within me that continues the struggle to survive, to be of Light,
to be of happiness, to be of Love, and to be of joy. I rescind these and take upon
myself my Christ energy, that Light which is true to Source and true to the Self.
I rescind all power that I have given to the ego self and ask that all programs, beliefs,
cultural beliefs, hereditary beliefs, mother/father beliefs, paternal/maternal beliefs,
childhood beliefs, and tethering beliefs both conscious and unconscious in this life time
and any other from here back through infinity be given up now to Divine Source as I
walk free.

I relinquish all fear, all abandonment, all Self-denial, all betrayal of the Self. I free these
cords attaching to that which is not allowing my movement inward into the
expansiveness of the Whole as one and thus reflected as expression in all aspects of
my experiential self in all worlds, in all dimensions, and in all temporal frames of
reference both seen and unseen, conscious and unconscious.
I rescind my belief patterns, and matrixing and coding if it is not for the greatest and
highest good of the Self. I ask for transmutation into Light, Love, and Healing within the
peace and quiet of my inner being.
I rescind all injury, contracts, memories, patterns, or thought forms held within the
physical or emotional body or any other energy body which is of my energy field that is
not allowing perfect alignment, perfect functioning, and perfect peace.
I relinquish the pain, the struggle and I further relinquish the circumstances within which
I have been choosing to live. I accept and receive Divine Joy, Divine Freedom, Divine
Power, Divine Clarity, Divine Abundance, Divine Peace, and Divine Presence in my
mind and heart and moment by moment life experience.
I rescind all vows, contracts, agreements, obligations, statements, and beliefs that are
contrary to me in dealing with Self Love, Self Worth, Self Esteem, and Self Portrayal --ultimately Self Expression.
I ask for all implantation devices, etheric crystals, self-limiting devices, self-sabotage
devices, energies, entities, thought forms, programs, manipulations, or belief systems
that are not for my greatest and highest good to be removed from my energy fields
peacefully, easily, effortlessly, harmoniously and at Gods speed.
I ask for perfect alignment by Spirit of mind, body and Soul in all dimensions, and all
states of awareness, and all levels of awareness, in all aspects of my Self and Soul
Self, back through to infinity. I accept Gods will as my will in my life now.


I ask that a wall of interception be created and anything that comes into my field be
transmuted and sent back to Source with love.
I accept, receive and open to my Self in full abundance and Light through the Divine
Grace of Love.
So Be It. So Be It. So Be It. It is done now.



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