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SERIES IN AFFECTIVE SCIENCE SERIES EDITORS Richard J, Davidson Paul Ekman Klaus Scherer ‘The Nature of Emotion Fundamental Questions Edited by Paul Ekman and Richard J, Davidson Boo! Culture, Experience, and the Startle Reflex Ronald Simons Emotions in Psychopathology Theory and Research Edited by William F. Flack Jr. and James D. Laird Affective Neuroscience The Foundation of Human and Animal Emovions Jaak Panksepp WHAT THE FACE REVEALS Basic and Applied Studies of Spontaneous Expression Using the Facial Action Coding System (FACS) Edited by PAUL EKMAN & ERIKA L, ROSENBERG New Work Oxford © Oxford Univery Press 1997 Conia © 199 by Oxo Urvesy Fres s. egret e Acknowledgments Ekman P reer Want Sons, R (1985) the stn reton a mation? our ral of Personality and Social Psychol) 49, 1516-1428, Coptigh 1983 by the [American PaycolgtalAseciion Repent wih permission Hager, & Ekman (1985) The async of iil ations tcosinet wh nll of oraspeic specialization. Pacha 22, 807-318 Capy gh 98S by Cami University ress. Repos wih he permis of We pubis Rosebere. E & Ekman. (19), Cobrence ewe exesive and experiential ‘yuems in emotion. Crption& roto, & 201-209, Copyright 1994 by Eur {UX Taylor Francs Reprinted with he permission ofthe pubis uch, W. (1905), Wil be real relation bce aia expression and afte ox ince pene sand up. Te cae of ethan, Copniton & Enon 9.335. {Copy 995 by Lawes Ebon Asis Lined. Rep wi he ei “Sono te plier. Ruch, W. (195), Extaversion, leo aelenoymen Personality and Idi Diferences 1689-102. Copyright 193 Pergamon Pron Lid Repent wt nd per rison fom Eleier Scene Lid, The Boulevard, Langlod Lane, Klingon OXS 18, UK Keiner,D. (1988). Sign of appeasement ides forthe int dip feb sessment, anemone she sour of Personal and Seca schol 8. E1-ES4Copyrigh 19 hy he American Pactnop! Aesciton, Repia th ermision Chg gd, & Pac, C1991. Gene supesied and ae ail ior during exacerbation of eho ow bck pin Pa 8 161-171 Copyright 191 hve Scece Puinier. Repemod wih Kind pemisian a Ever Seence -achio, K (1992). The cosiseney of fail expmsons of pin: A compares srs toes. Pu 97, 297-308, Copyright 1992 eve Sete Pulte ‘Raprinod wih Riad peraistion from Elsevier Science Lid. Ws Aaronedrets ‘man, ese. W. & Sulvan M, (1988. res when ing. ural of Per sonal and Sac Pischolgy, 56 14-420. Caveat 198 by te Ametea Py ‘holla Asenton Repent with emi Frank, Mt. Ek ,& Fun, W, (1993), Bevin markers a snp of Ine amie of eymen. downal of Personality and Sri! Pryholgh. 6, 83-93, Copy 199 y the American Pyeolosel Associaton. Rend ith perms Gost, P, Klos G, & Dor (1998). Components a eopiion of facial ex reson nf cement of emotion by actos, ural of Prana and Sil Prycholgy 68 8-86. Copyright 188 y he Amin Psychologies! Asociaton. epi ith emis, Hes, U, &Rlek, (199) Dieting emotion ce and deliberate erase faci exssons. European Journal of Socal Paeoloy 2, 369-385 Copyeeh Than Ft Wiley & Sons, La Rem with te pes e publisher (Cares Ose, Hl Campos, Mikes K Bra D. (1992). Japnese and ‘ssa ft responses wantin. Deslopmentl Piha, 2, 378-383 pyre 1982 bythe American Pehalogical Ascii, Repel ith permit Roses, D. & Oster, (1948) Diller ial responses formset in nents, Cid Developmen 38, 855-1568. Copyrih 1988 by te Soy for Re ‘earch in Child Development ne Rep with he perssion of he pubiner ‘ereninum,H, & Otrans (1992, ein exerince and een nin pei a depen Jou Abnormal Pct 10, 37-4. Copyright 1982 Fvthe Ameria Paychiogia! Asotin. Rene wah pms. Sicimer Kraus, Kae R& Wager G, (18D). eration eulitions wd by ‘ckzopreic and peychosrai patients’ Sadis a fal behaved” tions Poehiany 9, 208-228. Copyright 990 by the Called Press. Reyne with ‘he peomision of he pusher Bring, H. (1986, Nonsetbl expression of pyshoell sm pyc ‘eas Eumpean Aves of Path and Neotel Sens, 298.3134. COPY "ihr 1986 by Springer Verlag. Reps with he ermsion of he pubis Hele, M & Haya ¥ (1998), Depression and ae aes Cabin Prchrqus Geneos 15, WALT, This ace eaally appeared in the Pech in Cahers Px. ‘hariqus Genes Repined ite pei 0 he pubs eninge Hub, (1982) Pay aleve microssquene in pyc: ‘ie teraction, Pychoterapy essrch, 2, 291-306 Capit 192 y the Gullo Press: Repent wi the pasion o the polish eter, D, Mois. & Stoner Lote, M1988), Facial express of em ‘on and psychopailogy i adecent oye Zurn of Arnal Payee TOS, (4-652, Copyright 195 bythe American Pycholagil Axion. Reprint pesmison (Cheney, Mt, Fan, Friesen, W. Black, Hecker, M, 1990 Type Bei ater Facile an psc conponants Pehmomac Medicine 53307319. Repeined by person of Wills & Wks. Contents Foreword Inratin:The Sty of Spontansos Face Expressions ineycnloey PareOne Bosickesarch on Eaton 19 | sth Stan Reston an Eneton? 21 “Aferword: The Strle Renton wt Emotion 36 tervond FACS ie Stay ofthe Lah Syme 38 2. The Asymmetry of acl Acs I Insonsteo wih Modes of Hemiphrc Speciiion 40 ‘Miersont: Asynmy itFai Macular Acioes 58 3. Coherence Bewsen Exproisive ad Experiential Sens Emotion 8) ‘Aierwonts Emotions United Responses 86 4 Wil te Rel Relaonship Between Fas Exgresion an Affective Experience Pete Sat Up The Cae of Fairaion 89 ‘eran Tne FACS inane Reseuich 108 5 Exravesion Alcohol std Enoyment 112 AMtermork Shera Temperament 131 Sano Azpessmen: Eves bint Dsl of "ihononk The Forts wn Furcons of Enburasment 158 envi Suppress Fake Facial Betviordring aacerbtion ‘remem Low Bak Pain 16 “Afernnd: On KrowingAthe's Pin 178 “The Conssencyof For Expresons of Pl A Comparion ‘Acme Maier 16) “Atersont The Comisency of Fail Exresions of alt 198 Sits When Lying 201 "Atermnd Ss When tying, 218 Behar Makers and Resoprzability fhe Smile oF Enjoyment 217 ‘erm Some Towson FACS, Dynamic Makers of Emotion tnd Basal 239 Componsas and Region of Fas Expression nthe ‘Commoniaton of Emotion by Actor 283, ‘umn cosen cis ROUHEFEANCOS DORE ‘ermon.Conponent ant Recon of Facial Espresso in ‘he Communication of Enon by Actes 268 Diereniting Enon Fld ans Deere Ena Fit Exressont 271 “Apenvord Obgsve lenses ers Observe! Raigs 257 panes and Ameren Infants Responses © Arm Resta 289 “Aeon To Cia Cla Staly ofan Fac Espresione 300 4 Diet Fai Responses Foer Basie Tents inNeubomns 302 "Atersod: acl Expression a a Widow on Senay Exper Tl Afar in Newborn fans 320, PareTwo Apps Research 15. Facil apres in Alfecive Dierdrs 331 “Afterword: Depression snd Expression 342 116 Ennion! Expect nce and Expression in Setizophveia ts Depression 3 ‘Merson: Enon, Fetal Expreston hd Prchapubology 58 17 nsacton Regulation Used by Sctiophene at aychosomatc Patents: Stubs on Fata Behavior Dy serene 361 “ters Inercion Repairs Usd 9) Seize ans Paybosomatie Patents 38D 18 onscial Expression of Prychoogcl Sates a PoehaiePuiens 186 > “Afar. None Exgreion of Paychologic Stein Psychiat Pate 398 19) epesinand Suicide Faces 398 cWatL tt VERONIQUE HAYNAL "Aterard: Bonpsives a Stes of Pychopbolgy snd Pochaienpy 08 aches nett, ¥EFONIOLE HAYA 20. Petpet Aetve Micoequenes in Pychterapeaic Trion 14 “Afteonont From PAMS TRAPS: Investigating Gait Fines iteAcs 0) 2 Facial xpresion f Elon an Poychoptoloy in Aescet Boys ase ‘Aeron Facil Expression, Peso, nd Pyehopolosy 0 22 Type Behavior Pater: Fal Bebwvor an Speck Componene 33 “Aferword: Type and Facial Behavior 467 CConcsion: What We Hive eared by Measuring Facil Behavior 459 Index 487 Foreword Whore Face Reels is ston evidence fect ies ofthe systematic analysis of ficial expec wate by Pal Eka and Wallac V Fsn in 1976 nd 197; wl also become vale even eigaaryresorce fal investors wo wish tone runt the Faia Acton Cong System FACS) 8 Eka rise’ apache. This ook soul aso Be a tres 0 rade com tency tan stds of hfe and fer face expres cas nfmtion Soa wie arg of phenome, and Haig repre te ea on spe 3 ingeronaiypeychopathloy nd ety developmen Asan ier the ton {in whch Ekman wor, have been imprest byte import pate a i ‘eapes have payed in esto alee ern tan appropri cna pce in aman psyco Esta Roweber estan the ory in er inc pe: How bain only denigrated he inne experience of emovon bu cannizt al dats othe ‘posed call arenes of tnonl expression. Aer mien. Sian “Tomin's eas abat th feta hing wo since aia expesion ine he wa. bt his preetton an afvoescy tee oes were so ilsyeac Sl ical o pest hy eae generelly known ony afte al kan nd ‘Cari fash unetsken groundbreaking feat de nlc Forth lt "wo decades, E's grup his eon the ponsial conto otis compet Ad segue! othe “vgnine oslo” insist hk mo the ormltons of vera ryehoony The dtd borus work vith FACS rept ts book cao asa Partha cotibaton Kreps 2 el beaktogh they ofl ape on, Viral all previous rnc focued onthe inrencs observe aw fom de ‘iceder meted ical enresons: intel eae what wa ong one ice sel Ts ook storing together esr hi eae al avr declan arone Wiest th free of Eras apache ny spontisoes faa prsion "Te ais pinta his eum dt fo 198240 1995, withthe mai (1S ‘2 coming fm the 19, Th aclu an erty pape by Ekman, Matsmo,nd Friesen hat ha tt bee previously pls feaose twas erly je. The tutors hve god round by tow for frase tht hs wana era mi take The repent articles appeal in 13 erent ouale—se Ekman and Ronen. ers oem range beyond! the potable Ken of he contr henseles. Tey Salve pric ass fm Eo ad Canada at well athe Unie Sty The "Asemblng ido major ports of bse eerch on enol expetion aed spoliod scart ona varity tps aging fom schizo depesion, ah > ‘leo terapeatitracon ap Type A bevel peace vs PACS ors > Fvaives te bok provides idence forthe vale npoyng Ws sanded Imethed for he analysis facial expession. father feature. which mikes or fs hating reding she informal “aferword contbuted by the ators of ech Fe Prin site in which the sutor deri their sequen wa on the op oir Taper ringing the reset aly pdt an oe specsting me sy aot the sae vin th coli huptrby Ekman, “What We Have Lead by Mes ‘ing the Face" Thi hapless wih the various arvude, vey elsinely beings th rear ast ofthe caren st othe a. Eka ana Rosebery obviously med he book 1 azact more psjcoleis tote method. Dozens of tseree [OEMS ae eed alge the wa. Sevetlmibor cisions of FACS scorns ae ‘So spied: respective wes ned to cosa th book “Tis ebook for reference and slecive reading, Pom my ose’ vanage point ote tat alioogh FACS fa rcly fia device that nals cumolte Search on facil expression, is o magical "open ssa” Is inert Taboos Sndexpensive and rere rough aig Ar th phenom that eae tare plex not rechible sinpisie formals A damatially stntive Hing Sch tthe dicovery of the Dachne felt ile ands oto ot suprisingly, the ner conection of fail expres in with he eof nan pcan emo comp ‘tpeson, wit good cera and nsped pectene, te rach ended by Contributors 5 pir, Depa of Cina Pci, Unveny of Zach owagonexexanun, eprint of Pryshoagy, Unive of Minis ‘roc W.LAck, Department of Epidemiology ad Bia, Schoo of Ming ‘Univey of Caller San Francis Dona means, Poycholopy and Sci Relations, Harvard Univesity ‘ose. cars, site for Human Develpnt, rivers of Clos Betsy um 4. c.s, Deparment of Paycholoy, DePil Unies axoaner cuts, Dearie of Epidemiology and Bist, Shea of Medine Univers of Calton San Franco sane o-canto,Deprment of Pyclony, Univers of rsh Coun "xan: bow, Deparment of Psychology, Unive of Lava, Qu, Cane ALL ERMAN, Deparment of shir, Unversity of Califo, Sa rtcico "rive ech, Max Pek ls for Pci, Germany ai c Puan, Scho! of Communication, Rages Uniersy \ALLAc ¥ rats, Deprnent of Pca. Uniesty of Caio, San Fran ‘lm cosse:n, Deparment of Pxychoogy, Unies of awa, Canada oem AGE, Network Infra Resetch Corporation Salt ake Ci, ah inowiove navn, Lara Aet an Communion, Gener, Suited MCTAEL Wt ER, RE Iteration, Meno Path Califa NAB nrtte, Laboratory Affect an Commeniatin, Geneva, Smita ‘sua Hs, Deparment of Pacholor, Univers of Geneve Swiverand ‘0544 se, Cape Bren Hospital, Cpe Breton, Canad ‘DACHER KELIWER, Department of Payehalogy. University af California, Berkeley ‘nus kmovae, Deparment of Psyclony. Universy of aval, Quétec, Canad owen «LE, Deparment of sjholgy, Dano Colege ten exaust, Deprent of Cll Psychology, University of the Saran, ‘Gemany evip warsomoro, Deparment of Psychology San Faaico Sate Univesiy ‘azo mtvakt Kewama Gakuen Womt’s Unive, Abiko, Chita em, lpn ‘ean mortr, Departmea of sjchology University of Whoa, Maison AU NSESSON, Deparment of Psychiatry, University of Mitigin avers ois, Deparment of Psyc, Cniversty of an Frac ‘ost r.trmass, Depart of Psychology, Univer of Vea anni can, Stoo Paychology Programs New York Unies custom, xtc, Departea of sycoly, lord tte Univerty UNE AL HeAACHIN,Psyeoogy Program, Uiveriy of Nea Bish Colum mk open, Deparment of Psychology. Collegeof Wiliam and Mary ‘wma nue, Deprtent of Psychology. Univers of sel, Germany wa nosesran, Deparment of Pryehology, Univesity af Peonsyvania onaco-. sos, Deparment of Psych & Atoplog, Michi Sta ‘Unser, Es Lansing, Deprent of Psychiatry & Behan Seen, Unies of Washington vtuyse srraexinuse, Depanent of Cline Pychlory, Univesity fhe Svan, Germany ‘wsaoa stout. conse, Western ayia ne, University of Par -SoNTER at, Deparment of Cscl Psychology, Univesity fhe sla. ‘Gemany WHAT THE FACE REVEALS Introduction The Study of Spontaneous Facial Expressions in Psychology [Miche eserchn which facil ehvir as en meas and eld to ather varies unknown many pyco}ogsts bese he wor as Ben pu ted n'a wide vat paces In an ulin peo, may es have ape in jours of pacar, Enopeah ral, jonas o hie ‘Ths amue bak pees reve pled aes Sentara ox ‘on ining volumes a bey maybe messes ined cols 6 wt aso cosas servo y tears ter the ea ie the rece conen ang on he seed eae “Tiss mo atk tt peop’ iy een fail exes: The ( Soil est p=) ery few sats dh nich tr an hs igh level of ac ‘ne dsrimination, Only 1 ofthe 98 stadt wee scart on TE OF mote te Stans they jaded Brow rasingin he simulated onion which as er funn the eal tare, may hae bee a let he pefomance was fi, eease none oF the simulations at nce ro rie was judged ly sary he Drecuson All bt ne of he slows ht we foun charter the wanted tan re in (abi 11) wee abo ep by Lan an Hor. Tey mised the ation o the wt cli mace, whch gn th el andy caw the hn maroon the eye ards and an Hot mt ane sen he pperance changes roe by ths asl even hough i ales to mare eae he appearance charge Fo. Saced by rl ocul ae ince the line dawg station ofthe are “TWisacon was sown by 71 four ett me unantcpted ondon Lends an Hut pred hat ye clara etre ate. allowed by lip suthing, hen hed an neck momen abot the nae time td lly tok Imosermen fy ving in O-me uit i 20-5 ui, we pad rp cquence withthe aon tht he selon he msc aund the eye ceamed a {ou the tm ine eth ip iechne Eye cour, which voles vy sal ‘Sesh only he shoest en le Shes ome eid The ovement of tte cok, ich ge he rene of vey IgE mutes Aad tony the Jet Hat pe ca apt of ry in vote component ace “Theft tha ow sch pes ave eon tSandn te emf cot tare he aa of oe Las & Kon, 9, fits vate asset oct econ wht he eres of be state re Fora oh emovonser enn wi stesso cone be BNNs nse rS Disoniaity in Expression Sone of those who vw sal an emeton (Plath, 162, 1980; Terns, 1962 ‘Naoinort & Schostere 1954 or the extreme version of sie. Altiough {leh sie Lands and H's deserpon of the apewance ofthe tale sone com ‘Semed on the dicotnty i appetrncetetwoen testa ad saris Table 15 mth ndings on he pperanceof thear wih EksandFicsen' (197, 1978 dex fhe up exprosion (The sive escrito hse on Wha {hey found sere niece cures would dg a suis. nde al the {Rnues med ty aerate wh have seed rhe about he apes oso ome) "So cmeton hort at suggest that rascal sonia pearance, ike sia bewecn st dss chars ny cron. os the opposes ws tly been sume or send The sppenace of he expression of ah emotion sid {Dtecome song de fo erensed marl oration the emt sl ere tony. Atal fee st of mula atns has never een deeb fr any tson wen fl mot song Tus rape eserbles ange eon ees fear raion resembles dunt eatee oy rears moder apis, ‘rome dss sees moder ses. "Tere ar onl two sis can, Fsten Ancol, 1980 Ekman 1988) ht xamined ow facial pyenrnce fs wih variant sueagth af he feng ‘ped Boh tlic ound modentc to hi conlaos boned the intensity of ‘te mucilarcapeson andthe tensity of he sebecive experience of he emotion dum 1, Dire atten ie and st epesins f Sime” ‘eotetepowe| ‘need ema Serie radium And, nser dy fund noni in xgresionhebecn erm and moder ‘xprontons ofan ema sch asthe dconinuy we found Betwse stare nt surgese ay and Rib aon {ange wed Hut recommended the tre esponse 10 the Sin wishing 1 ty ‘ston nthe lekrory sae is RO onl ufo im appearince but esl apes relly in every subj ddd es was the cae i 3) ‘rst, gh a lim can fe made th the wien of hrs ha been ae ‘tly sampled fry emesa,n me am Sen frac no et as en {umd Yor any rion at fn Hke te uma dos fo the Mare No le. tors have bon repel tat ivaraiypredece the sme al bebe mona traction neve) sje. The ose spreimaton a some Hn ht show aia ‘heating in ete teavioe (Ekman e ly 1960, Thess ls cc only 2ygomatie ‘naar musi. ut ain everyne Although eg never fae 1 roe tp of i ste aia expec, weve obsersed tht abt 13% oe Subjects nto tc te Gly of cre animal show 90 viable fae expesion. Ae tempt tcc nee emotions produce evermore varity nh nl ale reson a ersten. We fave oberved 3 Kim of im aputtin can elt e resins of fe sure dg. tes, enarasnet, pin anger. o lea of "hese enatung the nial spose Flic ter ces, Ses tei, ofan Sil ae no re success ng a sine sal ail exresion fenoton ers abject “hs lock of wiry across persons i the ii! emotional reponse ms ‘nis comin ih hoe eo of enon sa empie lee of appeal ow an iii appraise aa event means sve othe evel noe the eee ‘elf sd ermine the wpe of emona pone, Cenaily SPrea,hih pears olay s minor me the alas major olin the Fert of em nen ew (Ekman, 197, 1984, appa can somtimes Operate soma ly, wih minima, very fi, cogaitiv ati preceding the emo! pons Eventien theese! maps my nt amas be nfo aos ll ol, ier aces may os caus fvariions vegetations emer, in he hb Uk ne emotion © another In any cass he eens ha fe mas ily cls wh fovm emotional espace ch a he deh of +, can be realy sa n= abo: ‘tet ost cmation in andar ae on contd, if nat oer ssid bythe socal pychlory othe station For evan, observable facial ex Press fen hang nt the subst ks oer ae ob¥ig nth as Bn Found 0 vary wit ul panese more shan American sens masked pee ‘wil expreions a esgnse 10 ares fs i a ahr tigre was sea (Ekmun, 1973 Foes, 1972) And Ameri Stet hawed dill pe ‘on in fexpooe to pon wb thy Knew they were bing obured (lec © 1976. Alfough oo oe he songred vanes hon stesso aloe (enare Of tring observed) with sates hat oer the presence of er ned se on agpees th thy wold not fe mach nga the subs id at owe ‘ely where el so waldo Dic a esaton proba he rl fr ean sors fenton robs iy pals cl fort flere nl facial express 7S jet on fle ‘rosonlexpeson over een so patio o ine oF ay gen sje. ae inborn. cron chr respi nena he sx cote "ned Timi: Latency ant Doan ‘he sue ection ue, ver Wi ay. el within the ge et as cfr on ets sn, Godel, Ter & Gen ER) Ls {ij Sant change ah natn. oo th este ont sae oS cepa suas bp in 10 they sls. ough $iikeay ofober enon capers har goto espana mesa omer ie ty acme, what wk a ten dot soo mop a gone theta at ne Bad ooo et “enn nny her oo, ep aly supers es noe ses ich agin, wel wn ng reps fon ese (Ona, 192) Sure we oly eat at a ye a2 ‘er daar soogh its oan shor vende rehab sty bed {Sloot urchin esos tert of an ape ow rane ani ate ny of ctor! elngs nl 98 er finngs ase sone orton Sou hsp aw gi ote avg of be srs exes. Ato os ape aot he prince ot Siminein be even inl egress femal 9 payed ome ‘Me lon, 134 Anes 193 Bl 147. Dewi, 1T68. EBU Eel, {Bruen 197: 9; ay 019% to 1982; an Hot 1972) ‘Siig ny nt have eles ol even of te sae expeon crs esa hard for ahr eI ol ery faa lees {hye vin 29) uth src exrsion aly cre bye cot Reson sare bch ey allows hwy sian mck age The toctaaton nt fn os with al my ofcourse al No Soppressle Landis and Hane mentions hat he ae pte cold mt aly supe st sind report syst studying temp to bi i We od o deren be "een iad anol sale action in eke muscu empeneas teny and nly avery sal iin in ners, Ot oe tere bit ie Stare expession ae more suse tan hse fe experimental jet Ot fubjcie experiance wa thatthe le eareace always bt fr fore we ‘ald imerore with Despite knot xsl whe te pst sb woul ste "eprasion was ver beer we oul ein ose 10 i "Abi er hasnt ben theo stay of he spt of expe forthe ther ‘sions, Wat evidence ere ge at est somatines posible 0 uP {es atery the exgrenan ofc, nthe oe ay (Ekman ese, 197) Invhich xen sire cm wae sre Bln) al exacting mea ‘urement was efor with FACS), some subjects ete able ii expres sions ey, acon Simaaions ‘etry ace ten fled osha he ven it tency a arcs 3 ‘scmine stars ses i olny Seton oe ai manuf ca at o> Ac he imme espoe ta i ham ofthe Sale Hesse eotoal reson do mit ve sch nec, the ltt ter exgesion I ase, te Prosi f deere er, 80 obvious ‘Alt blo he abet sed heir bow nse when inating te stan, We ne ta te ai tat ean ally as a ees eee ‘many more woud ave sie the wrong muse movemeris, Ain, here ae m0 Comparbl ta oar emotions Although hte have Reon msn) sales of osnd {totes note preisly eased uth the posed th ensne epson AmiigtonDiminishs Ste Sorc Fray he on emotion in which anisipton fat a aio eet owing pecely what unspecte event wl happen and whe wil cr sim rates ups. Such ntigaton ins the ast ofthese ection ft 1S ‘Ft normal abet Dl ino limite the sale respons. No emia ‘heath sues tht icption wl haves unfor inece oo he exe ence ores er, ge dun or es ee 9S He ee Sy fis sue Aneedo ifematon Bes ha satpton can Bien Inu eetional experince ab exes: depending onthe Species a he eo om tito th Social cote ad personal characte. {Sue a aon? “Te ster masters in ms of te cure conver abo Wher copie ap ‘rail st aye precede ction Noo dots wales te boup to 8 ‘ut por aps, fa atoms aston, mach ike ses. Pystog agee ‘ease seater mot an emotion (Davi et al 1982; Grane 1979). ‘sion cones an emotion woo port Tomkins and Zan nd cn trad Lazar's la a hehe RO engnive appa pete fr “he cede fa oar stay of th Sale is mio 1 90 eset stale sen bes main: (1 union n fialapesance apr rm sent varies tems como the expression, ea character gry shred wih apne, rs, ander fe tery ap dan acho shred with supe, slough ste eter supine However, sedi tthe emins,icadng sre, in oor way: (1) sale ey cay eit 2) sown ell x he i expr y vey sb Jes: (3) he str spose ea at fe ly inhib: and (4) mo one ees et vel wth comect enya conde te exter sat of pie, {reamed by tos who sy a emodon ten weld fe fm min in fin way, pen bal diferent om he oppose es extreme sere exp. sone One import type af eviece Is sll ming sje expen of tow i foci be ears Andel evden gers tht Big stad Tse sry itz tom ting are mc rere ia hod han te dferene 0 ek (tge between eran er or etween ae and ange. 38 Tomkie gers commana Ferny, 1982) Ges not gard od ings tt hatlenge olin tha th state am eeton. He pus tat te if ‘ec documented wool e found with ker mati i sia as omg 8 he SSK psol shot were sed Tore ae some data o cout Torin’ resoning on two fests unga tthe star Thee irconnay i enetionlexpreson fom moderato eee sate: kee ienace tween the ste and sep espessions he easing of ‘Ucbisrten someoseoety vot vaes mont of sabe muscle movement imam expression af tte dingo (Ekman etl, 1980) Sra, mea ‘Some of he fal expressions evs photograph severe ent sitions (ea reponse to wie, deh of baby). pot Bd conn In expression (kman. 1988). en wih 0 ston stimu single ein expression niall sown across al uj The dt for thst comes Dt ror Eran’ 1984) stay ‘Sirom Lani (925) ings when he wed the eae provocation of (sting “it toteaer sabato a. There hve bse no ses leant Tom's {Gn exes carte tompltely inhibi cy Sule when the provoking stm ey seo She ulance of evidence suggests ht sarees slices tom whats sown to caatsn ene Bat sold rosy ot be consieed an emoton ‘Nene dt jmen inp of te argument bout Whee appa = Precondition fo ein Because out potion ona ater shat emotion ean be {owed eer wth or whut poor appa (Aman 197. 198). Our jdm Ia, howene be tran. Tt a ce information abot ech ofthe em Towne knw how mach each rion dlrs rr each fer emi. ough te Sarde des no apen ote a E00 tl or he dof emotes, no ote Slagle Emotion may prove abso If berets ekaminedine ch eal ab nas tun espt the areca) be found Tons (1962) has sgeted 0 te uigu i any especte At reser far re know oa stale han abt fermen. es Pope at wl pt ong emai. ee Ag i oa seni NE aera doe See a aap ts ea es vas hn reba is et AE tam ee ee mr ates eens nani ate io Loe mie Pe tints 2 is tel (1980), talon he ar of eno New Yo H Risa & Win han (1929 Croseal if il expo. In mon. and fi leiomyoma veep. 10h), Nee Yn: can Pr. ‘aman PTF) Sapa! sad sos comune oly ial evo. 1 aig) ath of ep. 1-8 Lad: Acar rs Suman P 98h. Exe etre ems In Ste Ea i) Ap und sen WN (90, Dating dcp emo ce Jaf ern ‘hd Sal Pca. 290) 258298 aman Fane Wn, mang he fe: ade © mnie fom “ete Egat NFP a en 7. Meg men En aman Pe Freer W-¥ (07) The Fl Ain Cig Stem FACS A ted for ‘hewmen faci tal Al, CA Coie Poco Ps nan Finn WV aco (1980) Foal alge fet epee Sour of ‘etna Sct Paes 3) 125-1 ‘mon Po ee 9 Plena, ema Review of Pht 3 i V9) Clana ere i fi epi ca tan per elite nef stra aon Vo Cutan [79 Thema Fes sarting fl of 40k pein. Php sors 12.28 28 Ie (191 Thee emotion New Yor: Ape Cetry Co Kenge TD. (90) sci merc ry of mations New Yc Wey ecu, Re Coane Sh Ago KB Calby 2 Laat {ivi ea of tng obser en ere ste nd el ees nll sil Jura f Pon andl Phony N= tnd € 1834 Ss mtr tone Cone Bea rasan dara of Compras Pcp 47 0, Landi Cr Han W939) he ri pom Nee Yer Far Sr “lg 9), sts Lae S(t) Othe acy copnon Aner Pc 39,2419 ent ih Goma [Fae a Sal Machen Era Rs eto (Or er uti 32, Levent 0) Torna campense ay oF enetin.Adunein periment il ogy 12 19-207 Lindi DB. (951 Eton aS. S. Sv Ed), Mant of rine ply Ip 3S10,Now os ley Mani 698) nd and man. Nw Yr Wiley. ‘Ste th are dye on one Sem ene hPa of ene md Mn Di Some 5h Ape age, Cone Te te Ai ew Ye ‘ne sn RA R.A A197. Aconptineanmsco e yeny eran min A Nm, hon soa Gp. 399 Cant Cie ny ee At ones PN es M50. Pikel Pin Ne Yo este 2) Ni rang pot epi ements wr iene srs Sancti sd cone mPa 2 ‘ah DC Anerean cane Asn atu 3k Sty, W988) Epvmentey o) Nw Ye Zap 8, eign ing: Pees nd acs Amro ice ‘ianm is [AFTERWORD The Startle and Emotion “Tis is he seco paper published using FACS we Ute he Sit gape {€xman, Fen & Ase, BRD fecsn of sac lations and besa i does ot fase a many thea sue I sect hs sae paper ied oct he Ade Ings reports a ar impact on thang Se eon a at Seach ct emeton Also ved porta frm cosa Ro Sioa a Eolabraorinseenpent search, Rater Levens Thad no tong Before aout how Sangh aon om bodies, such serene aml mood Alta my it wrtng ba ow ose ssh tn soos was publish year efore the Stale paper he sre dt a ley eon sled the sl ery ch narod my thinking. chapter Ekran, (982) ‘noe for book that Klar Scher pi Teed decree charceic sh is {inguin emotions fom athe rested phenomena. One caters wan tive rela gn psu ou tat tous he ste asa snc tet lacy, could ot be comer Sig, ince ages to uy for hse resent toss tery well Tal nwt oud oe ht eng ea {eh preset weal ily be started alo, anther eyes would aso cl, making ‘imposible fr bem tobe tell etn ater pera, ‘Duration aio distinguishes rains fom eer wines ad ros. Te sae ‘vn response Abcam eer ha fer emul expen, dae characte | proposed to dogs emon From ater afte phonmena beter te ming be ergtession le. met ‘me, apex ime an fe eos thes purclar emo xp nce. Thi fon ws Suge y out tae findings ice he sare enya ont time sem fed Anarchists a emetol expen: tha they cn bo ‘lly ied, nds was sages by the sale Gigs, snce he ele pater ‘annette ihe | Tuer developed and yf tbese cha for dt [vshing cmv rom ete cv poo ne thecal paper (kan 1990, “Te sun pe ao ers 0 arse my nee in nil ieee inthe ‘mani offal expressions, Weaberved lage nl ferences te ma ‘lade ofthe Sate espe Ins enunciated conlion,difernse wich we ad set pice an adn ss for expsining Some ets wee sy Kock ot {tech wil or oer on had oc oe wr the stat response ‘Reed Atiogh I as ong of tse 84 mote rele. rota ean ‘nets ht he agin he ae ore mb on iso be ‘Tape tere espns in mesos ete Matt ot ers afte sepa gine we (1d Robert Lexenon ‘ide Une af Coma, Bt aed and card ot is Wo exer ‘Eetsec tn wuld allow esto examine ths qoeston Ae or than 80sec ee hough bth he ania an amped str conn away of (herinds elon ny sand not scsing provers wating at ‘Mm bm we execs wld sae ect moos ed encmberig an nee pric econ eaten Ina the wks he fl espenses were etapa ‘Rian expen pr mss nd moon ures nen Sts TSENG ou ges hs on sow sce we ont exam supa rw {Bevin dan srs Bequed Hower we i fo a he mogntae fhe at ‘Smee coe wi fe mogul Of enctolrepon= whe watching IMs ‘raving ps email experiences, exrning is fr tenons anger fs sa ‘Eo digo ut to enc, caning wo spo )emr-expresson Tebsatsepn, he comic ply dls not ye aay Inthe are pyr went ht nis ied dn mer of whee ce mime pos sane esponc var erase or nestor far Te at {tert aso sling ato Sn he ate fe post-test Spine (vars penalty meats or Levens and pop have or wo stale sais, One stay compre sigted and unc starts Chis, Aercn Hpan, nd Europea ‘Antenomrgrasites Tee were 0 difloences ang cei rg in ys ey rating (Loe Levenson, 192) Aicipon ant yor epee lessened Ae msgid of teste roomy ma bev scl {Siao:Lencan, La, Key Rng. & Le. 198, hn eg poet ores Enopein Ameren Chines Ames Aon Acs Mexican Amero withandipsed. ean. nd bbe ares Resource nay, P84) Een nh ate ene Sere Kanda A ‘phen on ie New Soe Lawes Eo. 318 ma 03) or a tne Contin a Emin 109-200 Ekman fee Amo (980) Fac up email eager Jn of Prony nt asa Py I) 8-118 tee KI Laver RW (0 oes Piece ema nya ape nari Pr proce be meng Soy fra oh Recich smug ch Sat Re Lavowan BW Lo KJ, Keg, Ki A.A Les H.(994 Ot) “Te phys beh and aie eerie of rsa Ppp a ‘nein fer te cay or Pops! Roma At |AFTERWORD FACS in the Study of the Latah Syndrome. Although I fad bee flowing Pal Een and Wally Fiese's wo onthe sion rom hi very Be abit, ty paripatin ithe work desi the pressing pope sere fm patil bom he an tere nea Tha been Saying ata a cle Bound sypirme of Malaysia ad Indonesia cha. etre by rey an net stating (Sons, 1980, 198, 1983), and was abo to retro Maly o sy an fm prsons wih te sytome an ives topapical theca comext in which the syndrome acu Tapproaeed Pal ‘nih o ore tan the qoeson of bow oe might ll genuine re Sind states Sine for reasons oo lengthy and convoluted fo expla ee tht pot Rad Beam ental amcogins onoves athe erat: lathe ps lege pe Cala expos clue way, o wa mes aso ta led ‘ham ste Bbeved (ei) tt lots re pron who stare wih exception fae al readiness (al suggest afl frm "hyper aodbeeus f "hI al dette population ef hypersarng lel Areca volutes with ‘whom wt planing Soe relimiary inet fire heing back to Maly ‘stay an im ats. The gus ped wo Pal ws wheter FACS could be Sed "ois wal om sam sures. As hs queso cly with Pa’ own na ‘stint, ced ttl othe work dese nthe presen pape. "A turd nat ot hard 0 Senne rl fom sham sts, and afer Matin las were med became posible dante Dat the stale of Tutt wet ned eof el that Some ata pefooned sham stale ‘cera times Finding ich makes mach ese in he eographc content (St nos, 18%, 19,1998), ‘Sie we a nite bath Michi hyperstatesan acon polation who greed obese and fled, coves dl exon was wher here wee ‘ny consent fleeces banen hse og hat cal cone with the ‘neat we hada Hand We found te dite ope tte preceding pape rd {ly planned o vestigate her arr at ry work and ang cme ‘teenie concemed wth the tracionbewesn pli eve sn ele ‘cll and betas Simons & Hoes, 1985, 1982) ads! experiment ston wan never card ot However he fat ht be flees oud been FaCSin the Sy ft Lath Some 39 American hypestanies ené como “worm” American pees also scm Malays lth from ten aah por ed ptr in amend ing the th sya a he ara cote! nih ceed Sis, 192 194, in pes). nesting te whee um falc. the ex fw eae ope to eum o Souter Asia fue verge the ferences Rete lth ter aah per sing sre fhe ots a data developed Wy Pal ad workers he intervening yaya deed ins Afterrd fot pressing eer eens Stem (90) Tern hh ps of Nr ns sic R40 th Pn i pty tsar, ‘hon (9H Lah ow competing sth edna ‘an? onal of Nera and Mes ie IN Sint Coe Data 1980) rah ane ei abrtin of he ta ene (Fi Crate om akan Unser AunalC, Moan Sion C198) These Jo ey nh Jr of Nero nd Simon Cres Ro! Clr experince nthe fe Now Yn: Oxf Ue Simons RCo Highs € C(Ed) PE) The Clare a Sdn Re De Sit RC fps. C952, Cahn syn I, Ca (Cabs, "mcs nd a ies gp. 7-98) gon DE ery Pe Pr 2 The Asymmetry of Facial Actions Is Inconsistent with Models of Hemispheric Specialization Recent repos hve sss tha asym cial enprsions res lromceebalhempherepealrton. Assay ofthese eerie mse sco Ipod in ube 21 These modes fern two inporant espe eter minal or emo sil ess re vn, ad wheter specaiatn oft ih te lecorbh hemispheres underiesasyrmary. Ths oon eves hes se. cal Asmatey i Speciation Facial aymmeny is brn sated to bth emotion and nonemovons ae processes Some rescrcter Chaat & Gomi 1975; Hel Lev. 198) is red at sian nian fhe igh hemisphere fo copie, ponve: tet process sachs the engiton of fesse Benn, 980 pee 5m. (One (Sacks, Gat & Say. 1978; Schwan, Alem Brown. 979) flee the evidence Butte ht empresa important fonction emotion raceee (ey & Bryden 1981) The Spectee Ha sce Iai expresions ae a egal a fron: resonable ep hig hermpere o ave #spsa re {he prteon ofc exesions Tew tees of ah hemsfbere Special wedi that symmetries of fc eons should belied ith the et de Songer or more ate ‘Stl ote have hypoxia each hemisphere is pei for deen ‘moins. One mode i ht bemspticspclirtns cl for eps eons ‘nd left spilrian for pslve emotion (Scar ta, 197% Reuter Lens & Davia 198; Soke & Gu 1978) A vanan of ts her, mane by Davi to and Fox (1982 ge heme psiatzation or asdance emotions and Somstatn for apgrash mone Thee ts exp pei geet at Ftv rppoach eprestors wou be song er show more att on he gh ‘store ace ut wept or avon expec would show he epeste AME! Summa of eis pecan no fila p rot ane pnint I i i i E Geschind (1965, 1975) argued at iter fal movements rtp ie srl bythe left hemisphere, pricy ut eaponse Wo vera goes For tov ‘nes, ut th tei emisperean contol movements in cea eso sa) {St vten the regant pn verbal Geshwind oti tha emis Se ‘ation woud te observe nthe expen fo pains, ti al alo for oth ead ih asynmery "These odes of hemispheric pecan do ot mak expe ner mh sss that explain why apeiiation wuld cnsesymetcl ail 2tons. Thre ‘eto theoretical ses ris lato. Pts an analy tthe deton ia {al eye movements tat was hypotesaed 6 rele he eens acai ofthe cb Hemiepere (Bak, 189; sce Etch & Weitere, 197, fo ie Tove) Kinsoure (1972) coz hat ened station ofthe ft Demise ‘ering anguze rocesing “orows to et hemsphen esto ad mto cen tert sl gaze oe mph Kipura (1973) ed» ular explant osxou fr ering hat fice igh hand movements ware mone swe dng speech thn spec bu oer fe ard moments idm ifr secon posible unabon dapat Hemsperesvaton an nea pss oer cmsouens ‘i emis spsaloaon. For xa, msgs crete one heer fr {cpting bt nia movements Getchn,1968) might be dpa cos Ing the comlteral sper, Os inding metr ayn. What mechani Proce aia ssymeety wasn clearly period by des fete emo o¢ ones arasperie speciiton Teves as file 0 speci whther nation ws the ae for ems inal expesns a for deliberate an erp of ai atone man (1980) foe ot tht many experimen dire adsstely ennui eto fom Sones! movements aod hypetesiaed gece asymmetry for noeman Iromemens Ekman apr, el se (81) confine he ype Fading at Stronger mosolr tons ended to ecu me fe on he ef side fe fc, bt Sly for deters, requested ions, ta for tons reed emotion. They ao rund sles more symetialwhon chen espn to an expense’ jee Pras tan when they sad deliberately on que (Other states fund ee It oF Ma tery ail expession. fn some symmeis wee arid at he is a gener elecroyogaphic (EMO) ‘ety (Schwa, 1979), tents enpresson Bord & aro, 180; Can Tel, 197%; Sakon, 197), suonger mylar contctons (Ekran eal, 181) ore fee unr atoning omnes Moon & Ole 198), (Oterrepoas sowed ree atin performing deere eons o the ight i fe face (eg lor & Alor 98 Kora 9750 tat moving he i se oF the face subocvely moe "naar Allo, 1983), oat eight side ofthe ‘mouth swe mote doing spseh (rows Codes & Lani BE Hage van elder it res The inpcatons of eve det ayant for he models described seve se goer apr, hase of tee taal poems (1 Some stats dd ‘nese nga wheter he asymmetry wan empl podace by muscle ons o wat a mr permanet pysognomse coe Among thse wich mesa ruc acon, (2) se fled spec wher cto er noel r= ‘Coes gunrte th exressions td (3) 1s dl et emply 2 suey fend irene whch coud inguih cacy whch ales The Asyrmenry of Facil Actions 42 Considers for Reseach on acl Asymmetry Retest Fall Cues Aseria shansoming of nny previous ets the aire dsingushaegunely ‘thc chozerisis sch os prmanen flexes er mca ate, wee ma {are Thos one cannon wheter tees at oes sem yo ome ti fcr ele reson sty Ta pte Seapealy se ‘then symmetry smeared by sbaeven judg sue oy a xp Inte whofe isnt posite osceain whether observes ped fe my a ‘user alos o Some oe syne racer ap, oR) ven ce the pyseal measurements of fil tyne ar aneable TNC meutensn, fer example, re infcnen ty these hetwoen te cltode al he mle tases alight beasymmetic and case mesienepalens (idn,183). Her, we metered th myo ach malar ato ePracy ss feenes between the 0 ier ofthe face nthe tng of contacto o aia mcs. This ppcach die the fentures messi and mnie he ines of ‘irae fcr on nemesis nil alone ep ‘pon Ekman and Frisns eit Acton Coding Sym (FACS) (178). PACS ew ‘este wsbl ston ofl muscles with Achon Unis (AUS that mcate wc ‘mck contact pode exesion. Aon Uns coed othe san lsc ttre than meting vey change nse acton eye ft tat sores can eal rnin. Aer eying sn AU wih FAC. syne {ys temic Tble 2.2 desert Acton Ui ht nee eased is tay. Lie EMG, FACS scoring menu th sty of ose, Dt Ws as on he vile canges in facial sus pode by the sco of rc ate an le ‘el porns generate by cantactons. Bah FACS and EM cn hee eg ting. tes and end of muscular aan a varaons nthe erst concn, AEN has amc er ceniquos sae. PACS sot ENG sess snes ‘contacto are hgh ote Ean 98D, EMG maybe more sense wo fw eel hinges macular aivily an soon ‘eed o copa iterated messes of hil over ine. FACS. howe, ere ‘zone tothe atom ofl muscle rice EMG, which ks op ac) tay re nba tte Ned EMG on ne eon ie ial mf more rey han sre EMG, bet rng wits nose ‘ec sual mpi Beaune surface EMG es impece soa wht te ae ested ti probably not posite lr oct the rags offal espa ‘sonst FACScan tinguieh EMG camot be wed o measure facial ton when embeeive thos ae an ingore, ting ets ie he bet Sere | hts being measured. Sbjct maytag exeson ie fo Sch le EMG ecto, EMG i nore sated me or cling eons and acing eats, whereas FACS scoring relies onthe tala dining Aided by hgh gui video cupmet Compre to EMG FACS le cy long ims w dive ante tara he ocr. Fa me mp smart of ‘cht mesrementcnghs ee Ean 1982) ‘Wher meaning aryame th tons of macular an, however, oth ‘meses ny be aceon es nett oft teat ce came Iovesaitnhannrter Ree ay 6 onaamsotetonn Semen, feet 1 ncn Suns ier Reet ® somes gence » Sipe sma Hi ne enwaton ethos, as, abd las fi) Find 1984) spe hat {Tins nu ators re no teste oe yo sie of ce, menses tl symm od on terval observation (FACS) ot clea city EMG) ‘tay be meats, Uneqal muscular coractons may apr be syria i ‘hers by annomia fleeces, Conver, egal msc contactors may Shyam osase of atrial syn Fran aged Ut tee be confonc ae mos problema when pring syne eben Com “ws tha sw tage afresh nent of msclr coats ot ‘ys auyaes wee pofomed wo contol frances nthe tens of actions Sos conn whenever posible The Asyrenetry of Fecil Actions 4° Deliberate verso Spontaneous Movers _This sy dinguoddeliterat from spatansoa fc mavens and compte their sytney. These peo facil movements ta neural aes hte fest aly eran (ep ichissy 1988, Rin 1982). Deiter Gea tons fry hae tc ea igi nthe mor stip of Be nse pone ‘Epo! movements re pray tte in subscale cero the proven. ‘nso asthe al angi Te stare actons mead in thi st a ‘er pe ponte ail erent having Ret ahwaye siren rm {hr iter or emotonal mnements The refer involved inthe see robahiy need y enters nthe rans ular Frmaon (Honan & 08 {0 "Te desinion of yp of facial movements ix compat farther by the Indepntenes ofthe spomneod Seles and tonal nemo! es ‘Bhan ea (2981) pres say arty expe! tae he any ea) ea nha (r spec) cay to i [ie ingot many ee eh tie depend won ten cl ath ‘spe Fereunp, ona fal expres might acne ich ae (Sitti inane es ach ene sen whch ema ‘Soov ors whch uae cll dscns whoo Tren ang egeson hih rfrcalyemoon.tevolnyimalaary d onesie te Slo fe er Spano cee resi etsy nny ws ca eye tempt spe saooton bog experienced. A es! eat Sin ta ean ey teres [Rjwscing ns a ut vee nb eal ie fe och maps te pac ea penis cpt our saya elavel pure sample spomaneos fl netions was bine in ‘ieamancesin which be Uklheod fates wo con he habit ‘oie oud be minima: (1) The sale expression was ce ty 3 sie, oad ne (2) enjoyment expression wise by #cammnt protest be na Ing without ay samen of emtarazement [relatively pare sample of iene ans wasabi! by rusting th Sts {esto pertom specie cal cons without refering emotion (ease out eye ‘wows op By aking he subject opr heaton sig ne ta Ue, the Ito of inadvertent cbningemesonal behavior was minimize. Ekta, Lev onan ren (198) od hat ony making all pesos mg fre he anomie nero yer activy aso wih aon unless teem facial exesin we prt "Amis of sporsnsas an delibente acans was prodiced by requsing s- {sw simulates etna expressions and unl epson, Sujet oul tole tat by ei remembering an emedonl expan anemia ot ee Preision ow fom the reembered experience, ob remembering. ite of fe fehich ty amp ole (Eka, Roper Hagar, 198. Te MES Coe hana 1985) supeeu tar by cher medio. some nee sem iy may be ener Hyportoses “hisrepon ingots asc, wich desde ewe ew is tbe cfm lari whch nic cont armen ors as oon ie Shonancur aid cert tons wee pied iflern vo wap Fan ibe thts wold show me tym an planes ee Sid lbote Scions mite goer sab nee expos w sow eon ose Sic cnt he sport nt eet tons wee mae oe Frodo show fver tyme tee acl te ae, For dln so he pnd of eis see te pcon of _ rally haps In) ith oo enrpons Evens fo an ca (981 Stages teeny fr ymca mat ray ated wk he ‘on, brie spc nro nal be cose nh i Soe ey tote lead ec xh te sce a xa i (Aid & AO To; Kota, 17) slowed gee sland porns wang te Hak ope detom edn ing sn ine we pede show soir. Med subjees (Gener might be a impoan vaabe allt he symm of facil actos (eg. ‘fo Af, 8 Boro & Caro, 1%, bute fac scoring eed ot ‘ay was to tne onsuming fetal Wary het arate. To keh snp tore homogsnes, 33 ig hened Ctsan women aged 18-83 (M © 775) ‘tre ered abject A andes glean Catmsone Cll Heron 157 serene forrghc hand soos, AI of the sujs’ Fil ations ee rca om vidoe for ater anal The ‘bjt alan faced iy nt he carers en pring sip ahead shat a ‘ere ea for myn sing Previous researcher eg Lands & Ha, 193; Ekman, ee & Sion, a ress) ane rue ed ot imal occ res bcnne hey ellie {herr espns ad apeavel ay to amie The common wed slater’ piso! was mappoprin forth snl tae: he und press level of she aed widely and mish Bove endangered sje’ Being, Secon, 2 pt tad so nual ton aymmetydepeed upon te Seton the wae ed Secon op ‘rssh coulé ote coo ey. Tosoive tee gobs, sae ound er 0 -msbussof wie noise padi evo, amped and tarshced by hedpone worn by the soe an 29 ‘ay of sn Seah cabins Stacked dealyfehnd her Sou peste lve! ust 125dB and wis balanced to within 1 on che side these bel. Tit sseangenent nol stil tens pinned dete eaten ‘All of be equpent fo soaring th experiment was plac bind parton so aie experimen was hidden fo vew enc hen ping Boner nats fed questontaes Thar. the sj could no sce ay ne as ae Imerir might Dave shown abot how Wo do memes, when the neta et tise wat ocr oe Expevinenai Posture Each best compete he poster idly, These wre two i ts he sin. Te sae aro he cere vs oe ae the proce of Exe et 2 np) Te aio std tr xpin ceed set Mg theese ld ies “The ext pu he ipsa eed wert man an rcs guested Fail con Text REEACT 98D) Fr sins feos he set was ae ook Mp say. ea Sse ae fan nts on forevery abc The yen thn tat he tone, you gad nec ches mae spunanns ce Tse Im wis ec le amnenet or nna tc t mee ‘Senees of vn recaps Seven oso eee a an es et a completing ths mp 3 smo fy eno Tomo 5) Dead fo deter ora scl mies va ima acme he penne atbetind aca andteatjes as meine iets Sect sty knw te mere in ipa owed col lave hepa sll tharress snd shed toa Spnanen ees ra ager 18) aly, veo shoul as rane pnsb Oly eons fe crra wasn vit we hd a ie cpg Edens ae tat ‘este pater sry aatenps col andere ane & tay, 898) The pontoons sls heel cen sates con sed 527 fee at neo ay col es pra Scone incertae crs sai, wold work sino Meese ining diferente span an issuer eat het deer) mand lactone, Reqs fr some a ttle cons were ma inno wap sel and vil check he yon ‘iy tse mh betes by vets, mean ai ee ‘mens tly inact he subs perm cp acon (AU HP ety 10,920 6m ent ale 23) Then eset vawed ance a even nvidia ise he 1 nde ns sos Bye ce with cscingor commen Heten ie mons tha wee eed ee ‘es on econo th sty weed (AUS +2346 Tey 9 15,2012 rgped and sed ithe Somancra nijeccon gerons ‘eae con ann shai Pome eon ay tes es ea ‘Amana repos he scton weaved fs a Tr wa mo ioene in nmin Dtsn te sven guess Sa ‘ert nd vial conions sey Here avrged fr analy cia Seong Prostues ‘seis of song eps pan wih the tater of they, nly aeons ht were a ofthe stare epoce mere scored. ACorang 0 Ekman eal (1988). stat c= ‘fms tat ae ier Con or nisorl ae ihenins the gai rund the ev {AU Band stetching the lip hoon (AU 20) tiheting neck mcs A0 2, losing ts eyes (AU 4), a moving the hed and sours upwan Following tic scoring poo any tee atons th ean in the Se CE econ ar he teie were cred cabs hs mera bls the being of cans hat corpse & charvetc sale respons. Other, dasa ations were als scared hey Dogan efor the en ofthe pox of AUS 6,7 20 € 21 T he simulate onion ‘vey AU ht Regn within 2 secon ofthe ont ofthe fst AU i th sili esoed ‘The secon scoring sep as wo Sore the reesei tion, leven item rmgyesed atone were sled for scoring Boe they apeaed th onions td wer cadd in eviows sts, Sobjots ypelly performed each eget ton several mes othe scores wre average ‘The tid pas Scorng he ction nation an te Spontaneous spose tothe qoeon "Aron you glad i's done” For smolts, he score deine the |AUs jas elo he sje een angounce he was Bed an Score hem al Messrment of Ayn Messuremen of aymmety was snr he pocadre wed by Eka et (198), [ich nda aaa con was led wg Exam nd ses Facial AC ‘i Caing Sym (ACS) 97S. The soe ued the changes i aa appear toc hetwenahe ato eaning an af (a single ideo rae showing bah Ses peat meni The meray of connton was mes 4 spol sae Sepa foreach of the face by blocking the tr ide rm ew The ere ‘seid dik ooo ependymal ea tne for any diference inst tenacon the wo sie atthe pon Aso hepcen- (enter {y)and = xref asymm) was ase onde whether te ation as Sfoieticl or arymmerieal sy meetial th ore provided ener es She of vs let ands continous mesure of hw pot he erence in ns vs Determining faa ie nts importa the pacer when ‘ting ond posing sl photographs (Sachin etal 178) The chang appearances ‘do tacontatiog mule ar gauge from their bepeatya ending poston Perron oa mig, Rei -Asyamery scanng as hated on he PACS beg, which hs sabi i: by cadence han & Frise, 1978). Sma asyrmcy Sema wae sen BS ‘abe oa revious tay (Ekman a 1981). Th experiment was the min cree Inhiestdy Roce of expen nai ped fe ame ssrng On ‘tponant eb was wht Knowledge of he hype Based curing ese of the eaperientrs le sor The tena for Das was nimi 9 he scoring [ocofre uth, orerampl pea he coring over ie 50a 90 a ier codons were hat remember. The wii cosines that bia was tan inprant for. The Pearson colton betwee he man coer (ho kc {Be ype) a he reat codrs (add ot kao the Hypotheses) wat. 72 (pe 001. Kapp sed ses the cab fhe gv et tenn sce mas 15 (p00 wth 94 percent apeemen nag hat when cover sre an ation ‘rs Symmetacal ey usally speed boat whether wale oii fests iferoon in Ayman Types of Movers Spomansous versus Deliberate Actions ‘Atolls of sine wots wer sid to ines he dpe of eye, ‘reparing wheter ight tt se was are mse Wcoen Siac {ess on ese Ser showed at, pel, ptaneos Sets ere sor sym tmevica an dlibrae actos As shown in ble 23, soiling (AW T3) mpm sous happy expresons wee mare Syme thn in eed acon, Sit ite (AU 8) i spomancos happy expresions was ore syonca than th requested cons. Lip setching (AU 20) nthe st expen: ven more Sy imei ton in eqs atin, The pein ws mCi for gaining {Us ant) ana mung (A $5) teen he aes the Foe sts “These sini eee in ary betsn son abe std tenes nh nes of cons teen soins stays i clini imensiy ferent, cach acon in ie spntaneus ondons wa Imad fr inerity wi deliberation wins mine ase lon {As le 24 shows the maching pest a serge enn ieee eee endtons ht ses ha ae Scone. Theres of is nals {te ames ins excep A, whch ho anys a al showed te sre tenn. ‘Spontaneous trie vera Stare Smaarions ‘Siasion ad more ions tht were nt cmon in sls. AU. 2,12) and ever actions that were common in tes eg AU 7,20) Toy deren ‘ymin becwaen simulations athe el ca eat o chan. notion Smuions versus Spontnee relate cts ‘Al bat oe suit sido he ton “NOW a his ioe ae yo la i SETA th ei the oi sitions. Ne ace be a ‘Sse es a ae an os Seth spon andar scons As sew ne 2 panes es (AUT) ere mow sym shan se AUS het ‘ ron sins a happy. ‘hc noes hin i Ten ct sep ie an ier ponsncst ‘ue 3 here smn ene ve gen ‘aay of Actions nse “a ‘ide 2.6 surmarzes laterality by inisidval AU showing that ssymetis of some = ue ent ee Le Serres mene eae nite SE ne aoe smn me seer ncn ge ee wae | See mero en senna a J ‘Sirten 6 me so ‘was primarily responsible for this effect. Lateralization was ot evident, for AUS 1, 6, ! rs oe A es ee Ses cere ek ed ere ng ache eid ernm'e we tetten woes Hate Cynara ag ty = — eee eee ee eee Tess eee eer ae . ae Soren oot om “More smiles (AU 12) were stronger oe the Jeft than the Fight, but oot significantly mors. ar a ‘sg cameo ae ees a SLES calatpin taste re meu 26 Sumy ofa yan i eens Speen Said Ein at 25, ene nym fr AU 12 btn ; foo = foe Simla hap coon ee sponta fe ae naar Wem glen ara 2 5 fos For tre simolatons the incidence af syne was ov and there was mo ii ‘Sot tery Far cto nh sk emeton naan iy of sing AU 12} war inthe same decon a eqeeed aera within Scare AU fn adion wo examining consitny i asymmety aco subzt for ech Acton Uni, we Hoke athe cons win each sujet Bess Ie aeons messed. “Tis pon ures the su of wher any pac sect ad ie for oe Se of her face Only 5 fhe 3 subs showed sch» coment ey, and sre nh same ie ser sae, raison Does Spcinization or notin Proce Facial Asymnety he est of his dy were ily onsen wh ny mo! of hemispheric fection. Lf aeration oa ety ha been ate nein he itt Remapiere foreman (Borad & Cara, 9H, Schr 1979) ‘Sponancos emotion ad eer movements a measured ete were general ae ‘ond tbe tral Only ton of tiers oul i the sale sowed lea ‘on, ut he deton was opposite oat preity ighsbemiphere sein “Ty ight ot hve emplyed 2 mestre sensitive enc ow lvl of ssymmeyoressiedemugh ans a dtc signa enemies for ra thon inthe hay, read tlaton condoms The ty Sd owen, ete the Had of Ekman tal. (188) harsh was es asyet in pnts tha tn delice acne. These Sang nde ht fare pods ayy 0 e- Tea movement ae aa rele ryt psve emotional pases vl tiling, nor proceses ving hc onan, referee estan. The i Ing tha the agro mes in sini happy expressions was wormed ‘nce sonlaneus and deliberate smiles appr he ypetess tht ayy i 2 function ofthe elet 1 which movement re entud vs. delibae Furher te ‘Dual spina for motion doe a oun fr he opost neriy f- feon atone One dl silat ol th te igh hemisphere psi ‘nly fr agave emotions, ad the el for gostve eotions (Reser Loren ‘vis, 1981, Socks & Ga, 178, Schwa tl, 1979), bpd ta cons ‘esa to pstivecmdon would be laa song onthe ah whe aston Ted o meane oman woud eralized left The Hing hat Slee scons SIAU 12 he smile mvolve is postive cts) re trained rnge nth et ‘xpi th they pico oe postive exes andthe Hae hat pot ‘ow acon of AU 2 show any te ae pendency lens supp the po ‘Son. The anymets coe deat aon (as a 13h which areclemes ‘fnegaine emotion expressions (Bigit ad sabes), were ignite) srongr 00 | ‘hero ef The ph Scope erat rbiclnsocls (AUS nd) the stale also ser moe supp this mal haa mont ll sje si twas an pes epeine. ‘Aoter odo a Pion fr ematon Ua te igh emigre sgechiues oooiane ema nd he et hag speach ens Bevan & Fou 1982) Some depen scons of volved spproih mitons (egsAUSinanger AU 12m happier ered tonge ft ef, an th tte honnolved in voce cmos eg, AU 9m dss) wee erin ght Songer These latonshpe aes epost o thos sngetd by Bi thoy Becase the pate of rn forth th spotaeous and line fca secon sid ee ee ot anf 0 preitons hated om made of crt pe ‘Staton foremoton, we ec Mpotheres that stb nym te {Ston af emotion. We cnet however. per od of eer specazaion fr "maton base ons evden ne, Many of toe concen wit eto ea “aon wilt consider ese fiingscalengeBease Ue have oie te iu of asymm oficial exprestons fertion, Do Fists Actos Show Right or Lf Later? Using died visa mearenent rose, rity was observed deend upon ‘heesclemesard. Th evidence spony coma eps aout only et ot only igh inert eg Alford & Afr, 198; Boro Caren, 98D Suki 1974), These cmd ou te df feet messremens of ey For example Sita an Schwa (198) repo tha EMG ay hey gomatc lace” of cds was exer on herp uty iio ht other maces Inthe same areas av consid whe ct recoded Hor ths semen Ie ‘he sndy repo ere he action of the 2ypomaie major (AU 12) wa erie ‘ogame il. buther atone nts area he ae eter ee ota or teaed ae songeronte right Thos hs appre hry ncn shes might te eohae by te la Inpresson nf EMG fr messing Specie risen An ihr aierence the practic of veraing EM ati over Many seconds whe !eymny was mensrein hs ty pura momen Despite mesrener i feeners the fing that iterate cts of AU (congo ete ed stoner thet consent th Setar et a's (1979) fing tha ENG fom 3 ‘rmpurplaement was greserom he ding oma fai expen ‘erent menses mit secou fr sme caine» Baw ads, but Ekman ea (981) se the sae tree sty a pert Ft ra) { dsinerate actoms. That sbjes. Powovr, were rich younger ant inl ‘is Aod (983 root tat Ms had more at ming tee si ei ‘ice th oman Also Hh ta messre oly 3 abt fhe acns eased are, andthe sample wis no sal operat ofeach ation nile {pl for ygomate major ations (AU 12} wich were steraized stoner an he ‘Tisindng was replete stone ee What Can Explain Asynnetry of Facial Actions? ‘Tis stay indices intequcies ia odes of hemispheric pecan for expan Ingsynebtyn facil clone Av dcaed shove, specie fo mon ea plain be rests fis stay. ine deliberations showed more asymmetry ta Sontanctos acon, the eral rene involved ie he deed com of actos ‘might be implied Ths say des ne sippr the ype ta one hemisphere ‘lone spc io dest fl actos bu Geshind metoned he pss {take hemispheres might sorties tre contol, Noone ea proses pid ina single hemspete can expt al asyey in Tcl acon we ase hat ‘thers iin aon he secant aie sje sow co Sta asym forall eons, bal ew subject mos showed at of el ndeghc aye. Theta severlpssible explanations fo diferent aeaity among actions Fis the ssumpto that the pilin of one hmnpere aft the symmetry of al ac ‘ions egal mig be ieeret pts hese some actions ar sijet een inde of coma. Eltan and Frise 175) hae poe ot that the coo faa ‘ton ae several pte. Even cont anton mee lterined i one Rem Sphere dieret aces might show Beret trait depeosing pon how hey mee ‘opcly conte. For eam, me atone mint be bites more finan might be pat omar intnsed mre often Calin supped Ekman et 1981 Ba {fe Fg heap i speciid To bing r melting ematnal xpeon, ‘ler han for entionsel and ine, sling an rowing are tons al epee ‘9 emotion exprestns hat ae fen cone fe. fering hppaess and Sop Preuing angen, Whether te acon which showed et rai, ae contol dt feral or ore Frequent ata cons an se fc utr eseach ‘Other explnation ofthe ifernces marly betwee actns were oad be Inada Tete ofthe face wasnt actor becouse ah ft arity a gh ‘Sealy were oud in th pyran the lowe face The posit that same ind of tmeuoal process emered it the process of dlibraey making actos of sing ‘tnd bow lwerng was rejected This explanation implies tat spontaneos cons ming woul te lacrale, bl hey werent Dietetic factors ant plain feet ata, loop tee ae no mors fre egdeny of 0 fence of scot brow rn. which ws rized pt robbie common ‘sci an Gar (108) sugested a percept iso fave oe sd ofthe face might nvucne at asym scons. Typ ste Dass fe al dae fred when sols presen Is esti Ou Sing procedure emphasized rept ese viewing ofboth ies of he face If peep is wore a prebem fer ur crn, would be ifieult explain why some actos showed le al. ti ther ht era Daring ning of coer, we sed thn nie revert iden mortors witht the sce bnowiede. Cararzoe of sores Fo oral and mor revere aes lt eves prepa Ban fet Mee nye, ut ths polity res guests soul the amet at ize arses itl ow abo he cass of esymety fn ctu se, atthe action af ves ad muscles Is at impo ot nMbencig thee ie ad ‘Stoning and shape of one. Hemp rsaation might rose ‘symm sca taser Popol symmetries cal ety ean the resets tay beans ey tie afc yes of movement qual, bt [Syme of potaneons actions was deren fom Seber acns. These ier “rcs renuined men nest conaton was cone, oe of runs 198) smcenanse ete meeting ths ty anothers might ease we ke more oa tener pathway ical moses ae Rin, 198, fora review) Mes ling sie alaion oa sore olen sume ote eration Bae as ‘Reis more completed for pp face muscles and, petaps, fr nolan ve nen, How facia motor ners se eid to merle frat tht cn cr with cial movement sch 8 speech, inogey or body movement Known tn he efes of alematve process, such nibiton are eneapld Lowi, he modes of hemisphere pian dsc ere maybe lo re eval pede! acl syne. Even for ta-bomisphere abiton woud adele to predic fail syne if for example cetera thi fesby specialize proces in ober pa ofthe sue epee Tn summary tis ty hs shown ft symmetes of ean india ie setts ae latalize. plying tht he subjects have it ornon some fiona Asymmetry ltd ier use of the hemp or soe rac satel Symmetry. or bath seymmsries, The esl however fe coi, test pa (hal eising ode hat ate exp seit facial atons, Pr tech oad eto the possbiity tat diem meth mene ret pets teal mnt emcee ea ee ely iy ply serve difeen ints, sche verona expres or be ool i dierent s,s slabion vs. nestor oe fave dillon ‘el fncrenions sachs the brow the ker face aly the gp of fai ‘ovement, ich a spoiancots enol, deliberate oneal ed 1 Be ‘Set spect anf ated othe neural process hypotesaed to dei asym net. Eig cmon tht produce ambgvos pes of actions wl produce i enclsive eats. mxy be that asymmetry Is rode by «complex interaction of tren processes an vara ory fos hat aa one ee mii dvs ttre & Kr, a Dome rt ice sar an xan cna Rn, 98) Tee wa dere been theo at msn hes wee ELAR te Ee als ee swe heel ate se. the mise scree ne en gerne uy ene we ‘seldocar om expc me sfondi abet ‘rash ing peel yma of ont tres ie seen rami ‘Scan fens ray creas a ee emma XS towel aces Anon hoy g 2155 “ “Raphi 08-8 ai Ea, Pe hen (ah ob Mags, > ete Te mop il in Amn Poa 1 oo Cu 5.190, Fans in ea oer olan, ol cpassntye:Nechge 7-2 cana Kamm nti pet ss Devon Fes, NA. (92), Anyi ain avy drimints ece o hesdcoin om it hanan wane Ce 78 TON st Menger tone Sone emo ME: Romeo: Petal al a ‘aman F140 aay lx See 2 3-34, ‘tna P98 Mohn oes acon eee A BE) Had ‘oni ne nh 8 a oni ini PF 8-57). Using ef Ealewod Ci, I Reis Hal ‘nm se Mngt een den! Poy ond sm FFs W VB Tefal actin cin tm Palo Al, CA Cong cogs ree fama tn 9 The ee a Aton. ha tna fen Wee Snge 5 a ct mt of ‘stn a Sov Poa ee umn )-Co Pe 91) Symnety an is nae acl ain. Py tna Poa Fn 3) r fin kp ae i aie a nee Cl vgn kn A) (10, al EMG "train fr motion: Moro cn ac apc ca at pn fr tn 9 ft Mat vet Han 98, Mah mma ig nn “pode 2-8 nar U9 Amer il gen a Pan Emon ne nan Serene oh 8 sD, Coben ary Pr age ).C- 4 vn dr RS. da en Asmat psh tons. Narn ln Het, Len. 1 (Peep an nn emo he anders Newepchoia Fo STS aun 5. fon! (8) Rendon mh a Sem ‘wi ulation Irate! ua of erento 1. ‘ima D- (573) Maal acy og akg Rig hander, Heampocalega. 1, ean Kin, M. (172, ean ed ing ts cl etn, Sense 176 ater (999), Rac! diferencia exgeson—aitea! meme Ups ‘mins shina Une, Depart o ea, sonal tan Co Han WA 199) The sore poor No Fe [iG & Brae. MF (98) Concours cma, tthe rl eghr o R Sins 6 Undercndae) Arper fonrc: Se 2 oy New Yak Asm Pes Macon, & Ole (98) Arye in gunna eget ad ps eric hemp pcan Nec 3 1, Reserve 9 Dian, (18) eel oa te ee en ‘pct hore py ans fae: Neptnog J 68-69 sonia icp ol ne Ae eri a Prong fc eigen, Pcl Bl Newmcola 1673-48 Sachin A Ot RC. (0), Fal yer ae oman of a SE. Cacipod RE ay En) Sr php Ae 07-58) Sum, HLA. Gr RC, & Say, M,C. (78. mations ye expres mae ens ‘Sena G.E hem GL Brown 5 (179 Late ac ree ose nds ein! mas Phong 61-5 ‘Sho AT Scho (183) Fal mec tere rin ing le neon py, yal of bares Pope 925, Toning TSE pe enc he re fe New Ye ‘Ten (955) gt symes falar an hee aig ‘on of Oty nl on Largs 2. 17 Wing 8 U9 i pci ge Sg 8) New Yo: MG ‘AFTERWORD ‘Asymmetry in Facial Muscular Actions JOsePH C HACER ‘Te tacky for he precediag stuy ws tecnico ta the phenome ‘0m of yen in fica scalar coos might eft import seco aa ‘eon other ators The ain oto he paper vas tht etn yo single Process iol emis specalizon oven th yarn of sin ot ‘dy othe subsequent decade, nse vue to change this onan Th wl ke ch soe dt, 6 wel as mre thereto, ochre syncs ‘facil actions can be arid wa coidenceo plc popesed mista a Methodological iver gts of mi observe sda yy ao inci ft werk ean ing in hs won Nae utes el aa so ee ala thal thr deco. Thy ae roby uc cb mage fie tv icon tt we teceery 1 ee iss til so epaing Jossip tre nyamesc of os scons at phe fom! ns omit {ston nea, io ca aes nt xy toed To mate Syemety of indi! actos, ecvomsoppy, new mates un mets ‘til ae tay eae Te ng a yh iney vied acs uur scoundrel: of nga ain lobo judgments about whole face expressions. * aad hese ofchien ese pen staat poop niga oe: ‘ing async cl cs Sn tee i ee eps he Shonconing oe eae Cee ted yang wre sd mr ings of he une mn sa cog te ales fr ge at stow ely ea rol hl i oe Te wetness (ie, 1982) tht tno te ign ng om mec son Oeoe ‘tsa ign eof eae kay, 197) Theat ow nee Aaymnatry in Faris Muscular Actions SP ae aye the with oft fe he mine tote ft sofia ound nrower tn oa the mie the igh, whch makes Keine faces iy shim ton ah cere (KOM Bore, & Stas, 1985; Neon & i comment n Elman, Neon, Horowitz. & Spinrad, 1980). Consesons the sen lau aton es the dens of hs ae have no compeling fre nd sowie ee Eventhoygh ore sche ave reso symmetic us cofounds (Berd of (90; Sack, Wena, 1984. ot pose odseatange te inractins of the sig ei in faces hing pot he stats! asi For researchers ho Persist hina fas, ver let ht soul be done so ces tt Know de Jester showing to juiger-—for example, by wing image poesing teh qlee ws ol et se chimetc as TAs a saes of faa scton yey sould eto eit the oxymoron fenton expressions anespeson spose deliberately probaly nat Fema expression althogh ex mht he ome emi fncved)- Te sea mer of people tubing th fce a cil expres who ae 8 sO ave found the ence) vey cating, nd nse fa rofssonals tobe mee fl Ouray showed he an of a edstinctos about bow he cons in ety were obtned We Sed Le on i emotion smal to destbe sac exresons. BE Ss such 3b etprenions dpi emion” woul be access The pretest cl mie of ours, ecrles bot heat of he express is (with cosegence dei by Ekman a Eka a 1980, ues heres explants of Ei syne sure in our ari appear ie today so rn, 18, fo nts view of hese hed Oar expan hat should be add able 2 hat et emis coal spe ans, sctaton during speech, yields eater mat opening on e Heh thee ie substantial evens of rae it mouth opening ding speech Lands Sage 985), Hager and van Gelder (1985) usted wth on dere mouth pein sone was sacle oso peter muscular 00 the more open side borin tight be tha gestern one et side Keeps is lal moc clue. Subsequent evidence Craes& Lani, 190) nl changes i nymmety om opening dnngvinging (res & Lac. 185) bese arly movements onthe rah (Cadaert Lands, Reps, Graves, advance the interes hal the rit sie of he Hs mre nel 0 ing meech movemete Informal berate eto gs tha tron cs tch st lvor bl seins and ders it may Rd the lips moe 0 one side. foming eerie forth area movement fh by liso bilson at such mpeclton tas Config cece on whther oer actos beyond hep aen change te syomesy ding is marl: hc is hv veo on wharf fect apenas omen of sons igh cany over thc oneapeeh sk cha Sco loo anes wer is (© Basi Research en Emenion A seus isu fo his hat abate ay mnt in fis ato aterized stor process sth the pet mo} aur hye fr ean aed ait {tons ar ely unknown, bu ae independent of he corsa system mete ing deliberate sts Rion. 1984 fo eview- Even flats dg ‘tons were highly Intralasdfr example, wh actions sang onthe Tet--ow ‘ld is evidence suport sigt benicar emeton—for expe. Hae snot ceruia wheter te fnervatons for eed acne ae crated rose, ota” Thongs (985) aa sir vein qesoned wheter Ning ‘Shou asymmetry of voluntary oppe face aos can cery reece which cera espe fda hs aso general, ower so eros fr muscle fhe Towerface ae nmr he corral fail ara fhe rset mora, tutneuons hing on the upper acl muscles have tral ceonectons io moter tex neron Than, ere no reason i sue tht the symmetry of deliberator at any elevanc ore of mere spcazaon oc emation orion ct Sst have the sue coal pate of Interv (o ital a he ease of the wpes he) eh corcabultr tacts Toe aout gt ihre pein thon for facial expenses (2g Baved Kot, 190) have wo be econ wih er ee that the et bese i more voles inthe vluny produce ofa ‘musulracons (eg, Daven, Warburg, & Ful, 1985; Gavanga & Saye 1990). Tnowero atthe vary of explanations or asym esearch eed be specie bra the musle messed, te condon onder ich sto are obi, Andtbe spectneral proces that might ae! he Syme of the moses tude Mos studs fave sept to obser laa ets of emiperie ein tora siege root ice hyptiesed yma offical expression An alae ito dye process clined fecal nme in cen ays ex erie accetaing each proce lon 1 thers ata and heen, eresponding shifts in ees asymmey. The avatage of is aprsch 8 a nesting sas in asym predic ecces th pss af cofounder ties sch at mincle se or fia srctres 8 expan bssase tee eect ‘ould be const Te ude of shits mosh opening een above and ses positive vers nega emotion Broker & Uc, 1993) provide examples oF ‘in sate Several aerate explanation for asyrmery mete ne aise snd by Rin (198) could be explore inh fasion, paca akon emo808| thd sippesoa of expresion ‘italy ll sds ave se ai expesion a depend variable randomly assigning sje, administering a einen. and measuring aynery of expres Sons Analleratve apron sto eet sujet base! on ta fc expression, eo ‘dy the vibes of feet For example, the grea ght opening ofthe mth ring sph is a eu of empha hey sable who hav peter et ‘pening shoul hve a corespondingly ferent amisphiete tration with = ferences pansy mesuae by elecuoenepulora 2 measure a metab A _Asmmenetry Facial Muscatar Actions GI One advange of his approch shat ange on rec asl eset of erences edo tease on an eet sujet with ovis, exten ‘nse ore ease an reliable ways ko mess he asyamety of ular tons ery desirable for new eer orev open ise, speci 1 hey a fre One promise ha my yal sch advances dal imag ross Secogolion, nd seurmee by computer & Eka, 1985). Opal com- [Sanoter oe, hou more it, soon (ave ct a, 195) statempa osc aca ys with tervals bsesRemisphei em cold bromo th vans of facial aye. For example expres ynnes might eed oases in posts such scoliosis, mcr rolang petreces al symittcs infra pore Ole alts fen have marked in face wale pats sogrstng at asjnetical pte of ms rea icese dai aging tay eve peratet ces. Some sais Mba be nery youn have diferent ters asym (eg, Rota Ty Me Tock 1989) Fat suse on ca expression asym odes l= person vals (0 Hager, 1982 for view), bt ile as een one in psu Suki, 183), ofthe Etence 5 (198) april of te evidence ned tt (1) 9 one ort mote edt (2) rye more ely neque, pci cl tions Fon than intone espn ojos rsa (thee weak eden or nen ton fc et a) ayer peso the muscle iba con rin nda, Skinner soln (191) conducted etal 14 offal expreson ayy tht se mae ges The concoded at it revels bight slant ut smal effet for het side ofthe face 0 Be hove expresive than the ght Adal reveals that abymety is (@) or ematon than neal expressions, () Sones for posed emexonale- ome with sprtnces noel expressions nd predicted by Some of ein experienc. ably peste” p11). These cocoons test wath ur sly, incat yon Fe many isso whieh ano cnseas, Te voy oferty infin expressons coms to old te of roving iasighs ns neal cesses sacha hensphen speciation 3.6 & Kf (190) Laan fr fc enti bea A talons Tsp Spc le Fac emmy Espen pari, icra Sa wer Be Usk 9 Amante fc ou Sprints hegae mon cs A e-e Hh,Con ton Enron 79) 98 a8 TT Fa got Fl, nd Pes Sek (6, Sight london sop. 156) Shemini as Uae Pems (62 ave Reseach on Emotion imam. Nebor Hoot FD Spa. (SD, Asymeny ol xp ‘or Src 2a a. ‘Cotter Lt Regn Mt 8 Ges 8. (0 Singing whan wut ots "mop syne Soa of Ca prea es ‘hag 19, 96-60, Dawioa Gr Wares. Pell (188. La emptor lal nd antl inte. Pept, 220, 27-4. ‘and'A (DN, Wat ue ene lets EMG el ab te ea a? eran Jal ears 3953. Gaza MS Sie © 5. (1980, Henson an cong aaa 2 “pci al expes0ts. Jorma of Coe Mearns 29), 238268, ‘roe Lane 989, Remar conto ph engesin pa: A me “ety Aha of New 20), 29 35), Caves Re Lane (99 Asner) Rou pn dig feet peck ms “pos le Pal agemey Enso pra eration Sura of tps 250) 5-19 co Lani 76 Spam (99. te epi fet me Ne "mpl 24, 211 Hager (14D Anes fc expen. Bene aa cea, pH 382 Coie: Eng: Camb User Ps. agar C8 Bm, P1995) Teese Bein! ewe he ce nd pues ompac slit 0 1 wh M Bie! (4), Preceded Wr ‘apo Ata Foe ond Ctr Recopion ae 35 8 1998, Za Manes abrsy, Ute of Zar Winter 80 CH 087 Zr, agen ele 8 (1988) Asymey pec eos, Newapnelg 2, iss. etna Ha A eel BWR, ModE. Heage A198). 16D emt Spline poesor fed on scone per. Sie, 265817), 121 the Kolbe. & St H98D, Developmen ohmic se eye Cate Tit 8, ‘in WE (980) Re ewopscolg offi exesionAreiw of te epee ‘cole much or pedsing al egress Pacha Balin 9S Rata MX, Tp: Take DM (199) Rihana nan cal eiesson. Newopnchai 2793618-587 Scisim HA Weim © Fa 8D (98 symm of ee ae Sie, Stina, 8 (95) syne enna expen: Armee Tec hun of Sil Poy 3h RT| "homo 1.965) ip tea, ef neigh ae: Hemp an ee Ts af conse. Con 210) 21-29 3 Coherence Between Expressive and Experiential Systems in Emotion We enone te view that notin ne pes of apne at ve ctr ait ora dp tly sytem nega ce ives ee This poston one veo eveueary em nes ifaepaters of reps for each ent. sal phe mone beh pyslopl, and sete syons (Savin Ean 197192: Levon, 84; Phi 96, Tomki, 16) ns (162 pp. 24-24) wre cs sto aed epee ople whe vated of Snorting Sch wey dtu ec heat ad tena: ws tet Spi tefnsesInbe emp ents oa csan vdencsjs o agen str cee sng ie nation maps dom ech sem evens sera wee nl expen and sleep Eka. Fer, & Ano 8D) an fo cocece beter apn (Daven hn, Son Sens Fen, 1990, Exrany Dv Frise, 190; Leeson, Ean & Fis, 199, Soh restos atone arog eel pons sense ps otter seated conspontcnt sg mipens mess fae. cates of puclr enon aoe iis oie If Ton Was once een ts slew ase money He 8 eon, changes nex. yoy. nd expec sl Se Henly edger Fai gn of ge ld xr ie see ange an ge sei yop pcs ont vious esearh that a oe wf ral coesponeses in ponies we sot tein weer fac expen ed meses enon totes samy ba erg sec sods Such ogni ween ean is nina regent ‘ype a ectrence pense by ot ew of moto By once we neat, cncener eons chngsin deen eaten ope Source of Coherence ‘Our aim ss nto demote why cberence sou cecur btw iil nb {ete espns) bal tert tering te exe yl catece des ‘ect tt import nt Aowever, ha te mechs tha plea Fspoo ile or consacesnenetonal esos syst ramet of eas ON Vwi ‘hat coherences dt the cent organisation of tins the ban (er Darn 18721965; Tomkins 1952, The might be clleé erly den aberence. Aer ‘ively, ebseable coerence in emotional spon reeset With a feet, ‘henry fg, Lal 1974) psp stinaison can taney fedck the Ivano ease erin experience then facial expression an eps of eapetence sald appear 0 Be congreat.This pe of coerce might cle eral a oT is esearch opal supp bat views. bat nove to sings among ‘arious examin er cafeeace between expression and self sep (Bane 3, 1980; Dando a, 1989, foci finely ives eee, nd Keck {11,1975 Lanz, Carib Smih, & KS. 1996, for evidence for faces tack tey) "Atte view ist tere ar inser eatnships among response syste in ‘moon. one's (980) iran esteratisaton hypothe, wich poste a ‘ict onbed overt wil be mae pysoogclyané vce vers, 4 wel town example of sch a peopectve. Sich neg somesponncrs have bee beer i oral ran aie, Lanta Klek, 1970) Buck (1980) deo este, however, ht the observed econ ofthe vlansip betwen faci and psiloc pone meses ef crna ay depend on sxc! apache fvcea abject amis fend fo Fve gun corltios between Behavior and pylogy, whereas wiinsabet corelins ten 0 be psive(althogh low fo odes a utegt) Ths sstincton has recently en fre substan de ‘eloped (Caiopo eal 1992), Nepive conependener tae nor ben demon Sd atte level of be ies normal sje, wee "Te dae over the sourees or exten fern reponse cabanas ot been resaled by stu f te phenomenon, lel Beate the ue has a ee nese with slat eodlopeal pou I the et fem pages we cline jor metodblopeal sus that complete sey of oben and fe ne ‘ecg tha sess sme of hese robles Metalic Problems inthe Stay of Caberence ‘vahating Coherence at Mail Points in Tine Alto fil terior of facial mle atity has Den bined cnsincuny in evs sts, eencers have romani ragged fail fica theater eased ia tems of obsevableexresion or EMC reso scl {viy--ove the tie gered of each emotion ene node to ener sais ‘compra stl. eusgectv emotion reports (Bow & Schwa 980 man ‘ta 1980 1980) The clon between mime al expeioa a ng Selzer of ion fae anes eer 0.35 10058, nealing cites tween ‘hose stems (Eka eal, 1980), Cresponnce between agetepne messes of Coherence Between Exprentve.and Experiential Systerns 65, on an spot des ntl us whether the wo sponse ssn cher Spe ing o Levers 198). agaregto acs lng prods of ie my com> dysumic information toate emotion espe: Agi os «pet ‘cuouin“trumber of iferet emotion, well a eis of mo ero” pteming assisted wh sgl eon” (30). On the er Rand, anus ta te eladonship twee ffectve falRehaviur sg see es weal dsappear athe momentary ve if congrcnce i ah erent iy of agg pss. ray be ht for ny pve en tees no core ween fac a sbjocivecexponses, Br raber sr sve diet. va ptm of sonarence pps: Penalty rescich on he sabi our Et, 1980) cern nae tt tnt Contnaces be- vou at best be appecited or cumulative bait. Spec Protens of Meazanng Sohne Experience of ematioml experience have be ecied, whereas messes of fail Be ed physiology are emt eter continously e prada oop! wo ‘psoe. This fntanet) ference in the expert's ase 1 the [rtonl pons yin nals opel probleme te mesticeent expsene the problem of sybeh epesematon ad the pobiem of I The Piben of Symbolic Representation Measures ofthe sabetv exper ef emotion re unarmanly dlr rom evar an py ip Me nat hey muse fered tough cansciewsnens Some proce aD ly be wo conscious report however (ibe Wilson, 1977). Allow si of 3) ke manifest bnavioralyo pysalagal eoplemay nts be ttt the are vodegcing emote, oy might be svar fing an eotion fot ecerin of which emoton i. Even people eel avare of he me. thc) at eli thy may choos to eso hem Eka, 1983). ‘Oe prope know hy ar fing am erin and cose oval hi expes- that experience mst be ype reeseted, This rr reds te com ily among texpase opens. Se ratings of ened experience may cay thet gsi of enor arise ened 0 sep in ener sucha > zac (Camp, Sigman, Res, 1967), sel esnbiy (Crowne Mar 1960), an em arate (Ore, 1962) “Thetears smb of way hve pope sya represen ir sbjstine eps fenain Sabet cl be sod to choo colors erates at Ps tse ematias (lock, 1957) aro ain is rjysks Wo quanti tyra the dere of i pstive sn gate fecings(Leveason & Gotan 198, 1985) Most fen, bomeve- experimenters equest a etl rept ALOU of Ine preven, ts method ose ngage ohn expen hat many ak in vera form: Tis pom eter cept by tect at rt hes dm allow sujet ne wns elt own col ted the pete scrot words nora 5 of Monet that temas we to este ei rercnes eg Ex a, 1980, 1990). “Another prema robin in 8 DESTEMED Of mind apeence i mercry ‘sconsmeton. Una sts fhe elton betwee ciel expressions dor igs! meses with siete menor Of encom siagl eps have then oto ser an enotna episode (room & Schwartz 1980 Ein eta. 9,490) Several die dans can cer even daring «bt sins petod bat we do not Know which aspect of ae eto exes caged In = He rarospctive repo: Thy may overenpaisethe ma cet ems es ‘ements te expeenc, ey ay es fom an ering ser he ed Perleace win pend. Reaempacne emotion eps muy ingle te fra of “lob! imresion wich ste vale o rte! influences selene Jeena ef aero (ts & Wheeler, 1991) Stes filemon exe nce mggest hat lave to momesay teat ope p00 of Sy em ‘in overpass he nase fess td show rfre or mean oer pesiv emotions (Thomas & Dies, 1380), bines hve ten observed in Sach in mood and mesa symptom epg (Ease cole. Chang. Whi ‘moe, Dieter, 98D. Tus, comparisons of single reports of resented ese ‘ice with benicar andr psilogy cine ding a spotaneous expense ‘ay ye es than pret eorespoens. 2. The Probie of Conti es ae a9 imu eve al ar one eo ‘ion, Mae commonly uli, bet mans anf oer tits even ove eros Fasting fr oly a nue or (Ekman, 198). Therefore, estlish evidence aco hewce tween emedonal response sens one mst exaninecongieeeae ‘pewate foe erodonal evento patcelar pit nine. Fal expres Sn pyscopal anges canbe monte coninonsy dina maton esi. Conse ara can be wed io vdetape spans faci egean a emotion hi an then be stent scone (sing coding scheme sch asthe Fail A oa Cag Syst: man & Friesen, 1978) tai al Aci can been uy omer sing ebctrnnyeprapy (EMG). Chnges several ypes of abo ‘ori oF cena nero’ system acy can be recone nln, thoghot Erotialepoode. Tate Wo way a consunly manor sbectve experience of ‘mot tt anlage tthe meted salable for these oe ons sys. The methods that do xt or mesa soon exeence on aay tinwous tsi uy inuodce anes. Though umpling.wherein abject eon on their expeences il ey are andrgiag an ernie evel one option. The ‘spnsatens oie nate of spaced advantages bu he cons demand torpor on experience ean ek exe nerf Wt the eae 19 Wich he majet becomes epbskly responsi the sms only, speaking ‘loud ote’ figs may Ines Self enscouses andthe ease of ing bse ‘wich may altar wells expen Klock ts, 1976). ‘Soe invexigrs tava subjects provide conta nef affet (aga veo play oft emsonal terrors (Ragan, Ketel & rg 985 [xenon Goma. 98,985, nL vensn and Gop 983, 1988) vio ‘alc, sbjest se al ort soninaoaly real et, Ts inne ‘iostioncaney the eee 0 wtih he meracon eked pose main: sik theosher decom eles negative emotion. Ste ke hese ang sere emo thr event wile wahing a iden oft enetoalmercton alboh e2 n- ‘estos hed sme sees ting pote an eave on atigs a Inga flee uation Werchson & Levenson, apes. Dil ating daring 42 Coherence Ratalann Expressive anc Experiernis| Sytierns 6" a, na weve, ay eate adeno jets © wont ae i ie i smndorl epee. lo, ths rosacea ner the publ occurence ofeach amber af ees etn ih tof browse, no esearch userid whee eokeence = Facil expression tl sefsep scale on 8 nome y-omeR ba pres ech we cho da wh tetera 2 ear nations of son sce aye by sing sbjecs ae tirenas on 8m This and Dy proving her wih ace ood ein emerteine which hey had fi Addonally, we examined momentary Sanges i il x son rar tha gare faa eae, a he Toke atthe x abe sei expressions nd repos varied ogee, no Fp Soy ort Wet ny wn aa enn easing none ¥en pring cea This ev Pree Svs sayecs wn et wc bey epee ech er ae Mt ray be vain ling wih «hme of er wineries he ew fot experi ni mie cel ves ce ft sms lad rove tapi hen eect te dre i The dre en pie pro money Sagi Oe apts of eon rine fr Sig wich nee os cn ‘Se ace an apse ts cmc an spr sy coe beter lees fc ef onto at son spss tent ring i Fd spec eps een cc moment cheese te See esatn cfc nara: tty cones Raetot mi tcl expan fen th eee we an ere thre sconces hese preference nd al xn ena pm ne Se fit of pote ore coco a pi Sn tine fal xpos erp oom. swe ni asco spi man serene Brn actions where thera ih equncy official expression ros stjec ht snl alo be 2 Bgh reqaeey f slop of ‘Our ext hypothesis por tat comesponcoes tha pear ona Between sje ish ecu tin sabe re 8 Withinsabjecs. st seprs f ered ad fal expresion fem shoul cra the se Walon rig astm peo. ‘tis als possible tha he extent to which we sere coherence may depend on Iensiy othe cvem There ar fo posible explanation for mensy depen (Basic Resch on Emotion eo cotesene in stu Sleepers of manent desuenes of etaon ‘eb afr the nial ims period. gets ry remember nl tit tre ise experience even thes of vit ewe comb tha oe ‘ons ystems wll at in ni cmtonl events maybe foreach a mim ‘nesy elas as bee sitgcl een ter eto seashers (Da ‘on, 199: Tashary& Caio, 1980) Cosine bemeen expen a owas examined fr ech jer’ not nnn su eat nent lex Sond agin for ead apes most Ince ners ea nen slept ioe: secrornes 1c. Fepl tall be more key ive ecepons feminine ding ‘her mos tens acl expesiogs a emotion than Jung ir et intense facia expressions errors 1. Feple shall be mare cyt show iil exesions of emotions hing thee most nese ef epns of enovon han ding te kat nese ei pts ofemeton. "The mos gi lvl at which teva coherences that of xeric gre: ‘neath exe wich e-oecurig faci exresion and elf ep area 1 te ‘ape of emotonal response. The sevond sto poten examines coerce a the [eet of enegoiclaprementnoner to anor quetons sca this on I 3 pe der dove tial erento 2 far il he se to member experincing fa? ‘We expat a Wi sould be wus peneral, (efor all ematonal expresions and reports ypotess 20), and more specially for more etse ena eve pots dees nes oa betwee sls (ints of mae emotion tly sen pone of he kn), wteess 2 nd 23 ie intensity on» within Joes (in em of India’ moet inter facil exresione and self eos reset). rrornss When ficial expesions of emotion ad seeps af emotion co Seer mime ora ge ct ysl ate a ep fata at vovroruet a. Fr fl ions whee ere a igh ake of ail exgesion td seep of emotion as subjects, tas subjeswho have facial expressions td seeps of ron at thes locations wil demonstrate eaeporcl apeement teweon tee te messes. sero sc Whee people show ter most mens aia expressions of eatin. hey souls report ving experience he same ype af noo; serrrst, Whore people provide heir mt nese repos of ional exper- Coen, te shoul ao sto tal expressions of sane fe of emotion, Coherence Beran Engrave oe Expert Syren, 69) female stfeis wore reenaiedfom yess inthe San Franca ae 2a years SD = 4.3), They wer ps1 erie one how of expen ows were rn ond wihinsbj bai. Each subject Viewed sever fm ote er etn mines flowing each ley sing to methods: (CUE) and reeapecive repo RETRO)’ T contol for ore tet, fon sec ofthe expermantl sas vad Berwect sje by fof inept coustsnaningn which each Hn appesed once ineach pos prt. Wocther RETRO or CUE rags were ones st fr exch of ims var ya of ncorpee cunning. These wee Sie cers for wher RETRO or CUE cane fis ve Sujets Were andy cock of theses. sat taal fixing #19 ach, colour CRT monitor On act ca tothe ight ot, was Sih, ic od white leiston psn’ above a VR. the vdeo cata (stich was tne n th sont om) was en in inc bende aio The experiment Sat anther room fr th ct alin he nal intracon apace prods and wa abe to abject’ face ot riko onto. The expermerer contoled the plying of uf ing te ial vewig cmtonndiction) The apes wed for ding cuedseview were conrlled by he Sj an played onthe VCR in ao notion acon Pins wed ix in seamen, fo of which had ben eed 16a length of 1: }8 mises. These or clip, which were te expermental niacin lis che rc iy to ect primarily gustan econ fea and eztne emo. n reviws research vagus sche forth pelary rca a dsc fal expesions ha can ely ese a abr ens (kant, 1980). We nl! wy to of he ou fis Fr TRAD, whch depicted a cen where art ape seeping ma, abd ete sth (AMP which conte ces bum pois nd cede from x dling is lr seston of AMP were ly me for main inacton by Ekman & ese, 177) The ther ewe fs treo om ays es thoy were oi scenes fo popular oe icon vest any of the sbjes epone ain oe eat. We Goosmed tar ementerd et tom peng swings of tee fms 7 est Research enifmction ‘owl of oly consensual reactions o tee ns cient ings ted aca ne brn ‘Rin an sith segment, oth of which wore 1 2 tes in ena nd hc leit prinaily happiness (aay tending rosin manda cee of Purp Pyne witha omer) wer 01 ptf he experimental mailto, bt a ‘ys appetred as th st sant fr each Sub wallet oy waplesant ee 1 ist far ln ues eves for ato es Segmene’s swe. ‘All ste wee tested inva. The experienc nthe saject hat she ould te secng series of shor fim lips, some of which woald be wplessn. nd ‘at we wee ntresed inher emotional estos ten The sujet then hd a ae tke alin whch She ceived traction fora rand each aig techie. The ‘xperiener was separate rom crite practice a. The fm sms ws forte pce al wae sled or abit elt ml ejoyent(cees of man ey and gpl ploying ina, fon Ekin & rs, 1978, The order in which tach abet pete ne i ocd nthe pace Wil wa comiaaned ‘Rating Tiger ‘We dived ted soview procedure rm Kagan e's 1965 tps ress real ehpique an Levenson an Gt’ (1983, 1988) ideal tectie Ives fam tee methods athe epsyed vieotpe i ot a corn of the ‘bjt intrcig wh parer. sed, ste Fm that was ved for emeion i Scion tn cudtevi, sb are insted t top the video reply 2t the pins ‘ner they eee ving ean enoton ding i rt ewig te sil: fia They then sea erosion rep orm te wht hey emer el tak fwecise locaton inthe fm. Aer completing» gives ring sbjets thee sar the ‘ideo again and Sop the payback whenever hey rmerber hing fet a charge ‘oton in eer ape typ) ering tm fet ewan, Subjects eo complet aP- ‘te form fo ht eatin Tha, abet go back tough he ene stimu sep ‘nd provide sores of ematon reports about what ny ronender fest the ‘el view period. We call is techie convie, hess iw sgn 0 tet sje cul se the val coe of testi o eip the emerbe ws the fel the it ine they saw the seen. Inthe ty, he experimen indy ey recorded the cations each sujet ppg pts fom he dace or both he CUE and RETRO rains, cach og rm contained ep emos terms anger ony, disgust etree. fax Dipness shes an pee ‘cho wich was aed a scale from O10 8, wee" rpeened "othe ‘We ofthe ema and" epeesened "he most I ave ever fel my He Th ‘ed fr anchaing the len term of ie experience ws developed by Ekih ‘nd ist epred in Levenson al 1930. Inthe RETRO conto, soit wee oto rept what they embed fe! lng when they viewed the fm on ne frm, eal he "pos i mation fon Sb jess were kod oie he extent fo whic hey fl each of he ight eee ems ‘ve he ei em period sng the Oto 8 scale AL each sap pin in he CUE ‘ocedus he abject competed emt fos ald “eel emotion os ‘Tye revew-in emotion forme Inloded tbe aoe terms a scales tho be RETRO conn The cay ifeence was ht sabes what he emer ht a npwertalsere 7! $n em ding the nia vewng atthe pin in them whee thes had the map is he CUE proce ih CUE contin te vido wa payed bak on el lack and wit ron- nth 09d. Tis was done reduce the emotion esting popes ofthe fn onre-iesing. because we nate to minimise chance of ers on Yosxprenal rar ta embers at ne CUE coin. Ov de 09 sleep ecxperoning fect during ced evi. he practice pero, ac sujet ese nsmesons forthe rating ecg thy a vo pots ral, ecrbed sbove- Once the subject and exper te sail ht ho sje deo the proces, the expert et dd pot communicate with he subject wl al al ee shove sa Tl een made: For al sbjecs, eck im segient it appeared on the of th flowing Serva es 30 cds eng he neal ewe te he lm seen nt veo repay (fo canoes when the CUE ats were fore the RETRO), he itv between th eno ec fn ssn sad ngs whe th onion ws frst, the trl ween hee of oe tthe ping of te other, an te eal etc the fa tn he tart fe x fm, Reser, 45 iit etic exited dring ln vewing wis vet vi sin femora Noose subject greed thal she ha fen upd. expt as cried, subjecs were forme f he anya we conse ws forth us ofthe cating fo Scie pues Sob wer tl th oe wa the apes aalysed, we woul Sey the perm ey woul il fl payment for eine No sibjet eid permission fr te we of ht Data Behaviour as score sing Ekman a Eisen’ (1978) Fil Acton Coding (FACS). FACS dass al observable facia movement 4 isl sti and anatomically Separate wets of mascara. We soy evry fi that courted in ems the action unis tha singly ia combination sith acon its pont, We then gouged combinations o acon units in se emotion and noneoion exepres on th bss fan empl} and thee eed empuerdnstuse cf expescn ptr fr ose the Sea sagneh Titra relay for FACS coding has boo wel eased acron eer ab (Ekman & rise, 1976 Ean. een, & Sinn NBS Foe Drv in, Kea Scmer Sanger Al & Wage, 198 Stier 986). The two cers or sy each had mre anon ears experiene as 4 FACS cer, he ea been nile guns ted een (Ekman an rcs ovn Song) to suring Inert gest fort sample wcll by ong» 72 Nase Reach on Erne ‘fhe mune faeries beer codes dvd bythe wl umber agree Imes and disagreements, There ato betwee odes as 8 sim, frveach sje the were econ of faa ior exe rag ‘he in ienng peso ch were ter FACS coved tingle arnpectve Porto her subject expriece drt each. and alge CUE repos the Se cexpeenee enue War ere fii incdece ofall expresion and CUE report be able oder. rine whaher ey eo oceured? In oder estou hypoteses, as necessary Wests da hee were lil ‘sports ad ulpe expressions for ac im, an that each ln povided a comp IME amount of opornits to text comessence on nny ss, Over, ‘bjt stoped the fm daring the coe ese condo anaverge of Stes ($0 =2:36) The median snd moda ume of sopping point were fe The mean umber of sopping pons i nor der sigritcuny betwen He (sired 19) = 19, P= 0070, bet ew average, subjects povided ore CUE repos forthe AMP fim than De RAE (AMP A235, RAT M = 5.10), Te ean nomber of face ‘reson of eon di nt te gic between fis (RAT M = 4.50, AMP =, paes 119) =-1 74, P= 0.088, bt here ended be more expesion i ‘exponso the rptaion in I appa ta sitet moun of expression reporting osu for bth liso proce wih alee of pec ent = al pn ee. ‘Nit aalyc ese ow seal emotions tsb exited Cerne ‘va ays easter nem of whether sujet facil expres slept of emstion were congruent Digit Was the emation ext most ‘ten yt ofthe abe, nother emotion acamed. Fresh the ns, a expessons fens ose more han 7% of he ie fen 10% of he ie, xpessons of fagpiness, content ange. ad tonic hgnve eatin each between 3% and SH ofthe me, Acros al il ons Sed on 8 Spite sity see the mean evel tens for RAT = 28, SD = 19, fr AMP f= 33 Sbase Fo the CUE report for RAT. th ait ofthe eps ited fear or disgust at ‘the mon terse ores” eens, wth ony few escumenes oe eins ‘eh a serps an sus, he moe iene reported emaion. For AME, deg ‘ease onrtelminly dominant response im CUE reporing ah cal af repre ‘ng saree er, ange, nd adr he peak emt. Ft RAT, he men ne ‘iy for CUE eags of dngant was 3.02, SD= 1 fear M'= 41, SD 154 Fak AAMPCUE repos, gar M = 409, SD= 181; ear M» 182, SD 1. "The reining salac se opal scoring ee of Tv aa ques: on evant te see hypetesee Quen | and aera o ese late, Qustons 3-3 consent Hypotes 22d ces: Did fa exresions of emeton an slept cocaine? sj al sho gh sey alo emo ett thoes wef ha daze wih con sts 0 Fpenerteche incertae narooe Determining Facial Ate Lacaons lm. ee wer erin oatins where re thn of the subject showed fexpenon of emotion. We cosdced anol tet to termine wets te of sects who crib fal exgetion of emton ae “active” aon war would he be apace tocar by chance ny even Iocton. Chnce rbabiliis wee determina by sapling to ln ie st ice windows, an ben eaclag he pobety e n enation expen aso sts at each neva he mmber of ste showing ail x of emotional number of je). We hn avenged ese maple probe to yea chance of "expected potty of an emoion expression curing given dsc mera it each Gi, We chow efor he ner eth 00 fe revit each al ha shown that os facil expresso of smi ns DDstec Urough dice (Ekman, 1961) Chaaceptubies wie calclad focesch ft. Toe popatn of sbjects shoring a ema expesion ic civ inurl war thn compare the chang ee ‘re were loston with each ln where mat acs showed Sic oe laa expressions of eran nat) nal it. or flim bre was one such aly Seve loaf ANP te ee le. sbows hater eah ofthe fly ete Ri ton he pepo bo showed fail exgesion of eaten as Saint ret han the fon eapeced by chance Wo ct aay ven ee window fA ne. Ths eld for bh fms nd for Woh candidate eations within ono he _Ngother keaton ete lm deed subtly Go chance, thar weave exablshed ht the fm lation of peak faa qpeson of sty were ignieay more active tan ay er sven sce window of fc to ene can test Hypothesis Lx There shoul he» hgh nt seliepo. of enoson fim eons wher ia express of eto Thy one ec. We conde bnomil e 9 detemine whether jon subjae wh provided CUE repr enn athe fly eve VME. bere and hse pide fo swing i ‘Spee eee ay ne ans Hin Papa Omet Pee Iya PH ea os om <1 74 Dic Researth on Gmoten, Iocan was sinc petr han would hae been rise y chance. Freach ‘im, chance pobbies were cles by sping moving 4 window fi ‘ine andthe acting he probity of = CUE epoca srs subject at ‘achintral he umber of specs who gave CUE ponies of abet). ‘We ten tok the meen of these mate probalies a yd a cee or eng probaly of CUE repr oceuriag a any given 4c era of li ie. ‘We compared the abel proportions of subjects a vided CUE repos at ach fal ae nation withthe cance vals. Table 3.2 shows that fo ac of the facally active lactone spay toe sijecs provided a CUE repr thn trol hve teen expected by cbc hs iadng held oa fecal ative cos The fat ht sgifcanty mort sb povided CUE eps at facily ave locos dn noel ve Ree expected by chance supports Hypothesis a. Even moe cmpelng viens Yori coberecequeton the fc thatthe ce winds ‘ofl tine ht were pk cats of men cel expression sett (he ‘Sally ate locations) wes lots lets of hes CUE epi fo bth i poses to famee gusto co secarence ens within ateth, rode tht or dl sdf expression a meson and CUE repos of ation woul te tocar a the se pits i lm ime Weel fale ‘Son tnd CUE jeports ofall emotions nh analy Alhough he ns were eect fortiray to arse primarily ess an fea craton) thy evoked ote ermaons. As Hypotbe qstion of ener co-oceuene thas ot sed at the lvl of specie gps of emotions, CUE ops and fac expressions ofa, enter dpi fer tapes sides, and wre ete inched in his mls I ede ott Hypetess 1b, we clued en erence qotet for cach subject: Te ttl umber of nes & CUE rept cued with fatal exresson of fmovoncal numberof ail expesons fenton. A CUE sep was consis tebe “soeident it verpfed Wiha fail expression of emotion wana ae ‘window of Br ine (1p ius 2c), For ech fm we wok i ca of he loeccarence atts seroe bjs. We then compte thi meen co-cecece foe ioshypotesied canes action. The shee lice wre dined et probity ofa CUE repo cecring stay sven Seite of fm ne, They ttre alate fellows Foe bots RAT and AM ke model ati of CUE pot ‘ruled Mulpying his by th so samping window yl 2m of Fm time 3: Tost fr CUE repos To lim ie fo RA wa Teas 2078 0.25 of tine was located eo CU ypaing. Foe AMP. wa lime was 8x, 502074 0 (027 off tine was lose © CUE epring, Far eae of mays we ound "sober lca a pg CUE Fin epitinaOoered Pepin Expanliy oe Coterence Gatwmen Expresive and Experiential Steins 7S purrs 1 il chance repuring quaint of 0.30 fr bh ms. Rounding up ave tae ad works agai our hsp. est Hypotess 1. we thn enmgared observe mean co-ecurence qb hth conc quits noe age te Fae RAT the mean coacurece rs Set was 46 (SD = O28) This was signin rete than the ao 0.90 (16) = 2.33, P< 002) For AMP. the oerved co-occurence tras 047 (SD = 0122, which was ate signe preter than the chine ff 030 (C18) 3408. P< O00. uct of -craenc in Be asked fom he poi of view of the CUB bs wel To determine haha abet showed ail expesns pls Ynbere CUE repr accared. When ne contd the sae yes wing Teco abe Sarting pint and looked for connccring facil expe fe oid cay lencal els reer, he Stale of toe naj stove ess support Hypothesis 1b, sowing hat on the average co sce ary 9p of eon fecal expresion and elf eo was ret thn would expe by cance, wheter the question ame from the pepe of fexgemion o CUE repr of eaten. The eberel co-crence quit itt dcr occurence fall CUE rept an fal expression ‘One average forbes CUE rps occured rng he ome | ficial expressions of emotion bot a ofthe tine Ti aes quests votes ht infeed wheter o 2 paral expos and pO Dad eorocurencebenwcen expen and rept vary fncton of fenton? to yputeses pected hat wiisbjers,coaccaene may be wR for mre nese ervotonal evens Hype Ie and Id posted ta espe oe isly wo give CUE repos at actons of ti mnt iter fa 8 eon that of ter lea nen fail exes an vie ver: Pe be meio show emational expression th sue loon n 8 tir mst nets CUE than het nese CUE cero not ers facil expen a eatin, nd how any posed CUE eae ations asthe nt ens cal expos emetion, We he DMeNemur tess of change a elated sale (Sip, 1956 0 detente ecceuenc wis more itely to oc rng est ene emotional P= Tea nese eats cxpresos. Datereining Intensity of aca Expressions of Emotion Atm ns (AU tata cea digi mong erin emotion x ate cored on ot ns Seale (Presa Ekman 1092) To fe. nsensity of an expression. we sme the ony sores fer ech it cxpeson oy ta inten score Pocck jes for ar Hn) emotional expression with ies olny scree she erpremlon of etn there was eon at neni sare hase wth te longs duro, We deste th spesion wit mest 76 Ren Remap on Gemation: sum intensity sco the est nese fail expen of emotion. there wae forlowes oa inenty core, we cos theexression with esas duration For RAT, Ia th 20 ees gave CUE eps athe septs in i tine 3s ther os itn facil expresso of eaten oly fo 30 tie est in tet expression The McNemar tes showed ta hs was stil igiear ference (= 10, f= |. P< 01). Poe MP1 sabe gave CUE repos Gn ee ‘ot ne fail expression of emotion, at nl seven i 9 ting ean Terecerosl expressions. Thedferecs been se popatins war oni fa = 10 P00) These esl supp Hype I ype 1d examined the sme osson rae rom he standin of mos intense CUE repo prediing tat people woud show afacial exesson of emotion the same lection ar where the) pve thet mest nee Yep of emer ‘xpeence Deter Ines of CUE Reports of Emon For each ep, subject ated each emotion tm on pin ines ele. We med the toy scores ol enn terms on each oor The, fo nc Jeet we designed the report with he nies oa mes a6 he mses CU ‘ep an ton ith he lowes tt inst as east nase CUE repr. Cases of ‘ie mere seed y rn lon, "Azan we cndied Meer sts. Forth RAT fl, 16 ofthe 20 subjects showed fc eapssio ot fe me lation a ther mest inns ein pt ‘nly seven sje showedentonlexessios ding the les iene sion ‘epochs dence wae pica (2 = 10, df= 1, P< 000), For AMP however, there wete a sian dfarences he amber of sane sh showed fal ox reson emotion during mt nese CUE rept vers et nteee CUE rept {teas tavrespeivey Jo 129, dfs 1,P > 020) Te ea rm tees oH. pothese le and 1d spp be inns bypthess on tn sujet ans. The one ‘tcepton wl beconeted inthe dscason secon (usTON : Wise categorical agreement ereen eo ocering fail exprnions ‘and ep? ‘The second sf apes examin! sober in ems of aeons oo the ype of enten berveen en oscing fal exgeson and el eer Hype 3 fred spvemen teen exreoon and CUP rp Tots ths nypotese wecon fhiced anaes sila to we for Hypo Tb ony ths tine we compe? agua remen cen ote hype chance ales, We eae gee Inet or hg” queen faa sje det a: The name of res 4 CUE pc oancded wih rl expression of enedo peed or ached so he po fmeson fn cconedoal sume af cal expsion CUE wepetcocuren ching deed ines of wheter motley of cl expen wa te ‘Sethe cngry of the ein ae hg imety on CUE pe ‘cca the dnitutens of matching quotes ars sje ee exeely soma oe sample Wicoxon sgt rks tess were conte compare a ‘Srv aos o hyped populanin shane vas (Sb 190) We wed the ‘Se cance ves tn wee aid hte sof Hype TB, Which fected the _T_=__—_ -S~S ty of CUE report curig at any ge ta eral ie, We tht se cue anos xt cn neces mn 02 mating etre xo snd peeved sey Pe eh states ng Tho ssf dilrene fom is anc le wld every comer TRA none dmatn tn sutent as 02. Tmo a tier rome chanel of 030 16) = 3 P0101 ee AME. te ea quent wus O31 ch essen peer an chan 9 ©0029, They elem be AMP eppor is of eval mang beresh fc expesans of enaon aco CUE reo goed Hype 2s When we eve cagvd orl pein coed t wae sions CUB eps 8 cite aie om tac tear an ci ees apenon ae of oi a mT ays were ced ces cach infor al eats at MEU npr nd (eyesore coca. Wal ere be get aguenen a os n eh fi at wee coaonaly te? Oo ani sy tings cuepoclapcene ps dig eth in 3 Ses nj stowed cota eps heey ety tyne es hn Qusion ns nar expose ea incre pins ong ec ln ewh bets acon of ee apes rrp oy Segments O82 wifes Das 14 Was there eneoriclapreemen ere coroceun fcal expression totomononal ove cans? 2 etc ator proement between occuring facial expression ep of emotion at ently ae lesbo (le cao charac ye high depoe of exgression and repo). Ane ct of chance contin tere compu, For moving Sse ofl ine we determined the “of emich on yet cmon pvenacivoceunene between CUE ad ona the ote mean feo yd chance prbadiliies of cone any give te inral of Sim me. We hea ented Binomial ess 10 the observed od chine probes a subj matching om xine ‘ue 32 Obered and hn cnftonl pbs of te Imac om enon egy pie oly fd on cco aero nd CUE prt ely te tos ‘Pisin Oowred_ Pepe tgeas in Cane 7A asic Resewch en Emotion ‘mated en eatery Fc tbe RAT Gln—ghen that hey hal dma co-scu ‘ence between fal expen std CUE ryt of emetion ate ersonal ete Tecan significa prewrthun weal ave bon pete y ena Sit sess occured er bth a the etionlly active estos nthe AMP in whee ‘aicany tr of he subj who stowed ener nage betwee fail expe ‘on of emeton an CUE repr st acive leat actly mabe between es fnemosne cangon Toes fading spp Hype 2, ves: Was cateporical marching action of sin? Hyg pice hat wie peopl show ter most nies facial expression of noon. tey wil also repr expesecing the sae pe of emoson ede 1 est this hypothesis, wo calcd te propor of sbjects whose CUE rot an fal expression matched o egy sien they had demons coaccurerce ewe the two measures for de mest inns acl expression of enoton a we cared these chance vale via inom es For RAT, 2a the Taubes wo tad CUE ‘epocssoneomitaly with mos inns facil exesson rate! on esezny. For [AM 13 ofthe 19 sbjcts who demons so oscunens beech mot nse tial expression an CUE reporting mated Each of thse propions vas compared te ahance vale of 030 deinen the tex of Hypothesis ty moma es Both ‘haere proprio wre sigan preter han chance (RAT. P = 00D1; AMP, P< 0001), We tie eked at ming othe nites fal expression feo on? Foe RAT, ofthe fou sbjets we demons co oourence athe east tee facial ener of aio onlyone matched on eter. Tis propoion was eter fm chance (P> 040), For AMP of te sven abet who gave 3 CUE. fer ah same aston a ci least rs fal expression cay two mace oe ‘monetary, wich dd st df sini om cance (P> O30). These re Sus oppor Hypotiess 2. pothesis famed the within sje atezrcl ueemeat ques frm the tang of mos intense CUE repo For each film, we called the proportion of ‘bjt o-piven they showed aia eesson of enetin a te sae Hc ‘ips a the mont intense CUE report tached on emotion etegry. THs Was hen {onpared a chance values Chace vles fr these analyses were Bed 09 he. Sg number of tines ster showed ail expression ef ematin pe lm, Wi one ‘epi ( be ics an He ese be rm these ales wee ene ‘tou fom the aay of ype 2 For hah my, of the sys ho ‘Shows flees fenton ase enon tar mo nen CUE ‘spot (10 oot of 16 for bol) Bas) sigricanly gree tha chance groprion Itced emotion category (# < 0.05. Agi, sn the tet of Hypothesis 25 hs Ci porhld fort tense CUE pos Only ofthe 7 wba whe showed coe Corence betwee nest mets ep ad ates for RAT mato oa ca ory, This wos diferent om chance (P> 0 8 These rents spp Hypshess $i ene enapton occa fc AMP. o which #1 set for whom cameos far et nese CUE rat mabe on nen Th ire me hance evel of 030 (= 05). This exception wil be conse in the Dacca “Although fe anaes on categoria arent iced fais xpessns and ‘Cohecerce atueen Exresihe ane Experientia 79 ‘fy (pe of emotion, is possible tat th hiph evel of aerial wen o-ccuting facia expressions nd CUE repos deserted above reece) feo thy predominance af ane pe of eran bins down for epee peak emotion vata and crs abet He fl ied ne tp of eet, the yf expression ad sel-eprt occured wold veto ages on category. We bve ea ped that bth fms iy dogs. Hive we eralihed evidence of ciety ore ee nj necessary bypeoct of nga ed expression an eet shat evoked pei ges Mal et of hs queion wold be to termine whether catego agre- cial expression and CUE report he fo nog exgesions an opts. fy wile oer enone eccuned in both ins, they eae to ae to alow for sdagane analysis of onde emotions ae separ oup oer embed occur they mere never te mnt inns iste and pan, The corfunding of iment of response with pe of ease cumple aa: Thus, we chose a erate Mane of ens retention exreston an rot was necessary Psd fons ad tears oveaping i ine for ls ta ced pa) is ech sabjer’s most inease facil expresion of agus we determined For ss reported gist or aote Sgaie eration he ot eae fom the corespoding CUE report We feasted iu vay of mete ere pred by segets Joong ther mst tense disgust fil ene gat mas epored as most ese sigafealy moe ofc tan eter etnies we woud ave cine hacia ete st result of coorcrece. We cndated x! goes aso determine the dstrbaton a abject wh eprtes ips Nodes negate em he mos inne enotn on the CUE ep hat conesponded wih demos facil exrssion of apes died from tee Probblibes fhe cance recall flow: We deine he roporion cash sb enaton repr in which dg was epoed wt rt nee or peak” andthe we took the mean ofthe proportions ass subjects. BY this Tor RAT chance dstbuton sf teaaie emotion rps ny fm location Of subject repo dings ste peak con, nd 65% repo ther emotions peak. The bneved station for AT mas: 75% of he sje rept a the ame oan ost iene a egress epored the peak nation sn 25% reported expen ane be eave rion “Ti inition we sient diferent rom the an expected oocet by {a2 = 48 f= 1, P< 00) For AMP te chance cebu ny fin as 81 ofthe sje epred digas asthe tines and 15 fe poring ie gv ans she mos ntns Infact Oo ea ave report athe ne lon tos ise facial expression go he peak enston, and 20% roped experiencing samc oer arg: ‘Not suing hs dstbton was poder ow te Seton hy chance for AMP(x*= 001. df= 1,P> 00), Th same ess ld when ix fund with ot inns pas CUR pet as te sats pt Ths, ‘ic dst waste emotion repoed and sown facals ost fs 80 Bae Research on Emotion ‘imeatgoril agement was a necessary consaqnt of cO-eccing pean nd wept For RAT, howeve as mre types emaons were ep, Crgpil eement ina Spec coberent email ens Discusion ‘ur ress roi the fst evidence that hei coherence between ail exes fandselerpot of emation a Spec ments Foreman hat cours Sane» Inet eit we obtained eidece aking fl expression an seep 0 aly nine busin sn pe Ts, we hve extra revising of colton be ‘ween ingens o experi und ep of emtion over eid of Ue Ebon ‘tal 1980 fave shown hat Corespntences ent at pie Nomen’, in pu ‘coir smn eon eens "We oud evidence for cbeence at sever vel of aay. When weaned ‘oeence athe eel of e>crurence betwee lc expeson and slept of ttntog a sxe octon in finns, ne found tht fal eesion and sl pt ode nore fen than woul ive ben expt ty chance. This esl held Retest an withstand whether we tod the ceston mith either fc tress or slept a the reference on wih woes o-emarence. Over {Ue level of wihinsbjoceeoacarene betwen sc eportand fal expe: ‘ion of emotion was sbow 80% fo each Bm. Ths prcetge og’ ancy eater than he cmc vals, til gests ue a of ropvep. Tis moderate Inout of veap mould be expected, howe when ne consis Hat hs vale tinder of general cooceuence betwech pap fil expression fal te tes nd catgorie When we asked he questo ners of eohernce tween ape ‘Son and report of he sae pe of enain, he epee of corespendens prove. ‘As rede, we found hat o-sccuence war pial for mor is hind sent het wet inesy on fail expres seep. Thee th ‘ope cnitonl sponte ar ore isan sete eons t vo nk ge bemcen exten nd report was rusted y ye fat ht near al Stags sigifcaty more sabe demonstrated co-octtecs forthe ost tense ‘espe a or tr astnene responses. The excepto this was Ut or AM toh the ow inten CUE ant est ins CUE showed high enc of cnc ‘uence Reeen face ad ep. One posible expan or hi th he AMP fim which alc nor fal expesrion of moons CUE ports than the RAT fim in hie spl heugh ot signtealy 5), may have este more nase eno ‘son over Specialy he ot mtense CUE reports for AMP night ave Bsn mo fetus hn theless CUE reports for RA. Apt hc es peveled ht ‘was ined he cae (9) = 49, P 2000). ‘ur fining that pone coeson ay vaya faction fhe ney of he espose is enstent wih the view at etons ust ech cern evel fe sity before here an be cngrsnce in responses (Danko, 1992. asinay & ‘Coie, 1982) Although or eat ae cerinty sages ofthe extence of 0 Intent deshol Yorcongrene in he ete eto spon the ea eas hoe reasons why he ay ot dts aout is mers he seeps ‘tre not made oli, bt wre one rin eo AY he tre i. Scherance enomen Express and Exponent Syston 81 allows forthe possibilty ht ens ad ech mini eve of nenscy ecto im ine Be ead etap nly the mare nse eons ener athe pois in exch ln ding which hey wee actly e027 "Te sense enon may ave han wats out ime byte mare atom espns may have ech inion fv of ints pres fsbo represen inter self veort A person nay De Txpetcnig an enon ta ie manifest baavowaly ad pysaog Ite ce se may tunable nexrosion th experience a cts, Subjetive ox ane ee ons my hve be suet jens o each omscouses in he Ietaloee 0 be ported on. Oeste eration response sich wen behavior ad pysllopel hange—-may no depend oni Inforatio rom es s)tens ned ot ener consis fo Be meant spose it the nese relent othe ety of a emation no sarees, and oot ees eleva othe eens farses of responce. Philoy nd now ay coer ower ness of which tina experience ro 9 Fre, not ile ot the posi tha memey grb or te grb of ye epson of experience acouned fer ou tent detent hig mo rename tee facts tow the possiblity Cat cehrens in eine de foment Tho hd pce sore complica Int fan in st ola yoo eves may modente th eyo he sje ober eroonal sponse * Teele of ies on coer com that can fe asked a ony levels in ems of coherence with 00-0 Tons sysems(sonaneos behaviour and physiology), andi ee oF Tetoon concious systems a pon-conscios ster The research te in hs pape sony rgestve ofan iennity elec ta pd be espaed tsned evidence for coerce a he mos specie level—eneerl ge trie cpcomitat fc expressions and el eprs of emouon, Whee slim lcadons where most subjects showed facia expesions agave CUE susan ad peat majnty a he sabjes demons ergo ete fac exresion an seep of eatin. When wo examined on of agiemt of "macag™ Setvera respese muses lemon tnd al CUE repos, we obane evdece for «sian aunt of categoria agtenet between fc expeson tht co-oecmed th CUE. inthe AMP mony Thies conse wth er nso ht he AMP iy ay more imene eto over When ne separates ost nee rom ea inte fo aaa, homer or ath ie spor both a of raing the Geo the stdin ofc expesion of CUE rept x mos nome see wa i ore machi tan wuld have been pede by shane for the mot nol. Fr AMP oly. hse fr let nee CUE wpa wel bch en wth hee Sings he fin’ tensity re sabes fail xpresons nd el eps ached on atepy— alee or most inns evens. Tis consent ith fading hat ston econ facil expres on slept of emancipate aan ier (82 Bane Resear on Emon ‘nt potve and neptv ema or expe, Eman (1980) fund tha me Stes of disgust fal expression tere pote omelted wih sper fds tbr no hp the epive cmon feng tyes es he Specie of stv emation ses oling boating he i cores th eo ‘ton the muscles arund the eyes (te Dushene smi) Bae bath sw to Bve ‘specie elaboship wi pred amaeneat over and above ae pee ce ‘ons sch excel hapiness Ekman a, 1990) Ths ae stay te ‘ehoneip between facil expresso ands epor of emai, x cnc oo ‘un ang several eategnes of enctons. The diesel view that emotions ‘araiy cn be throughly explained bythe daria postive wad agave alert, (Dieter & Emons, 1984, Wabon & Teg, 1285) ay apply wo gene mood States, but our ings suggest att snot aden er he tudo arena en fiona sponse ‘ne linkin of ou Bindings was tht fr ove of He (AMP) capt ‘mucng was «necessary consequence of c-osuring epson and epart,baase {hsm overaheimingl elit one ype of enodon ag (of he onal ‘espnscsghout AMP were disgust, Thats fo im ha ets ony dss ex resins and reper, any co-sccuring eases wuld by defson apes on ct ory Por the RAT fl, however, eoagh diferent emions wee report to ctble {0 deri th categorical agreement heeon co ocuing expen an ep ‘wos sat ery sbypeediet of co occaence For RAT, even hoaph jot pores 2 vay of nga emotions ding her mt tense expense of Sap 9 nian majo of hm semembere experinsng digas tht mos ieee thon rater tan ther negative emotions ‘Av ipa scp ths esearch programme so detemioe how well epral linkage and apeement between fal exprestion ad sef-sepon generals ober ype of ematn as well as ote suet populates. Our tron of eberence fo fhe analyses betwen ficial ad eps emotion wes ply within-subject, oe if wheter each jet poned inher CUE repo the sume emotion at sb ‘ye fatally at aca lesbo Site Even though thr wee se ib Jest who demosatedeabercce ho were reporting and sowing ange, es, se. or saness most of te ine he Ss ltd dapat We med ow sample Slgeaged wren, We beleve, however, ht cofareace between facil expetion An elope observed ar pecibe moments Sou actrees populations och = rie lero. and eile iemay be sggested athe coherence domoaste ia thi stay wa patil ‘othe smal stun; the viewing dss Fencing ian that righ pt geeas ote eetiom statins seems uly hat buns would Inve cvlved within eons sts hat bela in oe Way to ls but ‘erent to oer nation ecto. This possibilty eens especialy emote othe ihe ofthe fc that dere levels of coherence atng beuvou, ys. ad "bjt menue ave been domoaraed nthe ey iret comet of mal ‘eration rc (Levenson & Gti, 1983, 1985. "Ne demonstrated tat measrement of facial expression and sel report of pe cite emotions on a namentay isis provides sob evidence Of coberet eso ‘onal respons expecily for ore ines emotional evens The scace of ths ‘obeeace recy tcl, fe possible thatthe Observed coetene wae incr. Coherence Between Expresave 2nd Expenerial Sisters 83. riven, extemal driven, rho. Our fins ae consstet with Tomkins’ tin of emotions orcad vspases bl poi he songest eve no date ta hs tse for fal un ubjatve meses. Fat esearch seve clit themecaniame respon for cberence wel ws eon thre way cotercace song whjetve,bebaviwa and physolngal me ona mentary basi erosive ins ets in bh tacts povided eon et fr sates came cohece emmy el sas se ea The dni wil as song aaa wth sopeci ae ean oto ors speed CUE repo ee as eo fspniccr ah grep ae de with 9 pre a, hs ins sero ster f nee by some ths son Snes Gros cy of Calor Beyer bl nr wn of Mth RAT fi sera wet Sr notin ico by Rha Dvn, of ca Maen pes he postive gpk, an he mane pee ef oh fae os ech mt nk te irs pti cr to mine mes {1957S ate phat ees, fAarmal and Soca i Siar GE (190 Reataips een il lramogry sd perineal Phys 1. 2.0 {US Norcal Strid he ay of ee Te ail nd bypass (of Poni nt Sel Preaogs 3 S135, IVE, Uchina Nha SS, M.A, Sah Gero, 6.0, 8 219821 Reaip bec i expresses an yout rion Acc ew, whens on ode sng mechan an ies oral of Fersoay nd Sail Pcl 2, 10-128. DT SegmanC- Ren MB. (197) Det wang fs ine le (64 esc Research on Emotion Dever Es mors A, 980. Telarc pve md MENG es ur "ean nd Sc Poe #7 ‘Biman (1977) Bie net cna 3 ay an fel ne. bling Ain of he bo $8 Land ems Pe ‘Ban. P ip Hapa sn treet etn a Str A EN) Ap rach ann (p93) Hae Ea ‘as ogy Jura feral o Socl Pts 3 32-88 amin, ae, W194) Datacom he ace Jana ofPr Soliant Sein Ply 29.288 298 Human. Fen, (17) Merial ove Jal fEasonot Pry ‘hey an Needs Bho 30-8 ean on Wo Th ac At Ca Sm, a Ate: Cg kan P Fn WV Ancol, (1980) Fi ps of enon expe, una ef "enya Socal Pgs 2, 11211 a P Pon WV & Simin, (98) thes etn ent! uma ef run Svl Py 49 ie panier Glen, Phang, We, MLR Dei A (98), Felsen ‘owal anh meal ura of no Ste 3-2 pain 80) Th ay betes ncn for peep esearch Ame fam Pal, 790-6 Fox 8A Din, (185 Fats of in ol sty ri ne cma onl inne Degen Polgy 3420296 Fedicion, BL Leven Wi pe) ane emo pent ery ae ce WV man (1952, Chowerm NCS cing Ug inal sone es, Tat a paterson egrei, M.L Rem Ee ‘aan ons 68) Re ets Mer agua Ne Kel Fag WCW. (098) IPRs Prt Rea “Siu ely ape ner of comic ad ng ang, Mit Steen: a Lang Kot, fe hnpnan eC, Caw Smith 2, Naga, K. By Coby, CZ as 1 (11, Elec of tng eed expe ajo peo Strona pel somal sural of Peony aS! Pal 3 me mR Se, Sanger A.C & Wagner. 98 Fac een of etopvee los nr inrcion pets: Pryor 2,112, Laie: (0) Satan cesta Tec expec one a ‘cotta egecne lua! of esol ancl Pie, 39686 Lane 1, Cag Soh Keck, (1976) esta maa “msi apres a oom roma Jura of Peony and Sal Lame Kel, (170). ace acing of aval a aes “a of Psy and Saal Pea 1 ‘eee etn tas rr a ‘any la npn (p17 New YEW BED, Toe oot Far, eve and da New Yk; Rad Hoe (1980. Diego Bae ater & See (ab). PAS te reed ps 19-16) Zunch Deparment of Coe Mh, Uae LG Capa 1/97, Unable allo ton Peleg DLL Bee E980, Men cary atc of hs tf er end acl Pca 38291 297 ‘AFTERWORD Emotions as Unified Responses “The preceding ni sn fantasia quction in he eycholoy of mation To wht extents ents wf eponses? We examined wheter fa ‘Sh expeve stem andthe abocve, expr ryse wed tps daring Specie isa nation. The availa of FACS grey eae ts work. A the outst we kmw we had the meas by whic to mesure pei alfecve bhava fom the face on urement hss As described in dei the ac both FACS ‘Sn EMG oaltave me md for is prpose. We chose FACS for esos a ‘rere cose inthe deta inte arc tu ew pit ear epeating be FACS “hassiv and allows for dffereaon among ati in scl raps hat may te ‘eo clase each ser wallow fr dferentaon on the basses activity he pdm of coset between ace gaps in EMG measurement). FACS ofeed {eater specticy in enon measureeat a moment y-meent ss ha fa EMO. Fen cur gest metbodolpeal challenge conceredmeasrng sje expense ona similar mrmetsy ye specifica, which we shied y develop Ing the cvdeview technique obtain elfeort of emotional expense. Farther Wer on Cobrence The major ning report thepecding ats was tht fai expesions of eno- vin nd repr of epenence ced wet mos he neat when thy dd te) ‘yee tobe type emtion the peson was eapeiencing, Such okereace was > play Sly ding eocon marked y ether more nese faa exresions noe oor ners sutjetve reports. Ove unsaved ise is wither he ine Sty eet wit respect othe momentary subjective eons was mediated By EO" ‘ete The queion this Dos he ting at ake was eer moments ‘norman jective rpc and aia expres ell sth se espose systems urs onl for more ene moons (ch hs bee heared by Dion, 1992; Tysinary & Cicopp, 1992) do ty al ws ha people can only remember ‘he temp cation o ore tense eon maw accra? Maybe the fc fst three was nt seed ost neue evens mpl yp theft Emotions as Unified Responses 87 conde es temporal ait inn esr att emir ne nd tren cto een wee eon pees ens ier won mir brn mae ona recy corse mine mith peo leis of een ay ohect cence anf old mts een iy wey erin wer oho per oro onions er hi wore hn ey fer emo eon ce semen thatompey ieee bl onl nd rng ocr ram Bre recs nd ings aly te religion ce th an Wea ating ner Seto eel et fa esd cyte ropnse ens. Patton ne ee ng ext xl ysl Suge cr fre heed sce davis nn try cng ner co on nn ey et oe Tring fe ssycte erorenet on sme congener Sige dal nes sw nine abr cr pte ae peng wil wasn int moor cece iad clone xson the Use of FACS snd Fal Mensurement ‘Genealy encoding able move an joerg ts how ienve work. it wats? Do te wc sos hgh he conn of the ert? The answer yest three Are inthe acl previo sessing bl a at eee pec ‘verge ener eer ints fel ean mca ey one sheen song reson ten Thve is Sad ene ft nage og se eee ig Sc eps. Our fading tat ages do crs asl asf evenc fr ie te debe emotions spychophy lee alain one eon of bly an ca svt atic en parr tonnes hatte prt for hance sna ior ceed pr Toy 1990, Tis ew of notion cae at eal opt sens ot for ack, fice rapoting to stan cc stators The preceding hale fe dj expres de xb ch corned a Oe sta (eg, Divison, Ean, Sa, Sea Fac, 1990 nee el espones pr oft sored pcos wel Wao prc isch a ft ed y FACS, ach ny ges cod wt snore, bs eet nef eee been ial a experi mete ingens igh on ceo ct cmcngray scl ppeag—etar is any nearing fnmtoe sou cone ssi ome ec Fi 1994 R19 ar he 10 aba Rael, Whi of 1s con: rm te vane tof wt ffi ommuncae em ‘inal infomation (Ras, 194 impo Rasa rgument an exp id uns sth non tha tee ms aon a do with estonia ts a > ‘inal espe sytemper sand thas no meting eenshipt Be experoce of Ccrmton The pea! report snd ues (eg Biden e aly 990; vena ‘Gotan 19851985; Ruch, chp. nhs volume) ave debated stv ea. ‘oosipsGetween ficial expression and reported experience andi py slgia ‘huge nse eres etn sas and scenaon Such ies nage ‘uongy sugges aia expression of emotion can el ws about be expeRenCe of emo. ‘So and render aul th argument tht co mewingl information abut emotional es ‘even cat be otabd from th ne Furr, he ot aan of se 9 tomate wo the ensence of a nesogcal subsate espunsble fr ach ‘eenanton crag emia responding ich gas bg someting tea ON he ‘vchionay argument. Clans fr bilogy remo in vogue in moder psyco. Rater thas come resin pops to mere bilgi eleva gst thea tcl nfoenes nd therfore not fines toe scl scenes But ‘oop! and poyeboogl adpnions to soll ies have mall ann tedepencny evened pot tht hs ensued chqunty by Toby and Co ides (1992) “Troma pespecine al dstbes te whole need sytem of a. om, the dsinton fermen the boll determined and the nonolnly ‘termined an be seen tbe a. aadisincton” (p60), eens oon... (1950, leumeno ote sae ent: Glenys rom news ‘hoe Copan & Enon 28-288 Devon Eh F uo C, Sri 1A & ese, WV (990) Apeac-vih “rl wd cb sity: Emote xn sn in ploy oma of ‘enya Socal Pao 3, 33038) Bina (198) Stone for ners in aes Aly to Russ mis ‘nen ee, Pret atin 15, 2662. mt, 88), Hama fl expen enlonary New Yr: Aci Leena BW. Gomi. MCSE), Mata: Pysapealikage de "he chnge Jer Prenat and Sil Pey 7-97. {evra We Goa 31198) Phe an ate pedo of hangin ‘isin atc. of Pros ania Pca 85-9 Rasel).A (900 Tete une cop mtn om ic exes? Aree ‘at ses Peta ai 115 1-1 Tes LO, Copy. (198) Ueto nd emotion, Pcl “as & Comis1(190) Te a phi he ee: caption ad be "nef til nner soy Seba 1975-2 “osty 1 & Conse (190, The pepe ond fr a1. Basko " Gvmies Toby (ls) Tes ap. 19-150, New Yar Ox 4 Will the Real Relationship Between Facial Expression and Affective Experience Please Stand Up The Case of Exhilaration Emosions lke other concen paychology ae hypotetial contin are ot dey cbseabe, bt ae infer fr eer nds, The te, Ts tpialy based oo behavior, physiological anges, or eps Sabie Eaton yin tnity a hte nensiy diferente te lvels-A at othe lvls chao and experience i ommony Dantes ofthe eatin elected equly wel a he domi eg offical expression and allosive exeince ae expected fo show 8 high terol. rears te emson iced by mercurial, however, empl ean a ahoug hese manifextatos oferta pote led, ons me ony low to ada suet McC (197) nes at Ie Between rtd uit andthe mou ot saling ce age ply e030 0040, seldom exceeding he later ve. These ow enim bate fle of ansou esearchuswconeie te bevel, lose, an exreriental espns to hua ees of an ection coms funnies ngs nd salina end sry tobe feed to lec flee measures of humour apeciion especie. Encton of Ehiaration 1990) een roposed tat xitaaton he emtion cic by humour He a exilaatonsusactonly accounts er he bebaoaal pila nd il changes pc sci isonet such sil a oklng sax wl at mou In adn wo decibig thee val of mares of exhason ee elatonshp toons another, eas esrb sah 90 Basic Reseach on Eten, ‘uation wich ec extn, es well as fats which faite oii 1 opstaes ued mt explaning these effscte For eae. Branch, Fined Jos ‘92 Bank Research on Emotion lens Ts twa aed hat fo sen et of it he yh of te lions erwecnslingoghing a Tamas adeemerts wil way in pea wy de fending on what dat nays Srey fe appli Ia oer wd, the experiment ‘hoi of spare desig presser he age of ence De Oe, ‘ell asthe concsons dave about he sung of he labs Beween ged "Nines an sring-or or genery—betwen facil exresion anes exercise Frhemor, wa gud tht he nenssten ne low colons ce ‘Se in poe ste ae really a ref bated om was fe oui foe ‘he compoiton of erelatns Five way to Comput the Cvreatonsbeosen Sri aushing and jdgoments of Furies Ruch's (1990) review of sas of the eeltionsip between smiling lansing and {ded fines showed tht five diferent coneatnal designe ct oa Sateper nave been used In grea, he commun tas ben based om tre dae ‘mui: oe fs Yerba adgeens ale frail expression. Tn bos mates, ‘bjs ve espns fm simul The m responses ab teal Samed 0 ‘Sima nd fe an invials totl ppc scr (rom toa) Coney th ‘ponies one ca be led Sonne aco sje) Wo fom 3 wl pe ‘Ston sere er each simul flim fot). The five desis ier with espe hater eorelaons for dps esting nd judperents of fais) ar com eda calms, rows, clos and oe serataneus, and whether am oe apepied ds we ied Table 41 shows the Sve ieee sins 1 Design A(etwsensbjce desig forsee da), the omlation be ‘moet tbe cereponing ro ts ol pecan sats fora mo wo mates i computed: One sete cue expressing the reneth of sl Sap dence une peeepon of funnest al set SE Pests nd be eayncy of esr nee) lye in espn oem. AEN cet Stat odes nse who sie oe fen ls ade jokes more Tuo. Design B win subs desig fo ages dnt) olin beeen the cor responding clam al (al appeesition sees fo given sila) he wom tres compte. The ssi oem ets te stength of reliontip te te. Don tnd cna oc epee nn er tebe me oe et : ge Re ct ae ? EE ‘Reatioratip Between Facil Exprenion and Experience 93 ere of funies ft jokes as presied by al sujet) an he r= fof ses indosed by them, A high eon mens th fair aks ao les ‘Cand Dcoespond Designs Aan B, espetely weve, hey ae am eter han ares dat, tn Design tote ube ig For he ceaons between th coesponding columns fe vo matics ae spat foreach ke, and we compat cos al aes. ih oh a bc wo ean fds pee ana eo si espns ot, One refi said foreach sis, on he ean a eects epsom th eng ofthe wlan. In Design D (wih fds for wn te coelatns Between the conesponsng rows oe ie competed separ foreach sujet. They ae compe 05 all esl nn eneticions one foreach sj). Ag th enc be ed fe werge eng of toni. A high coef he shows ha the bc dso he pte funy, te more eli that he ei reponse them Fnally. in Design E (ars all stil and sje he sepraton of ete an tn isle andthe mat ee 2 investor of da pint Thu the conelaton computed acon bes al Colma) mule, resling monly ove coer Aah ‘tens fin peer (egies offs ssecised with eae oF J gh ting of ems re more ely han orang Be comes aes vedi have Bsn wd oasis ms pyri ts, bt a pa spell employed onl oe deg: wo were ocesiomly ed, tt 09 empyed al ive spies Resch hve nat piven esos for chovsing sign wed, or be hey sated the imposters ssbced ith of Design n Dearing he Sat of Coens: the cof they price’ Tho bai euons peri he dc slates tou he ak oer fhe des Alorences etvecn ind ae! he bhovionrexprience dare) thm difeones bowers ima Ts, nse that te Vay Potent dren sms ower than he aria a eponse pastes ars Seren eon. La us cover tre hyptbetea espe fa hich eset te exec lvel of enon exesin fo en Se. lah. apex ements on Ln tine ean lox ever frm expan tw ay pnts ce ee fie For snap mg owe eh of ose I poe, ‘Sov usin abc er ton te nt of ea sea gh ‘See onthe eve sre expec tn ce ono th me ‘Ssingo nero carat ihe ene ‘ar anc of he pone ce dae fom dep sey mr empty anal ee Foam ns ctl meal cen ar wih on waa th ne ‘Sows epee ane many ssi ey fy On Sir une ni ty oF mah me ln ‘ect une ny ls Recap eh Star cree uglier ag ars Sl stores date ole Hove rc vations mga eae ec “ig tom tein fee eng ees hte cess yon tion bene sin thew ssn same a eer of amo eal oer ‘pm eed ese nl ft uy net Sop Sey elo no neopets firey wi nig eee ee e Spec hen ico Se pee gc nges Te Slo hovers tau a cont as be ene Spin ‘Sijenng et ve alesis gs epee aed ty key cr, Aton one Nao atone al tne) my pee fn cep) hs ges span ae ced Kets ome mings nl soe gic Howse tcl tae {Dp se Tne patch tt eps ‘Shypecespenvin wich cose cave n amowrismas el teal owe ong han cr en jer rca Delco the. tt Deg D ps pe eno han ih fect sj lors es 9 he eng peo ein on ‘hectespesiy hes ar thet i a eng. fem Fr clamle hyperesyeve ac wi sei hig iv of ae cq Hows es of be pr on toprcipeni) ns apelin oe oy ce {loin ebog au niece lg Cine marc, nl se: tated any (rs 4c ceo at ‘pom loa ap in poses, alae apexes > Jmerie “he sce msempdon neds explain town om meee say regen ofan apogee ee efron en ent ‘hy To pea i eer of ad mee ae, on ‘Sette meatier Howes tc efcocan bpd osspeton Sta vr soa nd wre eger ten enn poe sl Siow mjc, Ofc ees mang mee get nde ier ‘Seren ein pres cla ht mt ees ‘Soar prea pee forsook pasion a ine rere oe constant. The dieences among tia wid expect teeta poten ower, ae more relly mere am effet the aera. Tht a= that Design B ells higher eles tun Design D (Dedcton 2) ete sp of dar for withi-scsdesions ners he ef the cctient (wih of reas bing = eto ofthe sales). the subjects responses cos he mal, howeve, has odin ‘Oneone haa, ne ean expect the apgenaon of das 0 sin the arian levels of ppecation of humour. th fe tht sre people end ike oe than ters is more sala assed by mn) tan by one etn However, peed measurement ses idl Giferncs ine argo morale: he sae dere of uel unis of thea okes De scocned with fw se in hypo-expesives bot with many fai fn iypereapressves, Ths ileenes soul be oe mecca han ie of specs 1 single simul, yin ini jokes both pes af er al smile at ow lees of fnanes, bt ah ver igh velo nies one cn seth te aggregation of ni the sco bjs design wl jan increase in hie o the coe compa thee oe wih esis. Whee thee ian nts t lan ference, even dete om he lative sizeof the vara due efor of expat he a 1 getel speciation of huoue The peter the predominance ofthe for oly te costicient fr A wil be lowe tans on fr C: covery, he inter spedainany, the mare ikely he coe far A wil be a higher tant one fr C. Ths, no specie pon aout ierenes be Designs A nC can be mae. Howcvet ti cer that Design wl slo ex eeficens of Design A (Dedicton 3 Fly, s Design Encorpre oth of sabes nd of mali, one con expe tat the otuned coe wil the ons fr Design Dad Design C Deduction) athe wo oslces ae crc, ne cn expec the doce ak ner of then naling april dat with te aan of siflercee blag by several ars, uch he mer of data point spree othe mou ‘iereoes a expen presen It should be ete, however tha ising ofthe design te ie fhe ofits ae on we lb ly demonsrated. as ot cas fete valve sas nerence. hts analysis step cams be stil compared 1 ach ote ie of tow ovis} ey yield deren rele, The tality of th nr inte premises (om which he deren among the nate deed) ck however il the preset ty wl examine ne bs he et pa tat he end poste Wl be comely bio). va nue (ch, 1980 that the best way to demon the pct fe de the sete oeficct so appl dts nas seis oh sa set ‘Alou he 2 sues resiowed pod clu evdence or hee of te p= deed ts ei was imi by he a tha ees compared eed wth eset tthe designs employed, bt al wih spect ter pose actor (eg. tsssnen mete wed, spe, sb fs, PO the ow nab of sues employing Designs Fai andthe wile range of etc (ranging fom below 200 abe tas 00) Dns A oo allow ors able estimation fan atta coetiiem ‘The reer perment ‘The foes of he prose ste i he tung to iuminte vme of he mechan agave viewed that fail expression a fective experienc? a ig er relate. Gener te iden advanced inte presen pape that ow covets ‘oul pt ineiabiy be iierrete st nonontstet reponse pats 2 dens fs beavour experience drepancy When lo coefclns have beh abun The pe emg als have been de tothe fact hat niepreriate design wiser ployed in the dats sais ht metho ata wore oo dete, "has, the mano he reset sty Yo Jemonste wing singe daa se ake eng of he lions betwee aia expesion ad aleve experience ‘ie inte peice ay ae function of te dsgn edo compat he corte “Tis pleaomeaoa whe examined forall he experinenta rus separa or ‘etal sagle “The second ln of he preset study is replicate the low coeficiens epned for ‘hee vale ant laity hei cans Spey, wil eased whether te ‘ees fecal 0 th ofthe conics eo by Weaver et (1985) = Suited to bemeeasubjets eps Athooph tir enpctl ht nae of lab sip iam ede the reltonship Between fnsnes ed overt bho in Dein A (ee oud by Weaver ely 198), tas hte sete tlance between “aperien® nd eave ifr abet without rearing th et tery ofthe respon ptm Inter weds, il be emorsateda he 3p a ypmespestve abject ofthe hgh col prop who are esgonsible for rea {he sine OF the coef a Dest A, fac fave a ig consistent sponse pa terms (eye high coef a Design D) Assman lhe ew lea ‘aly indus yperexprestvenss score Weave ea, 198, who note at itv cormonyatamed th sleobol ake oe lah a pore ok" the mer of Iype-expressne subjects willbe hghe in the alcool groups than nthe conve _oup, wines the number of hyperxpesives will as fee Fartermor, it wl be ‘aldaed weber he coefets ae Migr for eadeatous fms of heer tan or renepdenions hues. es found by Branch ta (197) Fly wl eval ty nigh rete nome coratone hn sing (Brann et, 1975; Poel 5, 1988), “The hind sim of the poten tay io invent oe af he ators ic ore Ae bs forte poste at ower otic can be expected when te each ‘even sete experience and facil exes is staded sts subjects sco ‘td wo wifi subjects, ew be exaiod wheter he epee of chee mood ca ‘count or the subject diferences in expe Le wheter sje low an high in sate cheefless a carcersedby hyp- and yper-espresvees, respective Mabod subjects ‘Sine pss made nnpcholoy safes volute patie i thie: etimen The were serene econ several erin sch ts een. cue — a ene FF ats, tay of alto! pobems, posible pregnancy, th gully af vison. eoaes of fe subjects wee pay uncoele,esranetsbjert Theiae tom 191030 years (= 229: SD = 30 yea), roctire Overiew sting served inform abet abou the aim andthe coarse fe expec- “Ty were tha they wer papain a study examining he es a intake on Sgr dexterity an tt pening on wich grup they were they rei iatvely low dow falta. Tei beight nd weight wee dete tl subs were asked wo avo eating Sting the tes bars prior © pate inthe main experiment. Appocintely one week at abject Yee for he exerting 9 mints and were ested iva by female exer They fist competed a mood inventory an est mesaring ait conser “They then eeced, under double lind contin, a teerage wich hey Com ihn five minutes Subsequent competed sve dex et a the mood sae again. Afr th pciod of Induction of elation they oo he deer ess gain [Upon completion of the experiment te experimenter apse en envelope wich the code forthe evernges and informed the subj shou the cnt he Sites inthe expernental groups wee give spell ates whee fof he bol wore ot None ofthe sje pone my sen of dcomsre ef hey mee infer tate min in of th experiment we asta sponses humm, and at the camera red his pps rth a ling dex Allsabjecs piv coment tive te tapes one. Consumprion of Acoole Beverage of al re groups consumed teveaee contstng& aster of poppet and pet juke pepreby he experimenter of he it session. Te aes conto op () rank hs iis only ut 2 and 039g alco peg boy sae forth dof te ow (Fan ih (dos aloo os = rely Fer theIater vo gros 305 ethanol was ed an was ned With ee var on x: hss les pw O.21g wi ppt ce. Tes manip rer cape a base level of. a0 (Fo Hews 97) For te sake of lity he to expecental prop eee 38 a igloo raps he present ty, ough hee eve of lo chal eared ow at medium doses, pec gh dou” Hpi flees rom 01 he Pun, 1982) No igh ase was wel cee of psv aft an mainly be expected for low and mei doses (Fath “Te does pied canbe eect 5-35 ives Poh ta Mestin & Cates, 96% McColl, Bash in, & Sobel 980, Sel 1971), Hence, th extn nto poses pan 30 mines sre Asesment of Cheer Mood “Te degre of chest mood was assed by man of he sr ves ofthe Eigen {hafwonertite (EWL: Janke Deb 978) a mee uo ied m roving a compcbensiveasesea! of 004 sate Te EW-K cana 3st Of 123 mood-dscripuve neces which are mere in Seno foams provides scares fo 4 oad cmeasions. Tete is separate seale of charts: bower, 2 ‘ese of chef mood was derived By combining the si ses of th "aon {fale which ety ele cherubs. The EW. K a aire wie ab- Joos atthe egianing of th experimen and snail ere th eg nc thn of esata coped that nly eefee af ecu ew tesco ‘ministration wold predict he degree eu nod Indvcsion of raion Subjects at in a corfu che ina sli darkened part of the eam and were Pretetd one of Wo pematatons of ast 3 black and wht sas of jokes ad a "Sons at ere of 2 second, The eet of our sil sd on ‘mony of kes and crons (ch, 1992) Te ee cep acing ‘nua nears ham an eaal umans were erst by 10 she ach ‘hast was posed by ve "warming op” bum srl which wee nat ed in ay nays Verbal Responses ‘The sejo watt ort ll 35 wml according sn cite. Twa pie “ker sales assed prevent and averienes. The degre of fess served sa into ofthe epee of exilraon duced Suet als ated 9 2 yeu format wher te oa he amour ts chsh ales orn. {ad wheter te ley fad Hear or een ek or aston eo Fac Measurement Measremens were made ool ideas, which provide a lose a, bel ‘ew of be sec face. The cen i eto ject, bt tye aplt study as we inthe main experiment, eprint ving tired bythe ct ‘rant hy believed sh the camer wa ose om ec and i ode ses ‘exer: Te eurments were bred on he Fatal Acton Css Systm (FACS Elman & sen, 1970), The FACS iran antomiealy based comprebersve, oj ‘ye ehnigue for renuringal obverabe fai movement I dstingusbes 4 ation nits (AU) These ae the minimal wits hat are anomaly separate an visually tamale in pot ier earelston depen on the dso oe et lave frequency of te AUS The for of he lationship ve fegunsy ahd maxinal cece ca be esrb anne The mate he lave fequetcy deviates (in Bth Gets) om 0.0, the te maxinal posses cooficeat. Wheres AUIZ oxced relay fen the her tebviors were payed less fen, te ore of our he sae wth whch he coeds (AUS = 258, ope = 7 S31) Ines theory an index us been avanced to allow an evan of creation fries wih ferent endorsement eganey (Seleionheoh 1968) this dex (sion of th coer by ic the variance of ‘uae is compu tbe reiting vals of AU 07S) AUS (070), (0:76) sn A (0.5) do no ferro es ether Thus. le toaeame and ingghieregaly wel ent eabiaraton of Type of Humour of re hour eaegres ine presen xprinet allows fora est the adancely Bratch ea (973) dah corel eteen ed ‘over ebaor wil be igh: for tendentos than oe omens 0 ‘Sepurteanles wer pvformed for the humor eager of cones sonseme, and enous Nospteraic tet oul observed. Pt ‘ain cosation wee nt Consent acs the es depen dese, ncongrty restr hur (Denes Band). smsrse (Desi al buss (Design A) were highest Seon be differences Seo 2 ere gently aephply ral. Third, where iference ere the ie yp ented they were potable tote dierent sponse eqn = tong the huncur egies wich eset the iz ofthe cette and othe means was eta Chere Act Espessivenes? to dteninewhtherhe gree of cecfnes of ns nd i acon for ifereaces in expesiviy, ov pes of analyses were ude, Fis the tence sujet’ dete of chefs (Lie core th soe ,ahe econ nian and fais esol for fai xp ‘he mn nic ang wiih Was scoped y ah vet fl ete compu Thecus were compe srs the wha sample te nse Walls aati showed that the the grape dd we ifr rr ach We ten Sear eae “er wit resestn dere of cheruness (P= 076) octet of AUI2(P = 078). “The ak nd conto etween die of cera mona the nies es ‘or AUT2 [MSH =-0.27, P00 cons at etna more cow os Sow ficial response at wer minal levels fated ues an of cha ‘jets Second the siiy of cher to pri dep of jae fmnnes and fa ‘vious comp Wheres fe coetcien fr uniess(21-ns)wasnotsig- utc, col mood cole init wh the rqaety 3, P01) aad Inst 1029, P08) of AUI2, be mania espense sown (4, P ‘he feqne aod tasty ofc bebviour sot, Bt not ners the ale rent of forint ental colon ce be aw he aa of rom ‘hed jee the coetciens ane fom 0. orale amines (P-<018) 0059 {orluoptr (P0001) an 6 or te mama epse shown (P<.0D, Ths, sat of hp cher spo go alo wih hyperespwesiiy, ab tow cera mood goes along wih hypo capes. Tes ees were oly Tod foe ‘he asessncat feel mood inedtly before be begining he icon ot “stilton The deges of cheelnse te bepining of he expert i ot i fleanly pee seral of facil responses wo hou. The aserage coclaton te- ‘wee het esting tines was O67 ranging fom 029 in E, v0 090 inte cota rp) As, thogh te chosulese mena wae compote ofa so of ems ‘ofthe elton see the cote forthe tal eaton wale wer conten Lower Disanion The sf the present study Was to daw tention wo te fat hat eso he come luton cotcent bined tween nesses of fail expeson a aetve exper eI nenced by several metodclogal oc Low ccefcets might be based fn areas The fale consider he sled onesie cncson boa th tare and eng ofthe relanship between fnnines an sig. ané pas ‘en about fai expression and fete experience in pene An experiment ws onde which atempted (a) tele the empl Bast on whic ver sc enchanted ad (odes tht hve onclisions re ot sf moe oegieced ihr eves fra ren ts prface seat aan the Sie of the coufhents 1 be etsiond. Stang fom Io feiss four enc stout he elie seo ecules prced byte fren dita ana state ts were doce, Al thee experiment groups wel she tal sample wee wed {late these predictions. Combining the four douctoes (D>, B> A: B> D:D E> C)oneamivesatB >> > C being he pia rank ore of he ata analysis ‘tpisrpalng he sae ft coef obtaed fe tar. Design Aca ‘te unambiguously oc dhs sequece ti ceraily below Band oss elow Dut wheal low oe abe Cpe onwater—and eo what ox eS actos which cease the amount of ion oa he yp es Pere neni re the present in tat data se Dea leo ets seem to bsg sachs of variance Wheres for te of ont sj te dferenee betwee th pet nd lowest oie 15, his rng nese 09 in igh aleoba grup Tis was aia exc ne othe eto fhe oes ied fo sey AAs he tay by ta. (98), hci was igniter om zn high al [esd tpreset ty eid sigan res as compared cal gop, Hower th repens pheoraon secs be cng fasion: Arle acs mts als agrption Only the actos flee by inal deen sn peo expessvercs betwee ese ap then cost) and at agurepcion ede ome ts vrnce meee "Te ngrance of he ite can estate fr eft th oreo ws efor stg C, wre thc mere io pte ac hese, The efi eel aol ele cou ate substantia owever The doabing aun o iyperexpesves wasn sige Kappes tos veribesion of ae sane sie seeder sane sujet woud havea be sa oh noid ad orn sates ing paral tof ba The ater wel at allow ox ty eters sto anne oe ben. pee 19a decree in perched inaies or oth, What ene of hi ec oe the presen stl cary cons the psa ht ec ensuption the crete betwen fil erfesnon an afc expr, “Ths tse eof aa might sgpest qt opposite conelsion, depening 00 creole suse smyth dln Whereas the apn of cose rest soy canbe eared as exec hgh (ang fom 028 1 fs cosine ange ean be expected for cnt proup codons. we in seo repeion amples Ruch, 109) I he repition tay ret sla pee one (0 Fer, 2 jks a catoons, EN-corigs of tres fa ‘he cnatons between Jodged fies: an acy of the yore ere 34, 089,0156, 068, and 0.58 fr Designs A tough E,reipectely. range ofcoetiiens was 0.35 timp of the dan rls seg is othe nly way faving a conclsos shut he relat betwen etal elation ad file hurr oo ie ss of mao netic. The ree ey siecle denon anther pti: ane. the eaguson of cstcens or ares of een response equ. The ajc shoved ht mt ied 9 concde diferent semen of exaraon bhai elated wt be ines extents dpa tha encore otis sugsied hn in Sin, he res sty shows thas a ose tha ep OF oc nor fa then fe eects ines Oe at ok a i of coef Oe AUIZ, AUS, Ian, AU col at cared for /A(05, 042,020, sa 05) dB (96, 085,071, sn 7.

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