Forgiven You." Mío, Tus Pecados Son Perdonados

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Jesus doesnt mess around when it

comes to us. There is a story in

Mark about Jesus meeting with
people and healing them. It says
that he was preaching at a house
and that it was so packed that
there wasnt even room outside
the door. While he was there, four
men brought over their paralyzed
friend and, like crazy people,
made a hole in the roof and
lowered him down. It says that
when Jesus saw their faith he said
to the man, Son, your sins are
forgiven you.

Jess no pierde el tiempo con

nosotros. Hay una historia en
Marcos sobre Jess y como se
reuna con gente y les sanaba.
Cuenta que estaba predicando en
una casa y que estaba tan llena
que ni siquiera haba lugar afuera
de la puerta. Mientras estaba ah
cuatro hombres trajeron a su
amigo paraltico y, como locos,
hicieron un hueco en el techo y lo
bajaron. Dice que Jess al mirar la
fe de ellos le dijo al hombre, Hijo
mo, tus pecados son perdonados.

As I read the story I was struck by

Jesus reaction to the whole thing.
In the previous chapter it details
specific occasions where Jesus
was healing people and setting
them free. By this time I think
people knew Jesus was doing all of
these things and so they began to
bring their sick to him, literally
tearing through buildings to get to
him. And then he does something
unexpected; instead of
immediately healing the man it
says Jesus saw their faith and
forgave his sins.

Al leer la historia me llamo la

atencin la manera en que Jess
reaccin ante lo ocurrido. En el
capitulo anterior detalla varias
ocasiones especificas donde Jess
sanaba y liberaba a las personas.
Para este entonces, creo que la
gente ya sabia que Jess estaba
haciendo estas cosas as que
traan a sus enfermos a el,
literalmente traspasando paredes
para acercarse a el. Luego Jess
hizo algo inesperado; en lugar de
inmediatamente sanar a este
hombre dice que Jess observo su
fe y le perdono sus pecados.

Jesus reaction made me stop and

think for a while. You see, I dont
think Jesus is satisfied with simply
fixing our situations when we
approach him in faith. Not that by
any means this mans condition
was insignificant, not at all, if
anything his situation was
obviously life defining which made
what Jesus did later on all the
greater. But Jesus went further
than that. He is not satisfied with
healing our sicknesses, the
immediate and temporary

La reaccin de Jess me hizo

detener y pensar un rato. No creo
que Jess se conforma con
simplemente arreglar nuestras
situaciones cuando nos acercamos
a el en fe. No es decir de ninguna
forma que la condicin de esta
hombre era insignificante, al
contrario su condicin haba muy
obviamente definido su vida hasta
ese punto que hace lo que Jess
hizo despus aun mas grandioso.
El no se conforma con sanar

situations we are in. I think that

when our faith compels us to
climb through roofs to get to him,
he uses it to its fullest potential
and brings us to the heart of the
issue; he takes us to the place
where these things have taken
root in our hearts and there he
makes us whole.

nuestro cuerpo, la situacin

inmediata y temporaria en la que
nos encontramos. Mas bien
cuando le buscamos en fe, el nos
llevo al centro de todo, al lugar
donde estas situaciones han
tomado raz en nuestros
corazones y ah nos hace

The story goes on to show how

Jesus wasnt going to let the man
and his friends leave the same
way they came in.

La historia continua y muestra

como Jess no iba a dejar que este
hombre y sus amigos salieron de
la misma forma en que entraron.

Jesus knew immediately what

[the religious leaders] were
thinking, so he asked them, Why
do you question this in your
hearts? Is it easier to say to the
paralyzed man Your sins are
forgiven, or Stand up, pick up
your mat, and walk? So I will
prove to you that the Son of
Man has the authority on earth to
forgive sins. Then Jesus turned to
the paralyzed man and
said, Stand up, pick up your mat,
and go home!
(Mark 2:8-11 NLT)
Jesus used the situation to address
the spiritual condition of the man,
his friends, and the people around
him and then gave them the thing
that addressed each one of their
hearts: himself.

And you will seek me and

find me, when you search for Me
with all your heart. (Jeremiah
29:13 NLT)

En ese mismo instante, Jess

supo lo que [los maestros de la
ley] pensaban, as que les
pregunt: Por qu cuestionan
eso en su corazn? Qu es ms
fcil decirle al paraltico: Tus
pecados son perdonados o
Ponte de pie, toma tu camilla y
camina? As que les demostrar
que el Hijo del Hombre tiene
autoridad en la tierra para
perdonar pecados. Entonces
Jess mir al paraltico y
dijo: Ponte de pie, toma tu
camilla y vete a tu casa!
(Marcos 2:8-11 NLT)
Jess uso la situacin para
afrontar la condicin espiritual del
hombre, sus amigos y las
personas alrededor de y luego les
dio a cada uno conforme la
condicin de sus corazones: se dio
Si me buscan de todo corazn,
podrn encontrarme.
Jeremas 20:13 NTV

Whats your condition? Maybe its

yet another heartbreak, another
Cual es tu condicin? Quizs tu
mistake. Maybe the doctors words corazn este roto, otra relacin de

echoing in your head, or your

emotions getting the best of your
relationships. Maybe its the bills
piling up. Maybe your situation
has brought you to Jesus and you
figure since youve tried
everything else you might as well
give him a shot. I think our
conditions often reveal things that
need to be addressed in our lives
and it takes a step that might
seem backwards to us, to move in
the direction that God wants for
Maybe youve been asking God for
something in your life and instead
of giving you that he does
something completely
unexpected. Maybe what he is
doing is not just mending your
situation but making you whole
again. Jesus doesnt mess around
when it comes to us. He doesnt
want us to leave the same way we
came in. Nor does he want to give
us anything less than his perfect
love and grace.
What unexpected thing is God
doing in your life?
"No eye has seen, no ear has
heard, and no mind has imagined
what God has prepared for those
who love him."
1 Corinthians 2:9 NLT

fracaso. Quizs las palabras del

doctor siguen haciendo echo en tu
mente, o tus emociones te han
controlado al punto de hacerle
dao a tus seres queridos. Quizs
se te han acumulado tus cuentas.
Quizs tu circunstancia te ha
trado a Jess y piensas que como
has intentado todo lo dems no
pierdes nada en probarlo a el.
Creo que muchas veces las
condiciones en que nos
encontremos revelan cosas que
necesitamos enfrentar en nuestras
vidas y requieren tomar un paso
que aunque parezca hacia atrs
en la direccin que Dios quiere
para nosotros.
Quizs le has estado pidiendo a
Dios algo y en lugar de darte eso
hace algo completamente
inesperado. Quizs lo que este
haciendo no es simplemente
arreglando tu situacin pero mas
bien haciendo a ti completo. Jess
no pierde el tiempo con nosotros.
No quiere dejarnos igual de cmo
llegamos a el, ni tampoco quiere
darnos algo que sea menos que su
perfecto amor y gracia.
Qu cosa inesperada esta
haciendo Dios en tu vida?
Ningn ojo ha visto, ningn odo
ha escuchado, ninguna mente ha
lo que Dios tiene preparado para
quienes lo aman.
1 Corintios 2:9 NTV

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