Hyprid Project 2-2

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this career has bee n a profession since 1900's

Historical events that have affected this job was the first super bowl win by the great Vince Lombardi
brought out the coaching job to be more valued.

Some famous people who have been or are coaches are Vince Lombardi, Greg popovich, Pat Riley, bill
be lichick, joe torre, etc.

The se pe ople we re successful in their career because they had or have a great unique way of coaching.


a bachelor's degree in sports science, exercise, kines iology, fitnes s, physical education or physiology. Additionally, many teachers work as high school
coaches in part-time positions.

South, Oakland, and Kaplan univers ity offer the education for being a coach.

bachelor's degree in physical education, exercise science or Kinesiology. And about 5 years.

Coaching jobs at middle or high schools, or recreational sports.

Skills or expertise to becoming a coach


High moral and ethical s tandards

Have thorough knowledge of the sport being coached

Able to instill confidence in athletes

Able to foster high standards of sportsmanship

Patience when instructing, teaching and coaching

Enjoy working with people


Daily dutie for being a coach

Scout prospective athletes and opposing teams

Ensure that athletes are safe at all times

Monitor the progres sion of injured athletes

Arrange training camps and try-outs

May conduct player and parent meetings

Plan and direct fitness programs for players

Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of individual athletes and oppos ing teams

Prepare strategies for specific games

Oversee fundrais ing efforts

Plan and conduct practices

Select team from group of prospective players

Arrange for supply equipment acquisition

Job position description

One usually works 6-7 hours a day working at this positions.

Workplace is usually outside on fields or inside in facilities.

Dress code is suit and tie, or just team equipme nt.

The coaches usually re port to their GM or owner.

According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median salary for workers in the Coaches
and Scouts occupational group is $28,340 per year. The lowe st 10% of salaries in this occupational
group are less than $16,380, and the top 10% are m ore than $63,720 per year.


What would be challenging about thus career would be ke eping players and others set and in shape.

Some might criticize the rookie because they don't know much about the ir team.

The Job market for coaching in ge neral is really not open as m uch and hard to get the job

The job for coaching will be the same in the future.

This job helps and benefits the community because if you coach your team and do good everyone will
join toge ther.


Overall coaching is important in our society because we need coaches to teach others how to play the
sport the coach.

Coaching would be a good career for me because I'm good with others, know how to help others, and a
good leader.


http://www.acade micinvest.com/science-careers/exercise-science-careers/how-to-be come-a-sportscoach

http://study.com/articles/High_School_Coach_Job_De scription_Duties_ and_Requirements.html

Google .com

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